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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, ernest_t_bass said:

This is not intended to be a spam thread, rather a thread for those who are believers to unite, throw prayer requests (and know they'll actually be taken), talk scripture, etc.  I've recently recommitted my life to Christ, this time for good (39 years old).  As a recovering alcoholic, I know it's one day at a time.  Today I am sober, and today I choose to follow Christ.  

Great news. May God give you the strength to face each day of your sobriety battle. 

Jesus saved me over 30 years ago. Daily I am reminded of how thankful I am for that undeserved rescue. I don't know where I'd be without the gifts of His grace and forgiveness. 

Edited by jkates
spelling (not Tori)
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1 hour ago, ernest_t_bass said:

This is not intended to be a spam thread, rather a thread for those who are believers to unite, throw prayer requests (and know they'll actually be taken), talk scripture, etc.  I've recently recommitted my life to Christ, this time for good (39 years old).  As a recovering alcoholic, I know it's one day at a time.  Today I am sober, and today I choose to follow Christ.  

God bless, man. I'm glad that you've seen the light and it has helped you in your turmoil. 


“There is a God, and I’m not Him.”

My parents thought Fundamentalism would do me good, so I had the experience y’all mention as a child. Went to Episcopal and then Jesuit schools prior to my time at UT.

I believe in Christ. With the exception of the Torah, I’m not convinced the Bible is unerringly literal. God’s moral expectation  changes, so  there’s that. Since so much is beyond me, I’m less willing to believe He’s the only Son of God. It’s a big universe.  

But, I consider myself Christian. Love God. Love your neighbors. Agape. Yes.

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Posted (edited)

Follower and saved many years ago.  Left the church a while back but the CW brought me back to it about 7 years ago and I have been strengthening my walk with Christ.  It is something I try to implement daily.    

pos rep for starting this thread.

Edited by Moby Ric
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In a cynical and derisive world, that more easily jeers rather than support one another, I applaud your conviction to state your beliefs with the intent to better yourself.  May you hold to them irrespective of what others might think and may they hold you thru your moments of weakness and all your moments of doubt.        

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Yes, brought up in the Church. I had wonderful loving parents, Dad was the song leader and Mom the pianist, we were there every time the doors were open. I still struggle with sin, even though they are forgiven, but I hate to hurt my Saviors feelings. I meet every Wednesday morning for prayer with a group of community leaders and Christians that my late Father started about 5 years ago for the healing of our country. I have no doubt if the population of Heaven is about the same as Coupland, my Ol' man is there. Strong Christian, wrote a book on Discipleship, which my Mom is having published in the next year. It is the foundation of multiple Church teachings in our area on, "OK, I'm saved, now what?"


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41 minutes ago, Moby Ric said:

Follower and saved many years ago.  Left the church a while back but the CW brought me back to it about 7 years ago and I have been strengthening my walk with Christ.  It is something I try to implement daily.    

pos rep for starting this thread.

What's CW? I for the life me can't figure it out.


Promise Keepers is back -- maybe not in force, but still loud and vigorous.

The Christian men's movement, which filled stadiums during the 1990s, will hit Miami's AmericanAirlines Arena this weekend in signature style: rousing speeches, loud music, calls for godly living -- under the bombastic title "Storm the Gates."

It will be the first visit in five years for the group, which nearly collapsed in 1998, a year after an Orange Bowl rally.

"Some said Promise Keepers would never come back, but we never said that," says Ray Vialpando, director of U.S. ministries for the organization. "Storm the Gates is a perfect theme for Miami, for the struggle in bringing the community together."

The rally, one of 16 this year, will unfold against a 40-foot backdrop of an ancient city wall and gates. Keynote speaker will be Bill McCartney, the former Colorado football coach who founded Promise Keepers in 1990.

Expected turnout is 8,000 to 9,000, far below the 17,000 who attended the Orange Bowl gathering.


Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

I'm not a Christian, but I sometimes try to be.

That's something that bothers me about Christians.  So many folks speak of it as an accomplishment, or a decision that once made, is a done deal.  Christianity isn't a status.  It's a Way.  A way most of us are pretty piss-poor at following....which is expected and understood.  Thus, grace.  But it remains a way, nonetheless.

And the answer above of "it's complicated" is the only honest and truthful answer I think any of us can give.  Shit, I remember years ago, telling some peers that I was fucking pissed off at God, and they were aghast -- you can't be mad at God!  Like fuck I can't.  And if the fucker can't handle me being pissed at him for lengthy periods of time, what kind of piss-poor God is he, and what kind of shitty relationship must we have?

I'm a shitty Christian.  Some days I do better than others.  Some days, I don't want to, because God has some explaining to do.  Other days, I don't even believe.  One of the most reassuring things I have ever read is Mother Theresa's accounts of her long dark nights of the soul, and her long periods of unbelief.  Because that's okay, too.  And, because even when she had her doubt and unbelief, she still walked in the Way.

My wife is a minister.  And she loves the Mandalorian, for the great distillation of faith in their motto: "this is the Way."  When at some tough junctures, I can ask myself "is this the Way?"  And I know the answer, and if I have the character to choose the right path in that moment, I can and do.

