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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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I was gonna post all of the more masculine presidents in the 20th and 21st centuries, HW, LBJ, Ford, Ike, but then I realized that there is no less masculine president that I can think of in the past 100 years.  Heck, even Carter was a military officer and demonstrated post-presidency that he could definitely wield a hammer more effectively than Trump.

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3 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

No Dorito for the Cheeto

Not relevant to the current conversation, but the last time I was at Costco I purchased a mixed bag of chipish ingredients that contained both Doritos and Cheetos, along with pretzels and a few other things.  Was tasty.

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How it would go at the Inauguration for Vanky if she went...
Would be disapointed in a dead fish sexing, mediocre, self- hating mousy blonde hiding behind fake tits and fake sense of culture and class.
Would tell everyone the story
Would look back and laugh -eventualy
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Angela Merkel Calls Trump Twitter Ban Problematic as Freedom of Opinion Is Fundamental Right

“Seibert also said that social media companies should not simply "stand back" when hatred and incitements to violence are posted.”
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1 hour ago, BrickHorn said:

America’s Most Masculine President, shown here mocking a disabled reporter:


I’m sorry. I’m being told that the sickening contortions depicted in the above picture are part of an earnest attempt by the Most Masculine President Ever to compete in a sport.

That fat fucker looks softer than a bowl of pudding.  A walrus probably has a lower body fat percentage.  Fuck Trump!

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1 hour ago, fakebusiness said:

Angela Merkel Calls Trump Twitter Ban Problematic as Freedom of Opinion Is Fundamental Right


Probably because she thinks that the government should be regulating speech rather than private platforms. Unlike the U.S. Germany regulates hate speech so her opinion is premised on outlawing MAGA.


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4 minutes ago, F250 said:

Probably because she thinks that the government should be regulating speech rather than private platforms. Unlike the U.S. Germany regulates hate speech so her opinion is premised on outlawing MAGA.


Yep. Half these guys would be in jail already in Germany just from the content of their posts. One can't go around openly Nazi-ing in Germany like one can here.  But also who knows what a German head of state would be allowed to do. Trump is hard to reach legally at this point.

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6 minutes ago, F250 said:

Probably because she thinks that the government should be regulating speech rather than private platforms. Unlike the U.S. Germany regulates hate speech so her opinion is premised on outlawing MAGA.


Yes I just don’t understand the butthurt. This was almost certainly a decision made by Jack Dorsey and Twitter’s board, along with strong pressure from institutional shareholders, regarding protecting Twitter from liability arising from its involvement with being a forum for hate speech and the right thing to do as a corporate citizen. Twitter has been one of the demonized faces of Big Tech for some time and I’d guess the board, reeling at the possible legal exposure of being deemed a catalyst for widespread political violence in the US, just decided to get out of the business of regulating such content entirely. I don’t think any officer or director of Twitter or Alphabet would want to make decisions, or have their employees put in the position of making decisions, of this magnitude. 

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15 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

Yep. Half these guys would be in jail already in Germany just from the content of their posts. One can't go around openly Nazi-ing in Germany like one can here.  But also who knows what a German head of state would be allowed to do. Trump is hard to reach legally at this point.

Do you not fear the power of a small group of unelected tech oligarchs controlling the flow of speech? They're aren't going to limit just sensoring right wing cooks.

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6 minutes ago, fakebusiness said:

Do you not fear the power of a small group of unelected tech oligarchs controlling the flow of speech? They're aren't going to limit just sensoring right wing cooks.

I favor government regulation if not outright control of tech that is comparable to a public forum. That way public forum rules can actually apply. 

But you guys are getting what you wanted. Twitter is a private entity and can do what it wants. Corporations are people too. Communist!

And I also think everyone who incites violence on social media should be charged with it. 

Edited by FondrenRoad
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1 hour ago, FondrenRoad said:

I favor government regulation if not outright control of tech that is comparable to a public forum. That way public forum rules can actually apply. 

