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2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Might makes right.  It's the only rule now.  Winner take all.  Win, and do whatever you want, with zero regard for the other party.  Them's the rules now.  Time to play by them.  Win.  Then do whatever you want.  It's that fucking simple, Dems -- don't overthink it.

I think so. I personally wish it wasn't this way, but the Democrats have been bringing their fists to a gunfight and it's time to start realizing that. Asking the other party politely to put down their gun and go back to fistfights is clearly not going to work.

They need to start looking at ways to disenfranchise rural voters, gerrymander in their own favor instead of just calling for nonpartisan comissions, etc. I consider that malicious, antidemocratic chickenshit, but being that party that asks nicely if we can all follow the rules has so far netted the Trump presidency, a permanent uphill battle in the Senate and Electoral College, and now a 6-3 Supreme Court.

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3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

While we're fixing things, let's take another look at the Fairness Doctrine and Citizens United.  You know, if we're making a list and all.

It's gonna take a packed USSC to unwind Citizens United, so just another reason to get on that right away.  I'm totally on board with a reinstituted Fairness Doctrine to rein in the neverending onslaught of stupid from Fox News, OAN and their successors.

1 minute ago, Bama Chick said:

I better not see one more person on this board ever give Romney any credit the next time he posts a tweet about be disappointed or concerned with Trump’s behavior.

I’ve said it about all these spineless motherfuckers - talk don’t mean jack shit when they still fall in line when they have the opportunity to actually do something concrete.

He’s just as bad as Graham and McConnell and all the rest of the enabling shitfucks.

He may as well get a MAGA face tattoo because his victim noises are just another form of grifting and attention whoring.

Fuck him. Fuck his stupid hair. Fuck his 54 kids. Fuck his magic underwear.

He had a chance to back up the words he’s been spewing and he decided to bend the knee instead.

Eat all the shit, Mitt.

Where do I donate to your future congressional campaign? You would be a fantastic rep, especially for the committees you would get put on!

1 minute ago, tokamak said:

I think so. I personally wish it wasn't this way, but the Democrats have been bringing their fists to a gunfight and it's time to start realizing that. Asking the other party politely to put down their gun and go back to fistfights is clearly not going to work.

They need to start looking at ways to disenfranchise rural voters, 

Hell, simply expanding the House (and EC by extension) would fix the problem w/o "disenfranchising" anyone.  The 90+ year stasis does not in any way reflect a near-tripling of the US population over that time period.

  • Hook 'Em 1
6 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Hell, simply expanding the House (and EC by extension) would fix the problem w/o "disenfranchising" anyone.  The 90+ year stasis does not in any way reflect a near-tripling of the US population over that time period.

I expect that the GOP will continue efforts to disenfranchise minorities and the poor (e.g., voter ID laws, reductions in early voting) because there have been absolutely no penalties for them doing so, so far. I don't think any amount of structural reform will matter if the GOP is the only people that get to decide who can vote.

1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

The argument is it’s divided government 2016 (Pres and Senate) Vs the same party 2020, thus proceed. 

So in other words, we have the power to do whatever we want right now so fuck you that someone had to die at this particular time. Yea, that sounds exactly what the framers of the constitution meant. 

  • Hook 'Em 1
6 minutes ago, tokamak said:

I expect that the GOP will continue efforts to disenfranchise minorities and the poor (e.g., voter ID laws, reductions in early voting) because there have been absolutely no penalties for them doing so, so far. I don't think any amount of structural reform will matter if the GOP is the only people that get to decide who can vote.

Well, they don't have much time if the Oval Office and Senate go Dem.  Anything they change can likely be reversed.

2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Well, they don't have much time if the Oval Office and Senate go Dem.  Anything they change can likely be reversed.

Which is exactly the way it should work.

Going to be interesting to see the Dems try their best to step on their dicks and overreach when this is all over if they win the Senate. 

12 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:


He's saying that is something he would do. He would make up a dying last wish for someone if it gave him something he wanted. 

