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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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On 1/6/2021 at 9:43 AM, Continental Op said:

Let's try to think critically here.  For example, let's say that we toss all white men out of power and we are freed from Louie Gohmert.  Which is more likely? 

1.  Wendy Davis moves to TX-01 and gets elected

2.  The Texas GOP finds a non-white male that is just as just as repugnant as Gohmert and gets that person elected because it's east TX and the person has (R) by their name.  

The problem is that assholes like Gohmert are what a huge portion of our electorate wants and, given the way the districts are drawn right now, they're going to get them regardless of what race/sex they are.  East Texas is still going to do East Texas things.  Throwing yourself prostrate on the ground and shrieking "OMG WHITE MEN ARE SOOOOOOOO BAD I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY!" isn't going to solve that problem and doesn't accomplish anything other than looking woke on Surly.  

Edited to add:  The House election in the (R) leaning North Dallas-area district I live in featured two female candidates.  One ran on a pretty progressive platform.  The other one ran on a platform of "My opponent is a socialist who wants to put all police officers in front of a firing squad and then march you down to the county courthouse at gunpoint and force you to gay marry Obama."  Guess who won! 

I am guessing this conversation gets lost due to the fuckery that occurred but the Texas GOP already has the crazy non white guy standing by. 


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When Mike Ortiz arrived at the Texas Capitol shortly after noon on Wednesday, a cardboard mask resting atop his head like a flat-brim baseball cap, the attention of the protesters at the “Occupy the Capitol for Trump” rally was torn. About three hundred demonstrators were there, a much smaller crowd than the one simultaneously gathering in Washington, D.C., outside the U.S. Capitol. Just outside the south gate of the Texas Capitol, a man with a megaphone repeated a sort of daily affirmation for those intent on overturning the results of the presidential election: “Remember, whatever happens today, Donald Trump is still our president.” Nearby, a goateed man in a khaki jacket banged on an empty WindFresh detergent tub and accosted those few wearing face coverings with a “maskism is Naziism” chant. Right behind him, an elderly man in an N95 mask distributed pamphlets alleging that Joe Biden was conspiring with “the British financial oligarchy” to take over the United States.
A handful in the scattered crowd moved toward Ortiz as soon as he put on his mask, adorned with a blown-up photo of Donald Trump with a lopsided smile. Everyone was eager to snap selfies with Ortiz. He worked through a procession of photo ops with unmasked protesters, assuring one man that he was smiling beneath the mask.
Half an hour later I caught up with Ortiz and his wife, Amber Moses. The couple had traveled nearly a hundred miles to Austin from their home in Robinson, a Waco suburb, to participate in what she described as a “great awakening.” The crowd around them had gathered to protest in favor of Donald Trump as the U.S. Congress was set to convene to certify Joe Biden’s electoral college victory. Amber explained she was there to “fight for the Constitution,” which she alleged various swing states had violated in changing their election laws to allow expanded mail-in voting without the approval of their legislatures. (Notably, Texas, too, had expanded voting by executive order, a fact that Ortiz said should be evaluated by “constitutional lawyers.”) She said she would not stop fighting until the Constitution was upheld and Trump was sworn in, even if that took until April. “Bohemian Rhapsody” started playing on a nearby boombox: “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?”
Pro-Trump protesters gather at the Texas Capitol.
Photograph by Ben Rowen
“I hope that we are able to fight this war with the Constitution and with love bombs, instead of real bombs,” Amber told me. “You’re seeing a love bomb go off right here.”
A group of armed men milled around nearby, inside the Capitol gate, holding signs reading “Kill a commie for mommy,” “Hang traitors,” and “Exterminate communists.” A car honked repeatedly as it sped down Eleventh Street, eliciting cheers; it was festooned with a “We Are All Kyle Rittenhouse” sign, a reference to the eighteen-year-old who shot three men at a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, this summer. (Rittenhouse says the shootings were in self-defense.)
