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The Trump + Covid thread

Gil Bang

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54 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

While I celebrate Ms. Conway's catalog of social media posts, I will have a teenage daughter in 9 years, and the idea that she may have access to social media terrifies the fuck out of me.

If she's anything like mine all my social media sites are a source of eye rolling. She did give me the link to the Buccee's incident this weekend, but she has no interest in anything on my phone other than how it's connected to my wallet. 

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2 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

What the hell was the salute? I mean seriously, what the hell was that? 

I'm thinking he was saluting Marine One....but what the hell do I know.


Edit.  Was this the first clip at the top of the stairs, where he was breathing heavily?  I've not watched the other clips.


Edited by Francisco 2.0
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Maybe it's possible that he's immune to Covid-19 as he's actively transmitting it to secret service agents  

I mean, he was immune to the Clap as he was actively getting it from rawdogging Stormy Daniels.  

Anything is possible with this Titan of Industry.  

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7 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

What the hell was the salute? I mean seriously, what the hell was that? 

he seems to think he's doing photo ops in the 1930's.

did he really think we weren't going to get video footage and a bunch of teargas stories or did he just think that all the national papers would just run a photo of him in front of a church?  pretty much same thing here.  

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1 hour ago, G650 said:

The motherfucker looked pretty out of breath to me. Not keeling over, but definitely winded. That could just be because he is a fatass that went up stairs though.

I noticed that he was breathing heavily and fighting to keep breathing through his nose. Loathesome lying sack of shit. Here we are sifting through tea leaves to figure out the real state of a president. 

Pulling off his mask and then going inside without replacing it was great for the Dems politically. Still, I'd rather he not sicken or kill any of the innocents working in the White House.

The Secret Service may have to start searching everyone who works there for weapons and then keep an eye on each other. I will enjoy reading about the real hatred those people have for Trump. Might even reach levels that the American Spectator claimed they felt about Clinton.

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On 10/4/2020 at 3:42 PM, atomheartbevo said:

The video was edited.  A whole shitload of people pointed out where it was edited, and what tool was used to cover the missing frames (morphing tool).

We are in 2020.  The video editing companies have made their tools easy enough to use for the fuckton of YouTubers with very little formal video editing education.  They are able to do the same effects with a cheap laptop that Dan Scavino or whoever did.  It's not rocket science, and nobody is splicing physical film.  It's about 30 seconds in Adobe Premiere - select the part you want to cut out, apply the morph to the frames on either side of the cut, and it's done.  And you could probably even do it with an iPad or iPhone, given how fancy the tools have gotten.


I've had this loaded in Quote 1 Post for awhile. Speaking of Trump looking winded after disembarking from Marine 1, I thought he looked like an elderly person feeling lost in this photo, Sunday. Look at his eyes and mouth. He's also dropped a not inconsiderable amount of weight. 

My gut feeling is that we don't know shit until the roids wear off (ster- not hemorrh-). I predict nothing, it's just increasingly evident that the waters have been profoundly muddied. I believe I just rivaled Brisket for the Nobel Price for Obvious.

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So Lou Dobbs says  he wants the entire country fully exposed? Yeah. I'm going to take a hard pass on that one. I've seen some of my neighbors fully clothed and that's far enough.

But I see this as an escalation in the mask wars front. Sad. Things were getting a little better as we were heading into cold and flu season. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.

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So Lou Dobbs says  he wants the entire country fully exposed? Yeah. I'm going to take a hard pass on that one. I've seen some of my neighbors fully clothed and that's far enough.
But I see this as an escalation in the mask wars front. Sad. Things were getting a little better as we were heading into cold and flu season. THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.

Olds will be breaking Dem harder now. That orange asshole will kill as many of them as he can with this.
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1 hour ago, Mdhorn said:

If they haven't done so already, at some point in the near future, his staffers are going to roll right over to Madame Tussauds and kidnap their wax DOTARD figure. They can sit him in a rocking chair in the window of the white house with the shade pulled down.  And with a one end of a piece of string tied to the chair and the other to an automated kick drum arm, DOTARD can be seen rocking steadily through the new year all night, every night until Biden returns him on January 20th, 2021.

Then, on inauguration day, Joe Biden approaches the rocker. It's not wax, afterall.




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