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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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5 hours ago, Captainant said:

Eh, it's worse than just the dipshits. I know a number of incredibly intelligent people that are only smart when they turn on their brains. When it comes to politics, they just turn off their brains and stop thinking about things because "it's all just so unpleasant with the lying". Sure, when you press them on a specific issue they're usually reasonable, but they'll happily and mindlessly repeat whatever the fox news talking point is - even though they'll swear up and down they NEVER watch fox

My point being - people who fall for this are no longer willing to engage on facts as the first step in a discussion. They just assume ALL facts are bullshit because they were able to find an instance of #bothsides being wrong, and start to decide things based on "what people are saying".

Stop, @Anastasis's penis can only get so erect. 

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1 hour ago, Bullneck said:

So by listing 20-30 or so people/entities she hoped that Reinhart would have to bow out due to a conflict/previous contact with these parties?

What would that accomplish?  Wouldn't someone else just take his place?

No, she just bitched that he recused from a suit where Trump was the plaintiff, but not in the warrant application where he was the target, ignoring that any conflict could have arisen from any of those parties, and it was very likely the addition of Rod Rosenstein that did it, inasmuch as they worked together for a while and were probably friends.

And yes, three or four magistrates recused before Reinhart, then a couple more after.  So that case is running through em in SD Fla.

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7 hours ago, Chopper said:


no fucking duh. this is what they want.  they want names. they want to know who the rats are, so they can go on the attack (figuratively/reputation, obviously, ivana cough). 

they don’t care about the crimes, they already know that part. they want the witnesses jeopardized so they can ensure they “go through some things”.

it’s the only play in his playbook, people. 

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21 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

no fucking duh. this is what they want.  they want names. they want to know who the rats are, so they can go on the attack (figuratively/reputation, obviously, ivana cough). 

they don’t care about the crimes, they already know that part. they want the witnesses jeopardized so they can ensure they “go through some things”.

it’s the only play in his playbook, people. 

I don't think the affidavit is going to be good for him, generally speaking.

It's going to summarize his non-compliance with requests for documents, including a srs business subpoena.

And it will redact the witness names and any identifying information.

I'm kind of surprised they're releasing any of it, tbh.

I'm sure Trump himself thinks it's going to be like the Carter Page/FISA warrant application, but it's not.

Edited by TwiceHorn
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58 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

no fucking duh. this is what they want.  they want names. they want to know who the rats are, so they can go on the attack (figuratively/reputation, obviously, ivana cough). 

they don’t care about the crimes, they already know that part. they want the witnesses jeopardized so they can ensure they “go through some things”.

it’s the only play in his playbook, people. 

night sinking GIF

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54 minutes ago, Bama Llama said:



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Don't be so dramatic. It's just a few crazies out there even talking about doing mean things. Oh, wait.






So, I guess the witnesses may need protection provided by FBI agents who will themselves need protection from a rabble roused to action by anti-democratic forces in the USA.

This can seemingly only be made right by executing the Attorney General probably on the Capitol Mall when the person who lost the presidential election assumes power anyway to the cheers of more than 60 million Americans of voting age.

Would anyone have imagined just 10 years ago that the lengthy sentence above would not be over-the-top absurdism? Now it's the vision of an obscene number of persons thinking they're the good Americans because of an unbreakable, self-congratulatory feedback loop.

Can we all wake up yet?

Edited by RomaVicta
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1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:



Don't be so dramatic. It's just a few crazies out there even talking about doing mean things. Oh, wait.






So, I guess the witnesses may need protection provided by FBI agents who will themselves need protection from a rabble roused to action by anti-democratic forces in the USA.

This can seemingly only be made right by executing the Attorney General probably on the Capitol Mall when the person who lost the presidential election assumes power anyway to the cheers of more than 60 million Americans of voting age.

Would anyone have imagined just 10 years ago that the lengthy sentence above would not be over-the-top absurdism? Now it's the vision of an obscene number of persons thinking they're the good Americans because of an unbreakable, self-congratulatory feedback loop.

Can we all wake up yet?

I fully expect the next 2-5 years (maybe more) to be a continuing upward trend of domestic terrorism and assassination attempts.  Good work Rs.

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19 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

I fully expect the next 2-5 years (maybe more) to be a continuing upward trend of domestic terrorism and assassination attempts.  Good work Rs.

