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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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5 hours ago, Constant said:


Happy Mother’s Day you fuckin’ Marxist/Facist/Communist losers. 

All those people are living in his head rent-free.  If I was in my 70s and rich, I would not be sitting around on social media whining like a fucking baby.

My social media, if I were to bother, would be either traveling stuff or sexy stuff.

Not complaining about shit that happened a few years ago.

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2 hours ago, GenXer said:

They agreed to work for the pussy-grabber and knew what they were getting into. Zero sympathy from me. 

Yeah, I was talking to my cousin about this over the weekend and I'm genuinely conflicted.  As my daughters get older and as we celebrated mothers over the weekend...I'm listening to my in-laws and the clergy at our daughter's first communion talk about the significance of Mother Mary.  And I'm listening to the Trump branch of my own family go on and on about his re-ascension to the throne as if he is Christ himself.  And then my little cousin is talking about sexual assault at Texas Tech (Craig James could not reached for comment).  And then somebody broke the seal and talked about the fact that our former President was found liable for sexual battery.  And of course the ensuing comments sounding a lot like, "Well of course all these other women are coming forward with bullshit accusations now that they've seen there's millions to be made off of lying." 

And we're celebrating daughter's first communion, and celebrating mothers, and really all women as we should do more often.  And I'm reminding myself that what a woman wears, or dedicates her time to professionally, or who she works for, or how much she's had to drink---sexual assault is never, ever okay.  But you know what?  Use this against me in a court of law or neg rep me all you want.  You sign up for a guy who tells you on your first day he likes to sexually molest women, and you say, "Okay with me, tell me about the vision plan and sick days"---sorry, I'm kinda out of fucks to give for you.  Sorry it happened, but again----work for sexual groping leopards party...don't bitch and complain when sexual groping leopard gropes you.  I got real battles to fight.  You're an adult, nobody put a gun to your head and made you work for him.  He was already under civil investigation for rape, and admitted to sexually molesting women, and admits to sexual attraction to his own daughter.  If it was hidden away like it was 50 years ago, then that's on society.  But the fucking tape of him saying all this shit was literally playing on the television in the waiting room of your interview.  

and I'm betting dollars to donuts, some of these women enabled Trump to sexually assault/batter/molest other women.  So you know what, fuck you.  I hope you get nothing but the STD's you signed up for.

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2 hours ago, YGIFS said:

You sign up for a guy who tells you on your first day he likes to sexually molest women, and you say, "Okay with me, tell me about the vision plan and sick days"---sorry, I'm kinda out of fucks to give for you.  Sorry it happened, but again----work for sexual groping leopards party...don't bitch and complain when sexual groping leopard gropes you. 

At first, I thought you were talking about the woman going public about Rudy, but this isn't the Rudy thread. Still, I think you have a point in the case of the woman working for Rudy who was up front about his outrageous requirements. I believe in the article, she says that Rudy "forced" her to have sex. By what means? I don't think there was any sort of career path to be expected in his employ. Hers is a terrible case for sexual assault and will only set back the women the women who have been assaulted or harrassed in the workplace.

Perhaps this is an unwoke moment for me. If so, somebody slap the head of this white man and straighten him out.

In response to what is bolded re: the White House: I don't think the situation in the White House is similar at all. Trump and anyone else acting as he allegedly did have massive leverage over employees. That is a career builder. The person in charge has enormous power to ruin your career and life. A job at the White House is an honor that would be hard to refuse. The women knew the stories, but likely thought it was unlikely to happen in the fucking White House or that they could handle it as they often must anyway in other workplaces for the honor and resume gold.

They may have actually expected some level of honor and decorum in the White House. That's just another thing that the ketchup-throwing feculant pustule abused and made filthy.

