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2 hours ago, udaydanceparty said:

I think it's closer to the "9-11 was an inside job!" and "Saddam has WMDs" stories Hugo was filling message boards with previously.  He'll jump on another one once this one loses steam.  He's  tempering expectations and even bothered to change his avatar so even he's starting to realize it's close to over.


You know what they say, "they don't pay off on the ponies at the turn."

2 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

this cat has been inactive since october 29, and he shows up today with this shit.

did we lose anyone recently? i'll have to take a look later unless the surly investigation unit (TM) determines anything before i can.

Maybe my memory is shit — and it is — but I seem to recall Trump’s defense here occurring in shifts: Orca of Peace for a couple weeks, then NameWithHeld for a couple, then udaydanceparty, then Chrispy, on and on. The inconsistency seems sketchy as shit. 


Unless it happened at the Saudi Embassy, I'd say Avenatti's presidential aspirations are largely dead. I mean, we can't have a president that assaults women now can we?

Sorry for Avenatti's ex. Abuse is a terrible thing, and that's no shit.


Informative segment here with former FBI Dir Counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, and Rep. Swalwell.  Everything that I've heard from Schiff, Lieu, Nadler, and Swalwell indicate they've got a detailed approach for the drive at oversight and investigation goals and no shortage of level determination. 

and Nicole Wallace is the full package:




Of particular note above, check what Swalwell says starting 4:55 about specifically where HSCI is going to "fill in the gaps where they extist"


- "Money laundering that may have gone through the Trump Organization"

- "Understanding the full extent of the June 9th Trump Tower meeting" 

- "Understand Michael Cohen's relationship with Russian Americans who were trying to connect Donald Trump and Putin during the primary."

The "during the primary" sounds pretty specific.  Like they already know when and what kind of connections were occurring kind of specific.  And money laundering through Trump Org ?  



- "immediately seek to protect Mueller investigation so no one like Matt Whitaker or someone else can come in and shut down the investigation."

On the Whitaker note, HJC chair Nadler already signaled this week that "Whitaker will be their very first witness" summoned to HJC - something for Whitaker to ponder beginning now with every move he makes.  He already will likely have to answer to the sundry shady shit he's been involved with previously.

The House is going to be going public with a lot of revelatory information that in every way Mueller has not for the past two years.  That's a looming massive shift.


Jeff Flake has triggered the Trumpers.

Some gems:

Somebody needs to tell that petty little dick that his legislation is grossly unconstitutional and will be struck down, with haste, by the federal court.
Posted by Shiftyplus1 iconSaints.gif on 11/14/18 at 5:22 pm to HailHailtoMichigan!
What a piece of shit. Just another example of the kind of obstructionist BS that has always plagued the GOP and not the DNC. A weakness that needs to go away if the Republicans ever want to consistently beat the Dems.
Posted by LSUTIGER in TEXAS iconastros.png online on 11/14/18 at 5:27 pm to HailHailtoMichigan!
Time for GEOTUS to drop some “anonymous” dirt on flake to snap his ass back into line. Not all of it, but trump needs to smack this little bitch around so all the others know not to step outta line. Get Flakey on the defense and end his grand standing like anyone actually gives a fuck what that cuck has to say
Posted by redandright on 11/14/18 at 5:27 pm to HailHailtoMichigan!
McConnell can always bring the nominations to the floor, and have Pence break the tie. 

Since there won't be any high profile nominations in the lame duck, Trump will probably get most if not all of his picks confirmed. 

Flake is such a maroon.
Posted by CleverUserName iconMissSt.gif online on 11/14/18 at 5:27 pm to HailHailtoMichigan!
Why are these cucks so worried about Mueller?? Has Trump said he intends to shut it down? No he hasn’t. 

Everytime Trump appoints someone it’s “oh god! He’s firing Mueller!” Trump could appoint a new secretary of education and it’s “that’s it! He’s going to fire mueller!”  

He said he needs to wrap it up.. and he freaking does. If there is nothing but process crimes there is NOTHING.  

This abomination is costing millions and is based on fake intelligence. But Flake isn’t concerned about that. 
Posted by Nguyener iconUNO.gif on 11/14/18 at 5:27 pm to HailHailtoMichigan!
I bet this dude embezzles money for his fake spray tans
This is an act of treason. Not for voting against Trump nominees. But because in reality, unprovable in court, he is trying to prevent the imprisonment of countless deep state traitors. He is doing this so that Trump will lose and the forces to bring down the USA will win.
Posted by cajunangelle iconNavy.gif on 11/14/18 at 5:25 pm to HailHailtoMichigan!
wow, he wants to take his ball and run home. frick him he should explain why he wants to stop honest Bob-he can't, so he will be a baby and try to form a cry baby coalition and challenge Trump. 

Frick Paul Ryan as well, while I am at it.

This is an act of treason. Not for voting against Trump nominees. But because in reality, unprovable in court, he is trying to prevent the imprisonment of countless deep state traitors. He is doing this so that Trump will lose and the forces to bring down the USA will win.

This dude is a Michigan grad?  That's a fucking great school.  And . . . this?

6 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

Isn’t Whitaker likely a recusal possibility?

Given that he was installed as Trump's stooge to interfere with the investigation, no.  On Earth 2, though, he would be recusing himself.  Hell, he would be a twentieth year associate at an ambulance chaser firm on Earth 2.