But you guys are getting what you wanted. Twitter is a private entity and can do what it wants. Corporations are people too. Communist!

And I also think everyone who incites violence on social media should be charged with it. 

I dont know who 'you guys' is? I just worry about unchecked technocratic power regardless of what reactionary hypocrites think. And yeah Trumpers calling Biden (the architect of the patriot act, 94 crime bill, anti-universal healthcare, never met a war or bank bailout he didn't like) a communist is hilarious. Shows you how far right the overton windows is in this country.

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9 hours ago, fakebusiness said:

Angela Merkel Calls Trump Twitter Ban Problematic as Freedom of Opinion Is Fundamental Right


Other civilized nations, I believe based on our First Amendment, have these nebulous notions of freedom of speech and opinion that ultimately are inferior to ours.  

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Other civilized nations, I believe based on our First Amendment, have these nebulous notions of freedom of speech and opinion that ultimately are inferior to ours.  

Agreed. I'm basking in the glory of all these fools getting banned from social media as much as anyone, but a government solution isn't the answer. It's fundamentally un-American. I don't have a problem with the Fairness Doctrine or requiring "news" to report factual news. But as terrible as social media is, it should be treated the same as regular, verbal communication with the same first amendment considerations.

The solution needs to come from the demand side. The fact that we as a society are too lazy and social media addicted to demand better of the companies doesn't justify going and changing the cornerstones of our Democracy.

To add, I do believe there should be a significant amount of government and law enforcement resources invested in rooting out foreign trolls on social media, which are a huge problem dividing us. And Facebook and Twitter and the like should be required to cooperate fully as they would with any other open investigation.
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7 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

Right wing cooks are free to use whatever sensors they want in their kitchens. 

If they're making certain concoctions in their kitchens that contain incendiary and/or highly flammable illegal substances, I suggest they do so. And maybe buy some insurance. Although, it may be void if the recipes are from a certain Primate Device Association handbook.

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12 hours ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Everytime I think we’ve bottomed out.

The cruelty is the point:




Under recently passed federal regulations, carving letters into the skin of endangered animals isn't even a crime.


And even if it were, the magats were clearly just trying to help the manatee by removing algae and barnacles from its skin.




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19 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

“Trump is going to declare himself king of Texas today and ignite a civil war.”

Now, that sounds batshit ludicrous right?  

But can you rule it out? 

a FB connection posted a meme that asked trump to come be president of the new Republic of Texas, after we secede.  So, I'd say 50/50 chance this happens. 

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a FB connection posted a meme that asked trump to come be president of the new Republic of Texas, after we secede.  So, I'd say 50/50 chance this happens. 
Well, we're already represented by a bunch of limp wristed Canadians and New Englanders who have never done a hard day's work in their lives, so Trump would fit right in.
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22 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

a FB connection posted a meme that asked trump to come be president of the new Republic of Texas, after we secede.  So, I'd say 50/50 chance this happens. 

This came up in a convo recently--secession, not Trump being the leader of it though. They were saying several hundred thousand were in support of it. I'm like 'so 28 million people in Texas, you're saying that about one percent are for it? Get out of here with that,' and then I @Huckleberry them, which I am now (in my mind like Jack Black as Kung Fu panda) referring to as Huckle buried--a term that means to silence a stupid non argument made by someone who shouldn't be spouting off stupidity.

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8 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

free speech was just fine for a couple hundred years without twitter, and it'll be just fine now.  you shouldn't need to rely on a social media platform to ensure your speech, whether you're joe message board or the president of the united states.

trump is being silenced because he won't walk 30 steps to the fucking press room, because he's scared to death of reporters calling him out on his shit, and his inability to get it right on the first take.  that's it and that's all.

he's the fucking snowflake of all snowflakes.  he's also the most masculine president of all time.

-hg (hogan gidley)

Agree,  Before social media you needed good ideas to get an audience.  Now they just need to be sensational.  The worse your take the better.

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