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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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5 hours ago, Tuco said:

My recollection from the Clinton story, is that is extremely difficult to get any hard copies of anything classified as Top Secret.  Basically you go into a secure room to view any documents.  Electronic docs are on a closed computer system, so no emailing, printing, flash drives, etc..  Hard copies are indexed and tracked.  

Maybe it's different for the President than for the Secretary of State, but I know a lot of people made the "top secret"claim with Clinton, and it just wasn't feasible.  I doubt Trump was able to walk out with Top Secret documents.



With the exception of twitter and text Trump is a luddite or technophobe.  He had everything printed for him to read. 

The people who printed it had to mark it, put a cover sheet on it, put it in an appropriately labeled and color coded envelope and it had to be securely stored and tracked until it was destroyed and then it would be taken off the printed inventory list.


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29 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

I think you're both right.  Trump was generally bitching into the ether on 1/6, with an ulterior motive, and it catalyzed the morons.   

How uncharacteristically Anastasiastic of you. 

Trump wasn’t just bitching into the either pre-January 6. He tweeted specific instructions to gather in DC on that date. And then he gave even more specific instructions in a speech that morning, telling the collected mass of nitwits to walk down to the Capitol and “stop the steal.” All of those instructions focused on a specific event and a specific call to action related to that event. 

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17 minutes ago, elfenix said:


violation of 4 US Code Section 8(a), the flag should only be displayed with the union down as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.  a criminal investigation of a criminal isn't gonna cut it. but let's go after black athletes protesting police violence.  fucking idoit freakshows.

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28 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

The people who are very lost in the sauce, deep down all feel like failures in life. They need an outlet for their repressed shame, anger, whatever you want to call it. The MAGA movement gave them that outlet.

1234.  I have yet to meet a hardcore Lost in MAGA type that didn't have some shit going on in their lives, and when Trump came along with his "it's not your fault, you're a victim of the liberals, the Deep State, the Swamp" they plopped that victim card down and started feeling better about themselves. 

28 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

Think back to J6. Let's be generous and say 10,000 people showed up for the tantrum. Maybe 1,000 or 2,000 actually tried to storm the capitol building. Besides "oath keepers" and some other militia types that have always been a part of America (fuck you to Tim McVeigh) most of the horde were people who showed up for the tantrum and had absolutely no real plan besides getting into the building and trying to disrupt the certification by any means (including deadly means) they felt necessary.

There aren't enough of these clowns willing to do anything that requires more of them than attention-seeking shitposting or partygoing. They want orange slices, not two-a-days.

It could be 100,000 or 200,000 who showed up for the rally, but only 2,000 or so actually breached the Capitol.

What's especially telling about all of this is how many of the militia types who breached the Capitol later turned on one another and cooperated with the courts.  You expect that behavior out of the real estate agents and the other lightweights who thought it was one big party and were live-streaming on social media, not the dudes who dressed in military gear and play-acted like they were prepared to actually fight for Trump, even thought they weren't facing massive sentences.

60 years ago, we had protestors facing cops using attack dogs on them, knowing they could literally disappear down some dirt road if the cops taking them to jail decided to make a different turn


And now we have this


The MAGA types that showed up and breached the Capitol on Jan. 6th would have shit their pants if the cops brought out the dogs and started shooting.

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1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

1234.  I have yet to meet a hardcore Lost in MAGA type that didn't have some shit going on in their lives, and when Trump came along with his "it's not your fault, you're a victim of the liberals, the Deep State, the Swamp" they plopped that victim card down and started feeling better about themselves. 

It could be 100,000 or 200,000 who showed up for the rally, but only 2,000 or so actually breached the Capitol.

What's especially telling about all of this is how many of the militia types who breached the Capitol later turned on one another and cooperated with the courts.  You expect that behavior out of the real estate agents and the other lightweights who thought it was one big party and were live-streaming on social media, not the dudes who dressed in military gear and play-acted like they were prepared to actually fight for Trump, even thought they weren't facing massive sentences.

