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critically endangered shark, not seen in 10 years, discovered...in fish market

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The elusive Ganges river shark (Glyphis gangeticus) is listed as critically endangered, and has not been seen for more than ten years.

But recently published photographs show a female specimen measuring 8ft 7in at a market in Mumbai, leaving conservationists stunned.

Rima Jabado, is the founder and lead scientist of the Gulf Elasmo Project, which is based in the United Arab Emirates.

She told New Scientist magazine: “It’s a species that’s never really been seen in the western Indian Ocean.”

The photographs were taken for a study being conducted using a Save Our Seas Foundation grant, the findings of which were published in the Journal of Fish Biology.

Researchers spent almost two years recording and measuring sharks fished and traded at the city’s Sassoon Docks.

The picture was taken in February 2016, and the shark was identified based on her round snout, small eyes, and fin characteristics which are specific to the species. 

However, it proved impossible to collect tissue samples because of “rapid processing of fishers and traders at the site.”



3 hours ago, texasjacket said:

so we really have no clue as to what is or isn't in the ocean...cool

I think it's guessed that we know what is in about less than 25% of the entire ocean in total... So think of that next time you go surfing near Galveston...

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