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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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5 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

There’s prison time attached to lying under oath, if you get caught. Not for lying in a book. He is trying to avoid prison. There will be emails, recordings, or other evidence corroborating his statement. 

Why offer him a deal if the evidence already exists? Why jeopardize the case by adding doubt?

There must be something that he can deliver that is more than words.

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5 minutes ago, Slacks said:

Why offer him a deal if the evidence already exists? Why jeopardize the case by adding doubt?

There must be something that he can deliver that is more than words.

The deal may be conditional on not only his words, but harder evidence that he may have that hadn’t been found previously because it was well hidden. 

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1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

The deal may be conditional on not only his words, but harder evidence that he may have that hadn’t been found previously because it was well hidden. 

Well that and even if you have documents and such, you generally need a live witness to introduce them into evidence. 

Meadows initially produced a lot to the committee and then stopped on executive privilege. Then Smith got the privilege blown away before the grand jury, so there may well be a trove of stuff that no one has seen. 

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30 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

That 10 piece for $10 is no lie - it's a deal.  I'd put their spicy up against Popeye's any day.  Yeah, I said it.  Don't question my religion, man....FIRST AMENDMENT!

Wait… you’d put Church’s up against Popeye’s ??  In fried chicken??



Edited by Horn Dog
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57 minutes ago, Kyrie Eleison said:



29 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

Lol he ran out to whine to the press. he started speaking and the press had to turn on their lights because they weren’t expecting him to walk out of the trial. 

And what the hell did he say?  "...admitted that we won the trial.  And this trial should be ended"?

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19 minutes ago, Horn Dog said:

Wait… you’d put Church’s up against Popeye’s ??  In fried chicken??



Go ahead.  Fight me.  Church's spicy dark meat gives Popeyes a strong run for the money.  And when you're feeding a teenage+ boy, the 10 for $10 can't be beat.  A couple of years ago, my contribution to a friend's tailgate was three boxes of that stuff.  The boy ate one whole box, by himself.  BEFORE the game.  He then at stuff at the game too.

So, my pro-tip: don't sleep on Church's spicy dark meat chicken.

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1 hour ago, Horn Dog said:

Wait… you’d put Church’s up against Popeye’s ??  In fried chicken??



Don't know if they still are, but they used to be owned by the same company, AFC Enterprises out of San Antonio (HQ was in Atlanta, I think - accounting was in SA).  Used to be an audit client of mine.

Edited by Chewbacca
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4 minutes ago, texasdago said:

You get Siouxsie Sioux's name out of your mouth...

Bitch Slap Slapping GIF by absurdnoise

Pos rep.  During Covid, my oldest got really into those Wilder books and would read like two per week.  Then I was flipping through some channels one day, and she caught the name on the bottom.  So she made me go back and it was this episode.  She knew the storyline from the dialogue, and about 5 minutes in...Melissa Gilbert hauls off and belts that little shit.  And my daughter's jaw dropped, she paused it, turned and me and exclaimed, "Wait?  Girls can do that to each other?!?!?"  On queue from the kitchen, my wife says, "Well, it was a different time.  Frontier justice..."  Always makes me laugh.  

Anyway, I don't care for this Donald Trump fellow.  If this were Frontier Justice, his bullshit would have not been tolerated this long I suspect.  

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Popeye's is shitty.  
They all vary wildly. Some Churches are pretty legit. The one in Edna had a 10 year run of legitamacy. A gang of spicy chicken was always a hit for fishing trips. And all the Popeyes on the way down were terrible. Most of the other Churches I've had sucked too. Greasy, bad oil no flavor.

When you can find a good Popeyes, they slam and go hard, but most are hard and slam your gut instead. Dem beans and rice tho. Cest si bon coullions.
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2 hours ago, Underdog said:

As a Church's alumnus, I approve of this pic. 

Church's chicken

Popeye's sides

KFC biscuits. 

I once met James Hyatt, a former CEO of Church’s when he became the CEO of a restaurant I worked for. Our bartender served him and didn’t know it was him. I knew who he was and told her afterwards he runs the company. She flipped out on not knowing. 

