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The Robert Mueller Investigation

Hugo Stiglitz

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Update on that subpoena of a foreign state owned business:


Supreme Court releases censored appeal by foreign government in mystery Mueller case


"WASHINGTON — An unidentified foreign government is asking the Supreme Court to get involved in a case that may be part of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

The justices on Tuesday granted the government's request to file a censored version of an appeal to the high court in which the country is fighting a grand jury subpoena and a $50,000-a-day fine for not complying with the subpoena.

The appeal doesn't identify the country, a company it controls or even the lawyers who are representing it. But the appeal says the justices should make clear that a federal law that generally protects foreign governments from civil lawsuits in the U.S. also shields them in criminal cases.


A three-judge panel of the federal appeals court in Washington had in December upheld the issuance of the subpoena and a contempt order issued by a district court judge when the company, identified only as wholly owned by a foreign country, failed to comply.

The country says that the appellate ruling would upset foreign relations in a big way if allowed to stand. It says the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia is "the first appellate court in American history to exercise criminal jurisdiction over a foreign state."

The country says it is immune from being subpoenaed under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and that complying would require it to violate its own laws.

The U.S. government has until Feb. 21 to respond to the appeal. An uncensored, sealed version of the appeal also has been filed with the court.

Both Politico and The Washington Post have reported that the subpoena apparently relates to the Mueller investigation."


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3 hours ago, SubliminalHorn said:

Well if I see a thread I don’t care about, I don’t drive by trolling proclaiming how much I don’t care about it’s content. It’s just a little strange. 

There's a Hillary thread somewhere that they've ceremoniously beat off to for longer than Trump has been president.  Personally, I'm enjoying the House sweep job of the poor pub hacks.  Loving how this is developing and stringing along until 2020 when Pub Senators and Dotard face reelection.  

Edited by Mdhorn
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9 hours ago, triplehorn said:

Update on that subpoena of a foreign state owned business:


Supreme Court releases censored appeal by foreign government in mystery Mueller case


"WASHINGTON — An unidentified foreign government is asking the Supreme Court to get involved in a case that may be part of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

The justices on Tuesday granted the government's request to file a censored version of an appeal to the high court in which the country is fighting a grand jury subpoena and a $50,000-a-day fine for not complying with the subpoena.

The appeal doesn't identify the country, a company it controls or even the lawyers who are representing it. But the appeal says the justices should make clear that a federal law that generally protects foreign governments from civil lawsuits in the U.S. also shields them in criminal cases.


A three-judge panel of the federal appeals court in Washington had in December upheld the issuance of the subpoena and a contempt order issued by a district court judge when the company, identified only as wholly owned by a foreign country, failed to comply.

The country says that the appellate ruling would upset foreign relations in a big way if allowed to stand. It says the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia is "the first appellate court in American history to exercise criminal jurisdiction over a foreign state."

The country says it is immune from being subpoenaed under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and that complying would require it to violate its own laws.

The U.S. government has until Feb. 21 to respond to the appeal. An uncensored, sealed version of the appeal also has been filed with the court.

Both Politico and The Washington Post have reported that the subpoena apparently relates to the Mueller investigation."


What a fucking mess. What happens if the supreme Court upholds the lower court's decision? We go to war? Freeze all assets related to that country? You know, it's times like this where it would be nice to not have an idiot president who shits all over our allies. 

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Just now, Pig Bellmont said:

Doesn’t Cohen’s refusal to testify citing threats make a stronger case that the president committed witness tampering?

There have been at least a dozen examples of witness tampering.  

Obstruction of justice is the most open and shut case against Trump IMO.

The thing is, criminals obstruct justice because sometimes it works.

It’s working for Trump.

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10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

There have been at least a dozen examples of witness tampering.  

Obstruction of justice is the most open and shut case against Trump IMO.

The thing is, criminals obstruct justice because sometimes it works.

It’s working for Trump.

It's not. Cohen will have to testify. He can't not testify.

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Image result for nra meeting in russia

Image result for nra meeting in russia

Image result for nra meeting in russia


Torshin leaves parliament to become deputy governor of Russia's Central Bank; Butina becomes his assistant.

Butina and Torshin attend an NRA convention in Nashville; Torshin says he met Donald Trump there. Butina questions Trump at Freedomfest gun show in Las Vegas.

NRA delegation visits Moscow on Butina's invitation, meets Torshin, oligarchs, top officials.

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1 hour ago, Hank Kingsley said:


Do not bite. 

Apart from whether this is true or not, fundamentally it's an attempt by a bunch of criminals to drive and steer actions and reactions on their desired timeline.  This strikes me as similar to the leaks to Buzzfeed around Trump suborning perjury from Cohen 5 days ago.  This minute, there is a shit ton far more serious criminality enveloping a lot of people being nailed down than this Cohen/Trump directed play.  

These back to back stories in close succession should be a signal to Congress in particular that it needs to keep its powder extra dry, and do its work independent of shiny surprise bait.


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5 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

Do not bite. 

Apart from whether this is true or not, fundamentally it's an attempt by a bunch of criminals to drive and steer actions and reactions on their desired timeline.  This strikes me as similar to the leaks to Buzzfeed around Trump suborning perjury from Cohen 5 days ago.  This minute, there is a shit ton far more serious criminality enveloping a lot of people being nailed down than this Cohen/Trump directed play.  

