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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

But leading up to the Frost/Nixon interviews, Nixon (and his chief of staff) believed he had a comeback in him.

Then he self-destructed on tape.





His team knew he didn't have it in him to make a 'comeback.'  They appeased him and even Nixon only half-assed believed it.  The idea behind the interviews was to at least go out with some modicum of 'dignity' (please note the fucking quotes).  For all his flaws, the man slunk away...tried a few quiet attempts at the spotlight and retired away to rest on the few things he did correctly while in office, and never did any serious undercutting of our Democratic system or his successors after he resigned.  He was a piece of shit criminal.  But he cared about, at least a little bit, our future beyond his bullshit.  Trump thinks the nation ends with the end of his life.  He truly doesn't understand that the idea is that our Republic should outlast his fat-ass.  They think the entire American Democratic Experiment only has a decade, at best, left in to go.  That it has lasted this long is a fucking miracle.  But as my grandfather used to say after his wife of 70 years died, "I made it this far, may as well see what's next."  

Trump and his inner circle will be gone soon enough.  The issue, as I've been stating for years, is what do you do with those 25mm (1/3rd of his electorate) that are only in any of this but for him?  25mm go straight ticket no matter if Roscoe P. Coltrane is on the ballot.  25mm hold their nose for policy and judiciary and feel bad about it.  But 25mm came out of the woodwork to make hate and domestic terrorism great again.  Nixon didn't have that kinda following.  Trump does.  And they'll be gone one day, but not soon enough.  And you pussies don't have the stomach for what needs to be done.  The final solution to the MAGA question is right in front of us...but let's try to learn from Nixon and history and other nerdy shit.  Yeah, 'cause that solves problems.  

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Or we could wait until their diabetes and mental illness with access to insane firepower work out their internal battle?  Your call.  

I'll proffer prison as a compromise but two fucking years in and we're just now getting around to possibly having a committee make possible suggestions about a possible legal framework under which my grandchildren could potentially prosecute an agenda against those who stand opposed to my Democratic Republic.  

Just look the other way, man.  Go eat an Eskimo Pie or something.  

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1 hour ago, Grade of D as in David said:

I'd also make sure it's televised.

The Revolution, in fact, was televised.  Lucky for us...it was the dumbest fucking people.  

The Republic, next time, won't be so lucky.

That's where my Department comes in...

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3 hours ago, YGIFS said:

…is what do you do with those 25mm (1/3rd of his electorate) that are only in any of this but for him? 

As it has always been, better bread and circuses. The stupid can be rendered docile with shiny objects 


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Looks like the judge denied the contempt citation. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-judge-won-t-hold-trump-s-office-in-contempt-people-familiar-say/ar-AA156Usd

Another source indicated that Trump's efforts at cooperation, grudging as they may have been, probably saved the day for him.  The judge was Beryl Howell, Chief Judge of D. D.C. who is demonstrated to be no friend of Trump.

This is all grand jury stuff, and, as the MSN/WaPo article indicates, the press has been trying to unseal it unsuccessfully.

I'm a bit curious about the leakage.  This stuff is usually taken pretty seriously by all involved, so I wonder about the source(s).

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9 hours ago, The Dog said:

Good thread on "why is this taking so long???"


That thread raises an excellent point.  A grand jury is one of the government's only ways to compel pretrial testimony or provision of documents, everything else is pretty much voluntary by witnesses, sometimes under threat of prosecution.

Once a case is indicted by the grand jury, it no longer has a role, or any ability to subpoena witnesses and documents for an ongoing case.  So a premature indictment has very real consequences for the prosecution in that they lose their main compulsory investigative tool.

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8 minutes ago, Chooky said:

Popehat has been splendid for five years running. And I still wouldn't trade ten measured and sensible Popehats for one measured and sensible TwiceHorn.

Thanks. I am not all that measured or sensible. I am a flaming dipshit from time to time or I wouldn't be here. 

But I do have some perspective on this stuff that I can offer. 

Being compared to popehat is a high compliment but probably undeserved. 

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20 hours ago, Old Freak Nasty said:

Biden should offer him a pardon if he consumes a vegetable other than a fried potato.

From what I recall of the post massacre days of Rwanda (now recasting itself as Africa's Silicon Valley) all you had to do was admit to your crimes and apologize to the victim or their family.  Or it might have been South Africa.  But the idea was that if you confessed and repented and committed to healing, there would be no other penalty.  The goal is to wipe away the hate practice (see: Catholic school v. Aztecs) within a generation or you get a Balkans/Middle East hate that never dies.

If Trump were to get in front of a microphone and admit he lied about everything and it was always only about him, and give up his money -- you know, that whole "camel + eye of a needle" thing, then he would be spared.  If not, orange jumpsuit time.  

I guess it's really just a thought exercise.  Personally I'd rather see his public execution. 

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Interesting observation. It was S. Africa when Mandella became president. Truth committees or some such.

In their case, it was a community that had done horrible things under the law at the time. 

Trump is a criminal under criminal law. Sparing him will confirm what every non-white person knows about American justice. It would serve as another big step in the unravelling of the republic which would serve the GOP/Trump aims.

I know you're just speculating at the first of your post, the thought excercise. I stand with your last sentence. Anything short of that, he should consider himself lucky.

