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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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Here's my dream scenario: DotARd wins the primary with the backing of his insane magat rabble. The GOP says Nope! and picks The Thumb by committee. Civil War II: Electric Bugaloo, but its magats vs RINOs lighting tires on fire around each other's necks.


Yeah, I know, but a man can dream can't he?


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3 hours ago, lemonlime said:

The “power brokers” were going to torch him after grab ‘‘em by the pussy, 1/6, stealing national security documents, and on an on. They never even utter a word of discomfort, never mind abandoning him or going after him. The power brokers already assented to treason. There’s no coming back from that

The thing is, though, they thought they needed him and his base to win anything.  Now, they feel like DeSantis has taken the mantle and Trump is actually costing them elections.

So, I find the theory plausible.

But, Trump won't go away.  The question becomes can he win anything without the party?  A subsidiary question is whether the party can win anything without him.  I tend to think the answer is no to both questions.

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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

The question becomes can he win anything without the party?  A subsidiary question is whether the party can win anything without him.  I tend to think the answer is no to both questions.

In terms of actual votes, I believe this is true.  They can't win national races with him....but they can't win them without him, either.

BUT, in terms of reality....they can absolutely win by following the Trumpist playbook they've described: just have various state legislatures/SOS/Governors/what have you declare him the winner of their state, have the GQP House refuse to certify, and the SCOTUS will back them up.  

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On 11/8/2022 at 10:52 AM, The Hot Dog Buffet said:

Regardless of whoever his female running mate is, I look forward to the upcoming leaked audio of him bragging to whoever is around about how his vice president gives him a blow job whenever he wants one. The button is right next to the diet coke button.

they can reuse the infrastructure put in place back when Pence used to suck his dick

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41 minutes ago, Leeroy Jenkins said:

If the GOP really starts to push Trump away he is going to start the super grift MAGA party.  

So his angle has got to be "funnel a half billion dollars to me, I'll anoint DeSantis, and go the fuck away. Or at least stop tweeting petty threats about DeSanctimonious. Oh, and make sure I get a full pardon down the road."



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If the GOP really starts to push Trump away he is going to start the super grift MAGA party.  
So they won't push. DeSantis etc have to wait until Trump dies, then carry his corpse to Rallys behind their bitching Maga three wheeled motorcycles.

It's the only play. Our country has been hijacked by a toddler.
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8 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

i hate myself for even typing this, but i watched the longer clip last night (it's on the midterms thread) and he's clearly trying to be funny, he just sucks at it because of course he does.

the above clip is edited in a way that you can't really tell, and the quote does sound like something he would say.  i would find the longer clip but i don't want to.

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Trump indictments are probably another reason the GQP is hoping to be able to leave him behind.
The base don't give a fuck, but I don't think the GQP, craven as it is, is thrilled about nominating the first indicted/convicted presidential candidate in history.

Tough shit - they don’t have a choice. They went “ride or die” with Trump - cool. Ride, then die. They chose this.
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2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

i hate myself for even typing this, but i watched the longer clip last night (it's on the midterms thread) and he's clearly trying to be funny, he just sucks at it because of course he does.

the above clip is edited in a way that you can't really tell, and the quote does sound like something he would say.  i would find the longer clip but i don't want to.


10 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:


As you can see, he is serious. Losses are not to be blamed on him.  Somehow, his narcissism had adapted to allow him to publicly admit not being the decision maker when the decision turns out poorly.  Whether true or made up.  Not being the one that got it wrong is a higher priority than being the guy that everyone looks to to make the call. 

anything wrong was delegated. 

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11 hours ago, crash_davis said:

We will not have to wait for the civil war. The GOP establishment already blaming Trump for the shitshowing is going to trigger his bitchassesness. His ire for the next few months will be on DeSantis and any GOP who speaks out against him. 

Not going to lie, a part of me wishes he was still on twitter right now, as it would be hilarious/glorious to watch him melt down and take potshots at the other Republicans.

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i hate myself for even typing this, but i watched the longer clip last night (it's on the midterms thread) and he's clearly trying to be funny, he just sucks at it because of course he does.
the above clip is edited in a way that you can't really tell, and the quote does sound like something he would say.  i would find the longer clip but i don't want to.
I appreciate the honesty, and we should all strive for that, but with this asshole it's a bit of a wasted effort, as I'm sure he's done something far worse since you posted this, than the incident you've repudiated.
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Not going to lie, a part of me wishes he was still on twitter right now, as it would be hilarious/glorious to watch him melt down and take potshots at the other Republicans.
Fuck that.

Starve the oxygen to that dumpster fire.
If he wants to self publish then let him put forth the meager effort to tell us about his struggles..


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1 hour ago, longhornmatt said:

Plenty of Republicans, especially the “power brokers” (such as they are now), are absolutely craven and nihilistic enough that underperforming in elections is the only unforgivable sin to them, certainly much more than fascism, overthrowing democracy, treason, etc.  So, I absolutely believe those people might turn against him for real in a way they never did in 2016 or 2020 or 2022 when they thought he was their best shot to obtain power.

They have lost in three consecutive elections now, so yeah, the writing is on the wall.  I think it's telling that most Republican politicians aren't even pushing a "rigged elections" lie about 2022, but instead are putting out the word that they are "looking inward" and "reflecting" on their losses.

