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5 hours ago, BLKNSTY said:


can we count on you to shoot this guy in the gut and watch him bleed out?

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I have no sympathy of any sort, for anyone fucking with someone’s house (Arson, not toilet papering), especially with fire.  The problem would be the cops would show up and shoot the homeowners. 

But overall, I don’t have time for people of any color, religion, political party that attempt to bring real harm to others.  Fuck that. We have people all over the world that want to come here and make it better; fuck those here that want to tear it down. And fuck people who tear up other people’s hard earned things. Double fuck them if they can cause personal harm/death. 

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1 hour ago, irishtexan said:

Lots of tacticool badasses protecting the streets. I don't know about y'all but I feel very calm and assured that these trained, cool-headed badasses will keep the peace in the streets tonight. Praise Jesus. 

if anything, it'll make really good Reality Television.

While I know that you are engaging in the hyperbole that pisses everyone around her off.....this does get into my repeatedly stated concern about how armed idiots carry their weapons.  I think ALL of it is stupid, but the guys who don't have their hands on their slung weapons are at least not an immediate threat.  But the assholes with their weapon at a low ready, or with their hands positioned in a way intended to bring it to firing position in a split second, are behaving in a threatening manner, and I think there is a good argument that they should not be entitled to defense of self-defense if they end up in a violent confrontation, because carrying a weapon in a manner that shows you intend to use it is a threat that starts a confrontation.
In short, limp-dicks with fucking toy soldier rifles need to cut this shit out.  All of them.  It amps up the situation and makes the likelihood of violence and death shoot way up.  I feel the same way about a dude carrying around a bottle full of gasoline and a match, or a baseball bat -- you're just itching to get violent, carrying a tool of violence.  Cut that shit out.
Oh, and the dude that shows up with his hand on the fucking pistol grip as he goes up to her door around the 36 second mark?  Arrest his ass.  And the guy who came up and slammed her car door.  That's assault.  Goose, gander, all that.

Absolutely. Dickheads playing army man with their dickhead friends. Throw em in the drunk tank with some rioters and see what’s what.
2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

How is it off-topic?  Y'all are getting yourselves all lubed up to jack off like Randy Marsh to the unrest that is sure to come in Louisville.  I foolishly thought that context might matter to y'all.  I guess not.

I guess this will only help things.....

Armed men, walking in the middle of the street, coming up to drivers with weapons in hand......

Doesn't that belong on this thread?  I was told that sort of thing belonged here.

What. The.  Fuck. 

1 hour ago, alincoln said:

Could get very ugly tonight.  Lots of heavily armed low IQ individuals who hate each other looking for a confrontation.  

Louisville will Burn, businesses will be Looted and some one else will probably be Murdered. 

Louisville will Burn, businesses will be Looted and some one else will probably be Murdered. 

And no one is surprised. Why even have the trials at this point? /brisket
1 minute ago, ChickenSandwich said:

Louisville will Burn, businesses will be Looted and some one else will probably be Murdered. 

.....and only black people/their cause will be blamed, and the entire cause and concept of giving a fuck about black people and their rights and wanting to fix some broken shit will conveniently be tossed in the trash.  Don't forget that part.  It's really important. 

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1 minute ago, ChickenSandwich said:

Louisville will Burn, businesses will be Looted and some one else will probably be Murdered. 

And people here will say that it’s fine, expected. I mean, what can you do?  And in 20 years when these neighborhoods still haven’t recovered, your privilege will be listed as why there hasn’t been a recovery.  Rinse. Repeat.  

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3 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

And people here will say that it’s fine, expected. I mean, what can you do?  And in 20 years when these neighborhoods still haven’t recovered, your privilege will be listed as why there hasn’t been a recovery.  Rinse. Repeat.  

That's fine?  Who in the FUCK has said "that's fine?"  It's the fucking opposite of fine....which is why it is so maddening that it IS expected, it IS a predictable result of the fucked up way things are, and we really, really, really should change things so we don't freaking cause expected outcomes that are most definitely and certainly NOT fine.

That's the whole goddamned point.  I don't want my country in flames -- any of it.  River Oaks or the hood -- any of it.  So I truly and desperately wish we'd fucking address the issues that make it a tinderbox.....instead of tossing lit matches all the goddamned time and then lamenting the conflagrations that predictably follow.  

But we can't even agree that there are real and systemic problems, and that they have a particularly painful effect on minority and disadvantaged people/communities.  We can barely get out of the starting gate, much less run the race.

