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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Here's your problem, it's these two things:

1 -- you are predicting that something good, right, and just will happen.

2 -- good, right, and just shit almost never happens anymore.  It is incompatible with this timeline.


I'll believe that this ship has turned around when I actually see real progress in a positive direction.  Until then, everything is wishcasting.

My dry humor radar may be malfunctioning. I actually declared I wasn't predicting anything. I'm merely saying that you can't absolutely rule out something good, right, and just happening which is in agreement with point #2 above. 

Don't make me bring a 2x4 to the ledge. 

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2 hours ago, Blotto said:

We're in unchartered territory here. I never thought I would see a good 30-40% of congress try and undermine our democratic process, but here we are. The GOP is all about state power until it inconveniences their narrative. I hear your point about absolutes and the future, but since the orange man has come on the scene, the GOP congressional branch has repeatedly proven they are willing to facilitate some pretty sketchy shit. If they want to protect Trump (and they do), who knows what new congressional powers they can cook up. Maybe the Supremes do their job, maybe they dont. Rule #1: Trump = GOP. Work backwards from there. 

Yeah, I know how crazy that sounds. Lot of crazy shit going on these days.

It doesn't sound crazy, my friend. Nothing in your post contradicts either my post or my perspective on the world today. 

I'm just saying it's intellectually facile to declare that nothing promising might happen. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy and that's exactly what the Russian attack on our democracy is all about.

It's important not to assume the slow progress of justice means no justice will be had. We could be watching an anaconda slowly ingesting a fat human. Again, could

This is probably a point nobody cares about. Not the first time.

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5 hours ago, Pig Bellmont said:

What a convenient development for the Trumps, and right after they were compelled to give testimony in the State’s civil suit… I’m sure nothing sketchy is going on and the timing is coincidental 

Doesn't this basically keep Trump on the fire, because the ONLY way he could potentially get out of testifying or giving that Civil Suit depo is if prosecution under a criminal matter seemed imminent?  Obviously it isn't, so maybe they are coordinating and slow playing to make sure that testimony happens and there are no further delays in the civil case.

Then again, I am not a lawyer.  I think Bragg is getting a lot of heat from a lot of different areas, and I am most disappointed with his performance so far.

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1 minute ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Doesn't this basically keep Trump on the fire, because the ONLY way he could potentially get out of testifying or giving that Civil Suit depo is if prosecution under a criminal matter seemed imminent?  Obviously it isn't, so maybe they are coordinating and slow playing to make sure that testimony happens and there are no further delays in the civil case.

Then again, I am not a lawyer.  I think Bragg is getting a lot of heat from a lot of different areas, and I am most disappointed with his performance so far.

Well, you are definitely correct that a more imminent criminal prosecution could stall out/stay the civil investigation for a while.

Yeah, and I attribute this to the new DA as much as anything else.

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As much as I want to see that orange fuckstain held accountable, the office of the District Attorney is a political office.  

The D.A, (almost any D.A., anywhere) cares more about his conviction rate than he does about anything else.  The last fucking thing any political hack is willing to do is lose a very high-profile case.  And, The People vs. Dotard is about as high-profile as any case in the history of the world. This guy is a pussy and is afraid to take a loss early in his tenure, because his a political asshole and has his eyes on a bigger office and more power.   That's all this amounts to. 

Maybe Trump is guilty of crimes.  I believe that it's quite likely that he is.   Given the makeup of this divided country, you can't assemble 12 people, even in Manhattan, and not have some Q-Trumpkin fuck in the group.  The new D.A. sees this writing on the wall.  No matter how much fucking evidence you present to a jury, a Trumpkin won't give a fuck, and will vote to acquit his orange god. 

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You can tell he's worked in real estate when he describes Ukraine as "a vast, vast location.  A great piece of land with a lot of people."  

It sounds like the geography report my 1st grader would give if she didn't really read the country write-up in the book, "Ummmm...Little Lobo, your assignment was to tell us about the country of 'Spain', please tell us about it."

"Well, Spain is a vast, vast location.  A great land with many peoples.  They eat food and do work and go to school and church.  It is a nice plane.  The end."  

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We can't protect our own borders but the next thing he expects is a U.S. amphibious landing in Ukraine?  Presumably because of all those warships we keep in the Black Sea?  I know the dumber the shit he says, the more some of y'all fall in love with him.  But at a certain point, can't you just look at a globe and realize that "Yeah, I don't think half the shit he's said is right...at least according to this blue ball thingy with the big words and bumps on it."  

