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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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11 minutes ago, Blotto said:

dont get me started...

The Daily Show on Twitter: "Today, we remember the time Obama wore a bike  helmet, the worst scandal in presidential history.… "


I think that Trumpers got upset about these photos because Trump was just never fairly photographed for the outdoorsman/athlete that he was.  I mean, yeah...lotsa photos of him on the golf course.  But like Bush and Clinton, Trump was a runner.  Like Bush, Trump liked to hunt and work on ranches.  Like Obama and Biden, Trump was frequently on the bike.  Like Kennedy, Trump was very comfortable on boats of all sorts and sizes-a real yachtsman (as most billionaires are).  Trump was very comfortable swimming in pools and open water---all his time at oceanfront resorts proves that out.  Trump is very athletic, often seen in his younger years playing basketball with younger family members.  Just, really when you think about it, just all that is man.  A true man's man.  Fantastic physical specimen that was as comfortable on a back-country hike as he was getting gimme shots on his own golf courses.  

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The story about Truth being hacked is almost Keystone coppish.  First, take seven minutes to listen to what they did:

So it turns out that Trump's people claimed that they had used their own proprietary software to create the new social media platform but, in fact, they used the open-source Mastodon, which is in violation of the Mastodon's User Agreement:

Donald Trump Accused of Ripping Code From Social Network Mastodon for 'Truth' Site (msn.com)

What are the odds that Trump's team created the platform using open source software, fleeced "investors" for 200 million dollars, only to see that the platform never actually opens up i.e. operates as a social media platform and that it was just another scam?

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6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

I think that Trumpers got upset about these photos because Trump was just never fairly photographed for the outdoorsman/athlete that he was.  I mean, yeah...lotsa photos of him on the golf course.  But like Bush and Clinton, Trump was a runner.  Like Bush, Trump liked to hunt and work on ranches.  Like Obama and Biden, Trump was frequently on the bike.  Like Kennedy, Trump was very comfortable on boats of all sorts and sizes-a real yachtsman (as most billionaires are).  Trump was very comfortable swimming in pools and open water---all his time at oceanfront resorts proves that out.  Trump is very athletic, often seen in his younger years playing basketball with younger family members.  Just, really when you think about it, just all that is man.  A true man's man.  Fantastic physical specimen that was as comfortable on a back-country hike as he was getting gimme shots on his own golf courses.  

Mila Kunis Lol GIF

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It's not funny, woman!  He's also a very serious fisherman/angler.  He's lived within minutes of the Atlantic Ocean his whole life, there are hundreds of photos of him fishing both Deep Sea...and inland freshwater.  I mean, he was strongly considered for Outdoor Life, "Sportsman of the Year"  

He's also really proficient on the grill for cooking out after a long day hiking and fishing.  I mean, yeah most of the time you see him---he's eating pre-packaged shit.  But he can fillet a fish, field dress a deer, carve a perfect brisket along the tendon, etc.  Man just knows manly shit.  I mean sure, even the retarded Palin can out-survive him in the deep woods...but Trump just oozes raw masculinity.  

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4 hours ago, Lobo said:

I think that Trumpers got upset about these photos because Trump was just never fairly photographed for the outdoorsman/athlete that he was.  I mean, yeah...lotsa photos of him on the golf course.  But like Bush and Clinton, Trump was a runner.  Like Bush, Trump liked to hunt and work on ranches.  Like Obama and Biden, Trump was frequently on the bike.  Like Kennedy, Trump was very comfortable on boats of all sorts and sizes-a real yachtsman (as most billionaires are).  Trump was very comfortable swimming in pools and open water---all his time at oceanfront resorts proves that out.  Trump is very athletic, often seen in his younger years playing basketball with younger family members.  Just, really when you think about it, just all that is man.  A true man's man.  Fantastic physical specimen that was as comfortable on a back-country hike as he was getting gimme shots on his own golf courses.  

he could've become a professional baseball player, had he decided to go that route.

