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The Trump + Covid thread

Gil Bang

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30 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

Amazing.  We truly are a dumb species!

 “It is contagious, they said, but not as deadly as many make it out to be. “Yes, it’s highly contagious. So are the measles,” said Kaye Savage, 63, who lives in Georgia and flew to Washington for the rally. “But I’m a firm believer that if you get it, it’s not a death sentence.” She said media coverage of the virus has overlooked the high rate of survival for those who catch it.....  She knows three people who became seriously ill after catching the coronavirus, including a 75-year-old woman with underlying health conditions who died — so the president getting sick won’t influence her views any more than those personal experiences did. “It doesn’t change my opinion of the virus,” she said.”



Oh man how I wish they could shoot Trump full of enough steroids that he could make an appearance today at these rallies.


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This entire 2020 COVID / Trump fubar fiasco shows anyone not huffing Trump Tangerine spray paint that he does not care about this nation and its citizens.  He wouldn't even take the most basic basic protective measures to avoid what happened Friday to the executive branch of government. 

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22 hours ago, Lobo said:

I still don't understand the difference.  I mean, I get the wholistic approach deal which I appreciate.  But can they prescribe drugs, perform surgeries, etc?  My neighbor and friend is one, and after all these years...I still don't get the difference.  I've googled it...but it's always some pissing contest.  Like Surly, I guess.  

As a practical matter there isn't much difference.  In the "background" there is a more "holistic" approach to medicine that at one point in the past approached quackery.  They take and pass the same licensing exams as MDs and do their residencies and fellowships at the same places, generally.

One thing that is different.  That is that they went to an Osteopathy school, not a "medical school."  Such schools are not nearly as competitive as domestic medical schools.

So if you like your docs to be the "best and brightest," as measured by undergraduate grades and MCAT scores, you're gonna want an MD from a US medical school and preferably a prestigious one.

I had a thread on  TOS some years ago asking the medicos.  None of them said DOs were notably deficient in anything, and some were notably better than some MDs.

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1 minute ago, Eastwood said:

I'm no doctor, but fevers and antivirals lead to delirium at times, do they not? Maybe they took his tweeting phone while he was down and not giving it back until he's done with fever and antivirals.

That would explain his last tweet which expressed wishes of “love”.  The medical team knew they were in deep shit at that point

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1 minute ago, Eastwood said:

I'm no doctor, but fevers and antivirals lead to delirium at times, do they not? Maybe they took his tweeting phone while he was down and not giving it back until he's done with fever and antivirals.

Yep. They took his phone away while he’s on drugs. Other than common sense, they probably told him it was a national security issue, 

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He got super fast best care in the world. I have every expectation he will pull through and act like an ass. His followers will do worse. Doesn’t mean he faked it. Let’s just brace ourselves. Biden get the neg bombs ready. Olive branches aren’t for politics. As soon as he blasts us with his orange alpha orangutan bullshit then pull the trigger and blast him.

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8 minutes ago, Eastwood said:

I'm no doctor, but fevers and antivirals lead to delirium at times, do they not? Maybe they took his tweeting phone while he was down and not giving it back until he's done with fever and antivirals.

yeah because his tweets the last three years paint a picture of a man who is 100% engaged with reality. 

Edited by Blotto
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I believe he contracted the virus; kinda sorta believe they are playing up his symptoms to garner sympathy so he can come roaring back as The Chosen One, but whatever.

In his video from yesterday he talks about how he can't stay locked up in the WH, despite "everyone" telling him he should, that he has to get out among the people, etc etc etc and that's why he ended up getting sick. Of course, when you have an opportunity to get out among the people who are congregated on your front lawn and you chose to employ Barr's Blastorama before marching to a church to hold up a book like St. Andrew's cross as if you're some kind of martyr it does destroy the narrative a little bit. Especially when you've just emerged from your bunker.

