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23 minutes ago, 'stache said:

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. The whole point of the Ga runoff was to gain control of both houses, to actually get shit done. Plus, one does not "make a deal" with Moscow Mitch. His word is as strong as the one ply toilet paper I wipe my ass with at the office.

I didn’t say Schumer should keep his word 

10 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:




Yeah, we gonna start seeing a lot more entitlement stories like this in this in the coming weeks.

But her emails.




Many U.S. Secret Service agents have stood guard in Washington’s elite Kalorama neighborhood, home over the years to Cabinet secretaries and former presidents. Those agents have had to worry about death threats, secure perimeters and suspicious strangers. But with the arrival of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, they had a new worry: finding a toilet.

Instructed not to use any of the half-dozen bathrooms inside the couple’s house, the Secret Service detail assigned to President Trump’s daughter and son-in-law spent months searching for a reliable restroom to use on the job, according to neighbors and law enforcement officials. After resorting to a porta-potty, as well as bathrooms at the nearby home of former president Barack Obama and the not-so-nearby residence of Vice President Pence, the agents finally found a toilet to call their own.



But it came at a cost to U.S. taxpayers. Since September 2017, the federal government has been spending $3,000 a month — more than $100,000 to date — to rent a basement studio, with a bathroom, from a neighbor of the Kushner family.

A White House spokesperson denied that Trump and Kushner restricted agents from their 5,000-square-foot home, with its six bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms, and asserted that it was the Secret Service’s decision not to allow the protective detail inside. That account is disputed by a law enforcement official familiar with the situation, who said the agents were kept out at the family’s request.



A spokeswoman for the Secret Service declined to comment, saying the agency “does not discuss the means, methods or resources utilized to carry out our protective mission.”

The Kalorama home of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner in Northwest Washington. (Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post)

Arrangements that allow for some distance between Secret Service agents and those they guard are not unusual, particularly when the agency’s “means, methods or resources” involve indoor plumbing. The people who qualify for such protection often occupy expensive, sprawling properties where a detail can use a garage, pool house or other outbuilding as a command post, break room and bathroom.

The episode in Kalorama is unusual because of the lengths to which the agents’ exile took them. In addition to their reliance on the restrooms used by fellow agents assigned to the Obamas and Pences, the detail occasionally popped into neighborhood businesses to avail themselves of the facilities.



“It’s the first time I ever heard of a Secret Service detail having to go to these extremes to find a bathroom,” said one law enforcement official familiar with the situation.

The agents’ bizarre odyssey played out in full view of a wealthy enclave in Northwest Washington, where many deplore Trump’s presidency and have expressed frustration over what they view as the Kushner family’s disregard for their neighbors. The community also includes multiple embassies and a house owned by Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and owner of The Washington Post.

The blockade of precious street parking spaces by the Trump/Kushner Secret Service detail roiled the neighborhood early in 2017. The porta-potty erected for agents further enraged residents unaccustomed to such sights on stately Tracy Place NW. As the Trump administration enters its final days with the president impeached a second time for inciting a deadly attack on the Capitol, eyes in Kalorama are peeled for the sight of moving trucks.

“They sort of came in with the attitude, like, ‘We are royalty,’” Dianne Bruce, who until recently lived across the street, said of Kushner and Trump. “When they put the porta-potty right outside on the sidewalk we weren’t allowed to walk on, that was when people in the neighborhood said, ‘That’s really not acceptable.’”

Bruce said she felt sympathy for the family’s protective detail as she watched agents trying to balance the call of duty with nature’s call.

“These poor people,” she remembers thinking when the porta-potty was hauled away. “What, are they going to have to get in their cars” to go to the bathroom?

They were, and they did.

Two law enforcement officials said the bathrooms inside the Trump/Kushner home were declared off-limits to the people protecting them from the beginning. One official did not know the reason for this restriction, while the other said it was instigated by the couple. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of security arrangements for the president’s family.

White House spokesman Judd Deere denied that Trump and Kushner ever requested that their Secret Service detail not use the bathrooms in their home.

“When discussions regarding protecting their home were initially had in 2017, Ivanka and Jared made clear that their home would always be open to the incredible men and women on their detail. It was only after a decision by the [Secret Service] was made that their detail sought other accommodations,” Deere wrote in an email. “The Kushners have a tremendous amount of respect for the servicemen and women on their detail and for the United States Secret Service as a whole. Their home will always be open to them and they have immense gratitude for their service over the last four years.”