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50 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Most Americans are massive pieces of shit 

But why didn’t anybody deck out their vehicles for Reagan and wave flags for him? He at least played a cowboy in the movies. He had me fooled. He had charm and charisma. It turned out that he wasn’t a good President either but I could’ve at least understood it if people did that shit for him. But Trump? I’ll never understand it. 

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38 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

But why didn’t anybody deck out their vehicles for Reagan and wave flags for him? He at least played a cowboy in the movies. He had me fooled. He had charm and charisma. It turned out that he wasn’t a good President either but I could’ve at least understood it if people did that shit for him. But Trump? I’ll never understand it. 

Society hadnt completely eroded and turned into team sport of politics 

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7 hours ago, Lobo said:

It's not funny, woman!  He's also a very serious fisherman/angler.  He's lived within minutes of the Atlantic Ocean his whole life, there are hundreds of photos of him fishing both Deep Sea...and inland freshwater.  I mean, he was strongly considered for Outdoor Life, "Sportsman of the Year"  

He's also really proficient on the grill for cooking out after a long day hiking and fishing.  I mean, yeah most of the time you see him---he's eating pre-packaged shit.  But he can fillet a fish, field dress a deer, carve a perfect brisket along the tendon, etc.  Man just knows manly shit.  I mean sure, even the retarded Palin can out-survive him in the deep woods...but Trump just oozes raw masculinity.  

Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF

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4 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

Because Reagan didn’t pander. I am no Reagan fan, but there’s no doubt that he attempted to lead the entire country.

Trump is no leader. He’s a populist strongman. He doesn’t set goals and encourage his people to work harder or do better. He’s a whiny little bitch and an enabler of shittiness. He tells people what they want to hear so that they’ll kiss his ass and defend him when he gets caught stealing from us or selling out their country to our enemies. 

It’s depressing how many of our fellow Americans are just dumb, selfish, credulous rubes who easily fall for that shit because they like the big loud jackass telling them that they can act like big dumb jackasses, too.

Yep. We created a society where a large portion of our population is fairly uneducated and doesn’t understand how anything works in the society they live in. What could go wrong?  We are seeing what could go wrong right now.

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1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

But why didn’t anybody deck out their vehicles for Reagan and wave flags for him? He at least played a cowboy in the movies. He had me fooled. He had charm and charisma. It turned out that he wasn’t a good President either but I could’ve at least understood it if people did that shit for him. But Trump? I’ll never understand it. 

The consistency of the ideas that the brain trust behind Reagan championed was about a 1000 levels above anything passing as ideas in the Trump administration.  When Reagan became president, conservative publications were high quality, consistent, and they were engaged in a pretty interesting battle of ideas with liberal publications. 

Firing Line and the news shows were actually edifying.  

Good God, I'd give my good testicle for us to be engaged in the kind of policy debates that underlay elections back in the 80s.

Trump stands above them all as a uniquely vile piece of shit. 

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17 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Yep. We created a society where a large portion of our population is fairly uneducated and doesn’t understand how anything works in the society they live in. What could go wrong?  We are seeing what could go wrong right now.

Don't forget, we also gave them free platforms on the internet where they could spew every single thought that passed through their head, regardless of whether it had any grounding in reality.

And far too many of us were far too polite and didn't push back enough against them the idiots when they started spewing shit.  We all should have just hammered our friends, relatives, and co-workers when they spewed stupid shit.  But no, it was easier to ignore them (and I'm guilty of this).

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39 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

Society hadnt completely eroded and turned into team sport of politics 

I mean, Reagan got the ball rolling. And reality tv wasn’t a thing yet. And we hadn’t had a black President yet. But Trump? I knew he was a buffoon during Reagan’s first term. I had no idea that everyone else didn’t see him as a joke. That took me totally by surprise and I’ll never be able to wrap my head around it. Ever.

