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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

Schumer should go to McConnell privately and say if he gets 17 votes he won’t kill the filibuster this cycle

And then do it anyway after the conviction. That's the way Mitch would play it. "Not killing the filibuster only applies to the first 100 days a new president is in office!"

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I think McConnell is just trying to buy time. He knows far worse is going to come out.  And once trump is out of office, they will have less ability to control the flow of information. Direct evidence of incitement, evidence that House members were coconspirators, other criminal activity by trump not related to the insurrection, etc..  Once Barr or whoever the fuck is acting AG this week is out, more and more evidence against trump will be out there.  McConnell doesn't want his members voting against conviction, with that dam of information about to be released in the coming weeks.

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I just got off the phone with a House Democrat staffer and the level of fury is unlike anything I've ever heard.  They basically view the elected GOP reps as actual Nazis, White Supremacists, and traitors.   I can't imagine the Senate democrats are any less ragey.

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2 hours ago, Sawbonz said:


I think it was either his sister or Michael Cohen who said awhile back that Trump is incapable of saying that he lost. He could have lost every state 50-0 by a combined 100 million votes and his behavior from November 3rd to today would have been exactly the same. 

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8 minutes ago, Red Five said:

I think it was either his sister or Michael Cohen who said awhile back that Trump is incapable of saying that he lost. He could have lost every state 50-0 by a combined 100 million votes and his behavior from November 3rd to today would have been exactly the same. 

All his prior losses aren't so starkly Winner vs. Loser.  He can spin and flood the channel with BS that he actually won everything bigly.  There's no scoreboard or box score on bankruptcies, failed businesses, lost lawsuits (close, though).

But a presidential election. there is a WINNER and there is a LOSER.  And you, you fat, orange, malignant shit funnel, are the LOSER and there is no escaping it.

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16 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

I just got off the phone with a House Democrat staffer and the level of fury is unlike anything I've ever heard.  They basically view the elected GOP reps as actual Nazis, White Supremacists, and traitors.   I can't imagine the Senate democrats are any less ragey.


Edited by Mrs Whiggins
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20 minutes ago, Red Five said:

I think it was either his sister or Michael Cohen who said awhile back that Trump is incapable of saying that he lost. He could have lost every state 50-0 by a combined 100 million votes and his behavior from November 3rd to today would have been exactly the same. 

He will occasionally engage with reality and admit failure. But his brain can’t accept the truth long term, so it will immediately conspire with his mouth and tweeting fingers to revise history. A day or two after the admission, Trump won’t remember it happened and will insist on the lie that he never failed at all. It’s what narcissists do.

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dibs on "Malignant Shit Funnel" for the name of my newsletter that will track the many business failures of the Trump family in the post-presidency era.  I mean, they'll be great top line revenues because of the loyal brand following, but it'll be completely decimated by incompetent cost management, crazy spending, legal fees out the ass, and of course the usual 20% grift lollipop due to Trump and kids for being such all-star human beings.  And you dumb fucking Trumpers will throw every last dollar you have at them.  The only human being in human history to bankrupt the same casino, TWICE.  He literally lost money on legalized gambling where you're mathematically and from a regulatory standpoint---guaranteed a net margin.  

If I offered a service, TODAY, that allowed you to dock your paycheck 3% each month and it would go directly into Trump's legal account or presidential library account or some other official sounding Trump effort......I could get 5 million Trumpers to sign up for it within a matter of weeks.  I'd eventually be exposed and murdered, but it'd be a fun couple years.   

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48 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

I  like the idea, and have considered similar, but I don't think you make any fucking promises. What you do say is, "Lets help purge the poison from your party, and lets do some good for America as a whole. And if we work together to heal America, I won't have to repeal the filibuster, stack the courts, or make DC a state this term."

Na, fuck that. Schumer should go to McConnell and say "I'm going to repeal the filibuster so we can start fixing the shit you fucked up. You need to find a bunch of Republican votes to convict Donald, or we will wipe our hands clean and you can cage match him for 4 years for the future of your party."