Since the President is fond of describing COVID-19 as an invisible enemy, if and when he defeats this enemy he probably will want an award. Several on here have suggested a Darwin, but that isn't really a military medal awarded for valor in battle. I bet Surly readers could devise an appropriate token for such an illustrious victory.

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Will be pretty fascinating to see how today plays out with Trump's condition and how long he stays at Walter Reed. 

They'll never admit it,  but his campaign knows it's time to start throwing hail marys with less than a month until election day. I've posited that Trump's days of campaigning are over, but now starting to think he'll be back at it later this week. Seems like the cocktails are working. Trump is already drugged up in everyday life, so can see them pumping him full of steroids and if necessary to get him back on the trail. Trump making a "comeback" seems to be the play they'll try to execute. 

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In January of 2013, after an unsuccessful attempt by Tea Party conservatives to overthrow House Speaker John Boehner, a rookie congressman from North Carolina slinked into the Speaker’s office complex inside the U.S. Capitol. Mark Meadows had not voted against Boehner on the House floor. But he had participated in the plotting—and word had since leaked out naming him as one of the conspirators. Frightened that he would be exiled to the hinterlands of the House, the freshman sought an audience with the speaker.

“He’s on the couch, sitting across from me in my chair, and suddenly he slides off the couch, down onto his knees, and puts his hands together in front of his chest,” Boehner recalled to me. “He says, ‘Mr. Speaker, will you please forgive me?’” (This incident was witnessed by several people, including Boehner’s chief of staff, Mike Sommers, who described it as “the strangest behavior I had ever seen in Congress.”)



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10 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Will be pretty fascinating to see how today plays out with Trump's condition and how long he stays at Walter Reed. 

They'll never admit it,  but his campaign knows it's time to start throwing hail marys with less than a month until election day. I've posited that Trump's days of campaigning are over, but now starting to think he'll be back at it later this week. Seems like the cocktails are working. Trump is already drugged up in everyday life, so can see them pumping him full of steroids and if necessary to get him back on the trail. Trump making a "comeback" seems to be the play they'll try to execute. 

Doesn’t the virus last 14 days?

I was assuming the guy would have to test negative a few times for the doctors to actually let him campaign again. Not just for his safety, but for everyone else’s.

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As Donald Trump spends his second night at Walter Reed Military Medical Center, the White House is scrambling to contain the biggest crisis of Trump’s presidency, 31 days until the election.

On Saturday, the West Wing plunged into damage-control mode after Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley, told reporters that Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Wednesday—a day earlier than Trump previously disclosed. The new timeline meant that Trump would have been contagious when he debated Joe Biden on Tuesday and attended a fundraiser on Thursday at his Bedminster golf club.



The White House released follow-up statements saying Conley misspoke, but they did little to quell the chaos. The White House’s shifting chronology and lack of transparency are being driven, in part, by Trump’s desire to conceal the seriousness of his illness from the public. Three sources said Trump argued with his doctors on Friday after they told him he needed to be moved to Walter Reed. “He didn’t want to go to the hospital a month before the election,” a Republican close to Trump told me. Two sources said doctors gave Trump an ultimatum: he could go to the hospital while he could still walk, or doctors would be forced to take him in a wheelchair or on a stretcher at a later point if his health deteriorated. “They told him, ‘You can go now or we’re taking you later and it’s non negotiable,’” a second source close to the White House said. Trump waited to leave for the hospital until the stock market closed on Friday, a source said.



After spending months denying the dangers of COVID-19, Trump is expressing an emotion aides have rarely seen: fear. On Friday, Trump grew visibly anxious as his fever spiked to 103 fahrenheit and he was administered oxygen at the White House, according to three Republicans close to the White House. Two sources told me Trump experienced heart palpitations on Friday night—possible side effects of the experimental antibody treatment he received. Trump has wondered aloud if he could defeat the disease. “Am I going out like Stan Chera?” Trump has asked aides, referring to his friend, New York real-estate developer Stan Chera, who died of COVID in April.





