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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

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7 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

As much fun as this is to speculate on, call me skeptical about the nuclear documents gossip. They don't politely ask for it back for a year and a half before finally putting their foot down.

Raiding this fat fuck is the last thing on the planet they wanted to do. I could definitely see them stretching this out for this long trying everything under the sun so that this wouldn’t have to happen.

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3 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

Raiding this fat fuck is the last thing on the planet they wanted to do. I could definitely see them stretching this out for this long trying everything under the sun so that this wouldn’t have to happen.


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11 hours ago, aggie08 said:

As much fun as this is to speculate on, call me skeptical about the nuclear documents gossip. They don't politely ask for it back for a year and a half before finally putting their foot down.

The involvement of the top counterintelligence director at the FBE suggests to me that there may be evidence of Trump trafficking secrets. 

I don't know that the FBI and Archivists knew exactly what Trump had taken. I'm drawn to suspecting this move may have been prompted by a counterintelligence source reporting the security breech and what was for sale. At that point, the DOJ drops any pretense of mutual respect and honest dealing to move against a fucking traitor.

I'm speculating of course, but there is no bottom for what Trump might do for personal gain or vanity.

Edited by RomaVicta
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1 hour ago, lemonlime said:

The dumbest fucking people.


Have to love the bar they set--anything short of a nuclear missile on premises and then how do we know it wasn't planted?  They just get dumber and it's no longer healthy for the nation.  They need to be sent to the moon where maybe they wouldn't be a threat to all of humanity.  

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1 hour ago, TornACL said:

They could find a paper trail of Trump peddling nuclear secrets to the Saudis for cash, and his remaining idiot fan base would just scream "He's just making deals! It's what he does!

Trump could murder us all and not lose any of his supporters, although questioning would have to happen in the afterlife. 

Edit: Damn, already beaten to it.

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13 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

The involvement of the top counterintelligence director at the FBE suggests to me that there may be evidence of Trump trafficking secrets. 

I don't know that the FBI and Archivists knew exactly what Trump had taken. I'm drawn to suspecting this move may have been prompted by a counterintelligence source reporting the security breech and what was for sale. At that point, the DOJ drops any pretense of mutual respect and honest dealing to move against a fucking traitor.

I'm speculating of course, but there is no bottom for Trump might do for personal gain or vanity.

mmm...the librarians did it.

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First you have the 15 boxes, that were returned without much fuss.  Bad, but perhaps a dishonest mistake.

Apparently, suspicions arose that that wasn't everything and a grand jury subpoena was issued, in June.  I suppose a subpoena would only require production of copies, so the grand jury knows what's there.

I have no idea why in the blue fuck the FBI or any government officials would have "toured" his document storage.  Either he's supposed to have that shit, or he's not.  It doesn't depend on how secure it is.  That's the baffling part.

But something "current" had to happen to support the search warrant, I believe.  Something different than "he has these documents and he won't turn them over."  Search warrants are to gather evidence that supports a criminal investigation or prosecution, not to seize government property.  I guess they could be used that way, but I don't think they would under these circumstances.

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So my question is what types of documents exactly?   I mean if it's all paperwork, why didn't they just make copies or take pictures spystyle?     Why did they leave this gaping hole in the library of classified stuff that would immediately be traced to them?


I could see thumb drives or ext hard drives with sensitive programs, but paperwork?  Doesn't make sense.


They are pretty stupid though.

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15 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

The involvement of the top counterintelligence director at the FBE suggests to me that there may be evidence of Trump trafficking secrets. 

I don't know that the FBI and Archivists knew exactly what Trump had taken. I'm drawn to suspecting this move may have been prompted by a counterintelligence source reporting the security breech and what was for sale. At that point, the DOJ drops any pretense of mutual respect and honest dealing to move against a fucking traitor.

I'm speculating of course, but there is no bottom for Trump might do for personal gain or vanity.

He'd kill everybody to profit.  He started with killing just one person in Manhattan and is now wiping out everybody.  Pro military while selling military classified docs is some scary fuck the military and everybody shit.  I can't wait to see how the fence sitters spin Biden's rising gas prices halted them from voting for him or another Democrat.   I've stated his followers (Republicans) are willing to cut their throats to prove a point--and here we are.  

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When you are a spineless gump with the charisma of a cat turd, you dont have a lot of choice if you want to stay in politics. The minute Pence steps out of line and explicitly criticizes Trump, there is no place for him in the republican party. So apparently he's going to run against Trump, while endorsing the GQP platform, which is really just to fellate Trump. And Trump will belittle him the entire time. Its funny as fuck. 
I saw all I needed to see in the leadup to the 2016 election. Plenty of republicans criticized that fat fuck for being a lying psychopath unfit for office, but that didnt matter to the voters, so once it became clear who was getting the vote, they all changed their tune. Cruz made an impassioned plea for people to vote their conscience as late as the convention if I recall correctly, and quickly realized his GQP career was over, so about 72 hours later he spun around and spread his cheeks. It just so happens, Pence was grown in a lab to be a cheek spreader, so thats what he's going to do. And as soon as he decides he wants to get a little froggy and criticize dotard, he'll be spreading his cheeks in the back alleys of Indianapolis, becuase his days in the GQP are over. 

