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Joe Buck & Troy Aikman Forget Hot Mics are On; Mock the NFL's Flyovers

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Having grown up on USAF/USAFE bases, I can tell you that I have never heard anything as loud as the bone on burner.  We were living on Incirlik during OPC in the mid-90s, with all kinds of mud hens and Turkish F4s and C5s and even the NAOC with the old motors visited once...nothing came close to a B1 on departure 

4 hours ago, Murfdogg21 said:

Someone should ask Troy about the current prices of crude and jet fuel and if he’s currently in Henrietta. 


Henrietta is in Clay County, Wichita Falls MSA.

  • Hook 'Em 1
26 minutes ago, Homercles said:

Having grown up on USAF/USAFE bases, I can tell you that I have never heard anything as loud as the bone on burner.  We were living on Incirlik during OPC in the mid-90s, with all kinds of mud hens and Turkish F4s and C5s and even the NAOC with the old motors visited once...nothing came close to a B1 on departure 

I have never seen/heard one take off up close, but I used to live about five miles from Carswell in its final years as a SAC base and B-52s taking off rattled windows and it was loooooooooooong.

6 hours ago, freyguy said:

They're not wrong...

As if we didn't have more pertinent shit to fix in this country, but Goodell is a sleaze.

They are wrong. Flyovers happen no matter  who is president including Obama. So literally, they are wrong. 

  • Hook 'Em 6
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Assman said:

...To say it's a training mission and that it will happen either way whether the flyover happens isn't exactly true.  Yes, there is some training to be had, and you can turn it into whatever type of mission you want, but the bottom line is it's a great deal for us.  When you've done nothing but train in the local area and/or deploy to shitty locations, doing something like this is something special and it's not something that you'll get to do often (aircraft dependent).  Some units may choose to turn the 1 minute flyover into a 6 hour mission that involves a low-level or a couple plugs from a tanker, or some (like mine) will just fly directly to the flyover then land so we can watch the game.  Bottom line though, it doesn't cost the taxpayer a single cent because every unit gets a certain amount of flying hours a year and they can use them how they see fit.  So for those of us that have spent literal years of our lives in Bumfuckastan, let us have our 30 seconds of glory over a football stadium.

Indeed. And I know you're going to say "Hey, I'm just doing my job", but I really enjoy y'all getting some recognition back here in the States for all the good work you do in places like Bumfuckastan.

And thanks for clearing things up...

Edited by wood
  • Hook 'Em 1
48 minutes ago, Homercles said:

Having grown up on USAF/USAFE bases, I can tell you that I have never heard anything as loud as the bone on burner.  We were living on Incirlik during OPC in the mid-90s, with all kinds of mud hens and Turkish F4s and C5s and even the NAOC with the old motors visited once...nothing came close to a B1 on departure 

It’s funny since it’s basically the equivalent of 2 F15’s, 2 F14’s or 4 F16’s.

1 hour ago, TornACL said:

A flyover for an empty stadium is just all kinds of dumb. 

So no more flyovers next year if Herman is still our coach?

13 minutes ago, tjhooker said:

Man, I lived on Lake Worth in HS. Literally on the lake under the flight path to Carswell. Somehow I got used to that noise coming over our house at about 200 ft.  Loudest noise ever. 

Back in the 80s when I was still at UT, before Bergstrom became ABIA, me & a couple of buddies had an apartment on Royal Crest at Riverside. We were right under the north-south landing pattern/south-north takeoff. Not sure which was louder. When we'd hear 'em coming, we'd just stop talking or trying to hear the tv if it was on. There was no point. You weren't gonna hear anything else at all when they were anywhere nearby.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Homercles said:

Having grown up on USAF/USAFE bases, I can tell you that I have never heard anything as loud as the bone on burner.  We were living on Incirlik during OPC in the mid-90s, with all kinds of mud hens and Turkish F4s and C5s and even the NAOC with the old motors visited once...nothing came close to a B1 on departure 

I believe you!  The Bone they flew over the Rose Bowl for VY’s Natty, shook the whole stadium when it lit its burners!  We knew it was game on and a happening of National significance!

while empty stadium fly overs are stupid, I would rather they burn the avgas entertaining us an in  training rather than war.  I love peace, but I love war toys!🤘

Edited by Domedriver
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Flyovers can be awesome for those in attendance, but what’s the point over an empty stadium? I’ll never forget the flyover at the UT-Michigan Rose Bowl. But I’ve always assumed the home team (or both at a neutral field) paid for them. If not, then it seems like a waste of money outside of huge games.


