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Take the L, Pussy (Documenting the Coup Until Trump Concedes)


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1 hour ago, Jiggy-Z said:

We were on a 3 hr layover at Newark waiting on our flight to Oslo when my 3 year old broke the people mover in our terminal.  He dropped one of those squishy toys that inflate in various parts when you squeeze other various parts.  It looked like a cross between a squid and a jellyfish.   It got caught in the return and literally gummed up the works.  The terminal was pretty dead and we were the only people with young kids, so everyone knew we did it and we got all kinds of dirty looks as passengers trudged past us having to walk all the way to their gates.  Then my 1.5 year old cried on the entire 6 hr flight to Oslo.

To make matters worse, I headed to the airport bar and pounded two big steins of Harp in hopes of passing out and waking up refreshed in Oslo.  I was simultaneously drunk, hungover, and sleep deprived for the next 6 hours.  What were we talking about  again? 

Is this a metaphor for Trump?

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1 hour ago, Nivek said:

I don’t know why people get hung up on this stuff. Before I had kids I frequented places that did not cater to kids. After I had kids, I went to places that catered to kids. And yeah on occasion, I let them run around and be a kid and explore. I am not a helicopter parent and sometimes I need a break.

Maybe you should reconsider dining somewhere that doesn’t have chicken strips and and cartoonish characters on the menu or ask not to sit next to the man-sized gum-ball machine.

I remember one time at Miami’s airport just before we boarded my kid had a meltdown. People started crowding around us to board the plane and staring at me and the boy instead of giving us a little space. I looked everyone in the eye and asked them if they were entertained and then threatened to feed him candy on the flight. Less than half of those dipshits had any shame and kept on staring and crowding us. So I told the boy to feel free to scream on the flight, somehow that helped disperse the crowd.

Being a parent has its moments and a society of selfish assholes doesn’t help.

You seem like you fit into that society just fine.

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24 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

The only thing Rs are waiting on is the lie enough of their base will believe. Climb that hill, and it’s business as usual.

That's why they tell so many They only need a small percentage to believe each lie and aggregate it to big enough numbers. 

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1 hour ago, Willfully Horn said:

I haven’t figured out how to make the Twitter page open in a post.


10:34AM 11/12/20
The good news is, VBM seems to be kosher, I think.

paste the link to the tweet and then pause about 5 seconds and it should show up in the body. 

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57 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

He can't.  It's just another insane online rumor that has been thoroughly debunked.  I mean, it's "the moon is made of green cheese" nutbar level shit.  So, par for the Trump course.

And one that just showed up in my FB feed with 20 MAGA conspiracy responses. Fuck my life!

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2 hours ago, Neonmoon said:


I would love for the Biden team to take out a 10mill dollar high interest short term loan for transition costs, then file a lawsuit personally against this GSA chief informing her that they will be seeking interest and damages for this loan based on her obstruction of this legal process.

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I looked everyone in the eye and asked them if they were entertained and then threatened to feed him candy on the flight. Less than half of those dipshits had any shame and kept on staring and crowding us. So I told the boy to feel free to scream on the flight, somehow that helped disperse the crowd.

Being a parent has its moments and a society of selfish assholes doesn’t help.

Ah - this is exactly what a piece of shit parent does. I would have reclined my seat in front of you and your insufferable brat upon take off.
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2 hours ago, horn4life said:

Wow... flew right over your head didn't it.  Some parents are good parents and some are not.  I am lucky enough to fall into the former category, rather than the latter.  Seems like you are confusing the observers of the selfish asshole parent, with the selfish asshole parent who doesn't understand the difference between a restaurant, and a playground.  If you want a restaurant playground, then go to a place with a playground for the kiddos.  OF course I was able to take my kids out fine dining at a very young age because they KNEW how to act, because they were TAUGHT how to act.

Yeah, they are just observers and needed to stand around a kid and make faces when a little kid is having a tantrum.  Sure.  Or maybe I should disclose the kid's medical history with everyone because well, those observers at the airport needed to know.  You are a Karen, and you are just too stupid to realize it.   