If Laura had said it, I woulda thought nothing of it...just a crazy anchor saying crazy shit.  But when a guy who should still probably kinda know what's going on with the military he used to command...he might want to choose a different opening salvo than "And the Americans are making an amphibious landing."  He at least knew enough to use a big fancy word like "amphibious", meaning he remembered something from his briefings, but not enough to understand that it's physically impossible for us to launch a water-borne assault on Ukraine from the Black Sea...never mind the fact that it would serve no purpose...we'd just be attacking coastal defense positions of our allies.  

tl; dr...Trump wanted to say "Boat attacks" but at the last second, wanted to sound smart so he said, Amphibious landings."  Our marines probably delivered there by the brave skippers of the Lake Travis Trump Boat Parade.

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44 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

As do I.  Looked up Fred Trump on wiki to see how old he was when he kicked it:  93.  The orange cunt will live on, unfortunately. 

frustrated the wire GIF

Donald's lived a rougher life, bigger frame (really big/tall guys don't last as long), with far shittier diet, and a feeling that the walls are closing in on him for many years (going back to his real estate "empire").  However, that gets countered by the fact that as an ex-President, he'll receive unbelievably great health care until the day after he dies.  I'd say it's all probably a wash.  If he runs/wins in 2024, I think that revitalizes him and he lives to be in his mid/late 80's.  If he doesn't run/win in 2024, I think that sucks the last of life outta him and he dies before this decade is out...putting him in his early 80's.  

Obviously, I want what's best for the country-for him to die as soon as possible.  But a really, really close second is a selfish reason.  So I can party like a fucking rockstar when I hear the news.  Booze, drugs, live music, scuba diving, finally race a car at COTA, etc.  All my favorite shit.  If he doesn't die for 10-15 more years, I'll be way to fucking old to do that.  If he dies in the next five though, it's fucking game on.  My urologist can sort the rest out.

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1 hour ago, UpperWestside said:

I do not often watch the news, but it was on yesterday and the local reporter said that they are going ahead as planned with the case.

Saw this from NYT today: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/23/nyregion/trump-ny-fraud-investigation.html

The Manhattan district attorney’s inquiry into Donald Trump appears in doubt. The two prosecutors leading the office’s investigation into the former president’s business practices have resigned, The Times reports. The moves came after Alvin Bragg, the new district attorney, expressed doubt about moving forward with the case.

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I couldn't imagine being there in the first place, but what about being at a dinner where an ex-President is praising an enemy for being smart in attacking one of an allies? For me, I would be looking around wondering whether I should be the first one to walk out, or be a pussy to wait for someone else to go first.

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19 hours ago, Lobo said:

You can tell he's worked in real estate when he describes Ukraine as "a vast, vast location.  A great piece [tracts] of land with a lot of people."  

It sounds like the geography report my 1st grader would give if she didn't really read the country write-up in the book, "Ummmm...Little Lobo, your assignment was to tell us about the country of 'Spain', please tell us about it."

"Well, Spain is a vast, vast location.  A great land with many peoples.  They eat food and do work and go to school and church.  It is a nice plane.  The end."  

It's a fucking Monty Python skit.


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And it'd be funny if I wasn't made 98% certain today that he's back-channeling with Russian leadership to undermine our diplomatic/sanction efforts.  

I really feel bad for his Secret Service detail.  You have to stand 6' away from him as he makes calls that may very well undercut our efforts to minimize civilian casualties, and possibly the spread of this conflict into other allied nations.  And you just have to lie down there, and fucking take it.

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5 hours ago, Lobo said:

And it'd be funny if I wasn't made 98% certain today that he's back-channeling with Russian leadership to undermine our diplomatic/sanction efforts.  

I really feel bad for his Secret Service detail.  You have to stand 6' away from him as he makes calls that may very well undercut our efforts to minimize civilian casualties, and possibly the spread of this conflict into other allied nations.  And you just have to lie down there, and fucking take it.


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24 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Cue the “Biden has dementia” trolls. 

It’s all they have bc they are fucking children. Forgetting they the last two GOP presidents were functionally retarded toddlers with a cadre of ghouls following them around to ensure they don’t accidentally choKe on a pretzel or invade Greenland.  


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