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2 minutes ago, Old Freak Nasty said:

Picking a fight with Jews will be the end of Trump, given his already weakened political and legal standing.  They are a far more powerful bloc than any group the shithead has thus far successfully vilified for his grievance wars.


Edited by Neonmoon
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42 minutes ago, Old Freak Nasty said:

Picking a fight with Jews will be the end of Trump, given his already weakened political and legal standing.  They are a far more powerful bloc than any group the shithead has thus far successfully vilified for his grievance wars.

WTF no.  It's been years since trump said there were good people on both sides when one side were Nazis chanting "The Jews will not replace us."  Never mind all the other antisemitic crap that comes out of his mouth, or the antisemitic conspiracy theory Q garbage.  He still has his cult.

Edit to add not crazy about the argument that Jews are somehow a more "powerful bloc" than others.  What the fuck does that even mean?  About 2% of the US population is Jewish.  And they don't vote as one bloc.  He's also gone after basically everyone who's not a white, Christian, straight, male and they support him.  The implications of some Jewish cabal where this is a stone too far for dotard is ridiculous.

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Jewish population belies their financial strength and in particular how much they donate politically, with several mega-donors aligning GOP.


I don't think the party wants this well to dry up.

The MAGA base loves this rhetoric but the establishment is trying to wrestle control back and Trump pissing off some of these moneybags matters, especially since his elect-ability is in question so their business interests are not necessarily protected.

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1 hour ago, Old Freak Nasty said:

Picking a fight with Jews will be the end of Trump, given his already weakened political and legal standing.  They are a far more powerful bloc than any group the shithead has thus far successfully vilified for his grievance wars.

He’s going to piss off a whole 2% of the population? That will appeal to a much larger bloc of voters. 

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2 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

Republican voters slowly realizing Trump is a fucking loser, and they will lose elections and be out of power with nary a lib owning in sight is the only reason Trump will lose influence.  

His voters and the right wing media apparatus are just as transactional as Trump is.  He could say anything he wants about Jews if they thought he was still their ticket to winning.  Conversely, he could say the sun rises in the east and they would blast him for it if they think he’s a problem and they want to manufacture a reason to get him out of the way.

It’s pretty much the William Munny theory of politics and morality.  “Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.”  

1234.  He spent years selling them on the idea that winning is everything, that's it's the only thing.

And now he's lost three elections in a row.  That loser stench starts stinking things up pretty fast.

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6 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:


He’s not going to let it go. He more than anyone should know that it wasn’t Pelosi’s job for security at the Capitol. But she was trying while he sat on his hands and watched TV doing nothing.

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4 minutes ago, Brandywine said:

He’s not going to let it go. He more than anyone should know that it wasn’t Pelosi’s job for security at the Capitol. But she was trying while he sat on his hands and watched TV doing nothing.

there’s also now video of her trying to call them. but don’t tell steve scalise that. 

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5 minutes ago, NAVY said:

^^ Help me out. What meeting is that? 

I looked it up by right clicking on the image and choosing Search Image Google. I've just recently discovered it.

CNN on incident.



ashingtonCNN — 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday redirected an attack from President Donald Trump on Twitter, turning a photo he had tweeted of her during a contentious White House meeting with the caption “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” into her Twitter cover shot.

The image released by the White House shows the California Democrat standing with her finger pointed at a seated Trump during a meeting in which congressional Democratic leaders said the President had a “meltdown.”

On Thursday, Pelosi told reporters that her line of questioning to Trump on his foreign policy decisions is what caused the President to have the “meltdown.”

“It just didn’t add up,” Pelosi said of Trump’s foreign policy decisions, over which she said she pressed the President. “But what it did do was cause a meltdown on the part of the President because he was unhappy with those questions.”

Speaking to reporters after the meeting on Wednesday, the top congressional Democrats said they had walked out. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York said they had done so when Trump “started calling Speaker Pelosi a third-rate politician.”

“He was insulting, particularly to the speaker. She kept her cool completely, but he called her a third-rate politician,” Schumer said. “This was not a dialogue, it was sort of a diatribe. A nasty diatribe, not focused on the facts.” Pelosi said Trump had actually referred to her as a “third-grade politician.”

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham described the meeting differently, saying in a statement that Pelosi “had no intention of listening” and that Trump had been “measured” and “decisive.”

Later Wednesday, the President tweeted a series of photographs from the meeting along with insults. In one tweet, he called Pelosi “a very sick person!”

Tensions between congressional Democrats and the White House have escalated sharply in recent weeks as Democrats push forward in their impeachment investigation into Trump and his contacts with Ukraine. Lawmakers have conducted a steady stream of closed-door depositions this week as part of the inquiry.


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6 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

3-4 months delayed, and now that he’s officially declared for 2024 I’m sure he’s paying lawyers with PAC money. Now the damage assessment from withheld documents can continue. 

And sorry Judge Dearie. I don’t think you’re getting paid

wouldn't the lawyers just pay it then bill Trump for it?

so I'd figure Trump's lawyers are the ones not getting paid.

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1 hour ago, Pig Bellmont said:

3-4 months delayed, and now that he’s officially declared for 2024 I’m sure he’s paying lawyers with PAC money. Now the damage assessment from withheld documents can continue. 

And sorry Judge Dearie. I don’t think you’re getting paid

I thought pac money rules change once you declare to run for president 

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