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The Robert Mueller Investigation

Hugo Stiglitz

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8 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

The new president will be sworn in and remove Donald Trump. It's just that simple.

But I really hope you're right. I'd love to see him try to stay. 

You think President Ivanka Kushner would be so hard hearted?

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15 minutes ago, LongestHorn said:

Approve legislation permitting POTUS third term, and Trump will sign it.  

Obama vs. Trump 


Aside from it not working like that, yeah, that's all we need. 2 guys who don't think Russia is the top geopolitical foe. 😃

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2 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

That Mueller conducted a thorough investigation and found sufficient evidence of wrongs to pursue an indictment, whether that would break precedent or not.

Mueller bailed. He left the hard work to a Congress that he (Mueller) knows won't act. 

You could be right. Neither of us hope that you are.

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21 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

Then it will be unwillingly. He'll be removed from office with a quickness on January 20th if he does not step down willingly. The new president will be sworn in and make the order.



14 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

please god let him resist.

When you guys put somebody in the car and you're protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over, like, don't hit their head and they've just killed somebody. Don't hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay?

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8 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

The new president will be sworn in and remove Donald Trump. It's just that simple.

But I really hope you're right. I'd love to see him try to stay. 

Doesn't Congress have to certify the results of the electoral college?  What would happen if McConnell and the Senate refuse on grounds of "suspected voting fraud"? 

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2 minutes ago, Grade of D as in David said:



When you guys put somebody in the car and you're protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over, like, don't hit their head and they've just killed somebody. Don't hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay?

Took me a second, but very nice.

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Just now, SimonBolivar said:

Lol if Trump loses he'll leave peacefully.  He may whine about fairness a bit, but he's not going to refuse to leave. 

Yeah, because Trump is known for following laws and norms when they conflict with his self-interest. 

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Just now, Mojo Hand said:

Yeah, because Trump is known for following laws and norms when they conflict with his self-interest. 

You have a point.  But you know what Trump is before all of that... A pussy.  He will leave.

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3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

And who would enforce that? 

someone could correct me, but i would think this would be some sort of judge signed court order delivered by several armed federal marshals.

once the election is lost, the loyalties will quickly disappear.  nobody is going to jail to try to physically help keep him in the white house.

not to mention the head of the secret service can control where his agents are.  and the new president will also be commander-in-chief of the military.

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4 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

someone could correct me, but i would think this would be some sort of judge signed court order delivered by several armed federal marshals.

once the election is lost, the loyalties will quickly disappear.  nobody is going to jail to try to physically help keep him in the white house.

not to mention the head of the secret service can control where his agents are.  and the new president will also be commander-in-chief of the military.

Probably right, but I can see the "loyalty" being to the party and not to the person (or so the argument would go). I can see some (countless???) members of Congress supporting Trump b/c they would be supporting the party.

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6 minutes ago, TexEx15 said:

You have a point.  But you know what Trump is before all of that... A pussy.  He will leave.

In “Trump’s mind” there will be 300 million people storming DC challenging the election demanding Trump to stay our President. We all love him and worship him. He’s the greatest leader in the history of the US. 

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10 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

Lol if Trump loses he'll leave peacefully.  He may whine about fairness a bit, but he's not going to refuse to leave. 

He'll run off to a safe distance like Mar A Lago and then post ridiculous bullshit like "Everyone is saying the election was illegal and that [INSERT LIB CRYHIPPIE] was actually born in [SCARY COUNTRY]. Change laws to allow third term?"


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1 minute ago, TornACL said:

He'll run off to a safe distance like Mar A Lago and then post ridiculous bullshit like "Everyone is saying the election was illegal and that [INSERT LIB CRYHIPPIE] was actually born in [SCARY COUNTRY]. Change laws to allow third term?"


this is the most likely scenario.  he'll leave, then whine and tweet incessantly while struggling to stay relevant until the sdny shows up.

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Just now, henrygandorf said:

this is the most likely scenario.  he'll leave, then whine and tweet incessantly while struggling to stay relevant until the sdny shows up.

Please 7 lb 8 oz sweet baby Jesus, please let the correctional system allow inmate Trump to tweetstorm from his cell. Amen.

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37 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

The issue is that messaging is more important politically than process.  Hillary was cleared by process, but lost because of messaging. 

Dems always think that the public will be swayed by a prudent, reasoned process approach.   That's why they lose so much.   The public largely doesn't understand the context of the Barr testimony.   The messaging they've gotten from the Dems that the Mueller report isn't enough to impeach, which makes any hearings seem like politically driven fishing expeditions rather than a grave responsibility compelled by Mueller's findings.   Barr's testimony in the House needs to be "First Hearing in the matter of the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump."  It's almost more important that it be called that than what happens at the hearing itself.

But it may already be too late.  IMO, Dems have totally fumbled the ball.   That said, opinions are like assholes, and I have no particular expertise.  Hopefully I'm wrong and the Dems are playing great chess here. 