Combine that with Fox News promoting DeSantis, and that's not a good look for Trump.

1 hour ago, longhornmatt said:

The question is whether there are enough of those people in the broader Republican electorate to matter, or whether they’re outnumbered by the true believers who will never turn on Trump.

The Republicans weren't able to keep Barrack Hussein Obama, a Black, Muslim, atheist, Marxist, socialist, communist, Democrat, community organizer from Chicago, born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia, planted in Hawaii, out of office, so I imagine that when the Trumpanzees turn on the GOP, the GOP is toast.

1 hour ago, longhornmatt said:

I’m actually not sure which is more disturbing: knowing what Trump is and supporting him anyway to own the libs, or actually believing in him and all his bullshit for real?

There are a lot of mentally ill people in this country that are able to function in everyday life.  Trump and Qanon just allowed them to put themselves on blast.


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2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

Trump indictments are probably another reason the GQP is hoping to be able to leave him behind.

The base don't give a fuck, but I don't think the GQP, craven as it is, is thrilled about nominating the first indicted/convicted presidential candidate in history.

They knew he was a snake when they took him in. 

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12 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

I can't remember if I ever posted this but I have a close friend that runs in high places in Florida and is exposed to the inner-workings of the Republican Party. He's a very smart guy and very well connected.  According to him, it has already been decided by all of the power players in the Republican Party that Ron DeSantis is their guy for the general election. Fox News is on-board as are all of the other resources that supported Trump in 2020 and 2016. Of course, Trump won't go quietly, but at some point if he doesn't sit his ass down, shut the fuck up and go off somewhere to die in an alzheimer's trance, the power brokers of the Party will torch him. What that means, I have no idea, but I would assume that making indictments stick is one way.

It’s over.  I asked for bets at 5-1 and got none. People talk shit but nobody will put their money on him.  As you said, the money folk have shoveled dirt on him.  It’s over.  

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12 hours ago, Js1 said:

The power brokers were going to prevent him from winning in 2016.

The power brokers don't vote, the rank and file do and they adore him. 

DeSantis outperformed the fuck out of him. Bet a happy meal on it.  He’s done.  Blow him all you want.  Won’t change a thing. 

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10 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


Here's my dream scenario: DotARd wins the primary with the backing of his insane magat rabble. The GOP says Nope! and picks The Thumb by committee. Civil War II: Electric Bugaloo, but its magats vs RINOs lighting tires on fire around each other's necks.


Yeah, I know, but a man can dream can't he?



7 hours ago, Ojo Rojo said:

It's going to be fun watching Trump and deSantis in a flame war in the primary. DeSantis gets the nomination and Trump will run as an independent in the general to fuck him and the GOP. They will all get what they deserve.


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I only see Trump maybe willing to back down if DeSantis unequivocally states that Trump won in 2020 and a DeSantis admin priority will be proving that once and for all. And how the trump witch-hunts will end with pardons for all, but with federal investigations into those attacking Trump.

I don’t know how trump backs down once he declares. DeSantis should be talking to Trump today.

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3 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:




I only have 1 question. Are the magats stupid enough to believe this where they all turn on trump or are they stupid enough to continue to support him and fracture the party? When you can't think for yourself what happens in a situation like this? 

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1 minute ago, UTGrad98 said:

I only have 1 question. Are the magats stupid enough to believe this where they all turn on trump or are they stupid enough to continue to support him and fracture the party? When you can't think for yourself what happens in a situation like this? 

They're not going to stop worshiping him.  I still have to believe that there are a hefty fraction of Trump voters that just "check the R box" without question, or think "better than Biden" and if he's not on the R ticket won't vote for him.  The question is what is the breakdown?

Also, the hardcore Magats may never forgive the GOP for turning him out.  If they turn him out.

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14 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

The thing is, though, they thought they needed him and his base to win anything.  Now, they feel like DeSantis has taken the mantle and Trump is actually costing them elections.

So, I find the theory plausible.

But, Trump won't go away.  The question becomes can he win anything without the party?  A subsidiary question is whether the party can win anything without him.  I tend to think the answer is no to both questions.

The people I know personally that love Trump LOVED Desantis’ stunt of sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard.  They were all giggling about it on social media for over a week.  Whether accurate or not, I think the non MAGA part of the party thinks Desantis can keep the MAGATs in the fold without costing them a greater number of more moderate conservative voters.

Desantis will be more palatable to a larger-than-R pool of voters, but Trump holds a special sway over his base.  If nothing else, Trump is authentic.  He spews exactly what pops into his head on any topic every time.  He isn’t a calculating politician who puts on a public mask tailored to whatever audience is watching.  He’s just a genuine gaping asshole and his base loves him for it.  In so many ways he really is an anti-politician.  He’s not trying to bridge divides, find compromise or forge a consensus.  He’s telling the evil forces who are out to destroy America how it’s going to be, by God!

Desantis’ Martha’s Vineyard deportation was a stunt.  But are stunts going to be enough to keep the MAGATs believing in the GOP?  If he’s going to do that, he’s going to have to be Andy Kaufman committed to the role of Asshole in Chief.

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