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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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10 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

Am I reading this correctly?

She can't win a primary in Wyoming, but you think she's going to win over the cult god?

Not at all - she takes enough votes in the general to give the D’s a win.  

8 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

This is where I'm at.  I don't think there would be any material effect of her running in either the primary or the general.

I'm really confused on this line of thinking and how it has come to fruition.  @ChiTownDoc please explain why you think this.  I know you're a smart guy.  What on earth makes this make sense in your head?

See my post to beau vine

edit: taking Koch money.  Possibly Ken Griffin money.  It’s not about beating Trump.  It’s only taking enough votes.  With some big money ‘deep state’ R’s trump loses.  Also asshole, old school R are GREAT at playing politics.  

Edited by ChiTownDoc
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1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

Seriously, that will be another entertaining part of his death.  Watching all the magats FREAK THE FUCK OUT.

I cannot wait to get an email from one of my students explaining that they missed the test because they were mourning Trump's death.  

My reply will likely get me fired, and it will be worth it.

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2 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Not at all - she takes enough votes in the general to give the D’s a win.  

See my post to beau vine

I mean, I quoted what you wrote.  Here it is again: 


Anyone that thinks a Liz run doesn’t sink Don in the primary is a moron.

Note the part where you specify "IN THE PRIMARY."

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Just now, Beau Vine said:

I mean, I quoted what you wrote.  Here it is again: 

Note the part where you specify "IN THE PRIMARY."

No idea I typed that.  I’m sober.  

In the general…


1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

WTF are you talking about man?  You think Liz Cheney can primary Trump?  You really believe this?

Lol.  Sorry.  Now I see I said primary.  My bad

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1 minute ago, Biff Tannen said:

I mean, ok, I guess.  It could totally backfire, as I actually see her peeling off more Dem votes than R votes in the general, running as a 3rd party.

Really?  She’s votes 97% with Trump.  What dem is gonna vote for her?  I would hope Biden isn’t the choice, but even he would get way more of the D vote vs Trump the R vote, if you get what I’m trying to say.  English is hard for me.  

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4 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Really?  She’s votes 97% with Trump.  What dem is gonna vote for her?  I would hope Biden isn’t the choice, but even he would get way more of the D vote vs Trump the R vote, if you get what I’m trying to say.  English is hard for me.  

No Dem is going to vote for her.  But the ex-Republicans who voted for Biden last election (of which there are many of us here)... some of them will vote for her.  

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56 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

what are you talkin about

Having a judge sue sponte saying what exactly is this doing in my courtroom.  Reminded me of a similar one in Houston where Hughes ordered defendants to move to dismiss the case and ordered a response and hearing that week on it.  Judge another judge saying this is far too dumb being in my courtroom how I interpret it. 

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3 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

No Dem is going to vote for her.  But the ex-Republicans who voted for Biden last election (of which there are many of us here)... some of them will vote for her.  

I think she only needs 5-7% to get the Dems a win.  It’s a net positive for any Dem candidate.  And 10’s of millions of dollars would be nice to keep from fuckface by the Kochs and others.  

Hope all this doesn’t matter and he says no after he’s charged with a million felonies - a man can dream.  

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19 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

I think she only needs 5-7% to get the Dems a win.  It’s a net positive for any Dem candidate.  And 10’s of millions of dollars would be nice to keep from fuckface by the Kochs and others.  

Hope all this doesn’t matter and he says no after he’s charged with a million felonies - a man can dream.  

If she ran as an independent I think she might hurt dems in the suburbs. If she runs in the GOP primary she'll be beaten like law enforcement on January 6th. She'd be an afterthought before she packed her bags to leave Iowa. 


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Well she's not going to run in order to help Trump so there's no way she's running as an independent. Stupid fucking poll. Adding: Also paying attention to polls in a general election more than 2 years away is fucking stupid.

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4 minutes ago, Chooky said:

If she ran as an independent I think she might hurt dems in the suburbs. If she runs in the GOP primary she'll be beaten like law enforcement on January 6th. She'd be an afterthought before she packed her bags to leave Iowa. 


Thanks for sharing.  I do think once that R money went in for Liz it would help the D candidate.  I also think Biden is a very weak candidate but that's another debate.  But that's a great poll to see because I'm definitely learning something seeing that many Dem votes leave for Liz.  Yikes

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No way Cheney runs in the General election as an independent. She despises Trump and wouldn’t want to give him the election by taking votes away from Biden. She might have an ego & be ultra-conservative but she won’t do anything to help Trump win.