He asked me while we talked if I was interested in becoming a manager for the company. I told him “Sir that’d be a massive payout from being a server so no thank you.”

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48 minutes ago, Satchel said:

Since Church’s did away with the pterodactyl wings, they’re dead to me.

oh yeah?  Well, they're extinct to me.

We ate at a Church's in Junction City, KS about 10 years ago on our way to the MCI airport.  It was literally the only thing open on IH-70 on Christmas Day between her folks house and the airport, several hours away.  I thought, "It's right by Fort Riley.  I bet lotsa folks stuck on base for the holidays will be there eating.  I'll be nice and buy anyone behind's me meal if they're in uniform."  Oh no.  It was like Waffle House sent their worst clientele to this one Church's.  I thought I was gonna get shivved over a biscuit.  Nobody in there was in the service and nobody in there wasn't a felon.  We took our food to go, and thankfully my body waited until we landed back in Austin before I had the angriest bowel movements of any holiday season before or since.  Never again.  I have never eaten at a Bush's Chicken or Chicken Express.  If somebody suggests a Popeye's, I'm usually down but it doesn't come up for often.  

My mom would take us to either Brown's Chicken or Church's as kids.  Unlike us clamoring for McDonald's and her refusing because it was too pricey, she'd be fine with a friend chicken family meal because it was like $1.25/kid for 2 pieces and all the sides we could inhale.  And she'd make a burger on the stove no problem, but she hated the fried chicken cleanup.  /csb

I wonder if anybody in the media will ever bother asking, "Mr. Trump...is your family never with you at these trials because these politicized judges won't allow them in the courtroom?"  Loaded question, but I'd love to hear his answer while he squirms.  "They're all tremendously busy right now, but with me in spirit."  Yeah, okay.  

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2 hours ago, texasdago said:

You get Siouxsie Sioux's name out of your mouth...

Bitch Slap Slapping GIF by absurdnoise

2 hours ago, YGIFS said:

Pos rep.  During Covid, my oldest got really into those Wilder books and would read like two per week.  Then I was flipping through some channels one day, and she caught the name on the bottom.  So she made me go back and it was this episode.  She knew the storyline from the dialogue, and about 5 minutes in...Melissa Gilbert hauls off and belts that little shit.  And my daughter's jaw dropped, she paused it, turned and me and exclaimed, "Wait?  Girls can do that to each other?!?!?"  On queue from the kitchen, my wife says, "Well, it was a different time.  Frontier justice..."  Always makes me laugh.  

1 hour ago, NAVY said:

Laura Ingalls don’t take no shit! 

C'mon, it's right over the plate, y'all can't ignore this


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4 minutes ago, Texas Jeff said:

Why anyone still cares about this guy is beyond me.  America, on the count of three, focus on someone else...

That's just it, this is what he wants. It's amazing how we can't not watch. Like the pied piper. It's weird. 

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14 minutes ago, Texas Jeff said:

Why anyone still cares about this guy is beyond me.  America, on the count of three, focus on someone else...

May have something to do with the fact that there's a 95% chance he'll be giving his convention acceptance speech from the prison yard (which good news is, he'll have to keep it short before the whistle blows).  I'd have a much easier time looking away if a few sane Republicans I know weren't staking their hopes on Nikki "Hey, she's polling at 3% now!" Haley.  They've all abandoned that fucking meatball DeSantis.  I don't think Trump has any shot via a legit election, but he's going to be on that ballot if he's not dead.  Hope, hope.

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1 hour ago, Texas Jeff said:

Why anyone still cares about this guy is beyond me.  America, on the count of three, focus on someone else...


1 hour ago, Slacks said:

That's just it, this is what he wants. It's amazing how we can't not watch. Like the pied piper. It's weird. 

Unfortunately, this isn’t Lard Lad from the Simpsons Halloween episode, though I understand why people would be confused. 

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2 hours ago, Rimbo said:

if we're gonna talk fried chicken, there's a place called Krispy Krunchy inside the 99 Ranch market off Balboa drive in San Diego that kicks the shit outta everything I've ever had.

I don't get down that way much since Dreamgirls closed.  But next time...

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