Don’t insult us Gumps by lumping in pussy ass Pence.

We’re a lot of things but we ain’t no pussy ass bitches.
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As dumb as Trump is, even worse is the click driven media that enables him.

These POS are racing to be the ones that have THE story.  The more outrageous the more clicks,

Then when it turns out Trump wasn’t on tape selling nuclear secrets to saudi, but did something wholly inappropriate and jail worthy people are like well, it wasn’t as bad as I expected.   Thanks click bait bitches and Louis mecnch and Hugo.   

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21 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

As dumb as Trump is, even worse is the click driven media that enables him.

These POS are racing to be the ones that have THE story.  The more outrageous the more clicks,

Then when it turns out Trump wasn’t on tape selling nuclear secrets to saudi, but did something wholly inappropriate and jail worthy people are like well, it wasn’t as bad as I expected.   Thanks click bait bitches and Louis mecnch and Hugo.   

Very true regarding the breathless speculations of the anti-Trump media.  It makes everything anticlimactic and creates the "cried wolf" syndrome.  Plays right into his hands.

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1 hour ago, The Dog said:

I want to point out that most of those contractors got those clearances from their previous experience in the military, state department, or some three letter agency. Security clearances are EXPENSIVE and private companies don't just give them out to anyone. IIRC a Top Secret clearance (no SCI or polygraph) costs about $10,000. I worked for a defense contractor and most posted jobs required an ACTIVE clearance - that is, they weren't paying for it. You either had it from a previous gig or you didn't. 

The real bugger about clearances is that as you climb the ladder it gets more and more invasive. They may be "easy" to achieve but they are digging deeper and deeper into your personal life as you climb the ladder. For example, a Secret is basically a credit check (to make sure you can't be compromised with a bribe). After that they start interviewing friends and family in person, checking former addresses, and using various types of polygraphs. That's for Top Secret, Top Secret/SCI, etc. 

Also remember these are just Department of Defense clearances. Department of Energy has their own (Q clearance is for nukes - where the stupid Qanon shit came from as "Q" was supposedly a DOE employee with this clearance). 

OK enough digression for one night. 

It depends. Small government contractors will seek out people with existing clearances. Large tech companies will spring for clearances without no fucks given. The difference being having a billion dollar contract and a 50 million dollar contract with the government.

I'm familiar with the agony of different clearances for various agencies. I've had a shit ton from fed civilian and military and there is never a "ah, you've already been cleared by this 3 letter agency so you are good moment." Fucking government probably has about 25 copies of my finger prints out there.


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52 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

I have no idea why in the blue fuck the FBI or any government officials would have "toured" his document storage.  Either he's supposed to have that shit, or he's not.  It doesn't depend on how secure it is.  That's the baffling part.

I take that part of the story with a massive grain of salt.  There were two parties who could talk about that meeting: the FBI and people from Trump's camp, and I highly doubt the FBI side was talking.  So any description of the tour and how it concluded came from Trump's camp.  

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10 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Very true regarding the breathless speculations of the anti-Trump media.  It makes everything anticlimactic and creates the "cried wolf" syndrome.  Plays right into his hands.

As much as we make fun of the cottage industry created by right wing nuts, the race to get some crazy trump rumor clicks is ridiculous and absolutely aides his cause.  

while there is no Tim Poole or OANN left equivalent, the click dorks ruin everything and play into the trumpcuck narrative.   Thanks assholes. 

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4 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

That was amazing.  She was not expecting that questioning on that show.

I love how she keeps talking about cooperating with the investigation, after yesterday saying that the FBI planted evidence.


All trump lawyers suck. Fuck them all traitors. Approved by my drunk self

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5 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

okay, then why don't you release the docs yourself since you already have them?

His lawyer said they were going by the book. (Yes, I know that's nonsensical and BS, but that's what she said).

Also, she has a very long face.  

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On 8/10/2022 at 9:06 PM, Dutchrudder said:

I listened to part of the Eric Trump interview on Hannity from Monday night, you know 8/8 Raid Day.  Anyways, he actually said a few interesting things. He claims he was there when the raid happened, he was not shown the warrant

Why would they show it to him? He's not the owner or subject of the warrant.

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Look I know Trump would sell anything to anyone for personal profit.  But I still didn't think he would sell nuclear secrets to the Saudis.  I consistently fail to comprehend just how far he will go.