Around 1:30 p.m., news from Washington spread through the rally. Pro-Trump protesters there had just breached the Capitol building. The House floor had been evacuated and members of Congress were escorted to safe rooms; one woman had been shot and killed. As Texas Department of Public Safety troopers closed off the Texas Capitol grounds, a man with a “Trump 2020” flag told those around him that “the fighting has begun.” Another protester assured those nearby that “we have boots on the ground in D.C.”
RELATED: These Texas Congressmen Fought off the Mob. Then They Voted With Trump.
Others seemed to pay their counterparts in Washington no mind, focusing their attention squarely on Joe Biden. “The Democratic party will do anything to get their power back,” Carl Ming, a protester from Rockdale, about an hour northeast of Austin, who brought a vintage Soviet semiautomatic rifle to the rally, told me. “This is the most extreme I’ve ever seen them go.”
Although allegations of voter fraud have repeatedly been disproven, those at the Capitol cited unsubstantiated rumors of dead Americans casting ballots, rigged voting machines, and election night tampering as incontrovertible evidence that Biden had stolen the race. One woman from Bastrop told me she’d accept the conclusions of a nonpartisan audit if it found that Biden still won after fraudulent ballots were tossed. No one else I spoke to would entertain the possibility that Biden had been victorious, repeatedly citing the crowd size at the rally as evidence of Trump’s widespread support.Ming said results needed to be audited, but when asked what he would do if an audit revealed Biden still won, he told me, “Then they would just prove they were cheating again.”
Pro-Trump flags.
Photograph by Ben Rowen
The storming of the U.S. Capitol had delayed the vote to certify the electoral college, so the protests ambled without real purpose, like the waning minutes of a high school pep rally. Steve Jackson, a Wichita Falls city councilman, had already cut out Mike Pence’s name from his “Trump, Pence” yard sign, because the vice president had said he did not have the constitutional authority to fulfill Trump’s request to discard the electoral college results. Jackson now placed his faith in divine intervention. “I just hope God will intervene and keep Donald J. Trump in there,” he said, adding, “I wish I had the answers.”
Others were keeping more extreme options on the table. Amber Moses Ortiz suggested that maybe Texas could secede. “That might come into play,” she said. “None of us are fortune tellers. But we have to fight for the Constitution.”
Jackson told me he’d “fight for Trump until the end,” adding, “I’m doing this for my kids and grandkids.”
Across the street, an elementary-school-aged boy whose parents had lent him their megaphone began a “four more years” chant. “Four hundred more years,” the man banging on the WindFresh tub shouted back.
These people are fucking insane.
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When Trump was elected I was not happy, but  I gave him a chance because I hope any president is an effective leader for our country. However, I also assumed that the Republicans had a spine and would check him if he went full regarded. I was very wrong.
Now it is pretty obvious McConnell and Pence probably threatened him with the 25th and/or impeachment and look how quickly he backed down. He looks like a whipped dog in that video.  If the Republicans had grown a spine earlier in his term America would be a lot better off and they might have kept control of both houses of congress and Doofus-in-Chief Trump might have gotten re-elected. Instead yesterday marked the end of America as the pre-eminent political power in the world. 
Bruh that happened a long time ago. This was entirely predictable and why so many were despondent in Nov 2016.
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5 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

Cabinet members are being all noble and resigning. In fact, if they resign they don't have to act on anything regarding the 25th amendment. Cowards, IMO.

without a doubt they are cowards. they are hedging in case they have to mooch off the grift that Trump may manage to do after this shitstorm is over. they are tainted anyway. best thing would have been to grow a pair. sadly, DC is where people without a pair go to ruin it for the rest of it. 

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I can't find the link now, but someone posted on Twitter a collection of screenshots that showed some of Trump's MAGA troopers feel like they went to DC like he wanted, stormed the Capitol like he wanted, and now he's thrown them under the bus.