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Macaulay Culkin joins the call to to get Trump removed from Home Alone 2:


I guess this means the whole Mount Rushmore thing is dead.  I mean when you've lost nine year-old Kevin McCallister ...

10 years from now the only memories of Trump will be the psychic scars on all the people he hurt.  20 years from now you won't be able to find anybody who will admit having voted for him.  


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20 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

He will occasionally engage with reality and admit failure. But his brain can’t accept the truth long term, so it will immediately conspire with his mouth and tweeting fingers to revise history. A day or two after the admission, Trump won’t remember it happened and will insist on the lie that he never failed at all. It’s what narcissists do.

It really is this simple.

When you stop thinking of Trump as a businessman, politician, or anything like that, and begin analyzing him through the singular lens of "psychopathic narcissist," you understand him perfectly.  Predicting what he will do next is ZERO challenge -- malignant narcissists like him act according to a set pattern.  Everything he has done thus far -- EVERY SINGLE THING - has followed that pattern.

Many of us didn't shout about Trump and hate him from the beginning because he MIGHT do the shit he's done.  We did so because he was GUARANTEED to do the shit he's done.

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56 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

I just got off the phone with a House Democrat staffer and the level of fury is unlike anything I've ever heard.  They basically view the elected GOP reps as actual Nazis, White Supremacists, and traitors.   I can't imagine the Senate democrats are any less ragey.

ACCURATE. When they show you who they are, believe them.  The GOP is just as akin to a nazi party as Trump is to a fascist dictator.  The house GOP is now on the record of approving violence as an acceptable political tactic and the 10 GOP reps that voted for impeachment are being squeezed out of the party.  They should leave the party because the stain of the Republican Party affiliation isn’t going to be easier to wash off going forward. 

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1 hour ago, Bateshorn said:

I just got off the phone with a House Democrat staffer and the level of fury is unlike anything I've ever heard.  They basically view the elected GOP reps as actual Nazis, White Supremacists, and traitors.   I can't imagine the Senate democrats are any less ragey.


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1 hour ago, Bateshorn said:

I just got off the phone with a House Democrat staffer and the level of fury is unlike anything I've ever heard.  They basically view the elected GOP reps as actual Nazis, White Supremacists, and traitors.   I can't imagine the Senate democrats are any less ragey.

So they finally get what they're dealing with?

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1 hour ago, Lobo said:


If I offered a service, TODAY, that allowed you to dock your paycheck 3% each month and it would go directly into Trump's legal account or presidential library account or some other official sounding Trump effort......I could get 5 million Trumpers to sign up for it within a matter of weeks.  I'd eventually be exposed and murdered, but it'd be a fun couple years.   

5 Million in a matter of weeks?  If you did it today, you might have that many by tomorrow night.   

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35 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

yes.  if he wants the senate to convict, all he has to do is say so.

i wonder if that is true too.  there are so many that are beholden to a base that is trump before all, that listening to the minority leader on it would still be an issue.

i can see people like the following saying it isn't their brand or too many MAGA in their state to vote otherwise.  

A good starting place for trouble is to look at the states with a 2022 R senator up.  How many of those do you think would feel a lot of pressure to vote to acquit.  (Utah is Lee, not Romney; SC is Scott, not Graham).  



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2 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

I just got off the phone with a House Democrat staffer and the level of fury is unlike anything I've ever heard.  They basically view the elected GOP reps as actual Nazis, White Supremacists, and traitors.   I can't imagine the Senate democrats are any less ragey.

Their fury is entirely appropriate and shared by a healthy majority of Americans that crosses party and ideological lines. 

Edited by Bozo_Casanova
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3 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

i wonder if that is true too.  there are so many that are beholden to a base that is trump before all, that listening to the minority leader on it would still be an issue.

i can see people like the following saying it isn't their brand or too many MAGA in their state to vote otherwise.  

