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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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Knowing him, they're probably in Guiliani's makeup drawer.  

There was a report that says that some of the folders were just the cover page with nothing inside them.  That actually makes some sense, to take a couple SCI cover pages with the contents removed just to have as a souvenir from office.  I'm sure they'll focus on that instead of the  hundreds of pages of actualk SCI materials.  I love that is still sticking with the "You photographed and published all these classified documents for all the world to see!  Defund the FBI!"  She's off committee so she never gets to see those kinds of materials.  

I think she goes around thinking that the CIA/FBI/DNI/NSA/DoD put the actual super secret information on the outside of the file.  Like she pops into Langley and says, "Not sure if you guys got the memo but we're putting new cover pages on our TPS reports, so please use those from now on."  

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56 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:


I have the best people come and visit me....

Whatcha doing? Oh, just cleaning in the office, so many papers and things....

I know guest workers are not uncommon but given the lax security and documents we now know about, what a hot mess all of this was.

Foreign adversaries absolutely imbedded assets with those workers. 

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12 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

I don’t remember who suggested shipping all my purchases home but shout out to you!!! Much cheaper than the exorbitant baggage fees and now my load is much lighter!!!!

Today is my last full day - going to see SIX this afternoon. Saw Hamilton yesterday and IT WAS AMAZING!

Here’s a picture from last night at my third and final Harry show!



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Donald Trump once tried to pay a lawyer he owed $2m with a deed to a horse.

The bizarre scene is described in Servants of the Damned: Giant Law Firms, Donald Trump and the Corruption of Justice, a book by David Enrich of the New York Times that will be published next week. The Guardian obtained a copy.

Enrich reports that “once he regained the capacity for speech”, the lawyer to whom Trump offered a stallion supposedly worth $5m “stammered … ‘This isn’t the 1800s. You can’t pay me with a horse.’”


(snipped out other stuff in the story to get to the horse part)



In contrast to the description of the alleged “morons” remark, Enrich’s story about Trump trying to pay a debt with a horse does not identify the attorney involved.

Describing “a lawyer at a white-shoe firm” who worked for Trump in the 1990s, Enrich writes: “The bill came to about $2m and Trump refused to pay.

“After a while, the lawyer lost patience, and he showed up, unannounced, at Trump Tower. Someone sent him up to Trump’s office. Trump was initially pleased to see him – he didn’t betray any sense of sheepishness – but the lawyer was steaming.




“‘I’m incredibly disappointed,’ he scolded Trump. ‘There’s no reason you haven’t paid us.’

“Trump made some apologetic noises. Then he said: ‘I’m not going to pay your bill. I’m going to give you something more valuable.’ What on earth is he talking about? the lawyer wondered. ‘I have a stallion,’ Trump continued. ‘It’s worth $5m.’ Trump rummaged around in a filing cabinet and pulled out what he said was a deed to a horse. He handed it to the lawyer.”

Enrich describes the lawyer’s stunned and angry response, in which he threatened to sue.

Trump, Enrich writes, “eventually coughed up at least a portion of what he owed”.


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20 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:





(snipped out other stuff in the story to get to the horse part)





Apparently, one Jay Goldberg.  https://www.textise.net/showText.aspx?strURL=https%3A//www.nytimes.com/2017/07/05/magazine/all-the-presidents-lawyers.html#site-content

I can see these solo and small-firm guys taking the risk on Trump, maybe.

I can't quite figure guys like Kasowitz, though.  While not biglaw, his firm has 350 lawyers or so.  He did abruptly resign from his last enagement by Trump in 2017.

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27 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:





(snipped out other stuff in the story to get to the horse part)





Good lord.


In another forthcoming book, Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall of America’s Mayor, Andrew Kirtzman reports that in January 2021 Rudy Giuliani’s girlfriend sought $2.5m from Trump, for the former New York mayor’s legal work on the attempt to block Joe Biden’s win and for “defending you during the Russia hoax investigation and then the impeachment”.

Maria Ryan, Kirtzman writes, made the request in the same letter in which she requested that Giuliani receive a “general pardon” and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


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2 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

In another forthcoming book, Giuliani: The Rise and Tragic Fall of America’s Mayor, Andrew Kirtzman reports that in January 2021 Rudy Giuliani’s girlfriend sought $2.5m from Trump, for the former New York mayor’s legal work on the attempt to block Joe Biden’s win and for “defending you during the Russia hoax investigation and then the impeachment”.

Maria Ryan, Kirtzman writes, made the request in the same letter in which she requested that Giuliani receive a “general pardon” and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

I'm sorry, but this is *REALLY* difficult to believe -- Rudy had a girlfriend in 2021????