60 years ago, we had protestors facing cops using attack dogs on them, knowing they could literally disappear down some dirt road if the cops taking them to jail decided to make a different turn


And now we have this


The MAGA types that showed up and breached the Capitol on Jan. 6th would have shit their pants if the cops brought out the dogs and started shooting.

Boo fucking hoo Ashli Babbit

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46 minutes ago, A-Tex Devil said:

If Trump is indicted/arrested, I'll honestly be a little surprised if we don't see some disorganized protest across the country that may require a little deterrence here and there.  Should be an interesting dynamic.  

That's about the only thing that might get these types to form up and try something, but where would they do that and what would they do?  They don't want to riot at his tower in NYC or MAL in Florida, because that'll hurt his property.    They don't want to riot in Bumfuck, Arkansas, because places like that will support them and so they would be preaching to the choir, and hurting themselves.

D.C. is the natural choice for them to start shit, but do they really want to full-on tangle with the feds?  

Plus, it seems like every one of these militias and other such groups is comprised of at least 20% federal informants.

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1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

1234.  I have yet to meet a hardcore Lost in MAGA type that didn't have some shit going on in their lives, and when Trump came along with his "it's not your fault, you're a victim of the liberals, the Deep State, the Swamp" they plopped that victim card down and started feeling better about themselves. 

What's crazy is that they feel like failures but many of them are relatively well-off financially. Managerial class. Those are the people with the job flexibility required to dedicate so much time to Trump worship. But because they're assholes they have a bunch of ex-wives and estranged kids. Probably bankruptcies and tax fraud that they've gotten away with too.

There's poors mixed in, too, but it's mostly upper middle class guys that are mad they aren't richer.

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1 minute ago, chainsaw said:

What's crazy is that they feel like failures but many of them are relatively well-off financially. Managerial class. Those are the people with the job flexibility required to dedicate so much time to Trump worship. But because they're assholes they have a bunch of ex-wives and estranged kids. Probably bankruptcies and tax fraud that they've gotten away with too.

There's poors mixed in, too, but it's mostly upper middle class guys that are mad they aren't richer.

Yet too stupid to understand why.

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8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

1234.  I have yet to meet a hardcore Lost in MAGA type that didn't have some shit going on in their lives, and when Trump came along with his "it's not your fault, you're a victim of the liberals, the Deep State, the Swamp" they plopped that victim card down and started feeling better about themselves. 


define lost in maga type?  because there are millions of lost in maga types who are just gullible, fox news watching, older evangelical, bible church, charismatic, and baptist types.  so in my view there really was a two pronged maga unholy alliance - the Q crowd and the fundamentalist Christian crowd. But are hardcore lost maga types for different reasons but that's the 30-35% that will vote for him no matter what.

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3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Why do you put quotes around “accepted?” Sounds like something someone who hasn’t actually accepted the results would do.

What anomalies? There are no anomalies. There are only baseless accusations from Trump and his surrogates. If there were anomalies then they could provide evidence of them. Why do you suppose they haven’t done that? Sixty court cases tossed out because it’s illegal to lie to a judge. They couldn’t claim fraud to the courts. They just go on tv and tell you there was fraud. It’s not a crime to lie to you. And so you think there are anomalies where none exist. Trump’s own people told him there was no fraud. 


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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

not aware of any criminal shots that have ever been taken at Trump.

Half the Mueller report was basically, “This guy and his associates obstruct justice and lie on a supervillain level which makes it very difficult to prosecute any underlying crimes.” 

but okay.  

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4 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

They were in a fucking U-Haul and they were easily arrested and docile the whole time they were being cuffed.  

Shittiest rioters ever.


99% of them are amateurs. Anyone who can do any damage would have to be conducting ISIS/Al Qaeda-type training and drills with other people, and would be on the feds radar in that case. They would need facilities, material support, the kind of stuff that is hard to coordinate without raising alarm bells.