A good starting place for trouble is to look at the states with a 2022 R senator up.  How many of those do you think would feel a lot of pressure to vote to acquit.  (Utah is Lee, not Romney; SC is Scott, not Graham).  



it's already been said.  i don't know where it was posted, but some gop senator was like, "oh, if mitch wants him gone, he's gone."

he's not the "minority leader" to the gop senators.  he's their leader.  it's not like the republicans are going to start listening to schumer.  if mcconnell wants the votes, he can snap his fingers and get them.  he only needs 1/3 of his guys to go along with it, not a stretch at all.

also someone mentioned that while the vote to "convict" (remove) is 2/3 majority, the vote to disqualify future office is only simple majority.  can anyone confirm that?  because that would be...interesting.

personally, i don't want him disqualified.

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1 hour ago, Lobo said:

dibs on "Malignant Shit Funnel" for the name of my newsletter that will track the many business failures of the Trump family in the post-presidency era.  I mean, they'll be great top line revenues because of the loyal brand following, but it'll be completely decimated by incompetent cost management, crazy spending, legal fees out the ass, and of course the usual 20% grift lollipop due to Trump and kids for being such all-star human beings.  And you dumb fucking Trumpers will throw every last dollar you have at them.  The only human being in human history to bankrupt the same casino, TWICE.  He literally lost money on legalized gambling where you're mathematically and from a regulatory standpoint---guaranteed a net margin.  

If I offered a service, TODAY, that allowed you to dock your paycheck 3% each month and it would go directly into Trump's legal account or presidential library account or some other official sounding Trump effort......I could get 5 million Trumpers to sign up for it within a matter of weeks.  I'd eventually be exposed and murdered, but it'd be a fun couple years.   

Attribution for malignant shit funnel.


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1 hour ago, Mo Horn said:

Really good article... scary, but good. 

It is worse off but I think a lot of the foreign policy stuff can be corrected or evened out with Biden. For one the allies know it won't be the same anymore now that trump is gone. They won't be as trusting as before because they know at any time Americans can do something stupid in elections again so the stability is gone, but in the short term they know Biden will run it back to more Obama era goals and norms. 

By far the greatest damage trump did was domestically by completing the nutjob religious radicalization of a bunch of mostly white idiots. That damage internally will be the worst thing going forward as far as dealing with Russia, China, and the middle east go. 

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3 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

Schumer should go to McConnell privately and say if he gets 17 votes he won’t kill the filibuster this cycle

If he did reach out to Mitch (he won't - they don't talk much apparently) then he'd have to offer something tangible like for Rs to chair some committees. Highly unlikely for that to occur. 

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6 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

also someone mentioned that while the vote to "convict" (remove) is 2/3 majority, the vote to disqualify future office is only simple majority.  can anyone confirm that?  because that would be...interesting.


This is correct - have to get the 2/3rds conviction first then simple majority to disqualify.

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2 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

I just got off the phone with a House Democrat staffer and the level of fury is unlike anything I've ever heard.  They basically view the elected GOP reps as actual Nazis, White Supremacists, and traitors.   I can't imagine the Senate democrats are any less ragey.


10 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Their fury is entirely appropriate and shared by a healthy majority of Americans that crosses party and ideological lines. 

exactly. anyone who watched some of the republican performances yesterday could come away thinking differently. i understand catering to your base on some level - they voted you in and they are your constituents. but when your base is overrun with actual nazis, white supremacists, and traitors...well, either you have a moral compass or you do not. so many yesterday displayed a complete lack of integrity and spine.

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1 hour ago, Mo Horn said:

Really good article... scary, but good. 

I continue to hold out hope that Biden can use the following argument with most other countries: "Work with me. Let me "win" these negotiations/trade deals/etc in a big way. If I can't show a ton of success, you'll end up having to deal with Trump again in a couple years." That won't work with Russia, but it could work with a lot of other countries.