The porta-potty was the agency’s initial solution to the protective detail’s dilemma, but it was removed in the face of the neighborhood’s protests. After that, according to the law enforcement officials, the agents began using a bathroom in a garage at the Obamas’ house, which the former president’s protective detail had turned into a command post.

The Obamas did not use the garage, so the extra traffic to and from the command post caused no problem. Yet this solution, too, was short-lived after a Secret Service supervisor from the Trump/Kushner detail left an unpleasant mess in the Obama bathroom at some point before the fall of 2017, according to a person briefed on the event. That prompted the leaders of the Obama detail to ban the agents up the street from ever returning.

The agents assigned to the president’s daughter and son-in-law began driving a mile to Pence’s home at the Naval Observatory, where they were allowed to use a bathroom in a stand-alone guard station. If they didn’t have time for that excursion, the law enforcement officials said, they relied on the hospitality of nearby restaurants.

So when the Secret Service knocked on the door of Kay Kendall in September 2017, she was not surprised to learn why.

“I think it was very clear that they just needed a place to take a shower, take a break, use the facilities, have lunch,” said Kendall, who is chairwoman of the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities and is married to Jack Davies, founder of AOL International. “I’m happy to be able to have helped them.”

Apart from the Kalorama house where she lives, Kendall owns a home across the street from Trump and Kushner. That house has a basement unit, including a bathroom, that is accessible from the rear. She thought of breaking that space off and ran the idea by the house’s tenant, former Connecticut congressman Anthony “Toby” Moffett Jr.

“I told her, ‘It’s fine, if you reduce the rent,’” Moffett recalled.

General Services Administration records indicate that the lease of the 820-square-foot basement on Tracy Place NW began on Sept. 27, 2017. It is due to expire on Sept. 26 of this year, at which point the federal government will have paid a total of $144,000 for the space.

Secret Service agents typically seek low-profile location for their command post and restroom, said Steve Atkiss, who served as special assistant for operations to former president George W. Bush and chief of staff at U.S. Customs and Border Protection. For example, former White House chief of staff Andy Card had a trailer set up for his protective detail at the end of his block in Virginia, Atkiss recalled. At the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, a building was constructed specifically for the security detail of two former presidents, he said.

“I’ve seen it accomplished 1,000 different ways,” Atkiss said. “They don’t want to be in their personal space.”

In Kalorama, the Kushner/Trump agents were pleased with their new digs, the law enforcement officials said. The studio had plenty of natural light. Some considered it akin to a well-heeled lawyer’s study. Most importantly, it opened on a tidy bathroom.

“It’s been no big deal,” Moffett said. “They have been very nice to our grandchildren.”

Trump’s children brought Secret Service money to the family business with their visits, records show

The Secret Service has repeatedly incurred serious costs from providing protection to President Trump’s children. In October, The Post reported that Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. had enriched their family’s business, as the Trump Organization charged the federal government at least $238,000 for agents’ lodgings when the trio and their families visited Trump properties. Trump says he lost billions of dollars being president instead of running his business, which his sons have operated the past four years..

Deere declined to comment on how long Trump and Kushner plan to stay in Kalorama after President Trump leaves office next week.

Some neighbors are looking forward to their exit.

“I want my nice, quiet neighborhood back," said Marti Robinson, a trial attorney who lives across the street and was an Obama-appointed member of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

On a recent Tuesday, some quiet seemed to have returned. There was no sign of activity at the Kushner family’s residence, with its gray exterior shutters and white walls of brick. Black SUVs were parked in front.

A door to one of those SUVs opened, revealing what was, for the moment, the street’s only sign of life: A man wearing a dark suit, badge and crimson tie. He walked purposefully across the street, arms straight at his sides, and disappeared behind the house whose basement is being rented by the U.S. government. Five minutes later, he reemerged, recrossed the street, and stepped back into his vehicle.


  • Hook 'Em 1
  • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
14 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

IMO if he isn’t taken into custody shortly after Biden becomes president, then the America we know is officially over and done, if it isn’t already.

prepare yourself to be disappointed.

  • Hook 'Em 1
5 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:



Yeah, we gonna start seeing a lot more entitlement stories like this in this in the coming weeks.

But her emails.






  Reveal hidden contents

“It’s the first time I ever heard of a Secret Service detail having to go to these extremes to find a bathroom,” said one law enforcement official familiar with the situation.

