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Just now, MNLonghornFUKM said:

And he’s back in Delaware


CR Troubleshoot guide says say something about trump golfing. So I just saved somebody a post

Hmmm, any links for the daily stormer or jack posobiec or andy ngo or Patriotnews.com? I'm not sure that Dan bingobongo and fox are really giving you the REAL truth. Although, lmao at you using fox news to launder the credibility of a new York post article

Hmmm, any links for the daily stormer or jack posobiec or andy ngo or Patriotnews.com? I'm not sure that Dan bingobongo and fox are really giving you the REAL truth. Although, lmao at you using fox news to launder the credibility of a new York post article

Troubleshoot says point to source used and make fun of it as a way to deflect our President going to his home state despite a crisis involving Americans.

He had to be basically dragged from camp David 6 days ago. But daggumit he’s got to get that time off one way or another
  • Fuck You 1
Just now, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Troubleshoot says point to source used and make fun of it as a way to deflect our President going to his home state despite a crisis involving Americans.

He had to be basically dragged from camp David 6 days ago. But daggumit he’s got to get that time off one way or another

Oh grab someone by the pussy, lavarr. Or go post in DT where the mods will punish anyone who dares to have a more nuanced position than "UNGA BUNGA BIDEN BAD". That way you won't have to worry about those pesky facts and fact checking

4 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Troubleshoot says point to source used and make fun of it as a way to deflect our President going to his home state despite a crisis involving Americans.

He had to be basically dragged from camp David 6 days ago. But daggumit he’s got to get that time off one way or another

Yeah can you imagine a president going home during a crisis?

400k dead Americans in 2020

25 golf trips by Trump to his own courses 


Sorry about your brain worms. Maybe you should try horse paste 

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7 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Troubleshoot says point to source used and make fun of it

Yes. And we will continue to do so when you and BabaYaga continue to cite the absolute dregs of internet sources. When you post shit from the Bondingo Report, you make it abundantly clear the right wing circle jerks where you get your "news".


This is a good piece on why Joe is essentially correct that there would never be a good time to withdraw, and waiting for such a time is essentially arguing that we should stay there in perpetuity.


Afghans have been routinely portrayed as corrupt; but anyone who peruses the reports of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, or SIGAR, will find overwhelming evidence of corruption on the American side, fueled by the billions of dollars that poured into Afghanistan. Moreover, as a Washington Post investigation found, “the CIA gave cash to governors, parliamentarians, even religious leaders.”

Still, each president handed the Afghanistan quagmire off to his successor. None wanted to be held responsible for “losing” Afghanistan, let alone another 9/11 attack. So 20 years passed at a total cost exceeding $2 trillion of which a mere $24 billion was invested in economic reconstruction, the rest in military-related expenses. But the Taliban, despite taking heavy punishment and losing many senior commanders and “shadow governors,” always replenished its ranks and kept fighting.

By the time President Trump, who had vowed to end Washington’s “forever wars,” was elected in 2016, the Taliban held more territory than it had since 2002.He understood that the war had lost support at home. Not that it ever demanded much from the vast majority of Americans. Without a military draft and with a government that preferred to borrow, rather than raise taxes, to cover the costs, this American way of waging war never provoked the public demonstrations, elite disillusionment, or electoral defeats that derailed political careers during the Vietnam era. And so it continues for years on end.

By the time of Biden’s election, Trump had already signed an agreement with the Taliban to reduce the U.S. troop presence to 8,600 by the fall of 2020 and to withdraw all American forces by May 1, 2021. If Biden had reversed course, he would have had to rely, presumably as a prelude to another “surge,” on just a few thousand soldiers to regain the territory taken by the Taliban, who were on a roll. As vice president, Biden had already opposed Obama’s surge of 100,000 troops 10 years earlier and, understandably, had no inclination to repeat. So he chose to continue on the path cleared by Trump but stretched the timetable for a final exit to September 11. Now he stands accused of abandoning the Afghan people.

Biden-bashers haven’t reflected on some fundamental questions: How successful could the 20-year nation-building undertaking have been if the impending exodus of a few thousand American soldiers precipitated the total unraveling of the Afghan government and the ANDSF in two weeks? And even if Biden had delayed the withdrawal date and deployed many more U.S. troops, would that have necessarily enabled an orderly evacuation given that thousands of desperate Afghans would still have thronged Kabul airport? Indeed, wouldn’t even a well-executed mass evacuation have prompted Afghan officials and military officers to cut deals with the Taliban? If, as some critics insist, retaining 2,500 troops in Afghanistan would have prevented the Kabul government’s collapse and enabled continued anti-terrorism operations, what would have been the end game, and when would we have seen it?


