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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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5 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Why would any lawyer trust Trump to tell the truth when he is clearly allergic to it?

Well, I'm sure he was relying on the word of other people more competent, and honest, than Trump, who were also actually deceived or instructed not to be forthcoming.

If you're doing a document production from a company, sure you ask the CEO if he has anything ratholed, but you primarily rely on "document custodians" like IT people, secretaries, clerks and the like.

Edited by TwiceHorn
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1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

4 years of archivists running around collecting every scrap of communication he made that he didn’t eat or flush, and he still says that. 

my question still is how did these documents end up leaving the White House at all?  Snuck out?  Or did they still have to do as he ordered since he was still potus while the move happened?  Potus still has laws to abide by, in theory. 

I’m pretty sure I remember news stories the day he moved out that stated he had boxed up a bunch of documents and put them in the moving van

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44 minutes ago, C-Man said:

Maybe I'm misremembering but I thought once he finally accepted he was going to have to move out of the White House, he grudgingly -- and openly -- loaded up a tractor trailer with shit and took it to MAL. I assume lackeys put the boxes in question on the truck without asking any questions.

I’ve heard that excuse floated. I don’t think it gained any traction. It oooks even worse if Trump just had documents classified Sensitive Compartmented Information just lying around where any lackey could pick them up and pack them off to Florida.

What I want to know is how Trump managed to take those materials out of a SCIF in the first place. That’s not supposed to be possible. 

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Just now, WhatTheBuck said:

I’ve heard that excuse floated. I don’t think it gained any traction. It oooks even worse if Trump just had documents classified Sensitive Compartmented Information just lying around where any lackey could pick them up and pack them off to Florida.

What I want to know is how Trump managed to take those materials out of a SCIF in the first place. That’s not supposed to be possible. 

"Secret docs - don't look"

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5 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Has Trump told anybody why he had the documents in the first place, especially since he was no longer president?

I think we have our answer:

Obstruction. That's why. 



Edited by The Dog
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27 minutes ago, Chopper said:

She is meticulous and knows her shit. Name your bet.


I got no problem with this part from the article you posted as I feel pretty certain that's standard procedure or at least should be.


 It means that filter agents were used to do the search, as was reported contemporaneously. And now case agents — the people who determine which items are within scope of the investigation and which “items [] do not need to be retained for law enforcement purposes” — appear to be making scope determinations.


It's this bullshit she's spewing that's just made-up crap searching for clicks.


And given the way that Trump is ginning up outrage and attacks on FBI agents (which the government cited in explaining the need to keep the affidavit sealed), charging him with a single count indictment describing (hypothetically) the nuclear codes might be a good way to shut everyone up. They could use that to offer Trump a plea deal to lesser charges while they catalog other documents that each could bear a separate 10-year sentence.


If they’ve already singled out Trump’s passports, they surely are processing the stolen classified documents that could expose Trump to years in prison.

His passports have fuck all to do with anything related to classified documents.

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43 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Why would any lawyer trust Trump to tell the truth when he is clearly allergic to it?

If Trump officials said "Here are the boxes that were taken from the White House.  If you feel the need to review them to confirm that we have returned all classified documents, help yourself."  Once you have decided to work for Trump, I don't see what options you have other than to work within parameters defined, unless for some reason you believe they are fabricated.  It's not like a lawyer is going to search through all the rooms in Maralargo.  

That being said, if that lawyer were later to have a credible reason to believe he had signed a false document, I would imagine he would have a duty to correct the record with the Feds.  I would also imagine he would be a little pissed about it.  

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3 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

His passports have fuck all to do with anything related to classified documents.

That bit is taken from a longer article about the search, how the various documents were catalogued in the inventory, how quickly the gov't found the passports in going through the material from the search, and then returned them. The logic being - they are moving quickly through the seized material.

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2 minutes ago, Chopper said:

That bit is taken from a longer article about the search, how the various documents were catalogued in the inventory, how quickly the gov't found the passports in going through the material from the search, and then returned them. The logic being - they are moving quickly through the seized material.

Hooray, I guess.  Still sounds like Marcie Wheeler still knows as much as us about the real details and is throwing in the extra bullshit as click bait.

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If the Republicans held the House or the Senate, you can bet there would be near instantaneous hearing involving Garland and Wray on this. I’m not saying democrats should do that but that is what will happen after the midterms if Dems do not win both House and Senate.  The investigators will be investigated/put on trial. 

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31 minutes ago, tokamak said:

I can’t get over how bad Dilbert’s logic is. Just staggeringly dumb. 

Imagine its 2012. I come to you and say "Hello Internet Stranger. In 10 years, you're going to post about how you can't believe the response posted by the creator of Dilbert about former president Donald Trump -- yes the Celebrity Apprentice guy -- taking top secret documents and the FBI executing a warrant to retrieve them."

We're living in bizarro world.


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I wish there was a way to run this experiment for real, but I seriously think that if Trump tomorrow morning said "The documents arrived from a different dimension, and were brought here by aliens", within 24 hours MTG, Gaetz, Tucker, etc. would be screaming about the damn aliens trying to frame Trump. 

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1 hour ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

Imagine its 2012. I come to you and say "Hello Internet Stranger. In 10 years, you're going to post about how you can't believe the response posted by the creator of Dilbert about former president Donald Trump -- yes the Celebrity Apprentice guy -- taking top secret documents and the FBI executing a warrant to retrieve them."

We're living in bizarro world.


It's a simulation.

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It's crazy how much stuff is coming out now.

That came out then. We knew it. It’s just that this crazy shit happened every fucking day for four long years.

And it could happen again.

I would wish cancer upon this traitor but that’s too long to wait for the rest of us.
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4 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

Well, you clicked on it.

After many long years where it appeared the dotard was going to get away scot-free despite many astonishing crimes to line his pockets, increase his electoral chances, financially reward his family and friends at the expense of democracy, and even appearing to get away with fomenting violence to overturn a legitimate election, I think anyone is well within their rights to get a little exuberant that the walls appear to be closing in and despite the DOJ's best efforts to wish it all away, the gov't seems to have him dead to rights.

Also: Clickbait is a deceptive or sensational link that's designed to entice users to follow that link. Sentences within a journalistic article aren't clickbait, PARTICULARLY if they're not linked.

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