The agents’ bizarre odyssey played out in full view of a wealthy enclave in Northwest Washington, where many deplore Trump’s presidency and have expressed frustration over what they view as the Kushner family’s disregard for their neighbors. The community also includes multiple embassies and a house owned by Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and owner of The Washington Post.

The blockade of precious street parking spaces by the Trump/Kushner Secret Service detail roiled the neighborhood early in 2017. The porta-potty erected for agents further enraged residents unaccustomed to such sights on stately Tracy Place NW. As the Trump administration enters its final days with the president impeached a second time for inciting a deadly attack on the Capitol, eyes in Kalorama are peeled for the sight of moving trucks.

“They sort of came in with the attitude, like, ‘We are royalty,’” Dianne Bruce, who until recently lived across the street, said of Kushner and Trump. “When they put the porta-potty right outside on the sidewalk we weren’t allowed to walk on, that was when people in the neighborhood said, ‘That’s really not acceptable.’”

Bruce said she felt sympathy for the family’s protective detail as she watched agents trying to balance the call of duty with nature’s call.

“These poor people,” she remembers thinking when the porta-potty was hauled away. “What, are they going to have to get in their cars” to go to the bathroom?

They were, and they did.

Two law enforcement officials said the bathrooms inside the Trump/Kushner home were declared off-limits to the people protecting them from the beginning. One official did not know the reason for this restriction, while the other said it was instigated by the couple. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of security arrangements for the president’s family.

White House spokesman Judd Deere denied that Trump and Kushner ever requested that their Secret Service detail not use the bathrooms in their home.

“When discussions regarding protecting their home were initially had in 2017, Ivanka and Jared made clear that their home would always be open to the incredible men and women on their detail. It was only after a decision by the [Secret Service] was made that their detail sought other accommodations,” Deere wrote in an email. “The Kushners have a tremendous amount of respect for the servicemen and women on their detail and for the United States Secret Service as a whole. Their home will always be open to them and they have immense gratitude for their service over the last four years.”

The porta-potty was the agency’s initial solution to the protective detail’s dilemma, but it was removed in the face of the neighborhood’s protests. After that, according to the law enforcement officials, the agents began using a bathroom in a garage at the Obamas’ house, which the former president’s protective detail had turned into a command post.

The Obamas did not use the garage, so the extra traffic to and from the command post caused no problem. Yet this solution, too, was short-lived after a Secret Service supervisor from the Trump/Kushner detail left an unpleasant mess in the Obama bathroom at some point before the fall of 2017, according to a person briefed on the event. That prompted the leaders of the Obama detail to ban the agents up the street from ever returning.

The agents assigned to the president’s daughter and son-in-law began driving a mile to Pence’s home at the Naval Observatory, where they were allowed to use a bathroom in a stand-alone guard station. If they didn’t have time for that excursion, the law enforcement officials said, they relied on the hospitality of nearby restaurants.

So when the Secret Service knocked on the door of Kay Kendall in September 2017, she was not surprised to learn why.

“I think it was very clear that they just needed a place to take a shower, take a break, use the facilities, have lunch,” said Kendall, who is chairwoman of the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities and is married to Jack Davies, founder of AOL International. “I’m happy to be able to have helped them.”

Apart from the Kalorama house where she lives, Kendall owns a home across the street from Trump and Kushner. That house has a basement unit, including a bathroom, that is accessible from the rear. She thought of breaking that space off and ran the idea by the house’s tenant, former Connecticut congressman Anthony “Toby” Moffett Jr.

“I told her, ‘It’s fine, if you reduce the rent,’” Moffett recalled.

General Services Administration records indicate that the lease of the 820-square-foot basement on Tracy Place NW began on Sept. 27, 2017. It is due to expire on Sept. 26 of this year, at which point the federal government will have paid a total of $144,000 for the space.

Secret Service agents typically seek low-profile location for their command post and restroom, said Steve Atkiss, who served as special assistant for operations to former president George W. Bush and chief of staff at U.S. Customs and Border Protection. For example, former White House chief of staff Andy Card had a trailer set up for his protective detail at the end of his block in Virginia, Atkiss recalled. At the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, a building was constructed specifically for the security detail of two former presidents, he said.

“I’ve seen it accomplished 1,000 different ways,” Atkiss said. “They don’t want to be in their personal space.”

In Kalorama, the Kushner/Trump agents were pleased with their new digs, the law enforcement officials said. The studio had plenty of natural light. Some considered it akin to a well-heeled lawyer’s study. Most importantly, it opened on a tidy bathroom.