I want to know more about how the Mueller team issued that statement when the Buzzfeed article came out about Trump suborning perjury with Cohen.  I bet that statement wasn’t Mueller’s idea.  It has Rod Rosenstein’s name all over it though.  

The administration was clearly worried the democrats were going to begin the impeachment process then.  Imagine where we would be now if they did? The democrats would be more in control with the Mueller Report right now too if the process was well under way.  

It’s depressing watching the democrats get played over and over again. 

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7 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

someone could correct me, but i would think this would be some sort of judge signed court order delivered by several armed federal marshals.

once the election is lost, the loyalties will quickly disappear.  nobody is going to jail to try to physically help keep him in the white house.

not to mention the head of the secret service can control where his agents are.  and the new president will also be commander-in-chief of the military.

If it happens, the scenario won't be "new president gets sworn in, Trump refuses to budge."  IMO, it would be something like Trump claims voter fraud, the GOP backs him, the electoral college vote doesn't get certified by Congress, the winner doesn't get sworn in, and Trump uses every power he has to hang on as long as possible. 

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24 minutes ago, TexEx15 said:

You have a point.  But you know what Trump is before all of that... A pussy.  He will leave.

He will leave, but he will not go quietly into the night. If it’s at the end of this term, you can be certain he will claim voter fraud and do everything he can to delay. 

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3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I want to know more about how the Mueller team issued that statement when the Buzzfeed article came out about Trump suborning perjury with Cohen.  I bet that statement wasn’t Mueller’s idea.  It has Rod Rosenstein’s name all over it though.  

The administration was clearly worried the democrats were going to begin the impeachment process then.  Imagine where we would be now if they did? The democrats would be more in control with the Mueller Report right now too if the process was well under way.  

It’s depressing watching the democrats get played over and over again. 

But that report wasn't actually accurate, right?   It would have done more damage to start impeachment based on a false story. 

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3 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

The fact that people here are debating whether or not Trump would peacefully leave office, shows the level of delusion present. Come back down to planet Earth people. 

Delusional Trump supporter thinks it's everyone else who is delusional.   News at 11.

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2 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

The fact that people here are debating whether or not Trump would peacefully leave office, shows the level of delusion present. Come back down to planet Earth people. 

He threw a tantrum and accused the left of voter fraud and illegal voting in the 2016 election because he lost the popular vote. And that's when he won.

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3 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

The fact that people here are debating whether or not Trump would peacefully leave office, shows the level of delusion present. Come back down to planet Earth people. 

Over/under on the number of times Donald Trump talks about a rigged election in the lead up to 2020.

More or fewer than in 2016?

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5 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

But that report wasn't actually accurate, right?   It would have done more damage to start impeachment based on a false story. 

It was proved more accurate than false according to Cohen’s testimony where he says he was directed in mob boss code to lie to congress and Trump’s attorneys were working to alter his testimony. 


Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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29 minutes ago, Asithappens said:

Probably right, but I can see the "loyalty" being to the party and not to the person (or so the argument would go). 

Not among the LE community (Secret Service, FBI, etc.).  They're not going to support Trump in an attempt to stay in power.

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6 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

google "what if trump won't leave" and there are plenty of articles and conversations.  it's not like we imagined the notion, it was brought up a couple months ago in some interview (i can't remember who said it).


Oh I’m not saying it’s confined to here. Just kind of disappointed to see it. 

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If he gets two terms, he'll leave and then yell on twitter for his remaining days.

If he loses in 2020, it is not a crazy conversation to discuss whether or not he would leave.  He's never admitted failure in his life.  He can't even admit stupid shit like accidentally calling Apple's CEO "Tim Apple."  You think he's going to publicly, peacefully, and uncontroversially admit defeat on the largest scale imaginable?  Color me skeptical.

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Just now, GRHorn said:

Oh I’m not saying it’s confined to here. Just kind of disappointed to see it. 

Why would he leave willingly?  We've made it very clear that as long as he is president, he is out of legal jeopardy.  The second he leaves office he's likely to be indicted.

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Just now, Biff Tannen said:

Why would he leave willingly?  We've made it very clear that as long as he is president, he is out of legal jeopardy.  The second he leaves office he's likely to be indicted.

Based on what?

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1 minute ago, Chuckie Finster said:

If he gets two terms, he'll leave and then yell on twitter for his remaining days.

If he loses in 2020, it is not a crazy conversation to discuss whether or not he would leave.  He's never admitted failure in his life.  He can't even admit stupid shit like accidentally calling Apple's CEO "Tim Apple."  You think he's going to publicly, peacefully, and uncontroversially admit defeat on the largest scale imaginable?  Color me skeptical.

but he admitted why the slot machines broke down on the first day.  they were too fucking hot!!!


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Just now, henrygandorf said:

the 14 open investigations and the ola policy being lifted.

sorry, was that a serious question?

It's a bit tiring having to re-state shit that is obvious and publicly known to the trumpkins, especially when they are just going to ask the same question again a few days later.

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