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Voting Information : Links & Stuff


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20 hours ago, Lobo said:

Serious question - is there an app or website preferably one that is non-partisan, that can legitimately broadcast real time evidence of voter suppression at polling places on election day?   Anything from conveniently broken machines to locations closing early to armed militia men standing outside next to people in line?  Obviously you can call websites and social media for anecdotal evidence and I’ve never really wondered about this before, is there a respected website or app that aggregates this type of solid information?

I haven't seen one.   Seems a site that does report this during the election would be playing into the GOP's hands by planting the seeds for rumors and confusion.   I do know that several groups are keeping records of every circumstance of possible voter suppression being reported.  Those incidents will be vetted and trends will be looked for.  Data is being collected, and has been now for some time for backing legal claims to challenge our repressive voter laws.   I would think that this evidence would be the basis for a new Voting Rights Act, which will then ride herd over the states that need it.  Fuck YOU, Justice Roberts!

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