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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

And I love it.  Republicans are going to have to dip into their war chests to defend against each other in the primaries, rather than Democrats.

And those being primaries by Trump and Co. are going to have decide whether to attack him, or pretend he doesn't exist.

Isn't that why they're all remoragrifting off of the Georgia races/Powell lawsuits and so on? To stockpile funds because in the next two years they are going to get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING worthwhile done and instead campaign for two years and air grievances while obstructing as much as possible? As long as corporations and dark money walk through their back door they'll be somewhat reassured on the money front, but their constituents are going to be tapped out.

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13 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

He's never shown any interest whatsoever in a race that doesn't benefit him.

9 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

He’ll have an ax to grind for the R’s not backing him the past couple of months 

Hell hath no fury like a Donnie scorned.

He totally has an enemies list, and at the top of it are Republicans that he thinks should have had his back, including those who overrode his veto, or who have acknowledged Biden.  Democrats are further down his list, because he expects them to be his enemies, but Republicans are always supposed to be 100% loyal to him, and betrayal is one of the worst sins in his book.

Even though he has no problem betraying anybody if it's convenient to his cause.

I could even see him doing some rallies against Republicans that he feels betrayed him (and if he can fundraise off of that).


Edited by atomheartbevo
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2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:



He needs to say "Hold on, I've got another call coming coming in, I'll get rid of them", then click over and after a few minutes just hang up.


You serious? I'm glad he recorded that shit. Just more evidence to throw in the pile. Too much has already been covered up. We'll likely never know the depths of depravity from this administration

Edited by Longhorn_Fan68
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1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

Sweet Christ. Someone do something. He’s a madman 

Of course he is.

However,  Mark Meadows sat there happy as a pig in clover while the toddler raged. When Mark was growing up, he probably never imagined that he would be sitting next to the President, the very man who probably infected him with COVID, and that he, Mark Meadows, a founding member of the Freedom Caucus would go down in history as a tertiary member of the Trump circle of sycophants. North Carolina produces some odd and morally conflicted politicians, but evidently that is seen as an asset.

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If the next elected congress does not take action I'm going to personally get involved in politics. I can't sit by any longer if we are going to straight up let people commit treason and subvert democracy with no punishment. If there is no accountability then this is all just a sick joke. 

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Just now, Red Five said:

There is a lot to choose from, but I think the worst part is the "Just say you miscalculated". He's not saying to investigate potential fraud or something, he's saying to lie about the vote count. 

"That is that A+ genius businessman intellect rising to the occasion." ~Trump supporters.

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2 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

Is Dotard aware that winning Georgia doesn’t give him the election?

This is the part I just can’t wrap my head around. Let’s just say the SOS abided and Georgia flipped, DT is still beaten soundly. DT has to be doing this to get back at Mitch. It’s the only thing that makes even a little sense. 

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2 minutes ago, LurkingHorn said:

This is the part I just can’t wrap my head around. Let’s just say the SOS abided and Georgia flipped, DT is still beaten soundly. DT has to be doing this to get back at Mitch. It’s the only thing that makes even a little sense. 

I think @Neonmoon's take is more likely. Trump views it like dominoes. Get one to fall and the rest succumb to the force. It is the populist's and blackmailer's energy combined. All the focus would then turn to those other states as the other "likely" states where malfeasance occurred and the pressure and spotlight would move to them.

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Just now, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Trump is going to have to resign after this. 

Alas, Hugo, alas. We went through this from July of 2019 through February of 2020.

He's going to call on his little anarchist friends this week and hide in his bunker and see how it goes. Resigning is for losers. He may have lost the election in fact, but he believes in alternative facts.

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9 minutes ago, LurkingHorn said:

This is the part I just can’t wrap my head around. Let’s just say the SOS abided and Georgia flipped, DT is still beaten soundly. DT has to be doing this to get back at Mitch. It’s the only thing that makes even a little sense. 

Toss out the laws and logic. If one state flips, he can stay in power. That will be his argument. If there is fraud in one state, and there is, because they flipped back to me, that means I was right about the other states. Hence I win. Like I said all along. That is how Trump thinks. A dictator thinks. 

think of the end goal. To get his way. That’s the only thing that matters to him. Laws don’t matter. Rules don’t matter. The only way to stop someone like this is to adhere to the rules. He will pressure you to ignore the rules. He will threaten you to break the rules. Anything for the end goal. Lawsuits. Violence. The method doesn’t matter. Only the end result. 

the Democrats and Republicans need to stop asking the snake politely not to be a snake as it bits them and kills them

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