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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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26 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Colangelo is now describing the second “catch-and-kill” deal in question, relating to Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with Trump. Colangelo says evidence will show that Trump “desperately” didn’t want that information public. “Before the meeting, during the meeting, after the meeting,” Colangelo says, The National Enquirer publisher was in touch with Michael Cohen, putting this deal right at Trump’s doorstep.


Colangelo says Pecker will testify that $150,000 was more than The National Enquirer would typically have paid for such a deal, and that Pecker had trouble being reimbursed for it. Crucially, Colangelo says, Pecker will testify that he spoke to Trump about it.

Colangelo mentions that the alleged affair with Karen McDougal happened while Trump was married. It will be interesting to see how much the prosecutors lean into the idea of infidelity in presenting their case. The sexual encounter that Stormy Daniels describes, in 2006, also would have occured when Trump was married.


And obligatory:


Her PMOY pictorial was something else. But everything Trump touches dies -- Karen M included.

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23 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

i remember being out at ACL when the Access Hollywood story broke and people kind of celebrating when talking about it because we thought he was finally finished.  oh what sweet children we were!

Funny you should mention that.  I was meeting up with a good friend who was giving me a pass to some hospitality area.  And they were like an hour late so I was about to walk to another stage and his wife comes running up to me yelling. “We were watching news at home.  You’re not gonna believe this, he’s toast!”  And she tells me the story as my friend is walking up slowly with more restrained jubilation and gives me the pass and he shows it to me since his C3 wi-fi is much better and plays the video.  I was kinda let down, wasn’t the damming evidence she made it out to be.  I still thought he’d lose anyway no matter the video or lack thereof.  Ignorant suburban women were the deal breaker that enabled Trump.  Still are. 

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2 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

I'm waiting for Stormy to describe that her "sexual encounter" was wallowing around on top of Trump for 30 minutes in a vain attempt to get him hard.

Sad Jim Carrey GIF

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4 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

What the hell.  I thought I was putting all this in the Indicted thread, which is where it really belongs.  So...off to the Indicted thread.




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17 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Right. Like when a whole lot of folks on here were predicting she was going to divorce Trump as soon as he left office.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

What? You think THIS will be the final straw?

She knows damn well Trump cheats on her. She doesn’t care. The only thing that bothers her is that these trysts were made public. She responded by renegotiating her prenup. She’s a grifter and a gold digger. She’s not in it for love or honor or dignity or anything noble. She’s in it til the end. The only way she’d ever file for divorce is if Trump were left absolutely penniless with no properties or assets of any kind. She ain’t leaving him before the well has run dry. 



GIF by Tokkingheads


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6 hours ago, BamaATL said:

So today his first criminal trials starts, down the hall his bond is up for rejection, and later this week his ridiculous immunity claim will be heard at the Supreme Court.  It's a good day.  

Don't forget: His puppet in the House grew a spine and approved the Ukraine aid bill, against Trump's master's wishes.

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1 hour ago, cactusflinthead said:






Back when actual twitter users were the top replies and not Elon’s bots selling dick pills and frog memes sucking DJT dick



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2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




What a fucking chode.  

Good news, yesterday was the worst day of Trumps life.  Today will be worse for him (what a pity).  He's pretty much to the point where every day of his remaining pitiful life is going to be the worst day of it; with things getting subsequently worse as it goes.  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  

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2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




I mean, the stock is a steaming pile of shit that is going to crash regardless.  But he's not wrong.  The only people buying are (idiot) retail investors and banks are naked shorting.  

The bit about him doing anything about it is laughable though.

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Wow, the CEO of a recently 'gone public' stock doesn't understand how shorts/puts work.  And demanding that somebody look into why big banks aren't endorsing his single issue, which by the way is illegal.  When Trump wonders why his stock has cratered, maybe look at Chief Executive Dipshit for starters.  

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1 hour ago, YGIFS said:

Wow, the CEO of a recently 'gone public' stock doesn't understand how shorts/puts work.  And demanding that somebody look into why big banks aren't endorsing his single issue, which by the way is illegal.  When Trump wonders why his stock has cratered, maybe look at Chief Executive Dipshit for starters.  


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Wait, what?  He sued a Cow?  