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9 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

What are the odds that Trump's team created the platform using open source software, fleeced "investors" for 200 million dollars, only to see that the platform never actually opens up i.e. operates as a social media platform and that it was just another scam?

About a billion percent.

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3 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

ding ding mother-fucking ding.

once trump knew he "had the votes" he had absolutely no interest in leading or unifying the country.  not only that, but he did something presidents rarely do - he didn't even pretend to try to lead or unify the country.  once he knew he was basically unstoppable, he told the "minority" (over half the country but under half the votes) to fuck off.

most lead, try to lead, or pretend to try to lead.  he intentionally divided, said the quiet part loud, and did it on television.  repeatedly.  the cruelty is the point.

And still just unbelievable to me that most of the people he screwed over will never admit it, or even believe it.

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13 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

But why didn’t anybody deck out their vehicles for Reagan and wave flags for him? He at least played a cowboy in the movies. He had me fooled. He had charm and charisma. It turned out that he wasn’t a good President either but I could’ve at least understood it if people did that shit for him. But Trump? I’ll never understand it. 

The hate engine was in its infancy. Reagan was the smiling avuncular face they stretched across the front of it. 

It was a horrible thing to helplessly witness. I re-read 1984 and finally got it.

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On 10/20/2021 at 10:23 AM, WhatTheBuck said:

I got negged by some asshole for using that term in a post during the Olympics. And I’m half German on my mom’s side of the family.


On 10/20/2021 at 10:45 AM, atomheartbevo said:

Well, at least you can make fun of the fucking Irish without anybody getting upset.


On 10/20/2021 at 10:47 AM, DigglerontheHoof said:

I'm half German too, fuck the Krauts. 


On 10/20/2021 at 10:48 AM, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:


Listen here, my kraut mick friend.


On 10/20/2021 at 10:49 AM, atomheartbevo said:

I ain't no fucking bog jumper.


On 10/20/2021 at 11:04 AM, Lobo said:

Sweet, are we doing anonymous euro-centric racism today? 


On 10/20/2021 at 11:15 AM, BrickHorn said:

You’re not one of those Swedish Germans, are you?


On 10/20/2021 at 11:24 AM, Lobo said:

the Swiss were actually very amenable with the Germans during WWII.  And they've been hiding the world's secrets ever since.  

So, now...about the goddamn Italians.


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Only 25 years in Central Texas, but I've noticed that White Texans like to bag on a lot of groups of people but you never hear a lot of White-on-White banter/bullshit.  There's a tacit game of one-upsmanship with regard to whose White family has been here longer, but you don't hear Germans bagging on Italians or English bagging on Irish or anybody talking about the French or the Czechs.  12+mm white people here and months go by I don't hear anybody berate another nationality within the Caucasian sphere.  Never really stopped to think about it until just now.  Sure as shit isn't because Texas is the most progressive and tolerant state in the Union.  

Polar opposite of when/where I grew up.  K-8, it was 5% Black, 15% Asian/Indian, 15% Hispanic and there were just lumped together and as a mixed-race kid, I don't ever recall getting blowback from anybody on being darker than most.  But holy shit, every sports season, every junior high dance, every recess, every weekend birthday party---every dad would spout off---it was fucking Lithuanians, the dumbass Poles, the shifty greaseball Italians, Irish kids with the boozer parents, boring fucking Anglo-Saxons with their bullshit, asshole Krauts, nevermind the fucking Jews, Croatians, faggot ass French kid, and all those filthy fucking immigrants from Ukraine, Romanians, and if my dad has to hear me talk about one more story about the goddamn Swedes up on their fucking Nordic high-horse, fuck them and the fucking Gypsies and Puerto Ricans that found their way here...1000 miles from the fucking ocean.  