On Saturday, two sources said Trump was feeling better. But it is difficult to assess the information given the White House's history of lying. According to a source, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has told Republicans that the next few days will be critical to determine the virus’s outcome. “Meadows has said if Trump can get out of the hospital by Tuesday, then he’s gone through the worst of it. But if he’s still there after Tuesday, the worst is yet to come,” the source told me.

Inside Trumpworld, the shock of Trump’s hospitalization is giving way to despair about his prospects in the upcoming election. “They all know it’s over,” a Republican close to the campaign said. “This is spiraling out of control,” a former West Wing official said. Some Trump allies are entertaining conspiracy theories that the White House outbreak was caused by someone with political motives. “It’s weird that all these Republicans are getting it,” a prominent Republican told me. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on. But one thing I’ve learned is: when something major happens thirty days before an election, it usually has to do with the election.” (There is no evidence for this wild claim).

Meanwhile, America’s closest allies are entertaining wild scenarios as well. An outside White House adviser told me that a high-level government official from a G-7 country asked him if Trump would try to appoint Ivanka president instead of Mike Pence. “He’s broken every norm so far, so they think anything is possible,” the source said.



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12 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Will be pretty fascinating to see how today plays out with Trump's condition and how long he stays at Walter Reed. 

They'll never admit it,  but his campaign knows it's time to start throwing hail marys with less than a month until election day. I've posited that Trump's days of campaigning are over, but now starting to think he'll be back at it later this week. Seems like the cocktails are working. Trump is already drugged up in everyday life, so can see them pumping him full of steroids and if necessary to get him back on the trail. Trump making a "comeback" seems to be the play they'll try to execute. 

A malignant narcissist on a roid rage is not the simulation we ought to be experiencing in October, but here we are.

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yeah because his tweets the last three years paint a picture of a man who is 100% engaged with reality. 
Yeah, but he also might tweet "I spoke to Big Ben last night. Great guy. Biggest Ben you've ever seen. Best chime in the world. Never chimes at the wrong time. Amazing. Smartest clock out there. He thinks we should nuke France. INTERESTING?!"
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1 minute ago, Voldemort86 said:

Doesn’t the virus last 14 days?

I was assuming the guy would have to test negative a few times for the doctors to actually let him campaign again. Not just for his safety, but for everyone else’s.

Fair point. I guess he won't have any rallies until fully in the clear, but he's got to get back on TV and Twitter as soon as possible. 

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3 minutes ago, Voldemort86 said:

Doesn’t the virus last 14 days?

I was assuming the guy would have to test negative a few times for the doctors to actually let him campaign again. Not just for his safety, but for everyone else’s.

For safety of others?

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Bill Barr went to Oklahoma four days after the Rose Garden event with a nonchalance that puts that idea to rest for anyone associated with Trump.

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5 minutes ago, Voldemort86 said:

Doesn’t the virus last 14 days?

No. You need to go 14 days without testing positive in order to know with reasonable certainty that you don't have it. Once you've got it, it can last for a long time. Possibly for the rest of your life. 

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1 hour ago, Post Oak said:

I keep coming back to this.  As stupid as it is.  This makes me think he's worse off than we are being led to believe.  

Those retweets and tweet today are pure Scavino.

And a friend who does visual effects looked at the video, and said there’s no way the video wasn’t edited to remove a cough/sputter.  He said it looked like they used the morph feature.

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3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

No. You need to go 14 days without testing positive in order to know with reasonable certainty that you don't have it. Once you've got it, it can last for a long time. Possibly for the rest of your life. 

Biden’s camp better not allow any debates with that fucker unless he tests negative.

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20 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Will be pretty fascinating to see how today plays out with Trump's condition and how long he stays at Walter Reed. 

