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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Must be confusing to tout there is a war on Christmas....when the President says Merry Christmas.

1 hour ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

You used to have to say Happy Holidays to make them mad. 

Since the Bidens and Obamas said “Merry Christmas” maybe MAGA should start saying “Happy Holidays” because it’s now clear there is a war on Happy Holidays.

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3 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Must be confusing to tout there is a war on Christmas....when the President says Merry Christmas.



I can imagine Trump itching to post: “The nerve of Sleepy Joe to say Merry Christmas. You know Mary is a woman’s name, and the woke left is only saying “Merry Christmas” because they plan on making us also say “Manny” Christmas as part of their gender-bending child grooming agenda. We need to stand up to these extreme Leftists who are destroying Christmas. You know my ex-wife Ivana’s favorite holiday was Christmas. She’s no longer with us—I didn’t kill her, in fact, I paid for her funeral and arranged for a beautiful burial site on one of my fabulous Trump Golf Courses—but the woke Democrats are killing the spirit of Christmas by wishing Merry Christmas to people who didn’t ask for it.”

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39 minutes ago, MrBig said:

You know my ex-wife Ivana’s favorite holiday was Christmas. She’s no longer with us—I didn’t kill her, in fact, I paid for her funeral and arranged for a beautiful burial site on one of my fabulous Trump Golf Courses—

That was such an amazingly white trash move, it still amazes me.

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13 hours ago, Bullneck said:

Back at the TOS there was a thread about "things seen in the emergency room."  Someone posted the best way to stay out of the emergency room was to stay off motorcycles and ladders.

So he's supposed to drive a car inside the White House and then climb up on top of it. Sounds more dangerous than a ladder, honestly.

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2 hours ago, Pods said:

Dearest Family,

I hope this letter finds you well. The war on Christmas has entered a 6th bleak long year. The boys and I on the front have been dug in since the pre-Halloween offensive, facing the secular humanists in their trenches. We've been trading artillery barrages for weeks, but this morning we awoke to find the enemy far to our rear. Led by Generals Biden and Obama, the anti-Christmas crusaders have broken through, taken our headquarters... and our messaging.

Morale is very low. We remain under heavy shelling by the Kwanzists and Hannukahites.

With Christmas cheer ringing out to our rear, some of the boys have begun to doubt if we were ever even fighting anything real, but I remain steadfast and will not fail you, though all I have to comfort me at night are my pictures of Hunter Biden's dong.

Please send Christmas cookies.

With love,


Cue up Ashokan Farewell and you've got a multipart PBS special. For voice work, I can fill in for Random Emoting Redneck, or, after a glass of sherry, as Detached Mainline Minister Who's Not Unitarian Because They Don't Have Ranks and Status.


Edited by RDCanecutter
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47 minutes ago, Okie State said:

Is he really posting all this shit on Christmas?

Would not surprise me at all if he wasn't by himself.  Mentally he's blown a gasket forever, he ain't never going to have an upside, and even the most delusional know it's only a matter of time.

MAYBE his boys would stop by for an hour or so and eat at the club.  Sounds like Ivanka has bounced for good.  He would probably like the semi-hot chick he hired to print out nice things in the golf cart but she's away with her husband/boyfriend.  Melanie could barely tolerate him during the good times. So it's just him and Fox news and some weirdos who pay $200 a plate to eat Christmas dinner at MAL. 

Like the line in Death of a Salesman, he knows he could have had what anyone could have had -- love -- but he got in his own way.  For all the death and misery he's caused, he deserves every bit, and more, which is coming.

Pretty grim, and not enough distraction to take his mind off of Pence, Hilary, Biden, Garland, and most of all, Jack Smith. 

Edited by Bullneck
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35 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

now i want him to die on my birthday so it becomes a federal holiday where everyone gets shitfaced and rejoices.

and there’s probably fireworks. 

When that blessed day finally arrives, it might be time to rent an RV and go on a grave pissing tour. Simi Valley for Reagan, Yorba Linda for Nixon, then cross country for whichever of Trump's golf courses they stash his body and some classified documents in.

If we're lucky, maybe we'll get a Roger Stone or Steve Bannon as well. 

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41 minutes ago, Captainant said:

Without the ratfucking by Reagan and Nixon, trump wouldn't have had his couterie of bastards to do his dirty work for him. Shit, Roy Cohn taught trump himself!

Trump may have been the end result, but those two shitheads are a big part of why trump happened too.

This. Trump is what you get when you take the worst things about Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes, roll them all up together and multiply them by Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, and Dick Cheney. 