In the final analysis, Biden had the guts that Obama and Trump didn't.  He could just as easily done what his predecessors had and handed off the situation to his successor, but he made the hard decision instead and should be applauded for it.  

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Oh grab someone by the pussy, lavarr. Or go post in DT where the mods will punish anyone who dares to have a more nuanced position than "UNGA BUNGA BIDEN BAD". That way you won't have to worry about those pesky facts and fact checking

I thought this was big bad scary CR? Come to the CR is what they say. Lmfao
  • Fuck You 1
3 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

I thought this was big bad scary CR? Come to the CR is what they say. Lmfao

You're the one getting all chapped butthole over getting called out for shitty sources lol. If you want to be free from the tyranny of facts and fact checking you can go to DT where the mods only allow one narrative

SMGDH when you link Bongdildo as your source for info.  A glorified former toilet seat warmer for Obama.  

Well Biden said one thing yesterday and the embassy says the total opposite less than 24 hours later. I know connecting puzzle pieces can be tough when you refuse to acknowledge Biden is a disaster but holy shit…bongino isn’t inserting his .02
  • Fuck You 1
You're the one getting all chapped butthole over getting called out for shitty sources lol. If you want to be free from the tyranny of facts and fact checking you can go to DT where the mods only allow one narrative

Shitty sources? It’s your only goto to deflect from the disaster! Lol.

Fine let’s just use ABC news. The Biden admin and those in Kabul are totally on the same page. It’s all good

  • Fuck You 1
2 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Well Biden said one thing yesterday and the embassy says the total opposite less than 24 hours later. I know connecting puzzle pieces can be tough when you refuse to acknowledge Biden is a disaster but holy shit…bongino isn’t inserting his .02

You do realize that there haven't been any appointments for any state dept positions because Cruz has been blocking ALL of the nominations, right?

The embassy isn't properly staffed or led because of the interference being ran by your vote. So congrats, I guess

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19 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Well Biden said one thing yesterday and the embassy says the total opposite less than 24 hours later. I know connecting puzzle pieces can be tough when you refuse to acknowledge Biden is a disaster but holy shit…bongino isn’t inserting his .02

I can imagine as volatile as that situation is, shit can change in a hurry.  Let us also not forget he entered Washington without much cooperation from TFG during the transition.  

17 hours ago, Willfully Horn said:

The Right FINALLY has a talking point that makes sense: the pull out from Afghanistan can credibly be termed a shitshow. That has to be a relief. And it avoids this sort of talk:


Who was the sitting US Senator?

3 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Its what happens when people are damn near 80 and take on a high pressured job like POTUS. We all can see it when he talks, the mouth moves faster than the mind or vice versa. His mouth goes tight lipped, he closes his eyes to gather himself then proceeds. We all catch his mistakes instantly like yesterday he said 300 people in the Afghan military. Yea that’s just crazy uncle Joe- we knew he meant 300K.

Again, he has a stutter and has talked this way his entire career.  It's fucked up if that's what you are basing this attack on.  Also, can you go dig up the posts of yours where you were blasting the last president for saying batshit insane nonsense literally EVERY DAY for four years?  I'll wait.

  • Hook 'Em 2
36 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Shitty sources? It’s your only goto to deflect from the disaster! Lol.

Fine let’s just use ABC news. The Biden admin and those in Kabul are totally on the same page. It’s all good





The corporate military industry is totally pissed at Biden right now which is why ABC news, CNN and dumbasses like you are trying to drive this narrative that Biden is incompetent to serve as a deterrent to him and others in the future. Fox just does that all the time anyway. 

The problem with that and why your bosses are wasting money having you post here and there is Nobody Fucking Cares about all that anymore. 

Did Fox ever 2nd guess Trump?  Other than Shep or Wallace.  

Nope. Even his failures were actually brilliant triumphs, because 4d chess shit we mere mortals just dont understand.

Think about that, conservative media regurgitators….your sources for information didn’t ever cast any meaningful criticism on a sitting President. That’s functionally impossible, because it’s a really fucking hard job that the BEST person will fuck up occasionally. And here, when Biden has fucked up….he IS getting criticism from the supposed biased liberal media and many/most of the people who voted for him.

That’s called “intellectual honesty,” and it’s a fucking alien concept to the Trumposphere.
  • Hook 'Em 4

TBH, I haven't formed much of an opinion on the situation in Afghanistan yet as much of it progressed quite rapidly (not talking about the overall length of stay) over the last year. It's disheartening that a discussion often includes drive by twitter hot takes with no commentary. We all do it to some extent, but most of the regular denizens take the time to have an overall awareness of the more serious topics and return to discuss at length later if they are short on time. It is hard to take an opinion as worth consideration if it is essentially the words of another talking head and regurgitated far and wide, complete with inaccuracies and lies. It isn't wrong to poke fun at any elected leaders' foibles and mis-steps, but when it comes to actual policy, that deserves thought and nuance.