I'm not a Christian.  But I'd like to be.  Doubt I'll ever make it.  But I'll keep walking the Way, stumbling, detouring, and even backtracking a whole lot in the process.

It is currently en vogue in the recovery community to call oneself "recovered" as opposed to the "recovering" that was common for decades.  I don't think I'm a big fan of that.

I have similar feelings about "saved," or even "born again."  It's an ongoing process that can stop at any time and restart. That is probably more implicit in "born again" than in "saved."

Present participles seem appropriate, past not so much.

Edited by TwiceHorn
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11 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

My wife is a minister.  And she loves the Mandalorian, for the great distillation of faith in their motto: "this is the Way."  When at some tough junctures, I can ask myself "is this the Way?"  And I know the answer, and if I have the character to choose the right path in that moment, I can and do.


It's like "God wills it." It's an oath of sorts. You have a direction to follow, and it has principals in the saying.

Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

I'm not a Christian, but I sometimes try to be.

That's something that bothers me about Christians.  So many folks speak of it as an accomplishment, or a decision that once made, is a done deal.  Christianity isn't a status.  It's a Way.  A way most of us are pretty piss-poor at following....which is expected and understood.  Thus, grace.  But it remains a way, nonetheless.

And the answer above of "it's complicated" is the only honest and truthful answer I think any of us can give.  Shit, I remember years ago, telling some peers that I was fucking pissed off at God, and they were aghast -- you can't be mad at God!  Like fuck I can't.  And if the fucker can't handle me being pissed at him for lengthy periods of time, what kind of piss-poor God is he, and what kind of shitty relationship must we have?

I'm a shitty Christian.  Some days I do better than others.  Some days, I don't want to, because God has some explaining to do.  Other days, I don't even believe.  One of the most reassuring things I have ever read is Mother Theresa's accounts of her long dark nights of the soul, and her long periods of unbelief.  Because that's okay, too.  And, because even when she had her doubt and unbelief, she still walked in the Way.

My wife is a minister.  And she loves the Mandalorian, for the great distillation of faith in their motto: "this is the Way."  When at some tough junctures, I can ask myself "is this the Way?"  And I know the answer, and if I have the character to choose the right path in that moment, I can and do.

I'm not a Christian.  But I'd like to be.  Doubt I'll ever make it.  But I'll keep walking the Way, stumbling, detouring, and even backtracking a whole lot in the process.

Quoted because this made me want to buy you a beer.  I'm a Christian, but how I attempt to pull it all together during my lifetime is between me and my maker, who must have one helluva sense of humor because there go I.

Also, for the folks fighting addiction, don't take my offer to buy this guy a drink the wrong way.  Mostly meant it as an attaboy.  But the offer stands.

Edited by dcbc
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Well, I believe in the soul. The cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing AstroTurf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.

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3 minutes ago, South Austin said:

Well, I believe in the soul. The cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing AstroTurf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.


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Hell, I don't know if Jesus saves, but I'm willing to believe. Anything to get me through this life. I'm a pretty spiritual guy and happy to be almost 10 years sober too.


I'm a lot like Brisket, I'm a aspiring Christian.


I just know that without a belief in something its all meaningless.

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One of the only things that I miss from Hornfans (other than mods that would read your PMs of course) was the Quack's board.  There are some fun discussions and debates to be had around Christology and Soteriology, some of the things South Austin touches on in his post above for those are so inclined. 

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, South Austin said:

Okay, all kidding and the Gospel According to Bull Durham aside . . . .

I'm a Christian, technically, as in, I'm official a member of a Christian denominational church, the Episcopal Church.  I like they way they do most things.  They're not perfect and I know it's not the right way for a lot of folks, but it works for me, and we don't check our intellects at the door. 

I believe in a benevolent omnipresence, a creator whose will is based on love and grace.  I guess we call that "God," other monotheistic religions call it something else, but I believe most of us in this world are praying to the same being.  Beyond that, beats the shit out of me.  The God in which I believe surpasses all human understanding, so I guess it's an admission that I really don't believe in much.

I do believe in a historical Jesus, a man who lived and walked among us.  Whether he was really the son of God, or God incarnate, is something I've struggled with my whole life.  But I believe in much of what he said, at least what others have claimed he said.  If you take away a lot of other puzzling shit in the Bible, New Testament and Old, and just focus on what he was trying to say to people, it's not a bad way of living.  It's an almost impossible way of living in today's world, but ideally, yeah, Jesus's way is a pretty fucking good way.

I don't mean to offend anyone on this thread, but I cringe when I hear people use terms like "saved," "gave my life to Christ," or "accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior."  It seems they're often used by folks who use Christian buzzwords without much thought or action behind them, and instead with a lot of judgment.  But see what I did?  I just judged.  Shit. 

Are you me?

/not a Sixteen Candles reference.