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20 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

it's already been said.  i don't know where it was posted, but some gop senator was like, "oh, if mitch wants him gone, he's gone."

he's not the "minority leader" to the gop senators.  he's their leader.  it's not like the republicans are going to start listening to schumer.  if mcconnell wants the votes, he can snap his fingers and get them.  he only needs 1/3 of his guys to go along with it, not a stretch at all.

also someone mentioned that while the vote to "convict" (remove) is 2/3 majority, the vote to disqualify future office is only simple majority.  can anyone confirm that?  because that would be...interesting.

personally, i don't want him disqualified.

Any conviction/removal/disqualification without Republican votes should be a nonstarter. It's time for them to grow up and help mommy and daddy clean the house after the big weekend party they threw. 

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20 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

personally, i don't want him disqualified.

I can understand this sentiment, and there's a lot of merit to it because it would likely destroy the Republican party beyond repair. But even the slightest chance of him getting reelected in 2024 outweighs that in my mind.

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4 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

Schumer should go to McConnell privately and say if he gets 17 votes he won’t kill the filibuster this cycle

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. The whole point of the Ga runoff was to gain control of both houses, to actually get shit done. Plus, one does not "make a deal" with Moscow Mitch. His word is as strong as the one ply toilet paper I wipe my ass with at the office.

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7 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

exactly. anyone who watched some of the republican performances yesterday could come away thinking differently. i understand catering to your base on some level - they voted you in and they are your constituents. but when your base is overrun with actual nazis, white supremacists, and traitors...well, either you have a moral compass or you do not. so many yesterday displayed a complete lack of integrity and spine.

I sort of agree, but think it comes from a different place.  I was thinking about this yesterday.  Here's my hypothetical speech in Congress.


"I am voting to convict because the question is whether the President incited a riot to storm the capitol, and in doing so caused violence and death.  None of that is really in dispute.  You are voting to acquit not because you are an idiot, even though many of you are.  Not because you are cowards, even though most of your are. Not because you are party hacks incapable of independent thought, even though virtually all of you are.  You vote to acquit because it is your job.  You were elected to be a clown.  You were elected to get your face on Fox news and say edgy things.  You have convinced your constituents that what representatives do is a large joke and a form of entertainment, and they elected you to do exactly that.  So I don't castigate you for denying what is right in front of your face.  I applaud you for doing your job to a tee.  I yield my time."    

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33 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

personally, i don't want him disqualified.

I think the idea of him being disqualified is suspect b/c Trump has yet to be contained by laws.  IMO if he isn’t taken into custody shortly after Biden becomes president, then the America we know is officially over and done, if it isn’t already. Elections will lose their legitimacy and fascist tyranny will take hold. 

Trump has already been deemed too dangerous to be platformed by corporate America. He’s an existential threat to public safety and a functioning constitutional democracy.  He must be neutralized by our democratic institutions before more lives are senselessly lost to his evil and it must happen as soon as possible. 

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1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I think the idea of him being disqualified is suspect b/c Trump has yet to be contained by laws.  IMO if he isn’t taken into custody shortly after Biden becomes president, then the America we know is officially over and done, if it isn’t already. Elections will lose their legitimacy and fascist tyranny will take hold. 

Trump has already been deemed too dangerous to be platformed by corporate America. He’s an existential threat to public safety and a functioning constitutional democracy.  He must be neutralized by our democratic institutions before more lives are senselessly lost to his evil and it must happen as soon as possible. 

the neutering by corporate america is interesting.  if he tries to run again, it would be without corporate support.  we would be able to see if a genuine grassroots campaign actually works, instead of the fake astroturfing version of that we are sold every few years that's actually backed by moneyed people.

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3 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

we would be able to see if a genuine grassroots campaign actually works, instead of the fake astroturfing version of that we are sold every few years that's actually backed by moneyed people.

A grassroots movement built on top of an AstroTurfed movement is still an AstroTurfed movement.

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10 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


. After resorting to a porta-potty, as well as bathrooms at the nearby home of former president Barack Obama and the not-so-nearby residence of Vice President Pence, the agents finally found a toilet to call their own.


They should all get to shit on Ivankas chest

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