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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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1 minute ago, locodos said:

bonus points if you do it on his tv and maybe SAP too

I did that with Lifetime many years ago.  MIL would visit our house for a week or so and all she would watch was Lifetime movies.  Before she came one time I put a lock on that channel and played dumb.  Wife knew what I did and was pissed but I didn't care (she did not know the password to remove it and I sure wasn't going to give it to her).

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3 hours ago, Red Five said:

This is none of my business, but why would you allow that channel to be on in your house? I've been in spots where I've had to sit down on a couch in front of a tv playing Fox, but I couldn't imagine that happening in my home.

3 hours ago, MissingInAction said:

If some asshat turned on Fox News in my house I would smack them with a frying pan.

3 hours ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

What about porn?

Gay porn.  If they want to watch 10 minutes of Fox News, we are watching 10 minutes of gay porn.

Thankfully I don’t have Fox News, but yeah, when I’m at relatives’s houses and they have it on, it’s painful because of how stupid it is.

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Just now, atomheartbevo said:

Gay porn.  If they want to watch 10 minutes of Fox News, we are watching 10 minutes of gay porn.

Thankfully I don’t have Fox News, but yeah, when I’m at relatives’s houses and they have it on, it’s painful because of how stupid it is.

Not gay porn. Make them watch Hunter’s sex tape

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16 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

Apparently the dotard had three firearms registered in his name and has turned over two of them. The third is supposed to be in Florida but has gone missing.  If only we had a precedent on felony gun charges in the recent news.

He probably left it in the bathroom behind that box full of military secrets. 

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Flip. Flop. Flip. Flop. First there was the U-Turn on TikTok. Now he's done a 180 on crypto-currencies --- one week after announcing that his campaign would accept donations in cryptocurrency. 

"Donald Trump’s position on cryptocurrencies seemed relatively clear. For years, the Republican called them a “disaster waiting to happen,” adding that as far as he was concerned, Bitcoin seemed “like a scam.” When it came to crypto, the former president said he was “not a fan,” adding, “Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity."

Trump today:  “VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC [central bank digital currency]. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!”


This man thinks that a DIGITAL currency is "made"  somewhere. I can hear it now:  "These big, burly bitcoin miners ---- I'm talking about hard, tough men who last cried on the day they were born ---- these bitcoin miners came to me with tears in their eyes and said 'President Trump, don't let Joe Biden send our bitcoin mining jobs to China." 

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16 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Flip. Flop. Flip. Flop. First there was the U-Turn on TikTok. Now he's done a 180 on crypto-currencies --- one week after announcing that his campaign would accept donations in cryptocurrency. 

"Donald Trump’s position on cryptocurrencies seemed relatively clear. For years, the Republican called them a “disaster waiting to happen,” adding that as far as he was concerned, Bitcoin seemed “like a scam.” When it came to crypto, the former president said he was “not a fan,” adding, “Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity."

Trump today:  “VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC [central bank digital currency]. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!!”


This man thinks that a DIGITAL currency is "made"  somewhere. I can hear it now:  "These big, burly bitcoin miners ---- I'm talking about hard, tough men who last cried on the day they were born ---- these bitcoin miners came to me with tears in their eyes and said 'President Trump, don't let Joe Biden send our bitcoin mining jobs to China." 

Personally I think the Trump campaign has some bad prediction numbers or they're assuming that the conviction will sink them. He appears to be throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks. First saying that tip income won't be taxed, and now that income tax will be fully replaced by tariffs.  Basically he's rehashing that Mexico will pay for the wall but now the world will fund our govt. Of course Americans ultimately pay for tariffs.

Trump uses modern PR techniques that when you have bad news (34 felony convictions) say something else outrageous to deflect from the actual news.

Edited by Nice Guy Eddie
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26 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

They can shut down the internet now:



Seeing it in that context, it almost makes sense. 

Then I remember that the Republican nominee for President wing-dinged his way through that at a stump speech and it makes me wander out way farther onto the ledge.

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Trump’s private demand to Johnson: Help overturn my conviction



Donald Trump makes his first visit to Capitol Hill since leaving the presidency Thursday morning, meeting with Republican lawmakers in what is being billed as a resolutely forward-looking session focused on a potential 2025 legislative agenda.

In fact, Trump has bigger, more immediate legislative priorities.

He has been obsessed in recent weeks with harnessing the powers of Congress to fight on his own behalf and go to war against the Democrats he accuses of “weaponizing” the justice system against him.

It’s a campaign he orchestrated in the days after his May 31 conviction on 34 felony counts in New York, starting with a phone call to the man he wanted to lead it: Speaker Mike Johnson.

Trump was still angry when he made the call, according to those who have heard accounts of it from Johnson, dropping frequent F-bombs as he spoke with the soft-spoken and pious GOP leader.

“We have to overturn this,” Trump insisted.

'A disgrace': Trump reacts to guilty verdict in hush money case


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Johnson sympathized with Trump’s frustration. He’d been among the first batch of Republican lawmakers to appear alongside Trump at the Manhattan trial. He’d been harping on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case and the alleged broader abuse of the justice system since before he took the gavel.

