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I have a brother that believes the chemtrail bullshit..

"They fly em all over the cities to control the people..."


Yeah, because they ain't flying a 737 or an Airbus into fucking Guthrie, Texas dude...  I mean, it's so sinister building airports(Sam kennison voice) where the fucking people are!!!!

4 hours ago, Lobo said:

what do the chemtrail chemicals do to us anyway?  I mean, what's the angle?  Is it supposed to be like flouride, where it pacifies us and makes easier to control or what?  

It saps and impurifies our precious bodily fluids.

  • Haha 1
23 hours ago, Willfully Horn said:

My mom had an uncle who was a Holocaust denier. He never tried to prove his belief. [Red was a marine (on protective detail) on a transport boat at the moment Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. Claimed to have locked eyes with a a Japanese gunner. Served in the Pacific throughout WWII, and saw Hiroshima post nuke].

When he said the Holocaust was a story that diverted the world’s condemnation of what the US had done with our nuclear attack, I didn’t argue. (In part because the limit of his argument has merit, and didn’t  speak to the Holocaust being fact). 

I imagine that scene scarred his soul, and he was left with rage that the bombings weren’t viewed with the outrage he thought they deserved. Whatever I might have said would have also focused on something other than nuclear warfare, and would have twisted the knife in his heart.

Both things are true. The Holocaust and our nuclear attack were atrocities. We have an excuse for the nukes that we are willing to believe. Red didn’t buy that excuse.

Ridicule him if you want. I think he’s wrong, but only so far as the Halocaust.

Red was smart enough to know the finer that andouille is diced, the more flavor it offers gumbo. 

Don't go to a land war in asia.


John Wayne Gacy is in envy of some of the modern day child molesters.  Gacy had to use a van and clown makeup.  Current rapey guys just look at their own kids. 

On 11/13/2020 at 11:31 AM, TrashMaster G said:

3.       9/11 was an inside job.

Every time someone brings this up I think of the early version of Alex Jones. I mean, he's always been crazy but at least in his 9/11 documentaries he speaks at a normal volume and comes across as somewhat reasonable. In undergrad I had a friend who would play this shit on TVs as "background noise" when people would come over. Sit on the couch, crush a few bud light golden wheats, and all of a sudden you hear "Sorry Governor Schwarzenegger but America isn't your homeland. Your homeland is Austria where your dad was in love with Hitler"

One time (when I met two nut jobs who believe this bullshit) was on the patio of a local pub. I casually knew these guys already, but it was just a bit of small talk on a nice afternoon with clear skies and cool contrail patterns. It went something like this.

Me: "that's a pretty awesome sky."
Nut job#1: "they're flying in crossing patterns now. Maximizes the coverage."
Nut job #2: "well it's March. In spring they change their seeding waves."
Me: "Excuse me?"
NJ1: "Those clouds are nerve agents spread by the government. We've got about an hour before we'll all be inhaling the dioxins. Better go inside soon. "
NJ2: "they're layering now. Y'see how some are thicker than others? They're making a lattice."

Me: "have a nice day (grabbed my beer & moved far away.

A few weeks later NJ1 tried to engage me again. "You seem skeptical, but let me tell you..I know a guy who works for a chemical company that no one in the world knows about. They make this stuff and ship it in Amazon and FedEx trucks so no one can trace it."

I just walked away & told him to seek help.

Stop giving away our secrets.

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