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2 hours ago, irishtexan said:

Lots of tacticool badasses protecting the streets. I don't know about y'all but I feel very calm and assured that these trained, cool-headed badasses will keep the peace in the streets tonight. Praise Jesus. 

That's a lot of tiny dicks.  Those women in that truck had bigger balls than any of those guys around there playing soldier.

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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

.....and only black people/their cause will be blamed, and the entire cause and concept of giving a fuck about black people and their rights and wanting to fix some broken shit will conveniently be tossed in the trash.  Don't forget that part.  It's really important. 

Glad you finally agree riots and looting are more detrimental to the goal than helpful. Almost like it’s a bad way to gain more support or something. 

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

Brisket gonna get yourself lubed up to jack off to this brutal murder 3 days ago?




I'm not sure what your point is?  No, I'm not?

What a shitty thing -- a man got shot, and a woman has to live with the fact that she shot him.  Her distress after the fact is painful, but refreshingly human.  It's how a person SHOULD react after they shoot someone -- not like they're a goddamned superman among men, heroes who should be worshipped, warriors at the gate, and all of that shit.

Shooting someone is the worst possible outcome.  A person should do everything within their power to avoid it, from avoiding creating a situation where it is a high-risk outcome, to doing all they can to de-escalate a situation.  She did well, she tried.  And when it was over, instead of calling herself a hero, she wept.

I'd love a PD made of only cops like her.

The cops who killed Breonna Taylor should have wept after an innocent woman died.  They should have been mortified at the horrific outcome.  Instead, they write this:


Yeah.   We've got a problem. The contrast between these two cops makes that rather clear.

Edited by Brisketexan
1 minute ago, ChickenSandwich said:

Glad you finally agree riots and looting are more detrimental to the goal than helpful. Almost like it’s a bad way to gain more support or something. 

Glad you continue to ignore the fact that it's the ultimate outcome you want.  It "being detrimental to the goal" is exactly the outcome you want.  Because, of course, you COULD be a thinking man, and realize that there is a broadly supported cause of racial justice, with literally tens of millions (100 million?  more?) supporters, and that the actions of bad actors using social anger and unrest as cover/an excuse doesn't negate the cause, or the beliefs of those tens of millions.  So, bad actors discredit bad actors.....but their actions are only detrimental to the larger cause because you've decided that they are.  Because it conveniently aligns with your desire: to not have to worry about any of this shit, because you have a nice and cushy existence where you don't have to worry about other human beings -- why would you start now?

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Brisket gonna get yourself lubed up to jack off to this brutal murder 3 days ago?




I honestly can’t tell if you’re being willfully obtuse or facetious here.

Dude was armed. The bodycam was on the entire time. Legitimate deescalation for 15 minutes. Only one cop providing directions. No antagonizing bystanders. Actual remorse for shooting someone instead of a bunch of cops slapping each other and saying good shoot while they adjust the narrative to save their ass. Cuffed and given first aid within minutes.


Give me an entire PD made up these cops and we can put all this shit behind us.

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10 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

But we can't even agree that there are real and systemic problems, and that they have a particularly painful effect on minority and disadvantaged people/communities.  We can barely get out of the starting gate, much less run the race.

How is this? Everyone knows there a real problems, the disagreement is 1) the path forward 2) what is cause, ie: chicken or egg.  

Just because someone isn’t willing to accept the blame for generations of fucked up decisions doesn’t mean they don’t recognize there are real problems. 

1 minute ago, BLKNSTY said:

I honestly can’t tell if you’re being willfully obtuse or facetious here.
Dude was armed. The bodycam was on the entire time. Legitimate deescalation for 15 minutes. Only one cop providing directions. No antagonizing bystanders. Actual remorse for killing someone instead of a bunch of cops slapping each other and saying good shoot while they adjust the narrative to save there ass. Cuffed and given first aid within minutes.

Give me an entire PD made up these cops and we can put all this shit behind us.

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Honest question. Does there wasn’t a white cop in the squad play into it at all?   If that had been a 45 yo white guy with a punisher tattoo that made the shot, still fine with the barking demands etc? 

1 minute ago, fattyflattie said:

How is this? Everyone knows there a real problems, the disagreement is 1) the path forward 2) what is cause, ie: chicken or egg.  

Just because someone isn’t willing to accept the blame for generations of fucked up decisions doesn’t mean they don’t recognize there are real problems. 