Darry the Dairy Farmer from Letterkenny, "How's a fella get mixed up in that sort of business anyhow?"  

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Did he sue the rancher/dairy farmer because of something the cow did to him or his vehicle or his property?  Or did he actually file suit directly against the bovine?  

I mean, I knew a Cow once that sued a human because it tried to sexually assault it along with his friend, Cowboy Lee Harvey who later fled legal proceedings by enlisting in the U.S. Army under Sgt. Hulka.  

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35 minutes ago, LTbear said:

I already have too many (vastly more important) things vying for my attention.

Then how have you ever heard the name “Devin Nunes” in the first place or about his role in the Trump-Russia-collusion-coverup and consequent payoff with an executive position in Trump’s fake Twitter enterprise?

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Wait, what?  He sued a Cow?  
Darry the Dairy Farmer from Letterkenny, "How's a fella get mixed up in that sort of business anyhow?"  
Well, it was an imaginary cow... with a Twitter account.

ETA: Mac beat me to it.
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1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Then how have you ever heard the name “Devin Nunes” in the first place or about his role in the Trump-Russia-collusion-coverup and consequent payoff with an executive position in Trump’s fake Twitter enterprise?

Son, untwist your britches. Being aware or not aware of people in this grand story isn't an all or nothing/ black or white situation.

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4 hours ago, BamaATL said:

What a fucking chode.  

Good news, yesterday was the worst day of Trumps life.  Today will be worse for him (what a pity).  He's pretty much to the point where every day of his remaining pitiful life is going to be the worst day of it; with things getting subsequently worse as it goes.  Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.  


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1 hour ago, LTbear said:

Son, untwist your britches. Being aware or not aware of people in this grand story isn't an all or nothing/ black or white situation.

Untwist yours, bub. Nothing wrong with not knowing. Getting belligerent in defense of one’s ignorance is Republican territory.

If you’re not familiar with Devin Nunes’ cow then there’s probably a whole lot more that you don’t know about his role in the Trump-Russia collusion scandal. I don’t think you could’ve been following along while all of that was playing out without knowing about it.

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42 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Untwist yours, bub. Nothing wrong with not knowing. Getting belligerent in defense of one’s ignorance is Republican territory.

If you’re not familiar with Devin Nunes’ cow then there’s probably a whole lot more that you don’t know about his role in the Trump-Russia collusion scandal. I don’t think you could’ve been following along while all of that was playing out without knowing about it.

My man, relax. Go sip some whiskey. It'll do ya some good. 

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I don't know if 'Key to the White House' is something previous presidents ever did, but I have doubt.  This seems totally contrived, as most anything Trump has ever done.  And it most likely has a donation attached:





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1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

I don't know if 'Key to the White House' is something previous presidents ever did, but I have doubt.  This seems totally contrived, as most anything Trump has ever done.  And it most likely has a donation attached:





So he stole the keys to the White House, too?   

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2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

I don't know if 'Key to the White House' is something previous presidents ever did, but I have doubt.  This seems totally contrived, as most anything Trump has ever done.  And it most likely has a donation attached:






Total cheesedick Jaycees move devised by Trump himself.

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Eric and Jr choosing cabinet members.  What could possibly go wrong.





Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have become key players in early planning for a second Trump administration's transition team, Axios' Alex Thompson reports.

The brothers will focus on vetting potential officials and staffers for ideology and loyalty, campaign aides and close allies to their father tell Axios.
Why it matters: Neither brother would officially run Donald Trump's transition team. They'll take a lead in making sure government jobs are filled by highly vetted Republicans who promise fealty to Trump.

Don Jr.'s goal "is to keep the John Boltons of the world outside a second Trump administration," a person close to him told Axios — referring to Donald Trump's hawkish former national security adviser who wrote a bestselling book lambasting the former president.



The brothers are stepping into the roles as their father is frustrated by other Republican groups such as the Heritage Foundation claiming they are leading the charge on scrutinizing the backgrounds of possible appointees.

The groups' aim has been to pre-vet potential contenders for Cabinet-level and lower staff positions to aid Donald Trump's desire to remake the government in his image — without the resistance he faced from career civil servants and some Republicans during his presidency.