They'll never admit it,  but his campaign knows it's time to start throwing hail marys with less than a month until election day. I've posited that Trump's days of campaigning are over, but now starting to think he'll be back at it later this week. Seems like the cocktails are working. Trump is already drugged up in everyday life, so can see them pumping him full of steroids and if necessary to get him back on the trail. Trump making a "comeback" seems to be the play they'll try to execute. 

He's setting this up as an excuse for losing.   He knows he's defeated.  He knows Putin and the other outside interfers are beginning to withdraw their support.   Being sick now and unable to campaign in personal appearances, his strongest go to, well that was just too big a hill to climb.  That's why he lost, not because he's a terrible person/president*. 

He's already blaming these appearances that he must do to serve the public as the reason he is sick now. 

He's like that player on a losing team that starts limping around at the end of the 3rd quarter.   

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36 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Since the President is fond of describing COVID-19 as an invisible enemy, if and when he defeats this enemy he probably will want an award. Several on here have suggested a Darwin, but that isn't really a military medal awarded for valor in battle.

Even money he insists upon a Purple Heart for himself.

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17 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Fair point. I guess he won't have any rallies until fully in the clear, but he's got to get back on TV and Twitter as soon as possible. 

It was a huge sign of weakness for him to go to the hospital in the first place, and for Mark Meadows to admit his blood oxygen levels got really bad Friday morning.  He has to get out there soon.

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17 hours ago, SizzleChest said:

I’m of the opinion the other reason they got him out the WH was for message control around his condition.  If Meadows is the only senior adviser with access in the suite at WR, others in the WH can’t get info to leak.

Well, damn.  From the Politico article today:



It became immediately obvious that Meadows was the source; he was the only White House official at Walter Reed, the only person who could have so promptly briefed the pool on the president’s condition. (Sure enough, footage quickly surfaced showing Meadows pulling the reporters to the side, asking to speak “off the record with some of y’all” for a minute.)



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12 minutes ago, Radical Larry said:




Y’all ready for another round of bullshit?



Time to muddy the waters some more. Important to build more confusion so that the weaker minded give up trying to understand and just accept the last thing they hear 

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58 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

Will be pretty fascinating to see how today plays out with Trump's condition and how long he stays at Walter Reed. 

They'll never admit it,  but his campaign knows it's time to start throwing hail marys with less than a month until election day. I've posited that Trump's days of campaigning are over, but now starting to think he'll be back at it later this week. Seems like the cocktails are working. Trump is already drugged up in everyday life, so can see them pumping him full of steroids and if necessary to get him back on the trail. Trump making a "comeback" seems to be the play they'll try to execute. 

If he’s doing well, he will be out of WR by Monday and trying to be out and about in public later in the week if he possibly can. Steroided up and pumped full of vitamins, caffeine,and sugar. And if he can pull it off he will both downplay the virus and play up his astonishing ability to heal. 

The problem is old obese people have very little reserve so he might very well have a moment like Hillary getting overheated at the 9/11 memorial. Only with his vanity there will be no one close to help him when he stumbles. Brought low by covid then finished off by a ramp or stairs would be finominal 

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1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

I believe he contracted the virus; kinda sorta believe they are playing up his symptoms to garner sympathy so he can come roaring back as The Chosen One, but whatever.

I've come to believe that this is the most likely scenario.

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3 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

If he’s doing well, he will be out of WR by Monday and trying to be out and about in public later in the week if he possibly can. Steroided up and pumped full of vitamins, caffeine,and sugar. And if he can pull it off he will both downplay the virus and play up his astonishing ability to heal. 

The problem is old obese people have very little reserve so he might very well have a moment like Hillary getting overheated at the 9/11 memorial. Only with his vanity there will be no one close to help him when he stumbles. Brought low by covid then finished off by a ramp or stairs would be finominal 

So if reports of his oxygen levels plummeting 48 hours after testing positive are true...what are the implications? Do oxygen levels just plummet then rebound?If you’re having trouble breathing and your blood isn’t getting oxygen early on in this thing, do overweight elderly people rebound sharply from those early symptoms?

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