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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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1 hour ago, Serak The Preparer said:

You know how you don't like it when people say retard, even in jest?

It was a commentary on the non stop two pages of debate over the word “fag” and “gay” with regard to some movies.  Learn to read context you fucking retard.  Go bitch about the rest of the thread.  I didn’t start the whole thing with the gay/faggy movie derail.  Sorry about my fucking tone, you extra chromosome, mongoloid, wouldn’t be welcomed in Oklahoma retarded shitbag you.    

 But In real life, lemme know if I can help with anything.  Had a really good day at UT’s department of diversity and inclusion.  Gonna be a good semester hopefully for my students.  

Edited by Lobo
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7 minutes ago, Lobo said:

It was a commentary on the non stop two pages of debate over the word “fag” and “gay” with regard to some movies.  Learn to read context you fucking retard.  Go bitch about the rest of the thread.  I didn’t start the whole thing with the gay/faggy movie derail.  Sorry about my fucking tone, you extra chromosome, mongoloid, wouldn’t be welcomed in Oklahoma retarded shitbag you.    

 But In real life, lemme know if I can help with anything.  Had a really good day at UT’s department of diversity and inclusion.  Gonna be a good semester hopefully for my students.  

Well I'm glad that you took the time to edit the post, so that there was no misunderstanding. For the record, nobody said "fag". There was queer, gay, lesbian, but no fag. Not sure the reaction in your post was warranted, but you do you.

Hope you do have a good semester.


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Sorry, couldn’t remember which slur was used in the fifty posts about the same goddamn retarded bullshit about the matrix being gay or homo or what.  But yeah, all those posts about it and I’m the asshole.  I edited it because i couldn’t remember what words were used.  But if my tone bothers your retarded ass, my apologies. 

people use slurs for page after page, Lobo makes another shitty attempt at some humor to quell the retArdedness and you get pissy.  Your selective whining is noted.  I’ll hang back off this thread so as not to offend your 24th chromosome

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15 minutes ago, Lobo said:

It was a commentary on the non stop two pages of debate over the word “fag” and “gay” with regard to some movies.  Learn to read context you fucking retard.  Go bitch about the rest of the thread.  I didn’t start the whole thing with the gay/faggy movie derail.  Sorry about my fucking tone, you extra chromosome, mongoloid, wouldn’t be welcomed in Oklahoma retarded shitbag you.    

 But In real life, lemme know if I can help with anything.  Had a really good day at UT’s department of diversity and inclusion.  Gonna be a good semester hopefully for my students.  

Our DEI group sent an email yesterday in remembrance of it being the day slaves won their freedom in Haiti (saint domingue)…except the big calligraphic headline said “Remember Slavery” which was kind of weird until reading the rest. 

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You gotta watch your formatting and spacing with any publications involving slavery.  The antiquated font likely did not help.  

there’s a really cool essay by Robert knott (screenwriter, author) about how even back on telegraph/Morse code days, there was already evidence of people reading tone/personality/identification/judgement into the messages received despite it just being dots and dashes and spaces.   People would soon be able to accurately predict a transmitter’s age, sex, intelligence, etc.  just based on a handful of variables.  Because people like to complain.  

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4 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

One time when I was plastered at the Vegas airport I saw two guys dressed as Neo and Morpheus going at it through a glory hole in the restroom.   

I imagine you see plenty of kinky shit if you're in the habit of peering through airport bathroom glory holes.

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5 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

can we please go back to telling drunken vegas airport stories?

Never have a guy named "Hammer" pick you up at McCarran.

They really should have a sign at those boarding pass kiosks that remind you to check your drunk person and carry-on before going through TSA and maybe some kind of incinerator next to the place they confiscate bottled water.  If you're flying with a buddy, pat each other down...it's what friends do.   

Amazingly, that's an airport I've really never had a close call with "we think you're too drunk to sit in your skychair."  I think by Sunday or Monday, everybody boarding smells about the same so it's hard to single out anyone.  

I don't know what it is about the Southwest flight I used to take home on Monday evening, but you come up that escalator and there's the long security maze on the right in those drab colors and remaindered ceiling lamps from the old Stardust.  But it was mainly empty for such a busy time.  And this was before I had a pre-check card, so you just had to walk that entire fucking maze for the world's shittiest amusement park ride.  Invariably it gave you just enough time to start doubting your life choices, wonder where it all went wrong, then somehow pivots to "we should totally come back soon" as the guy reminds you for the third time to take off your fucking shoes.  I don't think I've ever had a drink at McCarran or played a slot.  Thankfully, some sort of cruise control kicks on in your subconscious and the timing math works in your favor.  You arrive with just enough time to grab a Hudson News bottled water, take a final piss, and queue up to board a ride back to your personal verisimilitude.  Then again, I've missed a few flights altogether. 

