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The Robert Mueller Investigation

Hugo Stiglitz

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It's a great reality show but until we hear the direct link to Trump (yes, at this point there are a zillion ASSUMED direct links) that implicate him and Muller can send him to a Turkish prison for the rest of his life I am going to pump the breaks on any celebrations. 

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28 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:

It's a great reality show but until we hear the direct link to Trump (yes, at this point there are a zillion ASSUMED direct links) that implicate him and Muller can send him to a Turkish prison for the rest of his life I am going to pump the breaks on any celebrations. 

What would a direct link look like?  

If you can’t answer this question, how will you know a direct link when one is presented to you? 

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1 hour ago, SubliminalHorn said:

I’m not a lawyer, but that seems like a bad idea, no?

I'd assume most of these guys know they are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and Mueller has the goods. Their belief is only way to avoid jail time is via politics and pleading their case publicly in hopes of Trumpkins being on the jury.

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5 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:


When the FBI does a raid at 1600 Pennsylvania ave..................

speaking of.

what are we going to do with that building.  we have to know it is chock full of russian gear.  can we ever hope to find it all or do we burn the place and build over.  a nice mcdonalds or dennys combover would be kind of nice.

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1 minute ago, yaqdum said:

speaking of.

what are we going to do with that building.  we have to know it is chock full of russian gear.  can we ever hope to find it all or do we burn the place and build over.  a nice mcdonalds or dennys combover would be kind of nice.

Build a wall around it and make it Trump’s prison.  Tourists can come by and visit America’s greatest mistake.

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1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

For the Russians, you have to go with Trump as their hero. He has accomplished more for the Kremlin than any single Soviet during the Cold War.  There should be Trump statues erected in Red Square.

For Putin, the thrill of the high will come nowhere close to the devastation of the fall.  And that crash would not have been nearly as possible had Trump lost the election.


And Congress is not asleep in this affair, especially wrt Vlad:



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1 minute ago, triplehorn said:

For Putin, the thrill of the high will come nowhere close to the devastation of the fall.  And that crash would not have been nearly as possible had Trump lost the election.


And Congress is not asleep in this affair, especially wrt Vlad:



As long as Putin is breathing, he’s winning.

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19 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

For Putin, the thrill of the high will come nowhere close to the devastation of the fall.  And that crash would not have been nearly as possible had Trump lost the election.


And Congress is not asleep in this affair, especially wrt Vlad:



It will be hilarious if FATCA brings down Deutsche Bank and DOTUS.  The R's have been wanting to repeal it for 8 years.

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10 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

He'd have to do some affirmative act.  Mere knowledge isn't going to get the job done.

Did you watch Trump on the campaign trail?  He was pushing the Wikileaks emails while protecting Russia by denying it was them the entire time.

If advance knowledge can be proven, that makes him an overt co-conspirator working on behalf of a foreign country to defraud the voters of the United States.

That’s a smoking gun. 

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Recall, this stuff has been out there all along:


Also, Schiff is squarely over the target.

from last Spring:

"Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) criticized Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee on Friday for refusing to issue a subpoena for Donald Trump Jr.'s phone records to determine whether he received permission from his father to meet with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower.

Schiff told The Washington Post that a blocked number in Trump Jr.'s phone records, recorded right after he set up the specifics of the Trump Tower meeting, could belong to President Trump. But he said that Republicans on the committee refused to issue a subpoena to determine the identity of the blocked caller."




Edited by triplehorn
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17 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

“Russia, if you're listening..."

A way Russian operatives often operate is communicating overtly through the media.  

The agents that are also journalists/media will communicate in their published writings but no one notices because it’s just part of the story.  

Butina did some of this.  Doing it this way alleviates the need for the normal cloak and dagger spy shit and gives the agent plausible deniability cover.

Russian officials also send signals through their public statements sometimes.

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1 minute ago, Fondren & Main said:

This place is more delusional than College Station.  It’s great comedy.  I love it.

And there is a lot more.to come. 


Only thing....you and a handful think it is delusional. But then again Orwell warned us about you. 

Have a great day F&M. 

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7 minutes ago, Homercles said:


How so?


Well, you see Texags believes that Donald Trump is a demi-god sent from on high to use the US military to eradicate a super-duper secret children sex/cannibalism ring and will arrest every prominent member of the democratic party and have them executed after the military tribunals.

So yeah, I guess I can see how pouring through the weekly indictments is similar.

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In the very unlikely event that Trump doesn't pardon Stone, will he miss swinging in prison? On the bright side, there should be enough muscle types to keep his dance card full:

.... the Stones had apparently run personal ads in a magazine calledLocal Swing Feverand on a Web site that had been set up with Nydia’s credit card. “Hot, insatiable lady and her handsome body builder husband, experienced swingers, seek similar couples or exceptional muscular . . . single men,” the ad on the Web site stated. The ads sought athletes and military men, while discouraging overweight candidates, and included photographs of the Stones. At the time, Stone claimed that he had been set up by a “very sick individual,” but he was forced to resign from Dole’s campaign. Stone acknowledged to me that the ads were authentic. “When that whole thing hit the fan in 1996, the reason I gave a blanket denial was that my grandparents were still alive,” he said. “I’m not guilty of hypocrisy. I’m a libertarian and alibertine.”

A sign inside the front door of Miami Velvet, a night club of sorts in a warehouse-style building a few minutes from the airport, states, “If sexual activity offends you in any way, do not enter the premises.” At first glance, though, the scene inside looks like a nineteen-eighties disco, with a bar, Madonna at high volume, flashing lights, a stripper’s pole, and a dancer’s cage. But a flat-screen television on the wall plays porn videos, and many clubgoers disappear into locker rooms and emerge wearing towels. From there, some of them go into a lounge, a Jacuzzi room, or one of about half a dozen private rooms to have sex—with their dates or with new acquaintances. Miami Velvet is the leading “swingers’ club” in Miami, and Roger Stone took me there ...


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All of Trump world seems to forget that Mueller has all the receipts, phone records, emails, text messages, metadata, and financial records. Stone lied to the Special Counsel because he trusted WhatsApp, which is a grandpa mistake of the first order. Stone lied in Congress because he believed that the House Republicans would sit on his transcript and he would never be held to account. Those lies met with the hard reality that elections have consequences. Donald Trump incinerated 40 GOP House seats, and so the Democratic majority shared the transcript the GOP had suppressed with Mueller. It wasn’t partisan; they had evidence of Stone committing multiple crimes in the form of lying to Congress.

Rick Wilson has a gig with the Daily Beast

@GRHorn calls him an extreme Never Trumper.

I suppose so since the book he wrote is 

"Everything Trump Touches Dies"

3 weeks. 

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