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43 minutes ago, tokamak said:

Romney seals it.

We're fully in a "might makes right" situation from now on, and there's no going back.


Actually, we're in a situation where people had the right to vote more Republicans out of the Senate in 2016 and 2018 and chose not to. 

They'll have the opportunity to do so this year as well. 

The Senate has every right to confirm and laugh at you, and you have the vote.

It's not a "might makes right" situation at all.  It's a "you chose to be fucked in the ass so fuck you" situation".

7 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

So in other words, we have the power to do whatever we want right now so fuck you that someone had to die at this particular time. Yea, that sounds exactly what the framers of the constitution meant. 

I hate McConnell and loathe Trump, but your comment is just plain bullshit.

They (GOP) can get this through (probably) and yes, it's what the Framers concocted. 

McConnell would be a fool not to try to get this through. And he's not a fool. He's a piece of shit as a human being, but he's not a fool.

  • Hook 'Em 1
1 hour ago, GRHorn said:

There was no other way for it to go. 

Let’s say Rs had decided to hold off. Would they have gotten any credit in the media or from the Biden campaign? No freaking way. They still would’ve gone with the massive scare campaign about look how close this came to happening!  They’re coming after your reproductive rights!  

Plus Democratic leadership has already threatened to pack the court.  That’s not new. 

I used harsh angry words last time to express this, but let me be a bit more measured here - "pack the court" will go from a moderately edge position to very middle ground people are pressuring their representatives to do this suburban moms etc are saying "pack the courts". DC/PR statehood, get rid of the electoral college - those will go from "things that would be good" to "items we need on the agenda". For middle road normal people who like their government to be of/by/for the people.

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54 minutes ago, Gap03 said:

Until the Rs prove that they can behave like grown-ups, I'm fine with going scorched earth.  Maybe there is a fallback to a Buttigieg-style reform (5 Ds, 5 Rs, 5 appointed by sitting members) in an effort to unify the country at some point, but a point needs to be made now.  The Rs have been fucking around for far too long, and now it's time for them to find out. 


Wait, so why can't we do something like the mayor Pete proposal first? I think that is reasonable with age and term limits too. But also redistricting the shitty Trump district judges to backwater places is a must.  Fuck those unqualified ideologues and Mitch. All his shit work should be undone.

4 minutes ago, Red Five said:

He's saying that is something he would do. He would make up a dying last wish for someone if it gave him something he wanted. 

I'm in a mood, I admit, but who fucking cares if Trump is denying the veracity of RBG's final wish regarding her seat on the court? 

If he is, is anyone surprised at this? 

Wake the fuck up, Dems, and try not to be the organizational and political incompetents you've been for so long. You're going to take it up shorts with this. Just don't do anything stupid that will harm you later. As if.

  • Hook 'Em 1
Just now, tantric superman said:

Actually, we're in a situation where people had the right to vote more Republicans out of the Senate in 2016 and 2018 and chose not to. 

They'll have the opportunity to do so this year as well. 

The Senate has every right to confirm and laugh at you, and you have the vote.

It's not a "might makes right" situation at all.  It's a "you chose to be fucked in the ass so fuck you" situation".

So then Mitch should  have followed every procedure with Garland. The Senate could have still voted no, but instead he totally shut it down.  He should have said Obama has the right to nominate, and the Senate will do it's duty and still voted no. Instead he wielded his power and did nothing. That's the hypocrisy and makes every argument they are making now so infuriating. 

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Let's be clear:  the travesty is not that Trump and McConnell are trying to push this nomination through in record time.  The travesty is that Merrick Garland never got his fair shot.

The irony is that Obama selected Garland specifically because he had broad appeal on both sides of the aisle.  History may eventually show that McConnell made a grave tactical error.

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1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

Which is purely an argument of convenience, as it was in no way used in 2016 as justification for holding up Garland's hearings.  It doesn't surprise me that Trump's ass-kissing foot soldiers believe it, though.