Edit: Just caught up to Assman’s post. I stand corrected. The precision required makes sense from a training standpoint. For the record, I love flyovers. Don’t know who’s in Austin that would be in the know, but I feel like my house is in the staging area (or whatever you military folks would call it), but I get badass flyovers at my house a couple times a month in Shady Hollow

2 hours ago, Homercles said:

Having grown up on USAF/USAFE bases, I can tell you that I have never heard anything as loud as the bone on burner.  We were living on Incirlik during OPC in the mid-90s, with all kinds of mud hens and Turkish F4s and C5s and even the NAOC with the old motors visited once...nothing came close to a B1 on departure 

I assume sr71 screamed like a mother, but how many people would know?  

well some people do know, because flyboys. 


  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Assman said:

 So for those of us that have spent literal years of our lives in Bumfuckastan, let us have our 30 seconds of glory over a football stadium.

I missed the part where you justified using any of the Spirit's 40000 hours per airframe on a flyover of an empty stadium anywhere other than Kansas City.  Can't do Chicago.  The wake vortex would make a joke of the heavy callsign for MDW and ORD traffic.  Maybe Nashville or Cincy.  Regardless, as a US taxpayer, using any of the remaining hours on the B-2s to fly over an empty stadium 2 hours from Whiteman is simply impossible to justify as part of any legitimate mission profile for training or type rating.

We have 20 of them.

They cost $1b a piece.

They are not replaceable.

The production line and the tooling were shut down and repurposed 23 years ago.

They were originally supposed to operate until 2058, but now they are supposed to be retired by 2032, as the B-21 Raider drone assumes their mission.  But the B-21 is still in development, and until it flies and proves it is fit for purpose, the B-2 remains the most important asset in our acknowledged arsenal.  The F-35 proves our 21st century track record is.... poor.

We very well may have black assets that can duplicate the B-2 mission.  But until those assets are acknowledged, the Spirits should not be used on joyrides except on anything other than very special occasions.  Like the Rose Bowl, or the Super Bowl, or the World Cup in '26.

Note: you can't use ICBMs to deliver conventional ordnance.  The Russian WOPR would not be happy.  And our hypersonic shit remains...... black.  Once you use it, cat's out of the bag.

So, no, i am going to begrudge your B-2 joyride.   ASSuming that ASSMAN is one of the 80 pilots that comprise the 509th.





the SR-72 lockheed "revelations" in the prior post exactly to the 1000th degree duplicate Sweetman's combined-cycle speculation(?) published 27 years ago.

it's as if the skunkers decided to run a false flag and just decided to use the idea and schematics lock, stock, and barrel 27 years later.



1 hour ago, stork642 said:

I knew Joe was a snug cocksucker but a little surprised at Troy.  Nothing like alienating 60-70% of your audience.  

Aikman makes one mild criticism of flyovers for the sake of humor and now 60% of his audience is alienated? Man, y'all are snowflakes.

  • Hook 'Em 1
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1 hour ago, Hagbard Celine said:

I missed the part where you justified using any of the Spirit's 40000 hours per airframe on a flyover of an empty stadium anywhere other than Kansas City.  Can't do Chicago.  The wake vortex would make a joke of the heavy callsign for MDW and ORD traffic.  Maybe Nashville or Cincy.  Regardless, as a US taxpayer, using any of the remaining hours on the B-2s to fly over an empty stadium 2 hours from Whiteman is simply impossible to justify as part of any legitimate mission profile for training or type rating.

We have 20 of them.

They cost $1b a piece.

They are not replaceable.

The production line and the tooling were shut down and repurposed 23 years ago.

They were originally supposed to operate until 2058, but now they are supposed to be retired by 2032, as the B-21 Raider drone assumes their mission.  But the B-21 is still in development, and until it flies and proves it is fit for purpose, the B-2 remains the most important asset in our acknowledged arsenal.  The F-35 proves our 21st century track record is.... poor.