The bolded is the problem.  It's not about blame.  It's about being responsible going forward.  You and I are privileged -- and yeah, that's in part due to a system that's been fucked up since 1619.  But that's not the point.  The point is that with our privileged position comes outsized power, and that power gives us an outsized responsibility in making sure that today's systems, and tomorrow's systems, are better for everyone.  So, it doesn't fucking MATTER whether you and I broke it.  It's broken, and we're the people who can fix it.  So we need to.

But the pushback is so overwhelming, including denial that there's even systemic problems (seriously, read that damned letter from that Louisville cop and tell me it's not Exhibit A in "holy fucking shit, what a fucked up culture cops have").  Again, we can barely get out of the starting gate, because if you can't even agree on what the problems are, you sure as shit can't solve them.

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

Honest question. Does there wasn’t a white cop in the squad play into it at all?   If that had been a 45 yo white guy with a punisher tattoo that made the shot, still fine with the barking demands etc? 

A white guy wouldn't have made an appreciable difference to me, at least -- it's all about the approach and engagement itself.  With a punisher tattoo....yeah, that actually would have had my spidey-sense tingling.  Because that tattoo means something, and it sure isn't "de-escalate, try to avoid hurting anyone, and feel incredible, human remorse when you do."  So, you're right to observe that messaging matters.  When cops wear visible messages that say "I'm here to fuck you up," that poisons the situation from the very beginning.

It's kind of like responding to any question from your wife with "why are you interrogating me?"  You may not have done a damned thing wrong, she may not have even been trying to bust you for something....but now, the entire dynamic has changed, and we all know that you aren't going to be happy with the outcome.

So, yeah.  Cops shouldn't show up with a punisher tat, or an AR that says "you're fucked" on it, shit like that. 

As for the race aspect, and why a white guy being involved here wouldn't matter, nobody is saying that all shitty cop interactions are because of race, or all good ones are in spite of race.  We're observing what we all know to be true -- COLLECTIVELY, police and policing culture is harder on black people than it is on white people.  Sure, there's the case where the cop was nice to the black kid, and the case where the cop was an utter dick to a well-dressed white boy.  But across the board, we all know the black guy is going to be pulled over more, is going to be hassled more, is going to be subjected to lazy and broad "you meet the description" shit more, etc.  Individual cases are individual cases, though.  Look at each one through the lens of the circumstances, and if the culture of policing helped create those circumstances, look at that, too.

Edited by Brisketexan
Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

I'm not sure what your point is?...

Shooting someone is the worst possible outcome.  A person should do everything within their power to avoid it, from avoiding creating a situation where it is a high-risk outcome, to doing all they can to de-escalate a situation....

The cops who killed Breonna Taylor should have wept after an innocent woman died....The contrast between these two cops makes that rather clear.

My point is, there is probably a thousand of "these" for every one "Breonna taylor".

And yet, when there is one Breonna Taylor, people will inevitably cry foul that there are a thousand Breonna taylors.

And others will point out that that is not statiscally supported, by showing an example like this, people will cry about "how dare you blame the victim rah rah rah".

This example won't be examined with the nuance that you showed.  It'll be conveniently enumerated as "black man dead, cop man bad"


That's about the gist of it.


Edited by 52-80
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Honest question. Does there wasn’t a white cop in the squad play into it at all?   If that had been a 45 yo white guy with a punisher tattoo that made the shot, still fine with the barking demands etc? 

I’d probably like to see his social media posts but yeah, no heartache on my end.

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10 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

The bolded is the problem.  It's not about blame.  It's about being responsible going forward.  You and I are privileged -- and yeah, that's in part due to a system that's been fucked up since 1619.  But that's not the point.  The point is that with our privileged position comes outsized power, and that power gives us an outsized responsibility in making sure that today's systems, and tomorrow's systems, are better for everyone.  So, it doesn't fucking MATTER whether you and I broke it.  It's broken, and we're the people who can fix it.  So we need to.

But the pushback is so overwhelming, including denial that there's even systemic problems (seriously, read that damned letter from that Louisville cop and tell me it's not Exhibit A in "holy fucking shit, what a fucked up culture cops have").  Again, we can barely get out of the starting gate, because if you can't even agree on what the problems are, you sure as shit can't solve them.

How was the 1619 Project? Good read?

3 hours ago, clapclapclap said:


Please stop spamming that same stupid picture, you made your point the first hundred times it was posted.

To the usual bloviators, get back on topic or get the hell out.  This ain't the thread to argue your same worn out CR hot takes back and forth ad naseum.  Everyone knows where each of you stands and 99% of it is off topic.  There's about 100 garbage posts to every post with actual content.