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25 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

She converted to Judaism. She’s got a convenient excuse not to spend Christmas with her father. 

Nah from all accounts she and Jared are devastated that New York society has turned their back on the Kushner family. Trying to worm their way back in with the “I won’t be helping my father’s campaign” BS she issued when he announced 

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10 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:

Maybe if enough people repeat it ceaselessly, Trump will believe it and just drop dead.

trump’s eventual death will be a fascinating study. unless it happens on tv, we’ll never know all the details, what happened, and if it’s real.

even after he’s dead, millions won’t believe it. his fake twitter can be churning out nonsense and some prerecorded speeches can keep him “alive” for years. 

shit, he could be dead right now. lol just joking, santa would never be that good to me. 

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28 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Nah from all accounts she and Jared are devastated that New York society has turned their back on the Kushner family. Trying to worm their way back in with the “I won’t be helping my father’s campaign” BS she issued when he announced 

I don’t think that’s how conversion works. I think once the rabbi says you’re in, you’re in, and it doesn’t matter whether or not the other Jews like you.

But whether or not they’re accepted in New York society isn’t a religious thing. I don’t think they’ve ever really been accepted by anyone in New York society, Jew, Gentile, or otherwise. The Trumps are rich white trash and have never been accepted. Ivanka cultivating a smooth, robotic style of speaking to make it sound like she’s more cultured than she is didn’t pay off. And it’s my understanding that one of the main reasons Jared bought the New York Observer was so that he could use it to establish/improve his own position in society. It didn’t help that around that time his father was thrown in jail for, among other things, hiring a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, filming it, and using the film to blackmail him. (Classy bunch those Kushners.) Jared bought the paper for his reputation in society and he bought 666 Fifth Ave for his reputation as a businessman. Neither were successful ventures. He was lucky the Qataris bailed him out on the skyscraper.

I’m not saying they were celebrating Hanukkah, I don’t know how observant they are, just that they have a handy excuse not to join in the Trump family Christmas.


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I’m not reading all that. They don’t want to be seen with him because they don’t like being shunned. It’s been documented they have been shunned by NY society when they reintegrated back into “private life” last year and she was especially upset about it. They’ll avoid Trump until he wins so they can jump back into the grift. 

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9 minutes ago, Js1 said:

I’m not reading all that. They don’t want to be seen with him because they don’t like being shunned. It’s been documented they have been shunned by NY society when they reintegrated back into “private life” last year and she was especially upset about it. They’ll avoid Trump until he wins so they can jump back into the grift. 

Pretty sure the shunning started before they even left the WH as much of NYC society was appalled at DOTARD's actions as prez.

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15 minutes ago, C-Man said:

Pretty sure the shunning started before they even left the WH as much of NYC society was appalled at DOTARD's actions as prez.

Jared and Ivanka used to fly off on vacation to Aspen or the like whenever Trump scandals arose. It didn’t have anything to do with trying to ingratiate themselves with society types who never embraced them in the first place. Anyone who considers them their friends, if there are such people, already accepts their families’ sleazery. They wanted the perks that come with holding positions in government that they weren’t qualified to hold. They didn’t want to answer questions when their boss was doing shitty and corrupt things and wanted to be able to deny any involvement. It was all just a game to them. Jared wanted to use the job to advance his private business interests and Ivanka just wanted to glom on to daddy’s position and be the “First Daughter, an appellation she invented. She may have thought it would earn her status among people she imagined were her peers if she were seen in photos with world leaders. But those world leaders were laughing at her behind her back. None of them had any respect for her dad, let alone his plastic Barbie daughter pretending she belonged.

Hmmm. Apparently that one can’t be embedded. Go watch it on YouTube because it’s better than this one:


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Trump is def worse than Nixon, Reagan and 2xBush but it’s been a continual progression from all 4  

Bush2 might come across as a nicer guy but he also helped pave the way for election deniers. He was arguing that elections had fake votes. And many republicans refusing to disagree about Obamas “Kenyan birth place “.  McCain being an exception even though he has the most to lose. 

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9 hours ago, Pods said:

When that blessed day finally arrives, it might be time to rent an RV and go on a grave pissing tour. Simi Valley for Reagan, Yorba Linda for Nixon, then cross country for whichever of Trump's golf courses they stash his body and some classified documents in.

If we're lucky, maybe we'll get a Roger Stone or Steve Bannon as well. 