We very well may have black assets that can duplicate the B-2 mission.  But until those assets are acknowledged, the Spirits should not be used on joyrides except on anything other than very special occasions.  Like the Rose Bowl, or the Super Bowl, or the World Cup in '26.

Note: you can't use ICBMs to deliver conventional ordnance.  The Russian WOPR would not be happy.  And our hypersonic shit remains...... black.  Once you use it, cat's out of the bag.

So, no, i am going to begrudge your B-2 joyride.   ASSuming that ASSMAN is one of the 80 pilots that comprise the 509th.


negative ghostrider

4 hours ago, stork642 said:

I knew Joe was a snug cocksucker but a little surprised at Troy.  Nothing like alienating 60-70% of your audience.  

That hasn't been a concern for a good while now...

16 hours ago, Zeus said:

They need training hours anyway, so they schedule to do the flyovers to not make waste of the training. 

This was such a fake hot-mic it's hilarious. "I'll tell you right now pardner' this won't be happening with Bidem Harris"

Hammer meet nail.

Completely planned and scripted.

  • Hook 'Em 1
17 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Jesus. The amount of “men” covering their ears in that photo is concerning.

Huh?  What?

Dude, I shoulda worn hearing protection in my ute.  Down 50% in both ears with differing tone tinnitus in both ears.  Loud mechanical noises are just brutal shrieks now.   Nothing wrong or unmanly with covering one’s ears.  

  • Hook 'Em 2
  • Like 2
Huh?  What?
Dude, I shoulda worn hearing protection in my ute.  Down 50% in both ears with differing tone tinnitus in both ears.  Loud mechanical noises are just brutal shrieks now.   Nothing wrong or unmanly with covering one’s ears.  

You need to man up!
  • Hook 'Em 1
  • Like 1
17 hours ago, StruggleBus said:

Flyovers are badass. You, Troy, and Joe all suck and like to fuck fat chicks. 

Flyovers are badass. You, Troy, and Joe all suck and like to fuck fat chicks. each other

13 hours ago, Lat22 said:

Who in the hell doesn't like flyovers?  They were sometimes the best part of many NASCAR races I attended.

Probably people who do not like NASCAR races

7 hours ago, ChampionshipLevelPiss said:

Aikman makes one mild criticism of flyovers for the sake of humor and now 60% of his audience is alienated? Man, y'all are snowflakes.

Aikman just stepped into a world he doesn’t want to be a part of.  Doesn’t matter what side he is on, just don’t talk political shit.  You’re going to offend about 50% of the people.  I guess T-roy is all in on the Hollywood deal.  What an idiot....


Welp, gotta boycott now.
NBA boycotted. Too opinionated and uppity.
NFL boycotted. Can't have Troy Aikman having an opinion.
Soccer. I know they didn't do anything but it's all vegetarian eurofags. Boycotted
NASCAR took Bubba's side. Boycotted

Anyone know anything about hockey?

  • Hook 'Em 2
  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Anyone know anything about hockey?

For some reason, half the games start with the Canadian National Anthem instead of Ours?  Fucking disgraceful!  

I think we can all get behind women's beach volleyball...


All kidding aside the proper response here is to take all of our NFL gear out to the backyard and shoot holes in it. Remember to film it for YouYube so we can show Troy, Joe and Roger just how angry and offended they've made us!

9 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

I missed the part where you justified using any of the Spirit's 40000 hours per airframe on a flyover of an empty stadium anywhere other than Kansas City.  Can't do Chicago.  The wake vortex would make a joke of the heavy callsign for MDW and ORD traffic.  Maybe Nashville or Cincy.  Regardless, as a US taxpayer, using any of the remaining hours on the B-2s to fly over an empty stadium 2 hours from Whiteman is simply impossible to justify as part of any legitimate mission profile for training or type rating.

We have 20 of them.

They cost $1b a piece.

They are not replaceable.

The production line and the tooling were shut down and repurposed 23 years ago.

They were originally supposed to operate until 2058, but now they are supposed to be retired by 2032, as the B-21 Raider drone assumes their mission.  But the B-21 is still in development, and until it flies and proves it is fit for purpose, the B-2 remains the most important asset in our acknowledged arsenal.  The F-35 proves our 21st century track record is.... poor.