I should’ve been clearer. I don’t necessarily buy the argument, I’m not fully versed in SCOTUS appointment history. I was just saying that’s the justification being used. Ultimately they’re doing it because it’s within their rights and they can. 

  • Fuck You 1
41 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

I better not see one more person on this board ever give Romney any credit the next time he posts a tweet about be disappointed or concerned with Trump’s behavior.

I’ve said it about all these spineless motherfuckers - talk don’t mean jack shit when they still fall in line when they have the opportunity to actually do something concrete.

He’s just as bad as Graham and McConnell and all the rest of the enabling shitfucks.

He may as well get a MAGA face tattoo because his victim noises are just another form of grifting and attention whoring.

Fuck him. Fuck his stupid hair. Fuck his 54 kids. Fuck his magic underwear.

He had a chance to back up the words he’s been spewing and he decided to bend the knee instead.

Eat all the shit, Mitt.



3 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

I should’ve been clearer. I don’t necessarily buy the argument, I’m not fully versed in SCOTUS appointment history. I was just saying that’s the justification being used. Ultimately they’re doing it because it’s within their rights and they can. 

It weakens their position.  Were I a Republican advisor (yeah, right) I'd say "we acted within the law in 2016, and we're acting within the law now".  Period.  End of discussion.  Essentially, a giant middle finger.  Don't address the hypocrisy -- the law doesn't address hypocrisy.  This "yeah but" just makes them look worse.  Fine by me.

10 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

I used harsh angry words last time to express this, but let me be a bit more measured here - "pack the court" will go from a moderately edge position to very middle ground people are pressuring their representatives to do this suburban moms etc are saying "pack the courts". DC/PR statehood, get rid of the electoral college - those will go from "things that would be good" to "items we need on the agenda". For middle road normal people who like their government to be of/by/for the people.

good idea yes GIF by Robert E Blackmon

56 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Don't forget expanding the HOR.  Want to fix the Electoral college?  Start having the number of electors more accurately reflect the number of voters in each state.  In presidential voting (electoral votes), the vote of a person in Wyoming for president has a lot more power than the vote of a person in California, for example.  Expanding the HOR will help ameliorate that problem.

Might makes right.  It's the only rule now.  Winner take all.  Win, and do whatever you want, with zero regard for the other party.  Them's the rules now.  Time to play by them.  Win.  Then do whatever you want.  It's that fucking simple, Dems -- don't overthink it.

Jesus fucking Christ. What a bunch of moaning.

The GOP is following the rules. Hypocritical? Yes. Political? Of course. 

But "might makes right"? Bullshit. They are following the rules. Stop fucking whining and vote in a different president and different senators. Or change the rules. It's not a military coup here, folks. 

  • Hook 'Em 4
1 hour ago, Horn Dog said:


Bullshit.   The Repubs would absolutely get credit from the huge majority of the population if they stood down and followed their principles.   Most importantly, they would justify Biden's desire to work across the aisle and make it very difficult for that approach not to be attempted.  Also, yes  there were fringe elements in the far left wing talking about packing the court before but there were plenty of mopderate Dems saying no to this.  Now, it is becoming a mainstream concept and that is a direct result of this.

You really think the media, six weeks from the election would give Trump and McConnell credit on anything? Don’t be so naive. 

We’re in the downplaying Middle East peace efforts part of the cycle. I’m not sure how it pivots to Trump did such a nice thing, maybe he’s not all bad. Yeah right. 


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  • Fuck You 4
It's the most fucking Democrat thing ever to, after the past 20 years of GOP behavior, still think there is some good reason to moderate our strategy and leave control of the country in the hands of motherfucking John Roberts. A guy who has spent his life helping deny black people the vote. A guy who thinks your political donations and my political donations can be limited but Charles Koch's can't. A guy who thinks Christian business owners deserve a special exemption from being forced to compensate their employees. Him being on the court is the embodiment of the problem and Democrats are like "no we don't want to add too many seats and I trust him to side with us 10% of the time!"