This thread is about:   

Summer riots/protests damage & tactics documentation thread (no politics, please)

Thread for vids, pics, and news stories.

(Fall riots/protests damage & tactics documentation are also welcome, IMHO.)


Posts #3851, 3858, 3864, and 3883 are about the only ones on this page that somewhat fit that (though 3883 looks to be about to make 3865 relevant.)

Newsworthy/interesting vids/images of, ya know, riots/protests (one man acts can sometimes qualify)/damage/tactics are what people want to see.  Like this:


or this from the weekend:


Please god let me meet these idiots when locked and loaded.

2 minutes ago, BLKNSTY said:

I’d probably like to see his social media posts

No digging into backgrounds allowed, because the past should not have a bearing on any particular present incidents...is that not what some were saying?

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1 minute ago, workswithseed said:

How was the 1619 Project? Good read?

Haven't read it.  But I do recommend The New Jim Crow -- while about our more current systems and issues, it gives a good broad historical perspective.

I truly don't know why it's so hard for us to acknowledge and accept that our greater social and governmental systems royally fucked over black people for literally hundreds of years, and only in the last few decades have we done anything to dismantle those systems and remedy a mountain of past injustices.....or why we can't acknowledge that some shitty systems that were constructed and entrenched for centuries might still exist and still require major work to fix.

2 minutes ago, Dilligas said:

Please god let me meet these idiots when locked and loaded.

Yeah.  Because there's no better outcome to your day than shooting someone.  That's a good day.

2 hours ago, irishtexan said:

Lots of tacticool badasses protecting the streets. I don't know about y'all but I feel very calm and assured that these trained, cool-headed badasses will keep the peace in the streets tonight. Praise Jesus. 

Hey don’t bag on those Gravy SEALS and their established history of fighting for us in Dessert Storm

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7 minutes ago, BLKNSTY said:

I’d probably like to see his social media posts but yeah, no heartache on my end.

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Thanks, also @Brisketexan for your responses. 

That question was not to fan any flame. I’m a “law and order” type person, just the way I am. So a lot of the times, I fall on the side of the law enforcement. BUT, I’m also a burn them down if they do fucked up things guy.  And God knows they’ve brought more than enough bullshit upon themselves for us to question them, and often.   

The reason I asked, is as a (presumably) black guy, you have a completely different view of law enforcement than I ever will. Even if you have never had a bad experience, dollars to donuts someone you know has.  I don’t have that experience. The few bad police experiences I’ve had, were when they caught me doing mild hoodrat shit as a teen, ie: justified. 

But I was watching that video, and when she started crying, this is 100% truth, I said to myself, “I bet Brisket is going to come in here and note how she couldn’t control her emotions”.  He came in with the exact OPPOSITE reaction.  So I thought, well I noticed she was barking right before she shot. I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, I don’t have an issue with it.  But I’ve seen people mention that screaming is disorienting, etc and blame some shoots on the inability for the officer to keep calm. Think the asshole in Az who shot that man in the hotel. Screaming, unclear instructions (not in this case) etc.  I’m actually very happy to see y’all’s responses.   Those police did everything they could for way longer than I would reasonably expect, and then, this is the kicker, fired a NON LETHAL shot. Bravo all around.  On the surface, seems like a good squad there.  

I just honestly wanted to know if it was a group of middle aged white tacticool type bro cops if we would have heard, should of used taser, shouldn’t have screamed, couldn’t keep composure, etc.  It pains me to say it, but I wouldn’t necessarily have blamed you if you would have had the opposite response. 

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No digging into backgrounds allowed, because the past should not have a bearing on any particular present incidents...is that not what some were saying?

nah son, public service = public lives. if the cop was stupid enough to publicly post racist shit, probably too stupid to be a cop as it is and he clearly has an inherently racial bias. totally and fundamentally unequipped to be a police officer and a ticking time bomb.


switching it up a bit - do you think cops, who otherwise have a stellar record, should still be cops if it can clearly be shown that said cop has a history of posting racist shit on social media?

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46 minutes ago, BLKNSTY said:

I honestly can’t tell if you’re being willfully obtuse or facetious here.

Dude was armed. The bodycam was on the entire time. Legitimate deescalation for 15 minutes. Only one cop providing directions. No antagonizing bystanders. Actual remorse for shooting someone instead of a bunch of cops slapping each other and saying good shoot while they adjust the narrative to save their ass. Cuffed and given first aid within minutes.