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Not sure where to put this but I still have 5 neighbors who had full dotard flair flying in front of their houses.  

Last night I ordered 5 blue yard signs that have "TRAITOR" written in red in large letters.  Before I put them in their yards; am I breaking any laws?  I can place the  signs in their yards w/out ever stepping on their property.  Just checking. 

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11 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Not sure where to put this but I still have 5 neighbors who had full dotard flair flying in front of their houses.  

Last night I ordered 5 blue yard signs that have "TRAITOR" written in red in large letters.  Before I put them in their yards; am I breaking any laws?  I can place the  signs in their yards w/out ever stepping on their property.  Just checking. 

Yeah dude that's a trespass.

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41 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Not sure where to put this but I still have 5 neighbors who had full dotard flair flying in front of their houses.  

Last night I ordered 5 blue yard signs that have "TRAITOR" written in red in large letters.  Before I put them in their yards; am I breaking any laws?  I can place the  signs in their yards w/out ever stepping on their property.  Just checking. 


30 minutes ago, Bookman said:

Yeah dude that's a trespass.

Not a lawyer but isn't it only a trespass if they tell you to leave? Otherwise UPS would be trespassing every time they drop off a package. In short, do it my man!

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12 hours ago, 'stache said:

I’m not sure Pence or McConnell have that kind of sway with him and I bet the senate would still not remove for fear of losing his voters. My guess is that either some very powerful rich person with something on him ordered a code red, or military leaders caught him red handed bribing or otherwise influencing the Capitol police to allow the mob entry and straight told him he’d be tried for treason if he didn’t go quietly into the good night.

I'm seeing some talk on Twitter that impeachment can continue after Biden's inauguration.  While I wouldn't bet on it, I could see McConnell slow-playing until then, and then finding 17 Senators who are moderates/close to retirement to prevent Trump from being able to run in 2024.

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30 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


hold the phone...there a LSL fan forum?  Link please...asking for me.


Texags Q forum is still hanging in there.  Trump had to tell people to go home as that was a requirement to enact the insurrection act and really use the military to take control of DC and start the purge of pedos.  i'm sure it would make sense if i was willing to do my own research.

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8 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Yeah, better idea.

The traitor sign in neighbors' yards sounded good after a few vodka/sodas last night. 

Just post the “Traitor” signs in your own yard, but add “lives at [ADDRESS]” for each of the neighbors.

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1 hour ago, Bookman said:

Yeah dude that's a trespass.

Nope.  Not if you're a patriot -- that's what the Trumpists and GOP enablers told me -- no problem with them marching into the capitol, silly laws and shit be damned.  Being a "patriot" is a 100% defense to all charges.

Trust me, I went to law school at Trump University.

21 minutes ago, Bookman said:

So was January 6 the climax of Trumpism? It seems like it was.

I feel so unsatisfied.

Oh.....my sweet summer child.

15 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Uh, still plenty of time to get WAY worse man.

Yeah, some people seem to forget the Rule of Trump: it only gets worse, and it always gets worse.

Humanity is in the greatest danger it has ever seen for the next two weeks.

And the chances of Biden being peacefully inaugurated - and not being assassinated -- are most certainly materially below 100%.

We have a home-grown religious terrorist movement that has proven that it is willing to commit violence for its god.  That isn't going away.

Edited by Brisketexan
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3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Nope.  Not if you're a patriot -- that's what the Trumpists and GOP enablers told me -- no problem with them marching into the capitol, silly laws and shit be damned.  Being a "patriot" is a 100% defense to all charges.

Trust me, I went to law school at Trump University.

Oh.....my sweet summer child.

Yeah, some people seem to forget the Rule of Trump: it only gets worse, and it always gets worse.

Humanity is in the greatest danger it has ever seen for the next two weeks.

And the chances of Biden being peacefully inaugurated - and not being assassinated -- are most certainly materially below 100%.

We have a home-grown religious terrorist movement that has proven that it is willing to commit violence for its god.  That isn't going away.