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I don’t think it’s a great order, and I disagree with several parts and some of the underlying reasoning, but from a 30,000 foot perspective, I can understand why a judge would issue it: “this is big, important shit, and it’s really important to ensure that everything isn’t just ACTUALLY above-board, but that it appears that way as well. And appointing a special master is a good way to do that.”

Also, it only delays use by the criminal investigative team while the special master does his review (which usually doesn’t take long). The national security review continues unimpeded.

I’m not shocked.

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he's already drunk for Bama

Naah, just resigned to shittiness. I’ll miss the Bama game; we’ll be in Scotland dropping the boy off at college. Gonna be a fun travel experience, being that a dumbass blew through a light on Saturday, likely totaled my wife’s ride, and fractured her wrist, and no idea when we can get in to see an orthopedist. So, she’ll be traveling with a broken wrist, and probably won’t be much help hauling luggage and whatnot.
Because why the fuck not.
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2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Naah, just resigned to shittiness. I’ll miss the Bama game; we’ll be in Scotland dropping the boy off at college. Gonna be a fun travel experience, being that a dumbass blew through a light on Saturday, likely totaled my wife’s ride, and fractured her wrist, and no idea when we can get in to see an orthopedist. So, she’ll be traveling with a broken wrist, and probably won’t be much help hauling luggage and whatnot.
Because why the fuck not.

ain't life grand? it always seems to shit on you a little even when good things are happening.

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Oh, and yeah….if the judge was TRULY concerned about appearances, she should have recused. That she didn’t, while simultaneously stating grave concerns about “appearances,” makes her decision suspect. Even if another judge likely would have done the same, she made questions and lack of faith in the process an obvious outcome….when she says that’s what she was trying to avoid.
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44 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

I don’t think it’s a great order, and I disagree with several parts and some of the underlying reasoning, but from a 30,000 foot perspective, I can understand why a judge would issue it: “this is big, important shit, and it’s really important to ensure that everything isn’t just ACTUALLY above-board, but that it appears that way as well. And appointing a special master is a good way to do that.”

Also, it only delays use by the criminal investigative team while the special master does his review (which usually doesn’t take long). The national security review continues unimpeded.

I’m not shocked.

A special master to see if there are any attorney client privilege is one thing, but this dumb traitor said the special master can review to see if any documents are under executive privilege. Trump doesn’t have any executive privilege and to substantiate such nonsense in a legal setting just shows how broken our legal system is 

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21 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Can the DOJ appeal?  This judge seems like she sucks.

Yup, they can appeal.  And if law wasn't calvin ball, they should appeal.  This should have been a no brainer decision for the government.  But what happens if they take it to the Eleventh Circuit, and then Thomas gets involved (he oversees emergent applications for the 11th), and what Alito, Gorsuch, Kav, Thomas, and Barrett do with this, wouldn't make me hold my breath on a rational, correct outcome.

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9 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

Yup, they can appeal.  And if law wasn't calvin ball, they should appeal.  This should have been a no brainer decision for the government.  But what happens if they take it to the Eleventh Circuit, and then Thomas gets involved (he oversees emergent applications for the 11th), and what Alito, Gorsuch, Kav, Thomas, and Barrett do with this, wouldn't make me hold my breath on a rational, correct outcome.

This is why I'm team "disobey and get pardoned" on this one. Fuck the corrupt judiciary.

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2 hours ago, ChuckNorrisActionJeans said:

She has the authority to halt the criminal investigation's use of the materials (even temporarily)? Uh that seems like bullshit 

What the fuck 

18 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

I guess this all ends up in scotus ?

that majority is likely to just rubber stamp him as not guilty and declare him the 2020 winner 

I can’t speak to the legal side of things (executive privilege bullshit) but a friend who has had a top secret clearance in the past at a defense contractor, mentioned that the classified stuff is governed by specific laws/statutes/national security stuff that this judge, etc. can’t touch. When he took the job and got the clearance/vetted, he had to go through a course about how classified stuff is handled.

He lamented the fact that if he had taken even one secret or TS document home, he’d probably still be in prison.

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17 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

The biggest difference that I see from Dems and Repubs with alleged crimes like with Hillary's server or Trump's document, is that Dems almost universally are ok if someone is punished if they're found to be guilty. Fine, sentence, whatever is appropriate.  Republicans seem to immediately jump to their side is innocent or when the evidence is overwhelming, it ain't' that big of a crime.

Over and over and over again. 

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1 hour ago, tx 3 putt said:

Trump is halfway to getting off scott free !

Trump was always going to be granted a special Master. He’s exploiting the political game in a judicial proceeding. The irony is how much more exposed he becomes when every request is granted.

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