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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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34 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

We've been reduced to using to the same humane strategy with the President that you would with vermin in your attic: seal the exits, don't allow access to sustenance, then wait until they show themselves and remove them.

It's too good for him.


That’s not how I treat vermin in my attic. 

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You can look it up -- my ideal dream ending to his presidency has always been having him dragged out of there and not by fancy ass feds but plain ol' DC flatfeet. Dragged across his red-tagged lawn and cuffed and stuffed on a trespassing warrant like a common squatter. We need to get over this idea that presidents, especially ex-presidents, are exalted beings. He is a fucking citizen with no more or no fewer rights than any of us. Treat him like you would an Anacostia wino. 

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I had no idea the guy is apparently a blue check grifter. Twitter ought to do something about misleading profiles as well as tweets. Sorry about that y’all.

No matter when Trump vacates The White House, I imagine The Bidens won’t move in for a week or so.

He’s gonna have ServPro up in that bitch like it’s got 7 dead bodies inside.

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1 minute ago, Bama Chick said:

Twitter ought to do something about misleading profiles as well as tweets. 

Yeah, that's not how twitter is ever going to work. Twitter can be a great resource.  It's all about how you curate your feed though. Pretty easy to get sucked down a feedback loop. 

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13 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

I had no idea the guy is apparently a blue check grifter. Twitter ought to do something about misleading profiles as well as tweets. Sorry about that y’all.

No matter when Trump vacates The White House, I imagine The Bidens won’t move in for a week or so.

He’s gonna have ServPro up in that bitch like it’s got 7 dead bodies inside.

It will definitely take a while to get the pee smell out of the Lincoln bedroom.  

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I'm sure that Trump has worked through all of the options: allow him to remain as Acting President while "irregularities are researched,  or hold another election next November (while he remains in office.) 
The saddest part of this whole affair is the effective silence from GWB. I understand his unwillingness to involve himself in political matters or submit opinions that hurt current Presidents but he won't comment on efforts to subvert the Constitution. I assume GWB takes the stance that he will only comment ONCE the Constitution is tossed aside. But wouldn't that be too late?
You have to keep in mind that GWB isn't intellectually equipped to make any statement that want prepared by someone else.
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3 minutes ago, Upgrayedd said:

Not the time for a dance party IMO

Wasn't Rudy Guiliani the guest host of one of her dance parties?  Oh, the irony. 

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Any of you phone sleuths figure out what kinda phone he's on, then you can tell by the angle of his fingers...how small his hands really are.  At 6'3", his hands should be about---what 9" across?  Mine are 10.5", a lot of people are saying my hands won a contest against his hands.  I dunno, that's just what people are saying. 

If somebody doesn't mind probably having a few weapons pulled on them, this Georgia rally would be a good place to hold up a simple sign saying

"Tremendous Hands"      (which is what I called Ivanka in college).  

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3 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Any of you phone sleuths figure out what kinda phone he's on, then you can tell by the angle of his fingers...how small his hands really are.  At 6'3", his hands should be about---what 9" across?  Mine are 10.5", a lot of people are saying my hands won a contest against his hands.  I dunno, that's just what people are saying. 

If somebody doesn't mind probably having a few weapons pulled on them, this Georgia rally would be a good place to hold up a simple sign saying

"Tremendous Hands"      (which is what I called Ivanka in college).  

Didn't you have a bit you did about nobody needing a phone that wasn't sized for midgets? 

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1 minute ago, DDD Dad said:

T minus 3 days and counting for her positive COVID test announcement.

I wouldn't want to wish Covid on anyone, but if she gets it, not only will I not lose any sleep over it, I might start to believe there's a god after all.

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I skimmed the transcript of that Georgia phone call, but finally had the chance to listen to it.

Holy shit, the fear and desperation in his voice, in complete contrast to the confident and measured voices of the GA guys, is fucking gold.  I smiled and laughed through the whole thing.  He's just a monkey throwing his shit around the yard.

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4 minutes ago, Mach 1 said:

I skimmed the transcript of that Georgia phone call, but finally had the chance to listen to it.

Holy shit, the fear and desperation in his voice, in complete contrast to the confident and measured voices of the GA guys, is fucking gold.  I smiled and laughed through the whole thing.  He's just a monkey throwing his shit around the yard.

Except that this monkey has the nuclear codes.  I'm afraid of what this lunatic is going to do over the next 15 days.

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I'm impressed the SoS office was able to get the full transcript out as quickly as they did. Reading along with the audio is exhausting. Must have taken Zapruder type scrutiny to get that incoherent rambling transcribed.

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4 hours ago, Red Five said:

He'll have SS protection but to what extent are they obligated to protect him? If he shoots someone on 5th Ave and the cops come to arrest him, it's not like the SS will fight the cops. 

Yep, that part of it is assuredly bullshit.  That tweet is being contested and "debunked."

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Just now, Red Five said:

Wait, we'll see them tonight, but "especially" see them on Wednesday? How does that work exactly?

OMG. Everyone remember the whiteboards and posters the GOP had at the Intel hearings and Impeachment hearings, including the misspelled one and the upside down one?

Do I dare hope there will be a battle of the whiteboards? I am so ready for Katie Porter to wreck shop.

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1 hour ago, Genco said:

I'm impressed the SoS office was able to get the full transcript out as quickly as they did. Reading along with the audio is exhausting. Must have taken Zapruder type scrutiny to get that incoherent rambling transcribed.

That's why you split it up between a couple of dozen patriots, each tasked with transcribing a minute or two.  This is war.  Resource management is key.  Even the US top brass had to make minor concessions during the Battle of the Bulge.  Well, this is the new Battle of the Bulge.


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