Dude, relax, Texas is going to flip blue within the next x years and will never turn back. (Dated October 2000)
  • Hook 'Em 2
9 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

So then Mitch should  have followed every procedure with Garland. The Senate could have still voted no, but instead he totally shut it down.  He should have said Obama has the right to nominate, and the Senate will do it's duty and still voted no. Instead he wielded his power and did nothing. That's the hypocrisy and makes every argument they are making now so infuriating.

Yeah, and everyone has been infuriated for a few days now.  They need to get over it.  The hypocrisy is their brand. Infuriation is their lube.

I'm not going to slow clap them but part of having the Senate majority means that they will fuck you over. Dems need to figure out how to branch out from the cities and near burbs if they want things to change. 


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The argument is that Republicans will do whatever the fuck they think is in their best interests.  They'll find a way to justify anything.

in Wisconsin and Michigan the GOP tried to strip power from the incoming Democratic Party Governors. This is who they are.
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9 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

Jesus fucking Christ. What a bunch of moaning.

The GOP is following the rules. Hypocritical? Yes. Political? Of course. 

But "might makes right"? Bullshit. They are following the rules. Stop fucking whining and vote in a different president and different senators. Or change the rules. It's not a military coup here, folks. 

“Might makes right” IS “following the rules.”

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1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

There is ALWAYS an "upcoming election" whenever there is a divided government.  So, the standard really is.....if the Senate is controlled by the opposition party, no SCOTUS justice can be appointed unless and until the president's party retakes the Senate in the next election.

That's the rule.  It's winner-take-all.  Knowing the rule now, the Dems need to follow it:

1 -- win both the White House and Senate

2 -- take everything you want.  Everything.  All of it.

Dems need to go scorched earth if they get the senate. 

Also, Mitch won't approve a single Biden appointment for 2 years if he holds the senate. The GOP is all in on ending our democracy. Dems need to wake up. 

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

Jesus fucking Christ. What a bunch of moaning.

The GOP is following the rules. Hypocritical? Yes. Political? Of course. 

But "might makes right"? Bullshit. They are following the rules. Stop fucking whining and vote in a different president and different senators. Or change the rules. It's not a military coup here, folks. 

Lol at trying to get Brisket to practice any emotional control or to utilize critical thinking. His posts are basically just mad libs now. The Big Mad CR version. 

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  • Fuck You 2
Posted (edited)

Yeah, a Biden presidency with a GOP senate will be a disaster. The GOP wouldn’t confirm a single cabinet member, much less any judges.

Edited by wildcat09
1 hour ago, Dnaguy said:

Step 1 would have to be eliminating the filibuster to achieve any of the other goals

Step 2 - Add DC and PR so that you can add reliable Dem Senators which would increase the majority

Step 3 - Add the justices w/ the newly democratic majority of Senators

Step 4 - Expand the House via the Wyoming rule which should dilute the power of rural areas / rural states... but I don't really agree with your giving territories reps. That would require a constitutional amendment (if I'm not mistaken but I could be wrong) which would have no chance of passing and would take too much political bandwidth

Step 5 - With the larger Dem majorities in house and senate, the new voting rigjhts act sails through congress.


lol at these two wielding this much power. 




1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

Yeah, a Biden presidency with a GOP senate will be a disaster. The GOP wouldn’t confirm a single cabinet member, much less any judges.

Although trump has proven that you can just fill up your cabinet with unconfirmed acting secretaries and the GOP doesn't give a fuck.  Oh, that only applies to GOP presidents.

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2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Yeah, a Biden presidency with a GOP senate will be a disaster. The GOP wouldn’t confirm a single cabinet member, much less any judges.

You would just have “acting” everything. 

1 minute ago, Bruh Man said:


lol at these two wielding this much power. 




Good morning. 
Sunday morning. 

  • Fuck You 1
8 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

We need to unfuck gerrymanderied districts and close the door on them the way California did. We also need to solve the issue of voter suppression. There is so much work to do to fix our republic. 

And that's good work.  Unlike all of this "pack the court" nonsense.

