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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:






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The debate over the veracity of his executive privilege claims comes as the committee is moving into a new, more aggressive phase of its investigation. Having requested material from telecom, social media companies and the White House — and receiving some response — it is now looking at how best to compel testimony and documents from those reluctant to participate.

Committee Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-Miss.) said this week that his panel will soon issue subpoenas to witnesses and organizations, adding that the committee has started scheduling closed door testimony with cooperative witnesses. A preliminary list of subpoenas is expected to be released by the committee as soon as Thursday and may include prominent Trump allies and White House officials.

Trump has derided the committee’s work as partisan and is promising to fight its effort to collect information and testimony related to the attack.

“The highly partisan, Communist-style ‘select committee’ has put forth an outrageously broad records request that lacks both legal precedent and legislative merit,” Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich said in a statement. “Executive privilege will be defended, not just on behalf of President Trump and his administration, but also on behalf of the Office of the President of the United States and the future of our nation.”


In response to the House panel’s request, the National Archives has already identified hundreds of pages of documents from the Trump White House relevant to its inquiry. As required by statute, the material is being turned over to the Biden White House and to Trump’s lawyers for review.

The committee’s Aug. 25 letter to the National Archives was both sweeping and detailed, asking for “all documents and communications within the White House on January 6, 2021, relating in any way” to the events of that day. They include examining whether the White House or Trump allies worked to delay or halt the counting of electoral votes and whether there was discussion of impeding the peaceful transfer of power.

The letter asked for call logs, schedules and meetings for a large group, including Trump’s adult children, son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and first lady Melania Trump as well as a host of aides and advisers, such as his attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani.


The committee has focused, in part, on seeking information about whether the Trump White House and members of Congress played any role in encouraging the demonstrations, which interrupted the constitutionally mandated certification of electoral votes and unleashed a series of violent confrontations with the U.S. Capitol Police.

So far, more than 650 people have been charged with crimes in connection with the violent demonstrations that delayed that vote. Many were charged with obstructing a federal procedure and for knowingly entering or remaining in a restricted building. Documents and testimony could show whether White House officials and members of Congress encouraged or supported those actions, congressional staffers said.

White House documents requested by the panel are identified by National Archives personnel and then sent to Biden and Trump lawyers. The first tranche was sent out Aug. 31, according to a person familiar with the transfer.

Trump has 30 days following the delivery of the documents to decide whether to object to their release, according to the statute. Even if he opposes turning them over, the Biden White House has decision-making authority and can release them, over Trump’s objections, after an additional 60 days has elapsed. Trump’s remaining option would be to go to court to try to halt the release, legal advisers said.

While Trump has struck a defiant tone, his options may be limited if Biden decides to handover the information the former president says should be protected, according to several legal experts — including those who have reviewed similar requests in the past.

“The law we have is not favorable to the former president,” said Bob Bauer, who served as White House counsel under President Barack Obama. “A former president has a chance to review the materials, to raise issues of privilege and if the former and the current presidents cannot reach some agreement, to take the dispute to the courts.”

Bauer added that while an inquiry into a former president is unique, legal precedents suggest disclosure of the information Congress is seeking.

“The circumstances here — the former president acting at the time in his capacity as a candidate seeking to challenge his defeat at the polls — make this uphill battle much, much tougher,” he said.


Norm Eisen, a former Obama appointee, who advised the first House impeachment inquiry of Trump, said the former president’s power to assert executive privilege has weakened since he left the White House.

“The executive privilege stonewalling that Trump used while he was in office won’t work anymore,” Eisen said, noting that the current president — not the former — has the real decision-making power.

A former federal judge who worked on executive privilege issues in the Ronald Reagan White House and the George H.W. Bush Justice Department pointed out that privilege requests do not typically attempt to shield information about potential wrongdoing.

“With a few notable exceptions, the historical practice has been for Presidents to avoid asserting Executive Privilege to protect from disclosure information that suggests wrongdoing or potential wrongdoing by a President and/or his advisers,” J. Michael Luttig, a former U.S. federal judge, said in an email.

Several cases involving requests for tapes and other records from the Richard Nixon White House provide precedent for release of presidential records when requested by Congress or government agencies.

In 1977, the Supreme Court in Nixon v. Administrator of General Services, rejected Nixon’s privilege claims about White House tapes and documents, embracing the idea that executive privilege “is not for the benefit of the President as an individual, but for the benefit of the Republic.”

Legal experts also pointed to recent private talks involving Trump officials and Congress that could provide a path to a resolution that does not involve going to court. They cite the negotiations that occurred between lawyers for Trump, the Justice Department and the Senate Judiciary Committee investigating claims that a Trump Justice Department official, Jeffrey Clark, had sought to deploy department resources after the election to back Trump’s claims of massive voting fraud.


In the end, the Biden Justice Department waived executive privilege, and two of Trump’s top former Justice Department officials, Jeffrey Rosen and Richard Donoghue, sat for interviews with the Senate Judiciary Committee, providing detailed accounts of what happened during the post-election period.