Some reporter was on MSNBC this morning the Rhule and said they are already planning someone for 1/20 and it’s not even on their “secret” message boards rather they are doing it openly on social media. 

There was a tweet this morning where the million militia march is planning for 1/20 in DC and it looked like it was on FB. 

Will the country be prepared?

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Just now, Pancho said:

Some reporter was on MSNBC this morning the Rhule and said they are already planning someone for 1/20 and it’s not even on their “secret” message boards rather they are doing it openly on social media. 

There was a tweet this morning where the million militia march is planning for 1/20 in DC and it looked like it was on FB. 

Will the country be prepared?

They are absolutely and OPENLY planning an assault on DC on the 19th and 20th.  Which really isn't different than here.  If these people were muslims saying the same shit, we'd be at threat level bright red, airports shut down, roads into and out of DC roadblocked, the whole show.

And we have ample reason to believe that there is a Trumpist fifth column inside the relevant police forces.  There may even be one within the Secret Service.  Biden needs to hand-pick SS agents who are known to him and trusted by him....and I think he needs to look at other sources for loyalist protection, and I'm not kidding.

It's a script for a horror movie.

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1 minute ago, Pasken said:

Any of these MAGA fucks go to DC looking for a fight then they were surly get them. Police/military is going to be mentally ready for a fight.

Unless the police/military/SS has been compromised.

Are you comfortable thinking that they haven't been?  I'm not.  I'm very, very much not comfortable thinking that.

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Just now, Brisketexan said:

Unless the police/military/SS has been compromised.

Are you comfortable thinking that they haven't been?  I'm not.  I'm very, very much not comfortable thinking that.

One of their own got their head smashed in and died and the entire world is looking at them like 3rd world extremists. They've lost their sympathizers. 

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Just now, Pasken said:

One of their own got their head smashed in and died and the entire world is looking at them like 3rd world extremists. They've lost their sympathizers. 

You really don't understand cults and fascism, do you?  This isn't "sympathizers."  It's cultists and members of a fascist movement.  We continue to underestimate them, and by doing so, we are insuring that our country will go down in flames.

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35 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

They are absolutely and OPENLY planning an assault on DC on the 19th and 20th.  Which really isn't different than here.  If these people were muslims saying the same shit, we'd be at threat level bright red, airports shut down, roads into and out of DC roadblocked, the whole show.

And we have ample reason to believe that there is a Trumpist fifth column inside the relevant police forces.  There may even be one within the Secret Service.  Biden needs to hand-pick SS agents who are known to him and trusted by him....and I think he needs to look at other sources for loyalist protection, and I'm not kidding.

It's a script for a horror movie.

When Biden's team talked about the Secret Service precautions they were taking with personnel, it gave me pause because of the implications. Maybe I'm naive, but it had never seemed to me like those fellows had (until this latest administration) been suspected of misplaced loyalty in that regard. It is an awful path that once begun will probably have to continue for the foreseeable future. I so blame Trump and his torching of the civil/career service positions and you know what, Ginny Thomas? Fuck you too.

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Just now, Mrs Whiggins said:

When Biden's team talked about the Secret Service precautions they were taking with personnel, it gave me pause because of the implications. Maybe I'm naive, but it had never seemed to me like those fellows had (until this latest administration) been suspected of misplaced loyalty in that regard. It is an awful path that once begun will probably have to continue for the foreseeable future. I so blame Trump and his torching of the civil/career service positions and you know what, Ginny Thomas? Fuck you too.

Ginny Thomas is an insane traitor.  That's no longer in any doubt.

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9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

You really don't understand cults and fascism, do you?  This isn't "sympathizers."  It's cultists and members of a fascist movement.  We continue to underestimate them, and by doing so, we are insuring that our country will go down in flames.

When cults lose the public, they don't get better. They usually go suicidal. They change their outlook from violence to death and they will take out whoever stands in their way.