6 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

Lol at trying to get Brisket to practice any emotional control or to utilize critical thinking. His posts are basically just mad libs now. The Big Mad CR version. 

Unlike your posts which are basically works of art. 

6 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

Lol at trying to get Brisket to practice any emotional control or to utilize critical thinking. His posts are basically just mad libs now. The Big Mad CR version. 

I presume that you are going to take the same position - "what they're doing is allowed by the rules, quit your complaining" - when the Dems do every single thing I suggested, all of which is within the rules and within the constitutional power of the president and congress.  Right?

  • Hook 'Em 1
5 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

Yeah, a Biden presidency with a GOP senate will be a disaster. The GOP wouldn’t confirm a single cabinet member, much less any judges.

Yes. Biden winning isn't enough. They need to take the Senate to accomplish anything.  

If you haven't donated yet: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/getmitch. I did $100 and $50 to Jaime Harrison, Graham's opponent. 

  • Hook 'Em 2
Posted (edited)

Imagine Chuck f'n Schumer and the rest of the old guard feeble Dems attempting to make a sales pitch to the American people for an expanded liberal court and adding two states, thus adding two stars to the flag, changing the map, all the history books, etc. I have a beach front property in Corsicana to sell you if you think there's even a remote chance of these cowards taking on this fight let alone winning it.   😂😂😂😂


Edited by Bruh Man
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  • Haha 1
33 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

I should’ve been clearer. I don’t necessarily buy the argument, I’m not fully versed in SCOTUS appointment history. I was just saying that’s the justification being used. Ultimately they’re doing it because it’s within their rights and they can. 

Correct.  And that is now the rule.  It is now the ONLY rule.  That's what "might makes right" means - I can....so I will.

Again, I presume that you will be similarly sanguine when the Dems at some point control Congress and the White House and do all kinds of shit that is "within their rights and they can" -- like creating new states, increasing the size of SCOTUS and several appellate courts, increasing the size of the House, etc.  Right?

  • Hook 'Em 1
20 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

Yeah, and everyone has been infuriated for a few days now.  They need to get over it.  The hypocrisy is their brand. Infuriation is their lube.

I'm not going to slow clap them but part of having the Senate majority means that they will fuck you over. Dems need to figure out how to branch out from the cities and near burbs if they want things to change. 


All they really need to do is make changes to the election procedures/representation to ensure equal representation going forward. All of which would be completely within the rules.

3 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

And that's good work.  Unlike all of this "pack the court" nonsense.

Why is it nonsense? It’s completely within the rules.

Norms no longer matter. If something is constitutional or within the rules and it benefits your side, fucking do it. 

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Just now, Reynolds Woodcock said:

Norms no longer matter. If something is constitutional or within the rules and it benefits your side, fucking do it. 

This.  That's it.  It's the only rule.  There are no others.

Just now, Reynolds Woodcock said:

Why is it nonsense? It’s completely within the rules.

Norms no longer matter. If something is constitutional or within the rules and it benefits your side, fucking do it.   Or do it even if it's not Constitutional or within the rules.

Fixed for sake of completeness.

51 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

So in other words, we have the power to do whatever we want right now so fuck you that someone had to die at this particular time. Yea, that sounds exactly what the framers of the constitution meant. 

It's a lesson in power. Mitch McConnell knows how to use it. I sincerely hope the Democrats respond in kind when they have it.

I have my doubts, though.

4 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

Imagine Chuck f'n Schumer and the rest of the old guard feeble Dems attempting to make a sales pitch to the American people for an expanded liberal court and adding two states, thus adding two stars to the flag, changing the map, all the history books, etc. I have a beach front property in Corsicana to sell you if you think there's even a remote chance of these cowards taking on this fight let alone winning it.   😂😂😂😂


You seem dumb. 

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2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Fixed for sake of completeness.

Right. Coordinating with a hostile foreign government to hack an election certainly wasn’t within the rules and the GOP didn’t give a shit. If we merely act within the rules we’ll be much more moderate in our tactics than they’ve been up to now.

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