The speaker didn’t really need to be convinced, one person familiar with the conversation said: Johnson, a former attorney himself, already believed the House had a role to play in addressing Trump’s predicament. The two have since spoken on the subject multiple times.

But sympathy can only go so far. With a slim majority and skittish swing-district members, Johnson is already finding it difficult to deliver for Trump.

Republicans have all but abandoned their effort to impeach President Joe Biden, as Trump wants. Wednesday’s contempt vote against Attorney General Merrick Garland squeaked by only after an intense whipping effort. And now a series of proposals targeting what Republicans call “rogue prosecutors” (i.e., those investigating Trump) appear to have a wobbly future.

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House GOP leaders, for instance, spent yesterday afternoon whipping a bill written by Rep. Russell Fry (R-S.C.) that would allow presidents charged at the state level to move those cases to federal court — effectively nullifying the power of officials like Bragg and Fani Willis, Trump’s prosecutor in Fulton County, Georgia. The bill was filed in April 2023 and reported by the Judiciary Committee in last September; only now is it being readied for possible floor action.

Johnson has also been in talks with Judiciary Committee chair and Trump ally Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) about using the appropriations process to target special counsel Jack Smith’s probe. It’s an apparent softening of his position: He said in a POLITICO interview last month that he found a similar idea by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) unworkable; now, he’s actually looking into it.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) speaking with reporters Wednesday. | Francis Chung/POLITICO

“That country certainly sees what’s going on, and they don’t want Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg and these kinds of folks to be able to continue to use grant dollars for targeting people in a political lawfare type of way,” Jordan told us.

The problem, of course, is that these proposals don’t yet have the votes to pass. One senior appropriator, Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), said the idea of defunding Smith was “stupid.”


Trump’s private demand to Johnson: Help overturn my conviction

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“I don’t think it’s a good idea unless you can show that [the prosecutors] acted in bad faith or fraud or something like that,” he said. “They’re just doing their job — even though I disagree with what they did.”

“We accuse Democrats of weaponizing the Justice system,” said another skeptical senior Republican who was granted anonymity to speak with fear of MAGA blowback. “That’s exactly what we’d be doing.”

Trump's go-to attacks on Biden at hush money trial


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Johnson’s leadership team isn’t giving up just yet. Off the House floor yesterday, Fry — who said he’s not spoken to Trump about his proposal — said there’s an education effort underway inside the House GOP.

His argument: Federal lawmakers, executive officials and judges currently have the ability to try to move their local cases to federal court. Why shouldn’t the leader of the free world? (One difference, of course, is that unlike those federal officials, Trump isn’t currently in office.)

“In my experience so far, the more [House members] have heard about it, the more comfortable they are with it,” he said. “It’s not a unique concept.”

What to expect Thursday

The plan for Trump’s meetings — 9:30 a.m. meeting with House Republicans at the Capitol Hill Club and a 12:30 p.m. lunch with GOP senators at NRSC headquarters — doesn’t explicitly include discussions of Trump’s legal matters and how they might be addressed. (That, of course, is no guarantee that Trump won’t bring them up.)

Instead, the visit is being cast as a chance for Hill Republicans to unite behind their party leader heading into a contentious election season and to also talk about what comes next should Republicans manage to win a governing trifecta in November.

A person close with Trump said the former president will: (1) express his desire to “protect seniors” by not allowing cuts to Social Security or Medicare; (2) reiterate his intention to crack down on the border; (3) lay out a broad vision for economic policy, including cutting taxes and bringing down prices, and (4) preview a U-turn on Biden’s foreign policy priorities.


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To be fair to Trump's comments on Milwaukee.  Milwaukee rests on Lake Michigan.  Lake Michigan has a huge shark attack problem, and this was Donald's way of pointing that out. to folks the dangers of the Great Lake Shark.  I mean Great White Shark.  I mean Shark Lake.  I mean Great White Lake. 

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The legend lives on from the Central Park Five
Of the orange racist tiny handed goony 
Old Trump, it is said, never pays for a cent 
When the neckbeards all send him their money
With his foreign born whore,
his thirty-four convictions weren’t more
Than black dicks got stuck into Lindsey
Ladybug knew Trump would disclose to Fox News
before votes in November, he worried
The ship was a gift, just part of the grift
Coming back from some shit-hole type country
As Miami boats go, it was bigger than most
borrowed from Clarence and Ginny
A wink and a nudge, with the real estate judge
and they left court continued in perpetuity
And then later, his urge, well-done sirloins were served
Could it be Ivanka forgot about daddy??

(my apologies to Gordon)

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12 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Well done.  Some say the "Edmund Fitzgerald" was actually battery powered.  

May the gales of November come early.  And destroy that fucker. 

Thanks.  I had another verse, but I thought I’d stop at the Ivanka reference.

He said to Fitlump, “Give a smoochy to Trump!”, (was his tiny orange mushroom extending?)

She gave it a glance, and said “I’ve been with Lance…one ball’s better than what you are selling”

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I wonder how many Trumper dipshits are flying their flags upside-down today with no sense of irony?  

Upside down bibles, upside down flags, upside down hair pieces, upside down morals, upside down balance sheets, upside down trials.  Can these people do anything up without viagra?  

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