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1 hour ago, Gatorubet said:


Ah - this is exactly what a piece of shit parent does. I would have reclined my seat in front of you and your insufferable brat upon take off.



Insulting children, insulting a person who was struggling and stressed dealing with a tantrum from a kid with LD, and you think I am the wrong one here and trying to take revenge on a guy who is working on calming a kid down.  Yeah, I am the asshole here.   

Fuck around like that and find out what a parent could do behind you on an airplane, with a kid in diapers.  Yeah, smart move. 

Edited by Nivek
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3 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

We find the other side of the slorch coin. 

No fine dining for us until they were grown.   We didn't do that shit to other people.

I HAVE tried to tone down my preachy ass when it comes to discussing the chil'ren on here.  There's more than one way, for sure.

Carry on.

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30 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

This president is such a pussy.  My god.

Most lumpy people who look like the fat kid who gets picked last in junior high are. That's not even a political calculation, that's just life. If he looks like a weak, nerdy dork, he's probably a weak, nerdy dork. Newt Gingrich would be the same. Susan Collins, though, looks like she'd cut you.

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19 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Most lumpy people who look like the fat kid who gets picked last in junior high are. That's not even a political calculation, that's just life. If he looks like a weak, nerdy dork, he's probably a weak, nerdy dork. Newt Gingrich would be the same. Susan Collins, though, looks like she'd cut you.

Ask anyone who’s ever been through basic training in the Army or Marines, and they’ll tell you physical appearance doesn’t go very far when it comes sizing up how people will do over the course of 13 weeks.  Granted, that has fuck all to do with Trump, other than the possibility of giving pause to making such assumptions in the conversation. 

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2 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

The first five of those have GOP controlled legislatures.

I think you sort of missed the point of my fucking post, bud. Or is your definition of a Red or Blue state based upon the legislature's makeup and ignoring that Republicans do a hell of a job Gerrymandering? 

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8 minutes ago, slorch said:

Ask anyone who’s ever been through basic training in the Army or Marines, and they’ll tell you physical appearance doesn’t go very far when it comes sizing up how people will do over the course of 13 weeks.  Granted, that has fuck all to do with Trump, other than the possibility of giving pause to making such assumptions in the conversation. 

I read this in Mike Tyson's voice, just for giggles.

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I think you sort of missed the point of my fucking post, bud. Or is your definition of a Red or Blue state based upon the legislature's makeup and ignoring that Republicans do a hell of a job Gerrymandering? 

I mean, you’re just playing semantics with the term “red state” then. Which is cool but completely misses the point of the original tweet.
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7 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

I mean, you’re just playing semantics with the term “red state” then. Which is cool but completely misses the point of the original tweet.

I don't think I am at all. I would say it's you who is doing that. Those states all voted Blue for a statewide vote for the President of the United states. The original clip was an outraged dipship claiming that these states were Red and Outraged. They're clearly not THAT red when you yank away districting, or that red period. And you're measuring my legislature? Who's playing with semantics?

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Oh, now they're on their "here, here are the names of three people who are dead, but who VOTED in this election!  And I have more!" phase.

A reminder about two things: 

1) they already presented such a list in Michigan.  It was demonstrated to be bunk.

2) I don't doubt that someone, somewhere, cast a ballot for a dead person.  There were over 150 million votes cast -- surely there's a shenanigan or two somewhere.  The question is what it always is -- is it material and systemic?  Because that's what it takes to make a difference (again, we also have to assume that any fraudulent votes were for Biden only.....when we already have actual proof and criminal charges against Republicans conducting illegal fraudulent vote schemes).

So, keep flailing, guys.  It's a GREAT look.

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22 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Oh, now they're on their "here, here are the names of three people who are dead, but who VOTED in this election!  And I have more!" phase.

A reminder about two things: 

1) they already presented such a list in Michigan.  It was demonstrated to be bunk.

2) I don't doubt that someone, somewhere, cast a ballot for a dead person.  There were over 150 million votes cast -- surely there's a shenanigan or two somewhere.  The question is what it always is -- is it material and systemic?  Because that's what it takes to make a difference (again, we also have to assume that any fraudulent votes were for Biden only.....when we already have actual proof and criminal charges against Republicans conducting illegal fraudulent vote schemes).

