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The Robert Mueller Investigation

Hugo Stiglitz

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13 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


Our decline as a nation tracks perfectly with the decline of attractiveness of a woman necessary to get a man to sell out his country.

We used to be a country so great that it took a hottie like Anna Chapman to convince a man to betray the USA.  Now, a mediocre chick like Butina can get him to hand over the keys to the kingdom.  Before long, we'll have GOP leaders handing over the last pieces of our country at the behest of Marla Hooch.


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1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:

There's a pee tape.


The Dossier would have been so much more influential if the golden showers part was left out or put at the end. 

The pee-tape overshadows all the criminal activity outlined in the subsequent sections of the Dossier.

Also, the sections describing the atmosphere and thinking inside the Kremlin don’t get enough love.  That intelligence reporting is incredible.

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10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


The Dossier would have been so much more influential if the golden showers part was left out or put at the end. 

The pee-tape overshadows all the criminal activity outlined in the subsequent sections of the Dossier.

Also, the sections describing the atmosphere and thinking inside the Kremlin don’t get enough love.  That intelligence reporting is incredible.


It's piss.

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35 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

There's a pee tape.

And everyone that voted for him must be forced to watch it when it comes out.  I know most of the repressed evangelical freaks will be down for it, but the otherwise low information Independent voters that broke for Trump because "it doesn't really matter anyway" must have a three watch minimum.  Primetime national broadcast on all the major networks, cable news channels, and CMT.  

I'll argue the dossier is more influential and a bigger story to Joe Sixpack voter because of the pee tape in the long run.  The super sensational part of a serious intelligence piece that slowly trickles out (intended) is just the thing to drive home the point that we have a fucking President that is a Russian asset.  It's so unbelievable that we are in this situation that only something so crazy can get the 40% attention.  "No way that's true!" they say. Bullshit, we even having him enjoying pissplay with some underage hookers in Moscow. The guy is truly a sick fuck and there's tape, of course he would sell out his own country.   

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8 minutes ago, Dertyberd said:

And everyone that voted for him must be forced to watch it when it comes out.  I know most of the repressed evangelical freaks will be down for it, but the otherwise low information Independent voters that broke for Trump because "it doesn't really matter anyway" must have a three watch minimum.  Primetime national broadcast on all the major networks, cable news channels, and CMT.  

I'll argue the dossier is more influential and a bigger story to Joe Sixpack voter because of the pee tape in the long run.  The super sensational part of a serious intelligence piece that slowly trickles out (intended) is just the thing to drive home the point that we have a fucking President that is a Russian asset.  It's so unbelievable that we are in this situation that only something so crazy can get the 40% attention.  "No way that's true!" they say. Bullshit, we even having him enjoying pissplay with some underage hookers in Moscow. The guy is truly a sick fuck and there's tape, of course he would sell out his own country.   

Fawk that sheiiiiit Cletus! Thems tapes can be photey shooped and stuffs! Just like thems cg and i's on them transformations movies that never wins no Oscars cuz of thems gawd damns libruls!

Edited by Junior Miller
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7 minutes ago, retread said:

You'd think the 40% would be swayed by Cheeto taking Putin's word at Helsinki over our intelligence community. But that wasn't even a blip on their radar.

They can justify it because most of the words were over their heads during Helsinki, they can say he was just posturing, or they can choose not to watch it.  The pee tape will be on every Hollywood Reporter/Current Affair/Access Hollywood type show where they get most of their news.  

Edited by Dertyberd
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1 minute ago, Junior Miller said:

Fawk that sheiiiiit Cletus! Thems tapes can be photey shooped and stuffs! 

And there will be show after show on American trash TV proving they're real.  It would be the only thing I can think of that would keep a news cycle going and proving all the other horrible stuff he's done is real.   An embarrassing and, more importantly, emasculating moment that can actually get the attention of the average American.  

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8 minutes ago, Dertyberd said:

And there will be show after show on American trash TV proving they're real.  It would be the only thing I can think of that would keep a news cycle going and proving all the other horrible stuff he's done is real.   An embarrassing and, more importantly, emasculating moment that can actually get the attention of the average American.  

Amurican TVs???? That's them there deeps states tryin' ta beeeeeesmurch the name of the great fur.. uh, presidents Trump! It's all one of them there conspeeerosys! 

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2 hours ago, HenryJames said:


For those who didn't read the article...


Four people spoke with McClatchy on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of information shared by their foreign intelligence connections. Each obtained their information independently from foreign intelligence connections.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, declined to comment about the electronic evidence.




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2 hours ago, Dertyberd said:

They can justify it because most of the words were over their heads during Helsinki, they can say he was just posturing, or they can choose not to watch it.  The pee tape will be on every Hollywood Reporter/Current Affair/Access Hollywood type show where they get most of their news.  

But even Comey admitted that the Dossier was salacious and unverified.

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Natasha Bertrand:

Steele dossier on Cohen and Prague: “The agenda comprised questions on how deniable cash payments were to be made to hackers who had worked in Europe under Kremlin direction against the CLINTON campaign and various contingencies for covering up these operations.”


Marcy Wheeler:

Mueller has had Cohen's phones since April 9 (and probably got the metadata and location before that). If Cohen was in Prague, Mueller knew that when he said Cohen was very cooperative with the investigation.

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50 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

Are you disputing the claim?

To be honest, nothing at this point would surprise me. Pee pee tape in play. 


But Cohen is still disputing the Prague claim. And he has no reason to lay cover at this point for Trump.


If you want me on record, Cohen to Prague didn't happen. 

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We know Russia was interfering in the election in favor of Trump.  That is no longer in question.  

Interfering meaning,  hacking the Ds and a coordinated social media campaign against HRC.  

At this point there is nothing we KNOW that states they hacked voting machines or were in cahoots with Trump.

But 100% they were running a campaign to effect th election, that is an absolute given at this point.

So what’s Trump worried about when it comes to investigating the Russian interference?

If he had nothing to do with it, why isn’t he 100% behind the investigation and transparent and leading the charge for more sanctions and holding Putin accountable?

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