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What Is The Most Alcohol You Have Consumed in any 24 Hour Period?

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On 1/5/2021 at 10:45 AM, BHMCruiser said:

I drink a lot of vodka. If I'm just drinking the usual day-to-day after dinner drinking, I can maybe make a bottle last two days. I keep it in the freezer and just pour it in a glass cold. I don't even really feel it unless I get into the second bottle in a night. Over the course of a day I could probably drink three bottles if I started early and paced myself. Probably can't drink as much whiskey, but numbers are similar. I do not like gin since the time I drank a handle of warm Beefeater in South Boston on St. Patty's Day and had to go to work the next morning after sleeping underneath a car. In college, I drank mostly beer, and the numbers of beer I drank were incalculable until my fraternity assigned a pledge to count my drinks. I think they did this to shame me but we made it a competition to see if I could beat the prior day's number. It was great fun. The number got very large. On a bet I chugged 15 beers in two minutes (these were the small Solo cups so it's like 10oz pours or whatever) and then drank 30 beers in three minutes the next day. I puked after the 30, so I don't think that counts.

The hangovers have cured me of sport drinking. Reading the story about having to go to the hospital at 40 made me dry heave a little. But I can still put some booze away if I just get into the rhythm of doing it. 


This.  The words incalculable and unknowable come to mine.  


This wouldn't be any where near my record, but freshman year me and my buddy road trip to Texas Tech Chili.  We stop in Post and buy five 30 packs and 3 handles of Crown with no intention of sharing it. 


The second night, I ran my shin into this concrete planter thing and it split my skin wide open.  My girl says, "oh my god! you are actually bleeding pure Coors Light!".  So we got in the shower to wash it off, which was fun.  We couldn't find any bandages before passing out.  I wake up with a gaping shin wound and major pain.  I still I have a scar, but it looks like a mountain biking injury.  Tech girls are wild and DTF.  Especially if you knew them or their friends from high school.


I think my actual records involves a long day of pledge drinking, followed by dare-based drinking as I stumbled home to the Castilian.  As in, "I can drink that hole bottle of Gold Schlager" in one pull.  I probably should have been ambulanced out of there, but my "friends" just kept poking me with a stick to make sure I was breathing for about 36 hours.  I think I missed 5 meal-plan meals, arriving at dinner the day after.  Ouch.

On 1/5/2021 at 10:45 AM, BHMCruiser said:

I drink a lot of vodka. If I'm just drinking the usual day-to-day after dinner drinking, I can maybe make a bottle last two days. I keep it in the freezer and just pour it in a glass cold. I don't even really feel it unless I get into the second bottle in a night. Over the course of a day I could probably drink three bottles if I started early and paced myself. Probably can't drink as much whiskey, but numbers are similar. I do not like gin since the time I drank a handle of warm Beefeater in South Boston on St. Patty's Day and had to go to work the next morning after sleeping underneath a car. In college, I drank mostly beer, and the numbers of beer I drank were incalculable until my fraternity assigned a pledge to count my drinks. I think they did this to shame me but we made it a competition to see if I could beat the prior day's number. It was great fun. The number got very large. On a bet I chugged 15 beers in two minutes (these were the small Solo cups so it's like 10oz pours or whatever) and then drank 30 beers in three minutes the next day. I puked after the 30, so I don't think that counts.

The hangovers have cured me of sport drinking. Reading the story about having to go to the hospital at 40 made me dry heave a little. But I can still put some booze away if I just get into the rhythm of doing it. 


On 1/4/2021 at 3:23 PM, Jiggy-Z said:

Shot: Sr. year (fall '88). 37 kamikaze's at the Gourdhead annual Kamikaze tag team  competition.   My tag team partner tapped out at around 20 and I finished the last 17 myself (so 27ish for me).  Came in second place and work up in Brackenridge (the hospital not the the ski resort) the next morning(stomach pumped and general observation).   Total bill was just under $380.00, which was about what tuition was back then.  So today same stunt wound be $7,000ish using transitive property of tuition and medical care.  Parents never found out.  I want to say BAC was not too bad, something like .27

Chaser:  Went in to get my knee scoped last month and Seton (system)still had my college address on my bio from that incident.  Told my wife that that was from when my first son was born from when I knocked up my college gf.

Double chaser: That first son was born about a month after my second place finish in Kamikaze contest .  Good times. I do not drink vodka to this day.

KAMIKAZEE RELAYS! Every morning after those all I could do was moan FWUUUUUUCK....

Just now, Longhornstampede said:

KAMIKAZEE RELAYS! Every morning after those all I could do was moan FWUUUUUUCK....

Did that just the one time. That was enough for me using that delivery method.

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