//seriously, stop reading my mind and posting my thoughts on a message board

Edited by dcbc
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6 minutes ago, South Austin said:

I don't mean to offend anyone on this thread, but I cringe when I hear people use terms like "saved," "gave my life to Christ," or "accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior."  It seems they're often used by folks who use Christian buzzwords without much thought or action behind them, and instead with a lot of judgment.  But see what I did?  I just judged.  Shit. 

That'll preach.

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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, dcbc said:

He hit the bull.  Guy gets a free steak.

On topic....

"Can I give you my testimony?"

"You can do anything you want."


Edited by Brisketexan
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I’m a fan of Jesus’ teachings.  The implementation not so much, I hate washing feet, having nails pounded in my extremities and I’m judgey as fuck.  It’s in my name, even.  Also in this current morass, I’m a cheek slapper.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

On topic....

"Can I give you my testimony?"

"You can do anything you want."


That catcher's stance though.

/dad gum impure thoughts. 

/also, candlesticks make a nice gift.


Edited by dcbc
Just now, Judge Roybeanbag said:

I’m a fan of Jesus’ teachings.  The implementation not so much, I hate washing feet, having nails pounded in my extremities and I’m judgey as fuck.  It’s in my name, even.  Also in this current morass, I’m a cheek slapper.

Figured you for a dirty-foot-having motherfucker.


I feel sorry you brainwashed and/or gullible fools. Religion is a scourge on humanity. Religion itself is the evil. The believers are its victims. Give reality a try. You might like it.


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Just now, Bernard said:

I feel sorry you brainwashed and/or gullible fools. Religion is a scourge on humanity. Religion itself is the evil. The believers are its victims. Give reality a try. You might like it.


Jesus came with the original "fuck the police". 

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1 minute ago, Bernard said:

I feel sorry you brainwashed and/or gullible fools. Religion is a scourge on humanity. Religion itself is the evil. The believers are its victims. Give reality a try. You might like it.


You didn't like Bull Durham? 

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3 minutes ago, Bernard said:

I feel sorry you brainwashed and/or gullible fools. Religion is a scourge on humanity. Religion itself is the evil. The believers are its victims. Give reality a try. You might like it.



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Great job Earnest.  It's great you made this decision.   Just stay in the Word as much as you can.  I've been a Christian for a long time, but i do much, much better when i read the Bible often, as in every day.   There is an answer for any problem you have, and God never changes.   He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and with the world we live in, that makes me feel much, much better that there is something out there that is stable and does not and will not ever vary.   And His Son has had every trouble that you have ever had, every feeling you have ever had, and knows you better than you know yourself.   All you have to ever do is to trust and have faith.   My life has been so much easier and with less stress with faith in God.   Enjoy the journey.   

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, dcbc said:

You didn't like Bull Durham? 

Loved Bull Durham. And love my many dear friends who are true blue JC believers. I always remind them that our beliefs aren’t so different. They think 2,999 of the known religions are complete BS. I just think the same of all 3,000.


Edited by Bernard
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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Bernard said:

Loved Bull Durham. And love my many dear friends who are true blue JC believers. I always remind them that our beliefs aren’t so different. They think 2,999 of the known religions are complete BS. I just think the same of all 3,000.


I kid.  I kid.  Two of my closest work friends are atheists and most of my other good friends, too, come to think of it.  Love 'em. all.  One has told me I'm her favorite Christian.  Why?  Probably because I'm not trying to "save" her.  Honestly, we don't talk about it all that much.  Like I said before, what goes on with my and my maker is between us.  I know that's less than dogmatic.  Maybe I'm supposed to be out there 'cruitin', but I am what I am, and I ain't that.. 

You do you, good sir. 

Edited by dcbc
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1 hour ago, BurntEyes said:

OP - I am in no way against your spiritual beliefs and in fact loudly applaud them and your sobriety path. 

Having said that, in today's hectic, chaotic, tribal world, I really would have appreciated a more open Spritual oriented thread where believers in Christ and those of other beliefs and faiths could have united in a more general discussion. It  would have allowed for us to share the similarities of our journey, the difficulties we all face in life and in our beliefs while we communed together and with one another despite our differences. 

I will not belabor the point further, and truly hope that this thread goes in a positive direction. 

One Love

Oh are you Roman Catholic? I’m sorry you can’t come

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3 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

Oh are you Roman Catholic? I’m sorry you can’t come

Don't know why that reminded me of this quote:

I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers AND METHODISTS!!!

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54 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

This, in magnet form, is literally on our fridge at this moment:


Seems like a good daily reminder of our shortcomings.

As a "i don't care-ist" who is generally lost about WTF we are all doing here - I would love to live in a society with Christian values. Feels so far off. 

I would hope Jesus would be peacefully protesting right now actually. The devils around him would be looting or do nothing but pointing at the looters. The party rolls on. 



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10 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

Oh are you Roman Catholic? I’m sorry you can’t come

I've often thought of becoming a golf club.

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4 minutes ago, South Austin said:

Don't know why that reminded me of this quote:

I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers AND METHODISTS!!!

Great movie that couldn't be made today.

I used to be Episcopalian, until they decided that they didn't really believe in anything.  Hard core Anglican now. YMMV.

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