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17 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Unless the police/military/SS has been compromised.

Are you comfortable thinking that they haven't been?  I'm not.  I'm very, very much not comfortable thinking that.

There are absolutely Trumpkins in the military.  I have high confidence they would hold their nose and do their jobs if ordered to.  The penalties for treason for people in uniform is severe to say the least.  Taking up arms against the government (levying war against the government), or disobeying orders to defend it (giving aid or comfort to the government’s enemies), would qualify as treason IMO.  They would be reminded of that before they got on the truck.  

Edited by TXSG8R
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10 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

You really don't understand cults and fascism, do you?  This isn't "sympathizers."  It's cultists and members of a fascist movement.  We continue to underestimate them, and by doing so, we are insuring that our country will go down in flames.

I agree, radicalized people within 'trusted' organizations have perpetrated this. It's what happens when you don't have good oversight and transparency and consequences. It happens in other professions as well, but all it takes is one who remains in place like a sleeper and then in a couple of years--boom.

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12 minutes ago, mackavelli said:

Anyone else focus on his wording?   "American Patriots" seems to target his Q wackos.  




 - captain obvious - 

It does. Also reinforces who 'they' think is AMERICAN. Remember, they tell us what they're going to do and one of those things was to tell us that our education system needed to return to what it means to be an AMERICAN.

Btw, that is also what Pompeo has been speaking and tweeting about so keep an eye on him.

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16 hours ago, Eastwood said:

The interesting thing about the blanket self pardon is that accepting a pardon is also a waiver of the Fifth Amendment right of avoiding self-incriminating. So, if he issues a blanket pardon, there might be nothing to stop the DoJ from issuing subpoena after subpoena into perpetuity compelling him to spill anything and everything about anything and everything. Business associates, family members, foreign governments... And he would have to answer under the penalty of perjury, which is a brand new offense and one he could not pardon himself of.

Also, the pardon does nothing about the NY case. That's why I don't think a pardon is in order. He's fleeing the country and he might do so from Camp David where the authorities can't stop him on the tarmac.

How do you flee the country when you have secret service detail? Wouldn't Biden just be able to have them bring him back?

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49 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Biden needs to hand-pick SS agents who are known to him and trusted by him....and I think he needs to look at other sources for loyalist protection, and I'm not kidding.

I read a story from a week or two ago, that Biden was indeed hand-picking secret service officers (can we get another abbreviation besides SS??), since he did trust the Trumper ones. So Biden is getting agents that he already knew personally. Some ex-agents basically came out of retirement so Biden could get people who could be trusted. I hope that is enough.


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1 minute ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Fuck twitter.  JFC, I cannot believe they gave him access again before the end of his term.  Cunts.

It's so stupid because if they made him use his official account then he couldn't say some of the things he does, which he knows and that's why he doesn't tweet from it.

He probably got it back because he agreed to delete some of the tweets and leave them deleted. That's often the same for other users I think.

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55 minutes ago, Pancho said:

Some reporter was on MSNBC this morning the Rhule and said they are already planning someone for 1/20 and it’s not even on their “secret” message boards rather they are doing it openly on social media. 

There was a tweet this morning where the million militia march is planning for 1/20 in DC and it looked like it was on FB. 

Will the country be prepared?

Qanon relative and her bf are claiming Flynn is organizing something.  That sounds like it.  

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9 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

There are absolutely Trumpkins in the military.  I have high confidence they would hold their nose and do their jobs if ordered to.  The penalties for treason for people in uniform is severe to say the least.  Taking up arms against the government (levying war against the government), or disobeying orders to defend it (giving aid or comfort to the government’s enemies), would qualify as treason IMO.  They would be reminded of that before they got on the truck.  

It only takes one truckfull of them....ask Sadat's ghost about that....

Our country is under sustained terrorist attack, and the attack is being dispatched from within the White House.  I cannot emphasize enough how bad this is.

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