Those efforts have included former Trump aides who could be in a future administration. Trump campaign advisers believe the groups can be helpful but have been infuriated as the Biden campaign has used the groups' policy papers to attack the campaign.

Last November, top Trump aides Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita said in a statement that "any personnel lists, policy agendas, or government plans published anywhere are merely suggestions. Policy recommendations from external allies are just that—recommendations."



Even if they're annoyed, it will be hard for the Trump brothers or the campaign to be broadly effective without drafting off the outside groups' work.

Zoom in: This isn't the first time that Trump has deployed family members to key positions to ensure loyalty throughout the GOP.

After Trump took control of the Republican National Committee recently, Eric Trump's wife, Lara, became co-chair of the RNC.

Don Jr. asked his father to let him take on a more significant role in planning a transition team this year than in 2016, the last time Donald Trump built such a team.

Eight years ago, Don Jr. largely focused on the Interior Department, given his focus on the outdoors and hunting.

As they've become more involved, Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, have maintained a distance from the Trump campaign after serving Donald Trump in the White House.

Don Jr. recently told the New York Post that he plans to be "very active" in the transition, and said he hopes people such as former director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe and former White House aide Cliff Sims are involved.

He said he wanted to make sure "we stop some of the D.C. swamp rats and the swamp creatures from getting in there and doing their thing."

He has said he's not looking to join a second Trump administration, but has been lobbying his father on a variety of issues — including who should be the GOP's vice presidential nominee. Don Jr. has said he wants a "fighter" and has mentioned Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance as a contender.

Zoom out: The campaign is still in the early stages of a transition team, with Wiles taking the lead.

Presidential transition teams are critical to determining the top personnel in every new White House.

Beyond the cabinet and White House teams, new administrations also appoint thousands of political appointees throughout the executive branch.

Governed by the Presidential Transition Act, transitions often grow to hundreds of people and cost millions (Biden's team raised more than $20 million for his in 2020).

Trump's team is looking to avoid the turmoil of the 2016 transition.

Trump appointed former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to lead the effort, only to abruptly fire him soon after the election, leading to chaos that bled into the administration.

What they're saying: The Trump campaign declined to comment.


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MAGA snowflake example #4612





Trump Media & Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes is escalating his fight against Wall Street traders dealing in the company’s stock, turning to his one-time colleagues on Capitol Hill for help.

The former Republican congressman and current Trump Media CEO is pressing top House GOP lawmakers to open up investigations into what he called “anomalous trading” by professional market players betting on the stock to decline.



“There are strong indications of unlawful manipulation of DJT stock,” Nunes wrote in a letter to the lawmakers, which was disclosed Wednesday in a regulatory filing by the company — the parent of Donald Trump’s Truth Social media platform. The letter was addressed to House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Financial Services Chair Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.) and Oversight and Reform Chair James Comer (R-Ky.).



Nunes’s letter marks a new salvo in Trump Media’s attacks on Wall Street over claims that the Trump-controlled company’s stock price is being swayed by professional traders wagering against it. Trump Media, whose stock is majority owned by the former president himself, has undergone severe price swings since debuting in the public markets late last month.

The stock initially surged as individual investors bought shares, often as a means of showing support for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. But Trump Media, which trades on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker DJT, has since plunged in value as the company has disclosed more information about its underlying financials and moved to permit some large investors to eventually cash out if they want.



Wall Street professionals, meanwhile, have raised concern about the prospects of the company’s money-losing business while traders have rushed to bet against the stock, a practice known as short selling.

Nunes asked the lawmakers to investigate the trading in Trump Media’s stock and “whether any laws including RICO statutes and tax evasion laws were violated, so that the perpetrators of any illegal activity can be held to account.” He said “a thorough and expeditious investigation” should include collecting trading data from the SEC’s massive trading database known as the Consolidated Audit Trail, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the clearinghouse for U.S. stock trades.

Spokespeople for Jordan, McHenry, Smith and Comer did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Nunes is particularly worried about a specific and illegal type of short-selling activity known as “naked short selling.”

Typical shorting involves traders borrowing shares that they then sell into the market before buying them back later — hopefully at a lower price to collect the difference. But naked short selling entails never borrowing the stock to start, a far riskier practice.