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2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Well Biden said one thing yesterday and the embassy says the total opposite less than 24 hours later. I know connecting puzzle pieces can be tough when you refuse to acknowledge Biden is a disaster but holy shit…bongino isn’t inserting his .02

Things never change in fewer than 24 hours.  

Everyone agrees that this seems to have been handled suboptimally, but how much better it could be and whose fault is it seems a bit less than clear.

  • Hook 'Em 1
19 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

I thought the criticism was that Biden was going to Delaware…

I’m sure MNLonghorn and Sean Hannity will issue some retraction any moment now. 

Nice basement, Joe.  Who did the work? 

20 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

I always enjoy watching infantile men trip over their micropeens. It's an amazing feat, really

That might be a fetish best kept to yourself.  JMO. 

  • Haha 4

My expectations for Biden were extremely low. Just don't be a megalomaniacal authoritarian grifter, really. I am more pleased every day that passes with how far he is managing to exceed my expectations; actually ending the Afghan war has been a pleasant surprise, from my point of view, because before the election, I expected him to be talked around by the brass to extending this war we never should have started in the first place. So it being messy? Doesn't bother me in the least. Yes, do everything we can to clean it up, but no, don't let the yapping of small dogs detract from the main point -- stay the fuck out of pointless wars.

Now, can we get back to infrastructure, voting rights, and ending the pandemic? You know, issues that actually affect most Americans?

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I thought the criticism was that Biden was going to Delaware…
I’m sure MNLonghorn and Sean Hannity will issue some retraction any moment now. 

Yea. Joe needs a diaper from the look on his face
  • Fuck You 4
1 hour ago, Pig Bellmont said:

I thought the criticism was that Biden was going to Delaware…

I’m sure MNLonghorn and Sean Hannity will issue some retraction any moment now. 

That’s a hell of a photo op. Look at the commander in chief….keeping us all safe.  I’ll rest easy tonight. 


I welcome the resident Dotardists to this thread…

This way they can read how truly despised they are.

Fucking FASCISTS. Yes you, Dotard supporter…FUCK YOU.

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2 hours ago, Underdog said:

Nice basement, Joe.  Who did the work? 

Forgot about this psychotic piece of theater the trumpkins dreamed up. They are infants. Just complete intellectual voids. 

2 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

My expectations for Biden were extremely low. Just don't be a megalomaniacal authoritarian grifter, really. I am more pleased every day that passes with how far he is managing to exceed my expectations; actually ending the Afghan war has been a pleasant surprise, from my point of view, because before the election, I expected him to be talked around by the brass to extending this war we never should have started in the first place. So it being messy? Doesn't bother me in the least. Yes, do everything we can to clean it up, but no, don't let the yapping of small dogs detract from the main point -- stay the fuck out of pointless wars.

Now, can we get back to infrastructure, voting rights, and ending the pandemic? You know, issues that actually affect most Americans?

Add in climate change and yes. 

1 hour ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Yea. Joe needs a diaper from the look on his face


1 hour ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Probably the most useful post you’ve ever made.

These two back to back. You are a plethora of genius. 

2 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Probably the most useful post you’ve ever made.

Seriously you are just trolling and need to be banned. Your presence here is worthless. 


This post is to say thank fuck Biden didn’t prolong and continue this war this time around. There’s Trump supporters who would’ve loved to say Biden reignited the war if he brought more military after the major drawdown starting from the last administration and Stephen Miller’s daily attempts to leave interpreters high and dry. Glad Biden ripped the band aid, those people don’t give a flying fuck about brown people 8000 miles away.


my hot take: Looks like 20 years of sour apple Jolly ranchers from US soldiers doesn’t make Afghanis want to defend anything. Only move the women here so this all self implodes in under 5 years and there’s a power struggle to take over those sweet poppy fields.



Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:


Phone interviews calling into Fox News while flying high on adderall don’t really count.

Edited by JimmyJames
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There was no point in us being there anymore as perfectly encapsulated by how quickly it fell apart. Props to Biden for doing what trump was too much of a coward to do. It’s the difference between acting like an adult and acting like a shit flinging toddler like trump and his dumbfuck supporters on this thread.

On 8/19/2021 at 11:05 PM, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Probably because you’re a moron.

And I’m coming up on my 7th year wedding anniversary. So I don’t get laid.

So is that because your wife is kinda ugly or are you a closet gay?

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