We very well may have black assets that can duplicate the B-2 mission.  But until those assets are acknowledged, the Spirits should not be used on joyrides except on anything other than very special occasions.  Like the Rose Bowl, or the Super Bowl, or the World Cup in '26.

Note: you can't use ICBMs to deliver conventional ordnance.  The Russian WOPR would not be happy.  And our hypersonic shit remains...... black.  Once you use it, cat's out of the bag.

So, no, i am going to begrudge your B-2 joyride.   ASSuming that ASSMAN is one of the 80 pilots that comprise the 509th.


Sweet Jesus, put away the tin foil and crack pipe. 

I don't even know how to respond to this, but the bolded part made me LOL.  Wake vortex?  MDW and ORD traffic?  WTF?  Do you think the B-2 is just going to Leeroy Jenkins through the radar pattern, disregarding all regulations or ATC clearances?  If we're talking hypotheticals here, and if a B-2 were actually doing a flyover at Soldier Field, it'd be as easy as regional approach creating about 2 minutes of separation between the B-2 and any traffic in and out of MDW.  ORD is 20 miles away and a complete non-factor.  Wake turbulence isn't a concern either way.  Keep in mind Chicago's airspace sees aircraft that create much more wake turbulence than a B-2, like the A-380 which has literally rolled and totaled other aircraft while airborne.



  • Hook 'Em 4
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Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

Welp, gotta boycott now.
NBA boycotted. Too opinionated and uppity.
NFL boycotted. Can't have Troy Aikman having an opinion.
Soccer. I know they didn't do anything but it's all vegetarian eurofags. Boycotted
NASCAR took Bubba's side. Boycotted

Anyone know anything about hockey?

Brother let me tell ya about Kabbadi...



Edited by bad_teammate
5 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Brother let me tell ya about Kabbadi...




Holy shit! It's called Kabbadi. We were watching that at a bar in Camden Town London with another couple one night a few years ago and had no idea what it was or what was happening, but it was insane. Had no idea what it was called and they had the sound off. Totally forgot about that night. 

But either way I'm boycotting it because they look terroristy.


In completely unrelated news, the NFL is proud to announce that in the name of financial inclusion, the 2020 Playoffs will be brought to us by ICBC Bank.  These are the days! 

2 hours ago, deadshank said:

Huh?  What?

Dude, I shoulda worn hearing protection in my ute.  Down 50% in both ears with differing tone tinnitus in both ears.  Loud mechanical noises are just brutal shrieks now.   Nothing wrong or unmanly with covering one’s ears.  


That said, just jettison the no smoking ban and VOILA, instant ear plugs available at your feet.



1 hour ago, Bluemoon3287 said:

Aikman just stepped into a world he doesn’t want to be a part of.  Doesn’t matter what side he is on, just don’t talk political shit.  You’re going to offend about 50% of the people.  I guess T-roy is all in on the Hollywood deal.  What an idiot....

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, people have opinions! 

1 hour ago, BradInATX said:

Welp, gotta boycott now.
NBA boycotted. Too opinionated and uppity.
NFL boycotted. Can't have Troy Aikman having an opinion.
Soccer. I know they didn't do anything but it's all vegetarian eurofags. Boycotted
NASCAR took Bubba's side. Boycotted

Anyone know anything about hockey?


No boycott, just stopped watching/caring.  When I turn on a game it's to get away from the bullshit of political agendas.  Plenty of that to be found with the click of a button just about anywhere you choose.  I don't want to see MAGA or BLM on the field/court/whatever when I decide to get away from it all for 2 to 3 hours in the course of a week.  I know, crazy, right?

I know plenty of people on the left and the right who have just lost interest and the number is growing.

  • Hook 'Em 3
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Is didn’t hear the comment and don’t know if he said it in jest or was serious.  I know it was on accident the mic was hot.  I wonder how much fuel T-roy’s jet uses to travel to all of the games he announces 

3 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Jesus. The amount of “men” covering their ears in that photo is concerning.

Still pale to a 60 year-old guy wearing a jersey (even Colt's). 

He missed the cutoff by about 30 years. 

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