These back to back stories in close succession should be a signal to Congress in particular that it needs to keep its powder extra dry, and do its work independent of shiny surprise bait.


Yeah, but the country is currently under attack from a weaponized moron.

Might want to tackle that issue sooner rather than later.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Yeah, but the country is currently under attack by a weaponized moron.

Might want to tackle that issue sooner rather than later.

That's all plainly obvious, but staring in the wrong place.

It's Mitch.  Over there.

The dam breaks, all of it, if and when Mueller unseals on RNC/Congress people.  That, of course, sweeps up TrumpCo in a torrent.

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Just now, triplehorn said:

That's all plainly obvious, but staring in the wrong place.

It's Mitch.  Over there.

The dam breaks, all of it, if and when Mueller unseals on RNC/Congress people.  That, of course, sweeps up TrumpCo in a torrent.

Your wishful thinking is adorable but these GOP guys know what they’re doing.  They are professionals at avoiding accountability.

This is political warfare, not legal warfare. 

The dems are currently losing by slow rolling or deciding not to fight.

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9 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Your wishful thinking is adorable but these GOP guys know what they’re doing.  They are professionals at avoiding accountability.

This is political warfare, not legal warfare. 

The dems are currently losing by slow rolling or deciding not to fight.

- Your first line kind of makes my point.  Trump has been doing this in plain view from the start.  It doesn't make a shit to Mitch, and unfortunately that's all that ultimately matters.  You penetrate Congressional GOP complicity, by legal means, and it all comes apart.

- Your second line is a cautionary tale on having your own momentum used against you.  A lot has been accomplished by Mueller, and a lot of people will still be going to prison - as you believe...or do you?  On second thought, you've previously been non-committal (twilight of TOS?) about direct Trump knowledge/coordination w RUS around the election attack.  The chaos is getting deliberately ramped high right now out of sheer fear and desperation.  It's really dawning on the cornered conspirators there's no way out.

- On the third, the Dems are neither losing nor capitulating.

I agree that this level of disturbance is not sustainable, but acting prematurely or in a disconnected way could be very damaging to the potential scale of end results.  Untimely and uncoordinated responses are what are being rapidly provoked right now, by design.  So far, so good, in not fucking it up.

I've held the belief for well over a year that there are dozens of sealed indictments stemming from Mueller's work that are standing in the silo, ready to go.  They've had their finger on the button a long time.  I trust their timing and decision making above everyone else's.  Don't doubt them.

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I can see why slow roll makes sense with Trump to ensure the net is cast wide and will hold in whatever fish are caught. 

But if there are all those sealed indictments on Mitch, Jr, etc, why wait on those? The evidence must be in for him to have indicated them, so what more is gained by waiting for the smaller fish.

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31 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

- Your first line kind of makes my point.  Trump has been doing this in plain view from the start.  It doesn't make a shit to Mitch, and unfortunately that's all that ultimately matters.  You penetrate Congressional GOP complicity, by legal means, and it all comes apart.

- Your second line is a cautionary tale on having your own momentum used against you.  A lot has been accomplished by Mueller, and a lot of people will still be going to prison - as you believe...or do you?  On second thought, you've previously been non-committal (twilight of TOS?) about direct Trump knowledge/coordination w RUS around the election attack.  The chaos is getting deliberately ramped high right now out of sheer fear and desperation.  It's really dawning on the cornered conspirators there's no way out.

- On the third, the Dems are neither losing nor capitulating.

I agree that this level of disturbance is not sustainable, but acting prematurely or in a disconnected way could be very damaging to the potential scale of end results.  Untimely and uncoordinated responses are what are being rapidly provoked right now, by design.  So far, so good, in not fucking it up.

I've held the belief for well over a year that there are dozens of sealed indictments stemming from Mueller's work that are standing in the silo, ready to go.  They've had their finger on the button a long time.  I trust their timing and decision making above everyone else's.  Don't doubt them.

I don’t doubt Mueller but you have to understand regardless of what Mueller produces, Democrats will HAVE to act in Congress.  They don’t have to interfere with Mueller but they should be setting the tone on how serious this shit is NOW.  They can take it as slow or fast as they want, there is more than enough material to work with. They can start painting a great narrative just on what Mueller has already produced alone.  

They need to get the ball rolling and capture the national conversation so we’re not talking about some MAGA kids in Kentucky, or Rudy, or walls, or whatever distraction is running when Mueller drops the hammer.

People need to understand this isn’t about nailing Trump, it’s about defending ourselves and our democracy from foreign threats.   

I hate to harken back to the active measures stuff but the goal isn’t to get people to react, it’s ultimately to get people to do nothing and it looks like doing nothing is winning. 


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1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Your wishful thinking is adorable but these GOP guys know what they’re doing.  They are professionals at avoiding accountability.

If the GOP guys knew what they were doing, they wouldn’t be scared shitless and acting guilty as fuck.  They are acting like protecting and appeasing Trump is more important than winning re-election.  That is not the typical act of a member of Congress - their first priority is always to protect their next re-election bid.  

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