Sadly agree. With an open campaign against law enforcement (not the negro-shooters, of course) and continual shows of force thanks to open carry, some are already heeding the call. Their bumbling will make the next bumblers plan a little better until they get more effective.

I doubt it's legal, but I would like to see conviction for terrorism of this sort lead to a death sentence and a streamlined appeal process so execution could be held in public within a year. Guantanamo could be the location for all of this as far as I'm concerned. 

We shy from publishing graphic images of mass shootings and other terroristic carnage. We need to abandon shyness and see the real world for what it is. The pictures of the crime scene in Uvalde should have been accessible to the public. See that, then see the consequences.

I don't want summary execution or star chamber justice. When it comes to foreign terrorists, I don't mind erring on the side of thoroughness. When it comes to Americans, they are entitled to (even if not deserving of) due process. 

At whatever level of intensity, this could become war. War requires all out effort. Fund the courts and law enforcement. Follow the rules; just do so efficiently.

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  So I am listening to Glenn Beck because I like to torture myself. They are talking about former CIA director Michael Hayden's comments about how the Republican Party is the most dangerous. Anyway these guys start talking about all of the worst dictators in history and wonder how a guy who has seen everything can make a "dangerous" statement like that. Then somehow it was turned into the left's fault that the statement was made and yadda yadda. You could see the flip coming and I was just waiting for the segue. I can see how if that's all the info you swallowed all day long how you would have an answer for everything to turn reality on its ear. Because that's all the talking heads do. What bothers me is how they can morally keep pandering for a man who is bringing down our democracy one brick at a time. I wonder when they lay in bed at night and think about their grandchildren are they just like fuck them I got mine.

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4 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

  So I am listening to Glenn Beck because I like to torture myself. They are talking about former CIA director Michael Hayden's comments about how the Republican Party is the most dangerous. Anyway these guys start talking about all of the worst dictators in history and wonder how a guy who has seen everything can make a "dangerous" statement like that. Then somehow it was turned into the left's fault that the statement was made and yadda yadda. You could see the flip coming and I was just waiting for the segue. I can see how if that's all the info you swallowed all day long how you would have an answer for everything to turn reality on its ear. Because that's all the talking heads do. What bothers me is how they can morally keep pandering for a man who is bringing down our democracy one brick at a time. I wonder when they lay in bed at night and think about their grandchildren are they just like fuck them I got mine.

It's a mental world, kinda like being a Trekkie, but minus all the cool stuff.

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1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

I wonder when they lay in bed at night and think about their grandchildren are they just like fuck them I got mine.

I think they compartmentalize it.  THEIR grandchildren will surely be fine.  They don't care about the rest.  It's just another exercise of selfishness.

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1 hour ago, Thatguy said:

  So I am listening to Glenn Beck because I like to torture myself. They are talking about former CIA director Michael Hayden's comments about how the Republican Party is the most dangerous. Anyway these guys start talking about all of the worst dictators in history and wonder how a guy who has seen everything can make a "dangerous" statement like that. Then somehow it was turned into the left's fault that the statement was made and yadda yadda. You could see the flip coming and I was just waiting for the segue. I can see how if that's all the info you swallowed all day long how you would have an answer for everything to turn reality on its ear. Because that's all the talking heads do. What bothers me is how they can morally keep pandering for a man who is bringing down our democracy one brick at a time. I wonder when they lay in bed at night and think about their grandchildren are they just like fuck them I got mine.


beck is mentally ill, but his grifting skills put anyone else to shame 

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1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

I think they compartmentalize it.  THEIR grandchildren will surely be fine.  They don't care about the rest.  It's just another exercise of selfishness.

Amen to this.  I’ve asked boomers why they don’t seem to care about their children/grandchildren, and they act like things will be fine.

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1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

Amen to this.  I’ve asked boomers why they don’t seem to care about their children/grandchildren, and they act like things will be fine.

no one gave a big helping hand growing up !

I grew up dirt poor !

unions are horrible !

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6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

It would have been a smart move of Trump’s part to run for FL Governor.  Knocks out a rival, gives him some political power he can pretend to wield against Biden (not really, but in Trump’s mind, he would be protected).

He's not going to be the fucking Governor of Florida!   

Too much work, and he'd have to slow down the grifting.

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