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I mean, I wouldn't put it past Trump to take nuclear secrets for profit or leverage.  That it is completely within the realm of possibility shows exactly how unfit for office he is, but I think @Ted Lange is right to be dubious.  All we have is a single WaPo article claiming its nuclear codes.  If it turns out to be anything less, the "conspiracy against Trump" gets more entrenched in the minds of his base.  I think it is more likely that he is doing what he does best -- playing the media to his advantage.

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2 minutes ago, Goredho said:

I mean, I wouldn't put it past Trump to take nuclear secrets for profit or leverage.  That it is completely within the realm of possibility shows exactly how unfit for office he is, but I think @Ted Lange is right to be dubious.  All we have is a single WaPo article claiming its nuclear codes.  If it turns out to be anything less, the "conspiracy against Trump" gets more entrenched in the minds of his base.  I think it is more likely that he is doing what he does best -- playing the media to his advantage.


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2 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

Is the SS detail w/ dotard made up from the same dudes who deleted their texts after 1/6?  If so, this might be a massive amount of CYA.

Yea, I speculated that earlier in the thread. One of the good agents that was furious about the agencies actions during and after 1/6 that is self cleansing. 

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59 minutes ago, Goredho said:

I mean, I wouldn't put it past Trump to take nuclear secrets for profit or leverage.  That it is completely within the realm of possibility shows exactly how unfit for office he is, but I think @Ted Lange is right to be dubious.  All we have is a single WaPo article claiming its nuclear codes.  If it turns out to be anything less, the "conspiracy against Trump" gets more entrenched in the minds of his base.  I think it is more likely that he is doing what he does best -- playing the media to his advantage.

Pretty much where I’m at.  I’ll chuckle and shake my head, but I’m not boosting that theory 

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16 hours ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

1.  I challenge you to find an issue where the Rs have a good point (itself is a challenge these days) where he tweeted and see if you can't tell which side he's rooting on.

2.  Well, yeah.

Hell I'll go you one better. Try to find one fucking instance where a nationally elected Republican (not on the Jan 6th committee) simply tells the truth?  

That is what is so dangerous about our country right now.  It really does remind me of Hitler's development of grievance, where people who knew the truth went along with lies, at first for personal power, and then out of fear.  Facts are now something to be ignored or distorted.  Actually speaking the Truth is about the most dangerous thing and elected Republican can do these days if they want to stay elected.  Simply because the Republican electorate has been so thoroughly convinced that lies are truth (because they never, ever, ever can be allowed to hear the truth).  Because the Truth is now something very dangerous.   

To me it seems like rejecting the Truth is the far, far more dangerous situation for the Country.  But please my Republican friends can you show me an actual instance of one paragraph of speech by a Republican Senator or Representative that is factually truthful.  Think of it as a dissertation of research to find 3 sentences.  Because you will never find 5 truthful sentences.

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Trump’s next move will be to lean into what he did- it was normal, good, perfect to take the documents and do whatever he did with them, whatever it is. Everyone does it, he’s being treated unfairly. I think a legal theory will take shape like this: if he took classified docs, well, he was president when he left the house, and thus he declassified them by becoming not president with them in his possession. 
He will fundraise off having them. He will make unqualified affirmative support for his actions a litmus test for the party and they will fall in line. 


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1 minute ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Trump’s next move will be to lean into what he did- it was normal, good, perfect to take the documents and do whatever he did with them, whatever it is. Everyone does it, he’s being treated unfairly. He will fundraise off having them. He will make unqualified affirmative support for his actions a litmus test for the party and they will fall in line. 


Pretty much,

-they will go he is the president, he has a right to have those documents 

-so what, he didn’t sell them

-he was just preserving them

-Obama did worse

-Hilary server or hunter laptop

-finally look at the migrants 


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1 hour ago, Goredho said:

I mean, I wouldn't put it past Trump to take nuclear secrets for profit or leverage.  That it is completely within the realm of possibility shows exactly how unfit for office he is, but I think @Ted Lange is right to be dubious.  All we have is a single WaPo article claiming its nuclear codes.  If it turns out to be anything less, the "conspiracy against Trump" gets more entrenched in the minds of his base.  I think it is more likely that he is doing what he does best -- playing the media to his advantage.

Who cares what his base thinks?

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2 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Trump’s next move will be to lean into what he did- it was normal, good, perfect to take the documents and do whatever he did with them, whatever it is. Everyone does it, he’s being treated unfairly. He will fundraise off having them. He will make unqualified affirmative support for his actions a litmus test for the party and they will fall in line. 


Yep.  He'll spin it into some kind of "swamp" take-down; and the trumpkins will eat it up...including Congressional Reps. 

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