The decisions Biden and Trump make about the current records and interview requests will be momentous, said Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington University who has written about the protection of White House documents and previously argued that Democrats’ impeachment efforts against Trump were a misguided use of congressional power.

“There is an unbroken tradition of deference by the incumbent presidents to their predecessors,” Turley said. “In the past, incumbent presidents would generally support their predecessors in restricting access, despite partisan differences. It appears we may be poised here to shatter that tradition.”


"President Biden's White House plans to err...." I can see why they're struggling.

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36 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Every goddamned one of them will skate.

They will.

Which is why there will be another attack on our government.  They are emboldened, they know that there are no consequences for the leadership, so they will attack repeatedly until it succeeds.  Read a history book -- this is always the play.

It will eventually work.  There is only one effective way of dealing with fascists who attack the institutions of government.  It involves Esso stations, and is best conducted on the front-end, not the back-end.

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1 minute ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

if nothing else I hope all these lawsuits bankrupt that fucking family and they have to sell everything to continue fighting their legal battles

Nah, there will always be millions of rubes willing to donate their paycheck to the Trump Legal Defense Fund.  They don't need to eat - owning the libs is as delicious as it gets. 

The Trump family will never use their own money to fight their own legal battles.  Just wait until Abbott and DeSantis decide to reallocate public funds towards the Legal Defense Fund.  The Texas Supreme Court would vote 9-0 it is okay. 

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3 hours ago, brakeman said:

And now what?

They can be arrested under Contempt of Congress charges?

Hillary was subpoena'd in 2015 and testified for 11 hours in a GOP led hearing on Benghazi.

Did she hide? She was a presidential candidate with a lot to lose.

She has more balls than any of these guys.

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10 hours ago, Hmbre97 said:
16 hours ago, HenryJames said:

Cant even spring for a supercrew STX? Nothing says low budget like some stripper fleet work trucks with a sticker on it. Do the trucks come with a reflective vest and a hard hat?

Sitting here eating lunch reading this thread, and I look around and there’s one right in front of me.  


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Apparently this photoshop was running on the big screens at the Trump rally.


And the crowd loved it.

I like that though, I want Trump and Co. to publicly go to war against the establishment Republicans.  He was already doing so before he got his twitter account taken away, and he was attacking them quietly, but it's good to be getting this stuff a lot more out in the open.

It's going to make Republicans who actually like George W. spend a few seconds questioning what the fuck they've got themselves into.

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7 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Apparently this photoshop was running on the big screens at the Trump rally.


And the crowd loved it.

I like that though, I want Trump and Co. to publicly go to war against the establishment Republicans.  He was already doing so before he got his twitter account taken away, and he was attacking them quietly, but it's good to be getting this stuff a lot more out in the open.

It's going to make Republicans who actually like George W. spend a few seconds questioning what the fuck they've got themselves into.

I have the weirdest boner.

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7 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Apparently this photoshop was running on the big screens at the Trump rally.


And the crowd loved it.

I like that though, I want Trump and Co. to publicly go to war against the establishment Republicans.  He was already doing so before he got his twitter account taken away, and he was attacking them quietly, but it's good to be getting this stuff a lot more out in the open.

It's going to make Republicans who actually like George W. spend a few seconds questioning what the fuck they've got themselves into.

Will it?

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Asked to name which Trump family member is the stupidest, Mary Trump had a ready answer:


Damn. I totally would’ve guessed Eric. But I guess as the line approaches “infinity dumb” on the graph, the gradations get very small.
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I found Don, Jr. to be reasonably intelligent.  At least in the way he presents himself and frames discussions.  His only real flaw in my opinion is that he seems to be capable of doing two grams of uncut cocaine in one evening without even grimacing.  

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7 hours ago, Grandioso said:

It’s not a cult


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


And here's the rest of the collectibles. 



Old George suited up for battle:



And Abe looks like he's a doing GI Joe cosplay:



I'm confused about the Dan Crenshaw; is this a January 6th thing?





Edited by Francisco 2.0
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The figures are almost too detailed with too many cool accessories.  How is Incredulity gonna jerk off to the Trump doll if both hands are constantly manipulating the accessories and weapons?  

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19 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


And here's the rest of the collectibles. 


Hoo boy, had to google most of the non-politicians and there are some doozies.

  • Dude who was engaged to Bristol Palin
  • Founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company
  • That military guy who said "Epstein didn't kill himself" on Fox News
  • Eddie Gallagher... no google necessary for that POS
  • And then just a buncha other military folks who have built a second career as gun nuts
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1 minute ago, High Plains Drifter said:


Is Honest Abe carrying a meat cleaver?



Look, a lot of people are saying that Abe Lincoln was a great butcher.  A fantastic butcher.  Many people don't know that.  But a lot of other people are saying between his time in Congress and eventually the White House, ole' Lincoln slung beef with the best of 'em.  He was as deft with a cleaver as he was with a pen.  And Honest Abe never shorted you on a weight.  If you wanted a pound of prime rib, that's what you cut...maybe even a little extra.  I'm told he was also a Republican, most people don't know that.  I'm here to tell you...

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