Can we make a detour for Bud Adams? If so I'll drive the first leg 

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1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

trump’s eventual death will be a fascinating study. unless it happens on tv, we’ll never know all the details, what happened, and if it’s real.

even after he’s dead, millions won’t believe it. his fake twitter can be churning out nonsense and some prerecorded speeches can keep him “alive” for years. 

shit, he could be dead right now. lol just joking, santa would never be that good to me. 

Trump dying will be great for our country, but also hilarious because of the inevitable cocaine bender by Junior 

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We can do a separate thread for how certain Presidents got us to this point.  People have their concrete opinions one way or the other, and we're not gonna change minds.  I'll just leave it at Reagan for all his flaws really did love this country.  It wasn't the just the place he made his living before POTUS, it was integral to the fabric of who he was a a human being.  His courting of the religious right was inevitable given the Electoral Map once he left office.  No GOP operator had any illusions of ever winning California and New York ever again after Reagan left office.  They needed other EC votes.  Bush and Iraq?  I get it.  For another thread.

But Trump not only doesn't care about the United States, he places the country as an institutional ethos on the same level as bankruptcy attorneys and trading card manufacturers.  Just a buncha shit and people he needs, when convenient, to satisfy his ego and his appetites.  It's a Confidence Game to him, and all marks are the same.  I suppose it was that flippant attitude that he exuded which made him so attractive to the base of his base.  

Count me out for pissing on Reagan's burial plot.  Not that you can get it to it anyway.   But if Trump gets buried back in New York, I know that cemetery.  NYPD will do drive-bys and walk-thrus.  With massive, massive holes in schedules as shifts change, "I didn't get my overtime, Chief!", and "I'm getting too old for  this shit."  Hell, if you want...we can make a dry-run now (or wet-run as it were).  You can see his parent's gravesites rather easily later today.

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2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

trump’s eventual death will be a fascinating study. unless it happens on tv, we’ll never know all the details, what happened, and if it’s real.

even after he’s dead, millions won’t believe it. his fake twitter can be churning out nonsense and some prerecorded speeches can keep him “alive” for years. 

shit, he could be dead right now. lol just joking, santa would never be that good to me. 

I posted something like this a few weeks ago but was thinking about it over Christmas at my MAGA/Q cousin's house.  I think about 25 million of his true base, the true loons...they'll refuse to accept his death. 

The prevailing conspiracy theories would be that he faked it to avoid witchhunts, and move away to secretly run our government-in-exile with JFK Jr.  Or that he is dead, but was murdered/poisoned/infected by the deep state/antifa/et. al.---basically some fake boogeymen who wanted to take Trump out to preserve the status-quo or liberal evil empire.  Finally, he is dead, but natural causes or God called him home to heaven, and he will return again and we must do all we can to set second coming into motion.   They'll all glob onto whichever of those makes them feel better.  I'm in favor of the first one because the second one (he was taken out intentionally) will cause a lot of them to lash out violently.  Third one means we gotta listen to decades of people saying "His return is near!  Prepare your soul and buy some schwag!"  I suppose we've lived through 2000 years of this, we can stomach another 50.  

Here's where it ties to burial site and pissing on graves.  If he wants the pomp and circumstance of lying in state, that's gonna drive his death home for a lot of doubters.  There'll still be holdouts.  Likewise, if he wants to be buried at Arlington or a Presidential Library which falls under NARA protection, you gotta have your body identified and confirmed.  The conspiracy theories really start to unravel with shit like this, and Republicans in Congress and possibly the White House would have to be on it.  The family can really continue the grift without his baggage though by saying he should stay in the rotunda, closed casket (who really knows what's in there?!?!?), private burial at heavily secured family site (not Queens, but one of his properties since I doubt he lives long enough to see a fully completed presidential library since doing so would be tacit admission he's done being President), and no release of his photos of his body or DNA proof.  They still get to say they mourned him, MAQA nation still gets to think he's alive, and the fundraising starts up anew.  

But not just for emptying my bladder, I am genuinely curious and fascinated about where he's chosen to be buried.  The physical location has so many permutations into his legacy.  

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1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

Trump dying will be great for our country, but also hilarious because of the inevitable cocaine bender by Junior 

i'm down to bender.  i'm thinking a bar crawl where we all wear plastic trump masks and hit a lot of spots in west hollywood with unisex bathrooms where the doors lock.  i'll make a map.

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Trump's eventual demise will surpass the ecosystem that sprouted up after the passing of Elvis, and that was (and still is) massive as hell.

And there's no way in hell his plot will be in a publicly accessible location, unless you want to pay a fee to pay your respects, of course.








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