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Fire On The Mountain Patchouli Smellin' High Res/Tech Whathaveyou


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I have no idea where this should go, perhaps the "Music" forum?  Anyway, I just stumbled across this, got curious where it was going and 30 minutes later sat in a trace trying to wrap my mind around the coolness of what I had just watched and listened to.  That's all the set-up I've got.  Stoners fire 'em up!


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As a 30-year Deadhead, thank you for posting this.  I watched most of it the other night.  It wants to be good, I want it to be great.  But it's a huge fucking letdown.  It's what happens when we let X-games and corporate fucksticks try to do something new with Grateful Dead music and fail miserably.  Production value is solid but editing on both visual cuts and audio usage is just beyond bad.  Sorry to be Debbie Downer, and I guess it's because it was so hyped up to me before hand, but this thing just stunk.  Any one of ten Deadheads on this site with a weekend of proper drugs and no family demands could put together something better.  /rant 

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Yeah, I get that Lobo.

 I was never a Dead fan (don't hate 'em, just neutral), so I took it in differently.  I'm the weirdo who takes his smoke machine and a couple of laser units out in my boat on Lake Austin and beams that shit into the trees at Commons Ford while blasting Pink Floyd for the tokers out there because Why The Fuck Not?

I just liked all the lighting, those crazy skeleton suits, and all the other visual stuff.  I'm a sucker for it, so this put the hook in my lip.

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