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Hunter “Big Gun In His Pants” Biden - Mastermind of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate


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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

So, while us leftists weren't paying attention, this apparently happened.


Brought to you by well known prosecutor and defense lawyer Peter Navarro staffer, this guy.


Damn. Not sure I'd be so calm and lifeless if my face had just been stung by a pack of bees

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1 hour ago, sidis said:

when i saw yoladu's post, i thought to myself...FINALLY!  i will finally now get some clarity on what all this hunter biden laptop stuff is about because i still do not know wtf people are going on about.  at least now i will be able to get to the core of what it is people are claiming is so horrific and worthy of all this scandal.  so i clicked through to get to the so-called report and it took me here:


omfg.  pure professionalism.

was that made by an 8th grader?

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These maga Republicans are too dumb to understand that they’re holding a slim majority because of the four seats moderate Republicans in upstate NY were able to flip. If they squander these pick ups by wasting time with unwarranted impeachment proceedings and investigations, they’ll be back on the outside looking in within 24 months.

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8 hours ago, bolverk said:

Catching up on this page and kept thinking basically the same. Dems should just treat it as the theater of the absurd that is and do nothing but crack penis jokes throughout any hearing. Someone needs to get on the line to one of our Central Texas reps to call in @atomheartbevo as an expert witness. I feel like it might be his true calling.

I would spend my time discussing Rudy Giuliani having control of it and how he could have let people stick all kinds of stuff on it since the chain of custody was broken so thoroughly.

Nah, just kidding, I’d talk about whether the pics of Hunter’s dong were real and why he was blessed with a decent-sized dick,

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18 hours ago, Satchel said:

These maga Republicans are too dumb to understand that they’re holding a slim majority because of the four seats moderate Republicans in upstate NY were able to flip. If they squander these pick ups by wasting time with unwarranted impeachment proceedings and investigations, they’ll be back on the outside looking in within 24 months.

the best part is that they don't care about nepotism, they don't care about trading on your family's name, they don't care about corruption, they don't care about special treatment or special favors.  they're only going hard after this because they think it will help them win elections.  period.  paragraph.

after trying to do it and failing in 2020 and 2022, they're going hard in the paint because they still think it will help them defeat biden in 2024.  jim comey and hillary's emails have given them what they think is an unlosable gameplan.  and even though it's lost for them every time since, they will call that play until the wheels fall off because yes, they are too dumb to understand.

these maga congressmen and women waited two long years to do this and they are so excited that they will completely fuck themselves for 2024 just to get back on tv and grandstand.  i say yes, let them do it.  don't interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.  republicans don't typically worry about optics, but this one is just horrific and is playing out about as stupidly predictable as you could imagine.

this is what we're dealing with. 

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Spend $3.0bn to do a net flip of 12 seats in order to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop


pay one small team of highly reliable hackers $3.0mm to do the same.  

It's like Trump's debt workout strategy.  Refinance the mezz piece, lower the hurdle rates, leverage private credit, trim G&A, postpone the carried interest table for LP's, broaden some forbearance, and revaluate all assets and amortization schedules.  You know, regular business shit.  Or run for President, risk prison, and run your home country into the fucking ground.  

I mean there's the roundabout way, and then there's the fucking insane way.  

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On 11/17/2022 at 3:25 PM, sidis said:

when i saw yoladu's post, i thought to myself...FINALLY!  i will finally now get some clarity on what all this hunter biden laptop stuff is about because i still do not know wtf people are going on about.  at least now i will be able to get to the core of what it is people are claiming is so horrific and worthy of all this scandal.  so i clicked through to get to the so-called report and it took me here:


omfg.  pure professionalism.

Honestly, in very lightly perusing that, my biggest takeaway is that it actually supports the theory that this isn't Hunter's laptop at all, or at least wasn't dropped off by Hunter. There apparently a number of communications in there documenting Hunter telling people his laptop was stolen two years prior to it surfacing at the repair shop. e.g.,


This is what I thought when it was released. So either it is a laptop Russians stole or content from that laptop placed in a new one, which was then planted at the repair shop. A lot of the content may be legitimate, but it was also carefully curated by Russia to discredit Biden and benefit Trump. 

The other major takeaway is that Hunter was having a lot of dirty sex. Well played sir. 


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2 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

I agree with them on plenty of issues, but this isn’t one of them. It’s stupid. 

This, followed by this.....

2 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

It’s their main issue though. All they care about is lib tears and halting any progress. 

Captures the insanity of voting GQP.  

It doesn't matter what they SAY they're for -- that's all bullshit and lies.  In ACTION...they have one platform: "LIB TEARS!"  Quit paying attention to what they say.  Vote based on what they DO.  That's what a smart person would do.

But all of those people have abandoned voting for the GQP.

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3 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

Well I’m glad that they’re focusing on what’s important, instead of what they campaigned on. Well done guys. 

2 hours ago, Poe It Up said:

I agree with them on plenty of issues, but this isn’t one of them. It’s stupid. 

Did you honestly expect the Republicans in Congress to do anything but stupid shit like this?  They have literally been whining about it for years.

When they tell you who they are, and that they are obsessed with Hunter Biden and bullshit election conspiracies and that they are out to try and take Biden down because he beat Trump, listen to them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's what's so pathetic about it. Even if true, it's dwarfed by the influence peddling Jared committed in broad daylight alone. Or committed directly by Trump alone. I'm kind of surprised this is the only turd of doom they have to throw at the wall, being it was at the center of Trump's first impeachment and years later they're still trying to reheat this rock hard nugget and serve it to the public.

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Eh, the Biden crime family story is simply a spin-off of the Clinton crime family cinematic universe. This isn’t a new strategy, it’s exactly the same. Create a baroque, multilayered drama based on stuff that’s true but uninteresting or interesting but untrue. 

Edited by 956 Worldwide
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  • 1 month later...

Proving once again, that Hunter's laptop is nothing more than a MacGuffin.  It's an object of projection, onto which MAGA nation can cast anything from proof of pizzagate, to China fealty, cold fusion secrets for sale, and everything in between.  Trump's own DoJ had it and did nothing with it for almost two years.  Because it's worth more as an unknown than simply disclosing its memory contents. 

The laptop is the briefcase in "Pulp Fiction", what's inside is whatever you need it to be upon that particular viewing.  It's not Marcellus' soul, it's not the Maltese Falcon, it's not gold bars, or the contents of the Ark of the Covenant.  It's just an object which contains something you want it to contain when it's politically expedient.  American political history is littered with this kinda shit from secret files, to sealed testimonies, to audio tapes stored at Langley or Navy Language school, and now to laptops and thumb drives.  We invent this shit so a few years later we can exploit it for fundraising and subpoena threats.  Tell your fucking moronic MAGA family members, that you promise with every fiber of your mutual DNA that we will, all of us, die before the contents of that laptop are ever revealed publicly.  The hard drive is a placeholder, and once its political purpose has been exhausted, it'll go unmarked into a warehouse, never to be thought of again.  And 50 years from now, our grandchildren will ask, "Hey, whatever happened with that laptop that Auntie Kathy used to rant and rave about?"  And the other cousin will simply say, "What's a laptop?"  And they'll go on about their day as if it never existed.  Because, in a way, it doesn't actually exist.  It's a MacGuffin.  On a shelf.  Tearing the country apart just by being.

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