“It’s been no big deal,” Moffett said. “They have been very nice to our grandchildren.”

Trump’s children brought Secret Service money to the family business with their visits, records show

The Secret Service has repeatedly incurred serious costs from providing protection to President Trump’s children. In October, The Post reported that Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. had enriched their family’s business, as the Trump Organization charged the federal government at least $238,000 for agents’ lodgings when the trio and their families visited Trump properties. Trump says he lost billions of dollars being president instead of running his business, which his sons have operated the past four years..

Deere declined to comment on how long Trump and Kushner plan to stay in Kalorama after President Trump leaves office next week.

Some neighbors are looking forward to their exit.

“I want my nice, quiet neighborhood back," said Marti Robinson, a trial attorney who lives across the street and was an Obama-appointed member of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

On a recent Tuesday, some quiet seemed to have returned. There was no sign of activity at the Kushner family’s residence, with its gray exterior shutters and white walls of brick. Black SUVs were parked in front.

A door to one of those SUVs opened, revealing what was, for the moment, the street’s only sign of life: A man wearing a dark suit, badge and crimson tie. He walked purposefully across the street, arms straight at his sides, and disappeared behind the house whose basement is being rented by the U.S. government. Five minutes later, he reemerged, recrossed the street, and stepped back into his vehicle.



14 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:

. After resorting to a porta-potty, as well as bathrooms at the nearby home of former president Barack Obama and the not-so-nearby residence of Vice President Pence, the agents finally found a toilet to call their own.


They should all get to shit on Ivankas chest


Ivanka always solicited book suggestions from me, and I had recently recommended Empire Falls, Richard Russo’s 2001 Pulitzer Prize–winning novel about the life of a diner manager in a working-class community in Maine. “Ly, why would you tell me to read a book about fucking poor people?” I remember Ivanka saying. “What part of you thinks I would be interested in this?”

She's always been an awful human being.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Yeah, I’m prepared but I’m not going to stop advocating for doing the right thing. 

there will be tireless investigations, and they will make his life uncomfortable, embarrassing, and very very expensive.  it will be a living hell, and hopefully he'll be banned from twitter so nobody will have to hear him bitch.  but i doubt he'll ever even be taken in to custody, let alone even face the threat of incarceration.

his businesses will also suffer greatly, and his family will be laughingstocks.

all things considered, i'm fine with this.

31 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:



"Ivanka won't let the Secret Service use her bathroom, presumably because she doesn't want them to see the hole her father drilled through the wall."


  • Hook 'Em 2
  • Haha 4
Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, gyroprotagonist said:

So Kush got back what, half of the $3K per month in a kickback?

Yeah, but the glory hole provided at least twice that in entertainment and sexual satisfaction. 

I mean, I know a lot of D.C. folks and none of them has a conversation stopped like, "While serving in the previous administration, I found myself in a basement bathroom rental...and then guess what happened?..."

Edited by Lobo
54 minutes ago, mchookem said:

Trump may still leave office with a higher approval rating than W? that's incredible. 

says more about the right-wing populace than it does W. 😠

People are very motivated by money in the here and now. They care about the more important stuff when they look back.

2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

It really is this simple.

When you stop thinking of Trump as a businessman, politician, or anything like that, and begin analyzing him through the singular lens of "psychopathic narcissist," you understand him perfectly.  Predicting what he will do next is ZERO challenge -- malignant narcissists like him act according to a set pattern.  Everything he has done thus far -- EVERY SINGLE THING - has followed that pattern.

Many of us didn't shout about Trump and hate him from the beginning because he MIGHT do the shit he's done.  We did so because he was GUARANTEED to do the shit he's done.

I didn’t pay any attention to trump before he won the nomination, and assumed Hillary would win easily so didn’t pay much attention to him until he won. But it was easy to pick up his personality and deficits, because he is like a weekly reader. It’s a textbook case.  I assume many others were like me and just hadn’t paid him any mind and therefore did not know until it was too late. 

1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

Trump outlived his doctor.


Harold Bornstein, President Donald Trump’s former personal physician, has died. He was 73.

Please list covid as a contributing factor, irrespective of whether or not it was. 

6 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

there will be tireless investigations, and they will make his life uncomfortable, embarrassing, and very very expensive.  it will be a living hell, and hopefully he'll be banned from twitter so nobody will have to hear him bitch.  but i doubt he'll ever even be taken in to custody, let alone even face the threat of incarceration.

his businesses will also suffer greatly, and his family will be laughingstocks.

all things considered, i'm fine with this.