So, keep flailing, guys.  It's a GREAT look.

The only credible case I've heard about that this election was a guy why tried to use his mom's ballot to vote for Trump.

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2 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

Can we all take odds on how long before your Catholic Trumptard family converts to Southern Baptists? 

Wait, is that a thing?  Are you telling my in-laws could drink even less than they already do?  Wonderful.  They're already basically dry Trumpers.  May as well have 'em convert just to complete the cycle of judgmental bullshit.  2020 can't get any more fucked up. 

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5 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

Ok, now prove it in a court of law you lying sack of shit

They're not interested in that, because they know they can't.

Between disinformation like this to rile up the cultists and replacing the top guys at DoD with loyalists, I'm afraid we're heading for whatever you call the opposite of a coup d'etat.  They want to use force to avoid relinquishing power.

I wish that were as far-fetched as it sounds.


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It’s just so sad that not only is Fatty fuckface attempting a coup but he has so many supporters in the Republican Party egging it on. These seditious cucks are okay with letting fatty demolish the republic, for what? More favor in a second term? It’s regarded 


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34 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Oh, now they're on their "here, here are the names of three people who are dead, but who VOTED in this election!  And I have more!" phase.

A reminder about two things: 

1) they already presented such a list in Michigan.  It was demonstrated to be bunk.

2) I don't doubt that someone, somewhere, cast a ballot for a dead person.  There were over 150 million votes cast -- surely there's a shenanigan or two somewhere.  The question is what it always is -- is it material and systemic?  Because that's what it takes to make a difference (again, we also have to assume that any fraudulent votes were for Biden only.....when we already have actual proof and criminal charges against Republicans conducting illegal fraudulent vote schemes).

So, keep flailing, guys.  It's a GREAT look.

the thing is that number 2 will happen. maybe today, maybe tomorrow. my hope is the noise being created will limit any actual attention to an actual instance of a voting irregularity. 

and another thing - when it happens people will use that to label everything fraudulent. 

we live in the dumbest fucking timeline. the internet has whittled our brains down to nothing. logic is gone. just gotchas. 

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50 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Oh, now they're on their "here, here are the names of three people who are dead, but who VOTED in this election!  And I have more!" phase.

A reminder about two things: 

1) they already presented such a list in Michigan.  It was demonstrated to be bunk.

2) I don't doubt that someone, somewhere, cast a ballot for a dead person.  There were over 150 million votes cast -- surely there's a shenanigan or two somewhere.  The question is what it always is -- is it material and systemic?  Because that's what it takes to make a difference (again, we also have to assume that any fraudulent votes were for Biden only.....when we already have actual proof and criminal charges against Republicans conducting illegal fraudulent vote schemes).

So, keep flailing, guys.  It's a GREAT look.

$20 says if #2 happens, it's some Trumpkin using his dead father's ID to cast a Trump vote. 

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This Atlantic article was published before the election, so it's probably already been posted somewhere on this board. But I'm sharing just in case. It games out the Republican plan to steal the election via fraud claims and pressure on Republican legislatures. Pretty unnerving. And while it's no big surprise Trump is doing this, it's kind of crazy to see that everything they predicted in advance seems to be happening. 

A quote:

According to sources in the Republican Party at the state and national levels, the Trump campaign is discussing contingency plans to bypass election results and appoint loyal electors in battleground states where Republicans hold the legislative majority. With a justification based on claims of rampant fraud, Trump would ask state legislators to set aside the popular vote and exercise their power to choose a slate of electors directly. The longer Trump succeeds in keeping the vote count in doubt, the more pressure legislators will feel to act before the safe-harbor deadline expires.

Edited by Hookah Horns
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1 hour ago, TexasEd said:

The only credible case I've heard about that this election was a guy why tried to use his mom's ballot to vote for Trump.

It was a woman in NC and she's not facing charges. Because apparently ignorance of the law is an excuse. 


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