Then again, 400 cops couldn't stop an 18 year old kid that barely got his AR15 two weeks before. But it's one thing to shoot up an elementary school and another to topple a government.

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12 minutes ago, troph said:

define lost in maga type?  because there are millions of lost in maga types who are just gullible, fox news watching, older evangelical, bible church, charismatic, and baptist types.  so in my view there really was a two pronged maga unholy alliance - the Q crowd and the fundamentalist Christian crowd. But are hardcore lost maga types for different reasons but that's the 30-35% that will vote for him no matter what.

Mel Brooks Morons GIF

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3 hours ago, Azbadlands said:

I totally agree, and don't condone the actions of those people and don't even know any of their political affiliation or motives.  

I'm just saying a lot of people like myself have moved own and "accepted" the results of the election but still have questions with no answers about all of the anomolies in the election that do not make sense.  But, we are asked to accept it and I have accepted it for the good of the country as 3rd worldish as that sounds.

I wish that Capitol event had never happened though.


JFC. Have some neg rep.


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1 hour ago, BrickHorn said:

That attempt fizzled. After a failed coup, it takes time to regroup and regain the courage and outrage. So many of those dipshits didn’t actually realize what they were doing. They initially reacted with shock and even a bit of guilt. Over time, those reasonable reactions subsided and now they’re at the “we didn’t do anything wrong on January 6 except stop short of our objective” phase.

The powder keg is ready for another match.

Agree with most of that, but I don't think time matters at this point in terms of regrouping. It's like saying that Charlie Strong or Tom Herman just needed another year.  

Another year is not going to make these people any madder than they were on November 3rd/4th, 2020.

1 hour ago, BrickHorn said:

No one can predict what the precise catalyst may be. But it would be something specific (a jury verdict against Trump; a disappointing election night; or god forbid, a lone wolf terror attack or assassination attempt) that ignites the mob and sends them to action. Trump generally bitching into the ether doesn’t fit the bill. 

Trump has told these people for nearly two years that the election would be stolen, or was stolen.  He had 63 or 57 or whatever lawsuits that fizzled.  He promised his followers that he had evidence that it was stolen, but he never produced this evidence, and it got worse as Republicans refused to throw out election results.  The result of all of that is that he has left them feeling like Melania does.

The only thing that might get them off their asses was if he was arrested and perp-walked somewhere, but we know he won't be arrested.  He would work out a deal to avoid that anyways, and probably even give up a son or daughter if required (sorry Eric and Tiffany!)

And if he was actually arrested, the charges would be laid out well in advance and would be airtight (he's surrounded by law enforcement, he's not fleeing the country).

I have to admit, I kind of would like to see some Trumpkins try and free him or surround him somehow to prevent him from being arrested.  We'd see just how good of a shot the Secret Service agents are.

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1 hour ago, chainsaw said:

But it's one thing to shoot up an elementary school and another to topple a government.

I don't think anyone actually thinks they can topple the government on their own.  Now, if they have help from the inside?  Like control of the House, Senate, and SCOTUS?  Yeah, not that big of a stretch all of a sudden.

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3 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

I don't think anyone actually thinks they can topple the government on their own.  Now, if they have help from the inside?  Like control of the House, Senate, and SCOTUS?  Yeah, not that big of a stretch all of a sudden.

Add in all of law enforcement (except maybe the FBI) and most of the military, excepting senior officers, and it's really no stretch at all.  Edit to add, and also a majority of state legislatures and local governments.

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2 hours ago, Azbadlands said:

I can name a couple of many anomolies in the election that make no sense to me.  

1st how did Biden get to 81 million votes without taking any from Trump?  Trump actually got more votes too than his first election.  That never happened in history...

2nd How did Trump win all but one of the 19 Belweather counties and both of the Belweather states and still lose?  

Can you clear those up for me?  



Yes, but first, get your head out of your fucking ass so you can hear, dipshit.

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