100 years ago we would have executed Trump on Thursday for what he did on Wednesday and it would have been better for the preservation of democracy than what we’re doing now. 

  • Hook 'Em 3
10 minutes ago, Underdog said:


"Ivanka won't let the Secret Service use her bathroom, presumably because she doesn't want them to see the hole her father drilled through the wall."

Is the wall made of 1/2" plywood? Because a regular 4" wall would be too thick...


1.  Buy Trump's debt to Rudy for pennies on the dollar.

2.  Market receivables to Q acolytes and other assorted MAGA shitheads as "Trump Bucks" or "TRUMPCOIN"  and sell it to them at a markup that would make Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman say "WHOA GUYS YOU ARE GETTING CARRIED AWAY AND THE FREE MARKET HAS TO HAVE SOME KIND OF LIMITS" 

3.  Buy Mars or some other planet and terraform it with the proceeds. 

  • Hook 'Em 4
  • Haha 3
2 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Macaulay Culkin joins the call to to get Trump removed from Home Alone 2:


I guess this means the whole Mount Rushmore thing is dead.  I mean when you've lost nine year-old Kevin McCallister ...

10 years from now the only memories of Trump will be the psychic scars on all the people he hurt.  20 years from now you won't be able to find anybody who will admit having voted for him. 

They should remove him from Spin City, too. But leave Marla Maples in. She was hot.

It wasn’t until years after I first saw her on the show that I realized that was Marla Maples. I’d be willing to bet that a condition of casting her on the show was that Donald had to make an appearance as well. Their stories weren’t connected in any way. I don’t think they even appeared on the same episode but I can’t recall for sure. Marla’s role contributed to the story. Trump’s was just a gratuitous cameo in the mayor’s office. You could delete that scene without taking anything away from the plot. 

41 minutes ago, BehoId, The Underminer! said:

the neutering by corporate america is interesting.  if he tries to run again, it would be without corporate support.  we would be able to see if a genuine grassroots campaign actually works, instead of the fake astroturfing version of that we are sold every few years that's actually backed by moneyed people.

Probably should prepare yourself for corporations returning to all Republicans in the next 3 months and then proceeding to support whomever is the next Republican nominee including Trump. They only need to pretend to be outraged for a limited time.

  • Hook 'Em 4
  • Rage+1 2
10 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

They should remove him from Spin City, too. But leave Marla Maples in. She was hot.

It wasn’t until years after I first saw her on the show that I realized that was Marla Maples. I’d be willing to bet that a condition of casting her on the show was that Donald had to make an appearance as well. Their stories weren’t connected in any way. I don’t think they even appeared on the same episode but I can’t recall for sure. Marla’s role contributed to the story. Trump’s was just a gratuitous cameo in the mayor’s office. You could delete that scene without taking anything away from the plot. 

are you worried about narrative continuity of a 20 year old sitcom?

  • Haha 1
27 minutes ago, gyroprotagonist said:

So Kush got back what, half of the $3K per month in a kickback?

I bet they own that house next door.    100% pure profit.  Minus taxes of course.

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I bet they own that house next door.    100% pure profit.  Minus taxes of course.

No, they didn't.   In the article, they quote the homeowner who has been charging for the shitter access since 2017.



So when the Secret Service knocked on the door of Kay Kendall in September 2017, she was not surprised to learn why.

“I think it was very clear that they just needed a place to take a shower, take a break, use the facilities, have lunch,” said Kendall, who is chairwoman of the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities and is married to Jack Davies, founder of AOL International. “I’m happy to be able to have helped them.”

Apart from the Kalorama house where she lives, Kendall owns a home across the street from Trump and Kushner. That house has a basement unit, including a bathroom, that is accessible from the rear. She thought of breaking that space off and ran the idea by the house’s tenant, former Connecticut congressman Anthony “Toby” Moffett Jr.

“I told her, ‘It’s fine, if you reduce the rent,’” Moffett recalled.

General Services Administration records indicate that the lease of the 820-square-foot basement on Tracy Place NW began on Sept. 27, 2017. It is due to expire on Sept. 26 of this year, at which point the federal government will have paid a total of $144,000 for the space.


Edited by Francisco 2.0
2 minutes ago, strangulation! said:

are you worried about narrative continuity of a 20 year old sitcom?

