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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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"news clippings"?  That shoulda been your first fucking red flag that something was rotten in Denmark.  The man proudly admits he doesn't read the news, only watches it on TV.  He may as well have said, "I've taken nothing of classification, only several boxes of 18th century French poetry."  

Jesus Fucking Christ.......they're gonna let a half retard/full criminal get away with stolen nuclear secrets because it might set a frumpy precedent.  

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3 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

The court recognizes that a former president does not have the right to retain and possess these materials. 
However, the court also understands that there is an ongoing credible question as to whether defendant won the 2020 election and is or is not the right and correct current president.  The court rules in favor of defendant and strenuously insists that plaintiff focuses on getting to the bottom of this election fraud business. 


dissenting opinion:




Don’t appropriate my culture and avatar, my friend. 

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1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

back to the special master and how he gets paid.  everyone is like, "trump has to pay him lol".

so, then what happens if he doesn't?  because that's something that he (checks notes) always always does.

wait, let me guess, it will create a...delay of some sort?  his own shitty behavior continues to help him and it's starting to get old.

cue twice with "this whole thing might get pushed back 6-9 months, but that's not actually bad, and here's why"

He'll just get Mexico to pay for it.

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6 hours ago, Tuco said:

I get this image of the queue

Dan Rather had a tweet, which I now can not find, about the perfection of the word “queue.” First up Is the letter which sounds out the word, with four silent letters, in a row behind.

Edited by Willfully Horn
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1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Expect to learn more damning information from the usual legacy media sources while no one gets arrested.  This is the Russia investigation all over again. It’s an ongoing coverup in plain sight. 

God damn, but reading you can be a beat down Hugo.   

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7 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

As a former FISA judge, I think he'll be sympathetic to the national security concerns and do what he can to alleviate them as quickly as possible.

As a person nominated to fill the role by team dotard,I think he’ll fuck up everything and do what he can to make sure dotard walks.

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3 hours ago, Sbbruin said:


From left to right, inner thoughts:

"When I get back to my truck this is going straight to my podcast"

"I am dark. Darker than dark. I know she got my text, wtf"


"Seo, as a Realtor? when I list your heome you kneow you'll get the best offers? Especially if it's multi-gabled with a mixed stone and brick facade?"

"it's a starter home outside of Tempe nothin special and since H.I. couldn't un-recidivise it's too big for me say yew got any special rates fer officers of the law twice decorated?"

"I dump the water on my shirt to hydrate without drinking. If I don't drink I won't pee. And if I don't pee I won't think... thoughts..."

"I can't believe I lost a bet to hold up a giant fucking Q at this freak fest."

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1 hour ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

As a person nominated to fill the role by team dotard,I think he’ll fuck up everything and do what he can to make sure dotard walks.

The government knows this guy better than any other lawyer or group of lawyers, and they consented.  The government and its attorneys were party to at least half the proceedings overseen by this guy in his career, probably more like 75%, given FISA.

I bet it was a stone bitch for Trumpco not to nominate Lin Wood or Sidney Powell or Jeff Clark.

I also bet that the hook to get Trump to agree to him was that he was the judge that granted the Carter Page warrants, so Trump thinks he probably knows all about the Russia hoax.

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Fucking lulz dotard calling anyone out for their appearance. He's fat, has bitch tits and shitty hair and he dresses like he buys off the rack and refuses tailoring.

There are 1000s of fat fuck MAGAs giggling their ass off while yelling to their grotesque wives to bring them another bucket of chicken and a 72oz super big gulp.
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2 hours ago, CTC2 said:

Sounds like it’s all rigged  



Haven't read the full article, but subsequent tweets indicate a complete fucking clown show on the part of Trump's lawyers.

The Chief Judge of the D. D.C. is Beryl Howell.  She is demonstrably hostile to Trump.

The Chief Judge of the Circuit Court of Appeals for D.C. is Sri Srinivasan, also no friend of Trump.

Moreover, "Chief Judge" is mostly an administrative position.  They don't have any more judicial authority than any other district or court of appeals judge.  So, if either of these judges were in the bag for Trump, bfd.

That's sheer idiocy and delusion on the part of Trump's lawyers.

Now, I have read the article.  And laughed. https://www.textise.net/showText.aspx?strURL=https%3A//www.nytimes.com/2022/09/16/us/politics/trump-lawyers-herschmann.html#site-content

Apparently, Boris (why always Boris) Epshteyn is Trump's chief legal strategist.  He practiced corporate law for a whopping one year, and, as Eric Herschmann relates, is a fucking idiot.

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Actually, it kinda is.

Once the documents are examined by Dearie, all of the speculation and insinuation about how they might, conceivably be classified/declassified, privileged/not privileged, etc. goes out the window.  

Trump will have to make arguments based on the actual evidence, not FUD.  And, he and his teams are notoriously bad at that.  As bad at it as Trump is good at creating FUD.

And, whatever you think motivates Cannon, there's going to be a very experienced judge ruling on these issues, to either guide her dumb ass to the right decision or make it much more difficult and transparent for her to put her thumb on the scale.

And, the legal "record" built between Dearie's analysis, and Cannon's acceptance or rejection of same, will also make it more difficult for erroneous rulings to stand up on appeal.  It's going to be an "iron sharpens iron" type of thing.  Or iron sharpens lead, as it were.