1 hour ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

This dude is a Michigan grad?  That's a fucking great school.  And . . . this?

Maybe he was only admitted there due to his swimming prowess 

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Feinstein et al are firing back against the OLC's opinion. I learned a couple things, such as the OLC's argument that serving at AG without confirmation has precedent - what OLC left out is that the AG served unconfirmed for only 6 days and it was the year after the civil war. Posted the letter below in spoilers if you don't want to click through


“The Office of Legal Counsel opinion released yesterday attempts to justify the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general. By relying exclusively on the Vacancies Reform Act and twisting the plain language of the Constitution, the opinion’s argument is fatally flawed.

“First, there’s already a statute that lays out what should happen when the attorney general’s position becomes vacant: the Justice Department’s own succession law, which authorizes the deputy attorney general to exercise the attorney general’s powers and provides for a line of Senate-confirmed successors if the deputy attorney general is unable to exercise the attorney general’s duties. This specific statute’s language should prevail over the more general provisions of the Vacancies Reform Act.

“Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general selected by President Trump, is in place, has been confirmed and is next in line. President Trump purposefully skipped him and every other individual who meets these conditions.

“Second, the Constitution requires that any principal officer must be confirmed by the Senate. OLC itself could uncover only one case in which an individual who wasn’t Senate confirmed ever served as acting attorney general, and that was for six days in 1866—the year after the Civil War ended, four years before the Justice Department’s founding and a century before the DOJ succession law was enacted.

“The reason for our government’s consistent practice with respect to the nation’s chief law enforcement officer since then is simple: For more than a century, the executive branch has understood, and Congress has agreed, that the attorney general, including one serving in an acting capacity, is a principal officer who must be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

“Finally, the context of Whitaker’s appointment is critical. The president, who under the Constitution must take care that laws are faithfully executed, is trying to use a convoluted legal argument to bypass Congress and embed a political operative to serve his own interests.

“There should be bipartisan concern that this will embolden the future use of temporary appointments for illegitimate purposes. That’s not what the framers or Congress intended. The attorney general must be Senate confirmed, plain and simple. This can’t be allowed to stand.”

Honestly, it's a pretty solid argument against Whitaker's appointment that is going to be tough to argue against in court by the trump admin.

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As often as Julian Assange developments are disappointing, I think this might be the real deal. 

Looking back at the Assange thread there were some developments at the end of August which was just before Mueller went dark for the 60 days before the election.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, you just have to laugh at Giuliani saying, “We’re not going to incriminate ourselves by answering your questions.” 

It’s about as close to pleading the 5th as you can get.



Edited by Hugo Stiglitz


I was content with this probe taking down the slime of a Manafort and Cohen, knocking off some Russians, Papadumbfuck, etc.  But the latest news with Stone, Wikileaks, and Guliani's bullshit - these questions may create some issues with me - have me hoping that Mueller goes nuclear.

1 minute ago, Pig Bellmont said:

So sometime between now and 11/26...

I don't take a ten day extension there to mean that it applies to Mueller dropping the hammer.  Just that they are still working through some things and they will have them ironed out by then

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Sure seems like a lot of toppings for a nothingburger. 

I'll have some grilled Zwaan, fresh Papadopoulus, spicy Pinedo, and crisp Kilimnik on my triple meat liberal Whataburger, please. 

Edited by bolverk
Oh, and don't forget two slices of Manafort cheese. Thanks!
  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Tuco said:

I think it’s pointless to indict family members on federal crimes until you release the full report.

If they've committed a crime, indict them.  That's the only standard Mueller should care about. 

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If they've committed a crime, indict them.  That's the only standard Mueller should care about. 

I suspect that some of them have committed numerous crimes repeatedly. And its a treasonous look to pardon your own children. Make Donald do it.
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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Eskimohorn said:


I suspect that some of them have committed numerous crimes repeatedly. And its a treasonous look to pardon your own children. Make Donald do it.


Yep. Pardon Don Jr.  I fucking dare you.   That's political poison, and it's gonna be REAL hard for McConnell and the rest of the usual dipshits to defend it on my TV on Sunday morning.  And much, much harder on the campaign trail. 

Edited by Gil Bang
  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

Yep. Pardon Don Jr.  I fucking dare you.   That's political poison, and it's gonna be REAL hard for McConnell and the rest of the usual dipshits to defend it on my TV on Sunday morning.  And much, much harder on the campaign trail. 

You realize, they'll support trump no matter what he does. They're tied to the mast at this point. 

4 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

Yep. Pardon Don Jr.  I fucking dare you.   That's political poison, and it's gonna be REAL hard for McConnell and the rest of the usual dipshits to defend it on my TV on Sunday morning.  And much, much harder on the campaign trail. 

For McConnell and the rest of the dipshits, all you would get from a pardon of Junior would be furrowed brows and concern.


On the campaign trail, it would be celebrated.  

Yep, I do indeed.  
But, the public will see through the bullshit.  At least enough of them will to make a difference at the polls. 

LOLZ, the “normal” public HAS BEEN SEEING through the bullshit...since day one...and before day one.

The other dumb fucks, it’s doesn’t matter...it just doesn’t matter. Nothing will change their minds now, Dotard is their dear leader.

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