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Never have a guy named "Hammer" pick you up at McCarran.
They really should have a sign at those boarding pass kiosks that remind you to check your drunk person and carry-on before going through TSA and maybe some kind of incinerator next to the place they confiscate bottled water.  If you're flying with a buddy, pat each other down...it's what friends do.   
Amazingly, that's an airport I've really never had a close call with "we think you're too drunk to sit in your skychair."  I think by Sunday or Monday, everybody boarding smells about the same so it's hard to single out anyone.  
I don't know what it is about the Southwest flight I used to take home on Monday evening, but you come up that escalator and there's the long security maze on the right in those drab colors and remaindered ceiling lamps from the old Stardust.  But it was mainly empty for such a busy time.  And this was before I had a pre-check card, so you just had to walk that entire fucking maze for the world's shittiest amusement park ride.  Invariably it gave you just enough time to start doubting your life choices, wonder where it all went wrong, then somehow pivots to "we should totally come back soon" as the guy reminds you for the third time to take off your fucking shoes.  I don't think I've ever had a drink at McCarran or played a slot.  Thankfully, some sort of cruise control kicks on in your subconscious and the timing math works in your favor.  You arrive with just enough time to grab a Hudson News bottled water, take a final piss, and queue up to board a ride back to your personal verisimilitude.  Then again, I've missed a few flights altogether. 
I can't touch this.
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Does he know what "personally hand-signed" even means?  I suppose he's got spare time now, and I know his supporters don't know what the fuck the difference is...just seems like a strange thing to promise when it's not true and omitting it would result in just as many sales.  

Y'all realize we're only a few months away from the first "appearance/apparition" of Trump's head silhouette on a piece of french toast at Cracker Barrel or an oil slick under the axle of a Rascal Scooter.  We could make our own and charge enough to see the spiritual experience to take all of us to the Arkansas game in true style.  

I don't understand why we keep missing these opportunities.  "Failure of Imagination.  That was my prize mistake." 

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2 hours ago, shnsajax said:

Got 4 different emails today after nothing for a very long time from fucktard45. Not sure if he is hurting for money or getting ahead of some news coming out.


A) my god these are the dumbest people. I mean, fucking wow. 
B) the email starting off with “Fuck,” will never not make me laugh

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6 minutes ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

I just want to point out that Eric Trump is the reason we have to have instructions on shampoo bottles.

I thought he was the reason we have therapy dolls for child psychologists to inquire as to where the taller person touched them?  

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3 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Let’s see if the courts decide that you can successfully sue the president for doing things you don’t agree with.  Can’t see how that would be a problem going forward. 

was a shitty distillation of the issue. are you one of the "tourist" debaters giving cover to these terrorists?

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17 hours ago, shnsajax said:

Got 4 different emails today after nothing for a very long time from fucktard45. Not sure if he is hurting for money or getting ahead of some news coming out.


The Kansas City Chiefs suddenly became my least favorite NFL team.

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6 minutes ago, Goredho said:

The Kansas City Chiefs suddenly became my least favorite NFL team.

But only the team from Kansas, not Missouri right?  

(can't remember---that was Trump that congratulated the state of Kansas on that Super Bowl game a few years back because he didn't actually know where K.C. was.  And then his staff played it off like, "Oh yes, President Trump wanted to congratulate Kansas one day and then Missouri the next day so they could both enjoy the well wishes" or some shit).  ?

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5 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Let’s see if the courts decide that you can successfully sue the president for doing things you don’t agree with.  Can’t see how that would be a problem going forward. 

“things you don’t agree with” - you know, like treason, inciting an attempted overthrow of the government, and causing the death of law officers.  

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3 hours ago, Lobo said:

But only the team from Kansas, not Missouri right?  

(can't remember---that was Trump that congratulated the state of Kansas on that Super Bowl game a few years back because he didn't actually know where K.C. was.  And then his staff played it off like, "Oh yes, President Trump wanted to congratulate Kansas one day and then Missouri the next day so they could both enjoy the well wishes" or some shit).  ?



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6 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

I swear to god if there was one person in the world I would love to haul off and punch in the face it's Don Jr. What a fucking entitled piece of shit.



He’s trying so hard to be a shitheel like his dad. But he doesn’t have a reality tv show. He’s not a celebrity. Nobody cares about him. His dad can’t die soon enough so he and his older sister and younger brother from Trump’s first marriage will fade into obscurity. Ideally they’d all wind up in jail.

But Hunter Biden!

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