No. I think you misunderstood my comment about how Trump probably leveraged his way into a meaningless cameo as part and parcel of his penchant for self-promotion and leveraging anything that’s good for his wife (or anyone else in his orbit) into something that’s good for him. 

1 hour ago, 'stache said:

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no. The whole point of the Ga runoff was to gain control of both houses, to actually get shit done. Plus, one does not "make a deal" with Moscow Mitch. His word is as strong as the one ply toilet paper I wipe my ass with at the office.

You shit at your office?


  • Haha 3
  • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
16 hours ago, Lobo said:

Well Tyrion and Trump have two things in common aside from hating their father's legacy...they both have small hands and smell like cabbage.  

Don't forget the shared love of whores and foreign prostitutes!

3 hours ago, C-Man said:

He’s 100% mentally ill


1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

Trump outlived his doctor.


Harold Bornstein, President Donald Trump’s former personal physician, has died. He was 73.

That's just the Trump Organization tidying up loose ends....Bornstein was Trump's doctor from 1980, taking over from his father, Jacob Bornstein.


Just now, Horn Dog said:

Don't forget the shared love of whores and foreign prostitutes!

damn, that's a good point.  I'm sure there's a few other similarities but it stops pretty quick since Donald doesn't drink, isn't funny, isn't strategic, isn't well-read, isn't pithy, isn't tactical, isn't visionary, isn't fun to be around. Donald does have lots in common with Tyrion's nephew---Joffrey in that he's an insufferable cunt who isn't anywhere near as clever or as loved as he thinks he is.  

10 minutes ago, RPM said:

They lose SS when Dotard leaves office? I know he keeps his, but they shouldn't.

I've got mutual friends with the Bush twins. They lost SS once Obama took office if I remember correctly. So pretty sure kids lose their detail. 

I also used to run into Barbara Bush at the Walgreens on Bering and Woodway in Houston and she always had a SS agent hanging out at the door while she shopped, so assuming Melania will have protection, even after she marries a real billionaire in a couple of years. 

1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


They are literally the fucking villains from "The Help"....except worse, because at least Mississippi racists would build a separate shitter for their maids in the garage.

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

Schumer should go to McConnell privately and say if he gets 17 votes he won’t kill the filibuster this cycle

I believe that there comes a point to where a politician that has lied as much as McConnell has to the American people should be pushed to the wayside in order to get things done. The continuance of showing him any decorum that makes him feel as though he has an importance in the legislative process that he torpedoed for the last six years is not good overall for the country. There are consequences to what he allowed to happen and one of them is being relegated to the sidelines while legislation actually gets considered in the senate and approved. McConnell abused the power he had and it was to the detriment of the vast majority of Americans, even those who supported him that did not even realize it because they were too engaged in the euphoria of the Liberal Tears Movement.


I think Pence would pardon him. Donald would likely end up in prison on state charges, anyway. The upcoming trial for treason is going to be a lot more entertaining to follow than a trial about tax stuff, though, so I'm really hoping he chooses not to resign and get pardoned.

5 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:



sounds like ol' rude dog has entered the finding out phase.


Who could have ever seen this coming?

1 minute ago, The Hot Dog Buffet said:

I think Pence would pardon him

Pence needs to be welcomed back into the arms of Trump’s death cult base, you know, the one that tried to literally kill him last week at his place of work.  

Pardoning Trump would be one way to get there but that loyalty goes only as far as Trump allows.  

1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Pence needs to be welcomed back into the arms of Trump’s death cult base, you know, the one that tried to literally kill him last week at his place of work.  

Pardoning Trump would be one way to get there but that loyalty goes only as far as Trump allows.  

Pence will stand by Trump in the same way that an abused spouse stands by her man.

15 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:



sounds like ol' rude dog has entered the finding out phase.


Tell Rudy, it could be worse.  Sure you're not gonna get paid for 4 years of insurrectionist lying, covering-up, and taint-sucking.  But you're just not getting paid, he's going to have Mike Pence executed.  On TV, so his Mothers can see. 

1 hour ago, Dr. Teeth said:

Probably should prepare yourself for corporations returning to all Republicans in the next 3 months and then proceeding to support whomever is the next Republican nominee including Trump. They only need to pretend to be outraged for a limited time.


I was listening to some of the political commentators on NPR when this came out, all the old hands.  You could hear them giving each other the side eye over the microphone. They said, "Yeah, we've heard this one before.  It'll be about 6 months and then they'll quietly go back to donating.  These guys understand PR, because they basically invented it."


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