Either she wins the GOP nomination & faces Biden in November or she loses & attacks Trump via the Lincoln Project, etc. 

My guess is she is hoping that come ‘24, Trump won’t be able to run or will be severely weakened due to the mountain of issues he will be facing. If that is the case, she will be one of the early front runners in the GOP primary.


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3 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

It's not really going to work in criminal court, period.

No one has ever seen an indicted Donald Trump.  It's been a long time coming, but I think we're finna, as the kids would say.

And you "know" this how, exactly?

I also worked on Capitol Hill for 5+ years and I'll back up my optimism with a healthy, friendly wager.

<Yours is a stupid fucking comment...the more I think about it the more it pisses me off. Cohen - the first time he was indicted was the first time he was convicted. Same for Trump's CFO, his campaign manager, his nat sec advisor and on and on and on. >

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1 hour ago, Homercles said:

Holy fuck they all look the same.  Fat young wannabe Meal Team Six Gun nuts, fat middle aged Karens, angry Minions boomer or bald middle age Oakley’s guy.  

I drive by the house of a Bald Middle Age Oakleys guy regularly.  Always flying the flag, Abbot signs out front since May, garage full of suspicious buckets.  

Uh... I thought it was too obvious so you made me re-watch to make sure I didn't miss any gravy seals. So thank you, for that...

That guy is very much not a trump supporter. And now I'm questioning your ability to comprehend a very simple video.


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The only votes Cheney steals from Biden are the never trump repubs. Some of us voted for Biden last election. I'd like to think that those of us in competitive states would still go biden so the actual loss to Biden would be inconsequential.

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23 minutes ago, Chopper said:

And you "know" this how, exactly?

I also worked on Capitol Hill for 5+ years and I'll back up my optimism with a healthy, friendly wager.

<Yours is a stupid fucking comment...the more I think about it the more it pisses me off. Cohen - the first time he was indicted was the first time he was convicted. Same for Trump's CFO, his campaign manager, his nat sec advisor and on and on and on. >


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My wife, who knows nothing about politics except she hates Trump watched some of the J6 hearings.  Afterwards she kept saying how much she liked Cheney and wished she would run for president.  I proceeded to try to explain Cheney’s politics and how I didn’t think she would like her if she knew what she stood for.  It didn’t matter, she likes her and “the way she carries herself”.  I have heard her friend group’s very cursory understanding of politics and I think a lot of suburban women, who would otherwise vote for Biden feel this way.  Cheney needs to stay the fuck out the general.

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2 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

My wife, who knows nothing about politics except she hates Trump watched some of the J6 hearings.  Afterwards she kept saying how much she liked Cheney and wished she would run for president.  I proceeded to try to explain Cheney’s politics and how I didn’t think she would like her if she knew what she stood for.  It didn’t matter, she likes her and “the way she carries herself”.  I have heard her friend group’s very cursory understanding of politics and I think a lot of suburban women, who would otherwise vote for Biden feel this way.  Cheney needs to stay the fuck out the general.

She can stump for Biden then.

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2 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

My wife, who knows nothing about politics except she hates Trump watched some of the J6 hearings.  Afterwards she kept saying how much she liked Cheney and wished she would run for president.  I proceeded to try to explain Cheney’s politics and how I didn’t think she would like her if she knew what she stood for.  It didn’t matter, she likes her and “the way she carries herself”.  I have heard her friend group’s very cursory understanding of politics and I think a lot of suburban women, who would otherwise vote for Biden feel this way.  Cheney needs to stay the fuck out the general.

My mother, who was very astute in most things, tended to vote for President, or at least like candidates, based on intangibles like this, as opposed to anything they stood for policy-wise.  I suspect it is a pretty common phenomenon.

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1 hour ago, hobbes2702 said:

I don’t know that I really buy that polling but maybe I just don’t get it.

I don’t either, unless all of her Democratic support is white, because black people ain’t voting for her. We know her voting record and it ain’t pretty.

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To be fair, until the Dems learn to drown the fascists without care for how it looks, we're fucked. 
We have one party that's fine doing whatever they want to achieve a stated goal and another that doesn't want to appear to be mean.
Dems need to learn to have actual convictions. Fascists are waging war on this country and Dems are being pacifists...
You can't hug a bully into submission 

Caught part of this and it was fascinating. Formerly closeted, gay man, going against his very being over a few issues he agreed with.