30+ houses on my street growing up.  Probably a handful were families of color, Taiwanese family across the street and ours would hang out frequently.  Never occurred to me people were different.  But I knew the next door neighbors were Swedes, the others were drunk Scots, English at the end of the street, a lump of fucking Pollacks towards the highway, and then good-for-nothing Italians and Irish pricks spotting the rest of the street.  And we were the mixed-race family fucking up America one step at a time.  But we all spent every weekend and holiday together but every fucking European family had an opinion on every other corner of Europe.  Down to fucking Latvia and Serbia.  Shit got real.  I don't think there's a White Texan on my street that could even name 10 countries in Europe but I've got a ethnic slur for every corner of that continent since I'm 7 years old /csb

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36 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Only 25 years in Central Texas, but I've noticed that White Texans like to bag on a lot of groups of people but you never hear a lot of White-on-White banter/bullshit.  There's a tacit game of one-upsmanship with regard to whose White family has been here longer, but you don't hear Germans bagging on Italians or English bagging on Irish or anybody talking about the French or the Czechs.  12+mm white people here and months go by I don't hear anybody berate another nationality within the Caucasian sphere.  Never really stopped to think about it until just now.  Sure as shit isn't because Texas is the most progressive and tolerant state in the Union.  

Polar opposite of when/where I grew up.  K-8, it was 5% Black, 15% Asian/Indian, 15% Hispanic and there were just lumped together and as a mixed-race kid, I don't ever recall getting blowback from anybody on being darker than most.  But holy shit, every sports season, every junior high dance, every recess, every weekend birthday party---every dad would spout off---it was fucking Lithuanians, the dumbass Poles, the shifty greaseball Italians, Irish kids with the boozer parents, boring fucking Anglo-Saxons with their bullshit, asshole Krauts, nevermind the fucking Jews, Croatians, faggot ass French kid, and all those filthy fucking immigrants from Ukraine, Romanians, and if my dad has to hear me talk about one more story about the goddamn Swedes up on their fucking Nordic high-horse, fuck them and the fucking Gypsies and Puerto Ricans that found their way here...1000 miles from the fucking ocean.  

30+ houses on my street growing up.  Probably a handful were families of color, Taiwanese family across the street and ours would hang out frequently.  Never occurred to me people were different.  But I knew the next door neighbors were Swedes, the others were drunk Scots, English at the end of the street, a lump of fucking Pollacks towards the highway, and then good-for-nothing Italians and Irish pricks spotting the rest of the street.  And we were the mixed-race family fucking up America one step at a time.  But we all spent every weekend and holiday together but every fucking European family had an opinion on every other corner of Europe.  Down to fucking Latvia and Serbia.  Shit got real.  I don't think there's a White Texan on my street that could even name 10 countries in Europe but I've got a ethnic slur for every corner of that continent since I'm 7 years old /csb

I come from one of those “here forever” Texas White families and I remember clearly my parents explaining how up north different types of White people didn’t like each other and was given to understand it was an inscrutable and bizarre Yankee custom. I think it’s like that way across most of the South as well, and if I were to guess there’s not a charitable explanation. Ethic tensions in the South and Texas were deadly serious business and White people turning on each other in that way would upset the whole awful system.

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That's kinda what I figured without saying it.  It's been 150+ years of "We gotta stick together or we're fucked" 

I hear way, way more divisive talk about other whites regarding their religion than I do about their ethnicity/nationality.  No hyperbole, it's months between ethic/nation slurs between whites.  But on a weekly basis, it's commentary on the Evangelicals, the Catholics, the Baptists, the Jews, the Cowboy Churches, the Mega Churches,.  

But long posts and levity aside---I wonder as more and more Whites move here from California, New York, Illinois, etc.....if some of that Yankee white-on-white shit will begin to emerge here in Texas.  Or, as you say, will it actually chip away at some of those Euro-centric beefs as Texas becomes more and more a minority-majority state?  My bullshit aside, I think that's actually an interesting topic to explore on a different thread.  'Cause two things for sure---new births in Texas are people of color, overwhelmingly.  And the people currently moving here from all these other states are bringing some white-on-white bullshit with them from way on way back when. 

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