A note for those in the peanut gallery.  In law, there are two sort of modes of decision:  "at law" and "at equity."  The "at law" mode of decision applies the rules and precedents to reach a decision and tends to be more rigid than "at equity," which applies various squishy factors, not hard rules, to attempt to arrive at a just result.  Most things about the special master ruling were "equitable" or made in the "at equity" mode of decision, which is inherently squishy or much more squishy than decisions at law.  That fact made it easier for Cannon to do what she did.

A feature of the "shadow docket" of the Supreme Court is that it is almost always ruling on injunctions, which are equitable in nature.  Squishy.  And that makes it easier for them to put their collective thumb on the scale than if they were making a full-scale decision on the merits, which would mostly be purely legal.

Historically, in England and elsewhere, there were courts at law that only made legal decisions, and "church courts" or ecclesiastical courts that made decisions based on the "right thing" as shaped by moral principles.  These turned into courts of equity.  A person could often get legal "relief" from a court at equity that it couldn't get from a court at law.  Eventually, the two types of courts merged and the same court could dispense decisions based on either mode.

The actual rulings of Dearie will not be "at equity," they will be "at law."  

Shit is finna get real for Trump.

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40 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Actually, it kinda is.

Once the documents are examined by Dearie, all of the speculation and insinuation about how they might, conceivably be classified/declassified, privileged/not privileged, etc. goes out the window.  

Trump will have to make arguments based on the actual evidence, not FUD.  And, he and his teams are notoriously bad at that.  As bad at it as Trump is good at creating FUD.

And, whatever you think motivates Cannon, there's going to be a very experienced judge ruling on these issues, to either guide her dumb ass to the right decision or make it much more difficult and transparent for her to put her thumb on the scale.

And, the legal "record" built between Dearie's analysis, and Cannon's acceptance or rejection of same, will also make it more difficult for erroneous rulings to stand up on appeal.  It's going to be an "iron sharpens iron" type of thing.  Or iron sharpens lead, as it were.

A note for those in the peanut gallery.  In law, there are two sort of modes of decision:  "at law" and "at equity."  The "at law" mode of decision applies the rules and precedents to reach a decision and tends to be more rigid than "at equity," which applies various squishy factors, not hard rules, to attempt to arrive at a just result.  Most things about the special master ruling were "equitable" or made in the "at equity" mode of decision, which is inherently squishy or much more squishy than decisions at law.  That fact made it easier for Cannon to do what she did.

A feature of the "shadow docket" of the Supreme Court is that it is almost always ruling on injunctions, which are equitable in nature.  Squishy.  And that makes it easier for them to put their collective thumb on the scale than if they were making a full-scale decision on the merits, which would mostly be purely legal.

Historically, in England and elsewhere, there were courts at law that only made legal decisions, and "church courts" or ecclesiastical courts that made decisions based on the "right thing" as shaped by moral principles.  These turned into courts of equity.  A person could often get legal "relief" from a court at equity that it couldn't get from a court at law.  Eventually, the two types of courts merged and the same court could dispense decisions based on either mode.

The actual rulings of Dearie will not be "at equity," they will be "at law."  

Shit is finna get real for Trump.

  Lol. All of your theorizing is on the basis of a judge being ethical and not in the bag for Trump. 

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And that on the basis that our judicial system isn't in the bag for trump and whatever fedsoc says they should do. Our fucking supreme court is just straight up calvinball with it's last few major decisions. 

Yeah, on paper and if we live in a sane world, then trump is fucked. You tell me if we live in a sane world. 

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4 minutes ago, Captainant said:

And that on the basis that our judicial system isn't in the bag for trump and whatever fedsoc says they should do. Our fucking supreme court is just straight up calvinball with it's last few major decisions. 

Yeah, on paper and if we live in a sane world, then trump is fucked. You tell me if we live in a sane world. 

   TwiceHorn leaves his door unlocked at night, donated to Joel Osteen, and feels sorry for his wife when she says she has a headache for the 221st time this calendar year. 

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10 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

   TwiceHorn leaves his door unlocked at night, donated to Joel Osteen, and feels sorry for his wife when she says she has a headache for the 221st time this calendar year. 

I direct your attention to Trump v. Thompson, cert denied January 19, 2022, and the lower court decisions.

Trump doesn't fare well in court, as a general proposition, because he's a liar and has no respect for the rule of law.  That can work to a degree in a civil case, because at least 75% of proceedings are not at all or loosely supervised by a judge.  He's in a different arena now.

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Chaser (Trump hired a registered foreign agent as his attorney in a court fight over classified documents):

Attorney Chris Kise to help Nicolás Maduro administration fight U.S. sanctions
Kise turned over key documents during the ethics case against Andrew Gillum.

Chris Kise, the attorney who turned over key documents in the ethics case against former Tallahassee Andrew Gillum, is now representing a member of the Nicolás Maduro government according to documents reviewed by Florida Politics.

Kise is listed on a Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) form to work on behalf of Venezuelan Attorney General Reinaldo Muñoz Pedroza. Muñoz Pedroza was appointed Attorney General by Maduro, though the United States no longer recognizes Maduro’s government as legitimate.

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So the appeal to the 11th circuit--

TwiceHorn, you said before this will be an abuse of discretion standard. Which concerns me. Is there no argument to be made that it should be reviewed de novo?

That is, because Trump team has submitted no sworn facts as the party that petitioned for relief, the legitimacy of Cannon's stay is more in the way of a pure legal issue, rather than an application of the law to a known set of specific facts?  Just a thought 

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