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Yeah, that one side thought "Meh, what do you expect from them" and the other thought "More fake news to defame the Messiah"

Meantime, all I can do is laugh at the notion that Rudy probably texted people, "In case this doesn't go our way and we have to pardon you quickly for cash...meet me between the brown mulch pallet and red mulch pallet at Four Seasons to discuss details offline."  And Iet's be honest, I'm probably not that far off from the truth for once.

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That awkward moment when you know you have to Resign because you know you’re not getting paid by your client but then moments later your client’s coked up sign offers to pay you and hands you a folder as you rip up your resignation letter and you look down and say, “goddamn it, is it…you’re paying me in classified documents aren’t you?  Fucking fuck!”

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2 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Still can't get over how or what criteria someone would use to describe a phone call as "perfect".  I've never in my life, until 45, heard anyone describe any phone call as "perfect".





And how many phone calls have you had with Donald J Trump? 

I rest my case. 

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13 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Still can't get over how or what criteria someone would use to describe a phone call as "perfect".  I've never in my life, until 45, heard anyone describe any phone call as "perfect".

Limited vocabulary.


We're now having dessert—and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen—and President Xi was enjoying it.”.


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He has called two phone calls perfect. One he was impeached for, so that seems a little less than perfect. The other he tried to get Georgia to falsify their election results so he'd win. Also perhaps slightly less than perfect. 

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I’ve hung up after a call for work or with family and mumbled, “oh that’s just fucking perfect.”  Is that the same thing?  

As a teenager, I called one of those party lines with hot ladies in my area.  And it sure as hell seemed perfect at the time I dropped the phone to grab a tissue.  Is that anything?  

but yeah, wouldn’t a perfect call for election coercion not be under investigation?  By literal and statistical definition?  

donald Trump once pitched a perfect game.  27 outs recorded.  Sure he used a spit ball, had the umpires killed, raped the ball girl, soiled the game for future generations,  bankrupted the franchise, and surrendered 137 runs, but it was Perfect!

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47 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

Still can't get over how or what criteria someone would use to describe a phone call as "perfect".  I've never in my life, until 45, heard anyone describe any phone call as "perfect".





He has also had a perfect walk down a ramp and perfectly drank water from a glass.  

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1 hour ago, Constant said:

Must have received a bit of bad news. 




The National Archives has informed former president Donald Trump that it is set to hand over to special counsel Jack Smith 16 records which show Trump and his top advisers had knowledge of the correct declassification process while he was president, according to multiple sources.

In a May 16 letter obtained by CNN, acting Archivist Debra Steidel Wall writes to Trump, “The 16 records in question all reflect communications involving close presidential advisers, some of them directed to you personally, concerning whether, why, and how you should declassify certain classified records.”


The 16 presidential records, which were subpoenaed earlier this year, may provide critical evidence establishing the former president’s awareness of the declassification process, a key part of the criminal investigation into Trump’s mishandling of classified documents

The records may also provide insight into Trump’s intent and whether he willfully disregarded what he knew to be clearly established protocols, according to a source familiar with recent testimony provided to the grand jury by former top Trump officials.


According to the letter, Trump tried to block the special counsel from accessing the 16 records by asserting a claim of “constitutionally based privilege.” But in her letter, Wall rejects that claim, stating that the special counsel’s office has represented that it “is prepared to demonstrate with specificity to a court, why it is likely that the 16 records contain evidence that would be important to the grand jury’s investigation.”

The special Ccunsel also told the Archives that the evidence is “not practically available from another source.”


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1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

“…We will win. Our country is going to hell.”  That’s quite a pair of phrases to put together, in that order.  I’m left believing the country is going to hell because they will win. 

Wherever there is injustice, you will find us

Wherever there is suffering, we'll be there

Wherever liberty is threatened, you will find....

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Okay, but now somebody has to change out their faces to be Junior, Donald J., and Eric. And instead of the Three Amigos crossing their arms, they have to bend them outward to do that jerking off YMCA dance he likes to do.  And no sewing, instead it's "Build the Wall old one, build like the wind!"  

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