TLDL GOP culture of winning over everything is a big fucking problem. Goldwater was prescient.
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1 hour ago, Chopper said:

If I were as extremely negative as some of you about the possibility for justice I wouldn't be able to deal with reading this forum let alone deciding to wake up in the morning.

Lately I’ve been thinking, I just might quit drinking                   
Now I don’t know, all in all

You make a good point, but I’ve seen where we are going for decades. Trump is a distraction. A trial balloon. Fuck him; he can’t die soon enough. But he ain’t the end all, be all, of the threat to our Republic. Any R president will be a Teflon president, since Rs have jettisoned the rule of Law.

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1 hour ago, Chopper said:

If I were as extremely negative as some of you about the possibility for justice I wouldn't be able to deal with reading this forum let alone deciding to wake up in the morning.

i live a lonely, miserable existence, why can't you just let me be?

1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:

But that's a great poll to see because I'm definitely learning something seeing that many Dem votes leave for Liz.  Yikes

dem votes don't necessarily come from dem voters.  there were more anti-trump biden votes in 2020 than there were anti-hillary trump votes in 2016.  and both numbers were far too high.

if cheney were to help defeat trump, she would need to run a coordinated anti-trump campaign speaking solely to the 6 states that will decide this election. 

i think trying to knee-cap trump in favor of desantis in the primary is the better solution because she cannot participate in the general.  biden is too moderate and aligns too closely with people who would see cheney as a "more sensible moderate option" because people are fucking idiots.

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2 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

You make a good point, but I’ve seen where we are going for decades. Trump is a distraction. A trial balloon. Fuck him; he can’t die soon enough. But he ain’t the end all, be all, of the threat to our Republic. Any R president will be a Teflon president, since Rs have jettisoned the rule of Law.

what you're describing is a senate/electoral college problem which cannot ever be fixed because of the two things i just mentioned.

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3 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

what you're describing is a senate/electoral college problem which cannot ever be fixed because of the two things i just mentioned.

Yes, sir. 

Our only hope, and I don’t believe it is a hail Mary type long shot, is enough of the US population is aware of the threat and gets out to vote. Whether Ds then act to build actual guardrails will be the taste in the proof of the pudding. 

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1 hour ago, Chopper said:

Well she's not going to run in order to help Trump so there's no way she's running as an independent. Stupid fucking poll. Adding: Also paying attention to polls in a general election more than 2 years away is fucking stupid.

Well yes, lets see how things play when you have Koch money backing her.  Plus a decent chunk of the Republican machine like the Lincoln Project.  

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39 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Independents make up like 40% of the electorate but do not vote as a collective block and this factor is widely overlooked. 

ETA:  Source


I know this is the actual percentage of “independents” but no one believes that because it isn’t true. There aren’t 40% of voters that are truly independent. Probably less than 10%

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1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Thanks for sharing.  I do think once that R money went in for Liz it would help the D candidate.  I also think Biden is a very weak candidate but that's another debate.  But that's a great poll to see because I'm definitely learning something seeing that many Dem votes leave for Liz.  Yikes

I was in the exact same thought process until I started reading anti Trump pollsters and pundits who are outright hostile to the whole notion of an independent sandbagger and how it truly works. Moderate conservatives in the suburbs, who aren't devoting their lives to pwning the libs and red button nonsense, have been addition by subtraction in the two party bog. I guess they peel over to an indy pretty easily if one is available. 

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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

My mother, who was very astute in most things, tended to vote for President, or at least like candidates, based on intangibles like this, as opposed to anything they stood for policy-wise.  I suspect it is a pretty common phenomenon.

This is what made Reagan such an effective candidate.  Couple that with the late late 70's stagnation in the economy, hostage crisis in Iran, and a pretty successful track record in California wrt budget, backlash against 60's era policies, and contrast to Carter's intellectual measured responses to the shit sandwich he was given.

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3 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

And how many MAGAts would be convinced it was a Deep State hit job?  


3 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

Approximately all of them.

Seriously, that will be another entertaining part of his death.  Watching all the magats FREAK THE FUCK OUT.


It will be the next Hitler/Elvis/Tupac/JFK jr.  conspiracy theory of "He's not dead, he's living in South America until he can come back to crush the deep state.  Watch for the next update by Q , Michael Flynn or the MyPillow guy." 

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