Last week, Nunes alleged in a letter to Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman that there was “potential market manipulation” in the company’s stock from naked short selling. A Trump Media spokesperson did not immediately respond to a question on whether the company has reached out to the Securities and Exchange Commission on the issue.

Fears of naked short selling ballooned among individual investors throughout the pandemic, as day trading became a favorite pastime for many. But there is “no way to ascertain” using public data whether naked short selling is occurring in a stock, S3 Managing Director Ihor Dusaniwsky told POLITICO last week.

Trump Media’s complaints have not been well-received by the financial community. In both letters over the last week, Nunes has named four trading firms as being particularly active in the stock — including GOP megadonor Ken Griffin’s Citadel Securities. Each of the firms usually handles a substantial amount of individual investors’ trades on a given day.

A spokesperson for Citadel Securities fired back at the Nasdaq letter last week saying, “Devin Nunes is the proverbial loser who tries to blame ‘naked short selling’ for his falling price.”

Trump Media spokesperson Shannon Devine responded with a statement saying Citadel Securities is “a corporate behemoth that has been fined and censured for an incredibly wide range of offenses including issues related to naked short selling, and is world famous for screwing over everyday retail investors at the behest of other corporations.”

Citadel Securities did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the latest letter.


And here's the link to the letter (PDF)

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1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

MAGA snowflake example #4612







  Reveal hidden contents

Wall Street professionals, meanwhile, have raised concern about the prospects of the company’s money-losing business while traders have rushed to bet against the stock, a practice known as short selling.

Nunes asked the lawmakers to investigate the trading in Trump Media’s stock and “whether any laws including RICO statutes and tax evasion laws were violated, so that the perpetrators of any illegal activity can be held to account.” He said “a thorough and expeditious investigation” should include collecting trading data from the SEC’s massive trading database known as the Consolidated Audit Trail, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the clearinghouse for U.S. stock trades.

Spokespeople for Jordan, McHenry, Smith and Comer did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Nunes is particularly worried about a specific and illegal type of short-selling activity known as “naked short selling.”

Typical shorting involves traders borrowing shares that they then sell into the market before buying them back later — hopefully at a lower price to collect the difference. But naked short selling entails never borrowing the stock to start, a far riskier practice.

Last week, Nunes alleged in a letter to Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman that there was “potential market manipulation” in the company’s stock from naked short selling. A Trump Media spokesperson did not immediately respond to a question on whether the company has reached out to the Securities and Exchange Commission on the issue.

Fears of naked short selling ballooned among individual investors throughout the pandemic, as day trading became a favorite pastime for many. But there is “no way to ascertain” using public data whether naked short selling is occurring in a stock, S3 Managing Director Ihor Dusaniwsky told POLITICO last week.

Trump Media’s complaints have not been well-received by the financial community. In both letters over the last week, Nunes has named four trading firms as being particularly active in the stock — including GOP megadonor Ken Griffin’s Citadel Securities. Each of the firms usually handles a substantial amount of individual investors’ trades on a given day.

A spokesperson for Citadel Securities fired back at the Nasdaq letter last week saying, “Devin Nunes is the proverbial loser who tries to blame ‘naked short selling’ for his falling price.”

Trump Media spokesperson Shannon Devine responded with a statement saying Citadel Securities is “a corporate behemoth that has been fined and censured for an incredibly wide range of offenses including issues related to naked short selling, and is world famous for screwing over everyday retail investors at the behest of other corporations.”

Citadel Securities did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the latest letter.


And here's the link to the letter (PDF)

Snowflake or not, the stock is holding steady in the mid-30's now. Another few days and trump gets another huge chunk of shares, which he can sell off. He'll probably make a nice 1-2 billion on this when he cashes out ASAP. 

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3 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

Snowflake or not, the stock is holding steady in the mid-30's now. Another few days and trump gets another huge chunk of shares, which he can sell off. He'll probably make a nice 1-2 billion on this when he cashes out ASAP. 

I just don't see how unloading a bunch of that stock is going to be possible at a price above $20 outside of buyers that are just going to treat it as an indirect campaign donation and writeoff.  I guess that is the move.  The moment he files that he is selling, there is going to be simultaneous sell off by the float, driving down the price, right?  I don't think the MAGA wanna be Gamestop bros have the attention span to hold off the shorts.  It will be interesting. 

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