Give me an entire PD made up these cops and we can put all this shit behind us.

Insane how people have an issue with this

3 minutes ago, BLKNSTY said:

nah son, public service = public lives. if the cop was stupid enough to publicly post racist shit, probably too stupid to be a cop as it is and he clearly has an inherently racial bias. totally and fundamentally unequipped to be a police officer and a ticking time bomb.


switching it up a bit - do you think cops, who otherwise have a stellar record, should still be cops if it can clearly be shown that said cop has a history of posting racist shit on social media?

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I mean if it's not affecting thier job. I will also say if you post racist stuff, and the public finds out, well you're a public servant that has lost the trust of the people, so you might want to pack up and leave.

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4 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

I mean if it's not affecting thier job. I will also say if you post racist stuff, and the public finds out, well you're a public servant that has lost the trust of the people, so you might want to pack up and leave.

Yep I love those racists that only keep it at home. Haven't met one yet but that sounds nice

3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

How is it off-topic?  Y'all are getting yourselves all lubed up to jack off like Randy Marsh to the unrest that is sure to come in Louisville.  I foolishly thought that context might matter to y'all.  I guess not.

I guess this will only help things.....

Sorry fuckstick, but it's you and your team that is getting lubed up over the new round of rioting from BLM and associated domestic terrorist groups. I hope it accomplishes everything you hoped it would. Why don't you go up there and join in? 

Just now, Zepol87 said:

Yep I love those racists that only keep it at home. Haven't met one yet but that sounds nice

I mean the only way to know one is a racist is their actions. Also you made me think of this.


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45 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

How was the 1619 Project? Good read?

Heard the creator of it on a webinar she gave my daughters class at GW. Impressive speaker, knows her shit, and there was nothing she said I could not disagree with. Plus she mentioned a few times she likes scotch and bourbon. 

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2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

While I know that you are engaging in the hyperbole that pisses everyone around her off.....this does get into my repeatedly stated concern about how armed idiots carry their weapons.  I think ALL of it is stupid, but the guys who don't have their hands on their slung weapons are at least not an immediate threat.  But the assholes with their weapon at a low ready, or with their hands positioned in a way intended to bring it to firing position in a split second, are behaving in a threatening manner, and I think there is a good argument that they should not be entitled to defense of self-defense if they end up in a violent confrontation, because carrying a weapon in a manner that shows you intend to use it is a threat that starts a confrontation.

In short, limp-dicks with fucking toy soldier rifles need to cut this shit out.  All of them.  It amps up the situation and makes the likelihood of violence and death shoot way up.  I feel the same way about a dude carrying around a bottle full of gasoline and a match, or a baseball bat -- you're just itching to get violent, carrying a tool of violence.  Cut that shit out.


Oh, and the dude that shows up with his hand on the fucking pistol grip as he goes up to her door around the 36 second mark?  Arrest his ass.  And the guy who came up and slammed her car door.  That's assault.  Goose, gander, all that.

Armed is armed. Why are you so hung up in how a weapon is carried. There are plenty of your Marxist brethren that are armed, concealed and unconcealed

1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

.....and only black people/their cause will be blamed, and the entire cause and concept of giving a fuck about black people and their rights and wanting to fix some broken shit will conveniently be tossed in the trash.  Don't forget that part.  It's really important. 

No brother you've got it all wrong. This is not the way

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21 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

You think police officers would be willing to give up their firearms if we paid them a $100,000/year salary? 

kind of a thought exercise here along the lines of “you get what you pay for.” 

Cops make much more than $100k 

  • Hook 'Em 3
20 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

Armed is armed. Why are you so hung up in how a weapon is carried. There are plenty of your Marxist brethren that are armed, concealed and unconcealed

CR -------->

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19 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

Cops make much more than $100k 

Quick google search indicates a wide range depending on location.


No surprise, the lowest paid are in the most racist states. 

Here’s a look at the bottom-10 states for police officer salaries:

  1. Mississippi average police officer salary: $36,290
  2. Arkansas average police officer salary: $40,570
  3. Louisiana average police officer salary: $42,470
  4. South Carolina average police officer salary: $43,520
  5. West Virginia average police officer salary: $44,450
  6. Georgia average police officer salary: $44,700
  7. Tennessee average police officer salary: $45,370
  8. Alabama average police officer salary: $46,510
  9. Kentucky average police officer salary: $46,720
  10. North Carolina average police officer salary: $47,340
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