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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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My Trumper pseudo-friend is apoplectic right now texting me predictable nonsense about how Hillary and Hunter were never investigated (false) and we're a third world country now etc.

Just blows my mind seeing a highly educated person like this guy, who I've always known to be reasonable when discussing everything other than politics, loses his mind over an obvious criminal like trump being treated like one. I want to set him on fire (figuratively and maybe literally) but have to be cordial because he's a family friend. 

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3 minutes ago, Incredulity said:



It's political if the former president isn't a criminal. But your dumpy orange idol obviously is a criminal many times over. So no, it's not politics. It's called law enforcement, dumbfuck. 

3 minutes ago, Yuk said:

No way the feds apply or judge signs off on this unless they already had the goods. He fucked.

This. I hope. 

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2 minutes ago, Yuk said:

No way the feds apply or judge signs off on this unless they already had the goods. He fucked.

 I tend to agree. This is the most sensitive FBI raid possibly in history. Everyone involved will want to have their ass triple covered.

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11 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

Yes it’s my head that’s up my ass. 
Who’s ass is your head up? 

Tell us what’s political?

Well, it is very true that there is a process to search warrants that is pretty apolitical:  there must be probable cause that a crime was committed, sworn to by officers and supported by evidence presented to a U.S. District Judge.

But, there are political concerns about whether to apply for and execute such a warrant.

And, frankly, that this warrant was applied for and then executed gives a pretty telling preview of what the Biden-Garland DOJ thinks about those political concerns.  Why do the warrant if you are afraid to charge FPOTUS with a crime?  Because that's where the evidence leads and fuck all the rest.

Edited by TwiceHorn
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3 minutes ago, The Dog said:


Few if any search warrants are "announced."  Announced is not the same as no-knock.  

It would appear that they knocked.

But yeah, they had the goods as far as this search warrant was concerned.  And it appears that they give zero fucks about appearances.  As far as appearances go, this is every bit as bad as an indictment, just a smaller scale.

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3 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

On one hand it seems like it's only about some stupid archiving thing.

But on the other hand, if he's got nothing to hide, why did he take those documents?

It has to be something incriminating.

If I had to take a WAG, he passed something classified to a third party recently.

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13 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

I see you’re struggling to answer a question as per usual.

The former president should try not being suspected of committing crimes. 

You seem to think that anytime an elected official is under federal investigation that’s a political issue. It’s not. It’s a legal one. Not sure what’s so hard for you.

IF they don’t charge him….


reading is fucking fundamental 

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Just now, TexArcher said:

So, they must know, for a fact, that they have him.


You don't do this unless you're absolutely certain that you can either send him to prison, or disqualify him from running for office ever again, at the very least.



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3 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

I like how the FBI has been redefined as a Dem/leftist organization. 

It must be.

So that it can be considered "broken" and then "fixed" and "appropriately" staffed. The way DJT outlined he would do in his second term. The FBI is flawed, but if DJT were to execute his plan, what would ensure would be very grim.

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6 minutes ago, Covri said:

They got into his safe and we're about to find out the biggest scandal in DJT's history of scandals. The hugest. You've be warned.

  Hide contents



Not the direction I was expecting. I thought you'd go with something like this:


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3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

So, they must know, for a fact, that they have him.


You don't do this unless you're absolutely certain that you can either send him to prison, or disqualify him from running for office ever again, at the very least.


And you don't do this over just 15 random boxes.  Those boxes must have had some juicy info in them and / or the feds found out said juicy info got passed on to someone it shouldn't have been passed on to.

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10 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

On one hand it seems like it's only about some stupid archiving thing.

But on the other hand, if he's got nothing to hide, why did he take those documents?

It has to be something incriminating.

Not just take, but fight tooth and nail against their return. I'm sure our resident Trumpers will say he's just a pack rat. But me, I'm not so sure. 

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