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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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41 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Is this the newest internet thing now or something?

#trumpsmells has been trending on Twitter for the last few days. I'm doing my best to keep it going.  Considering his diet and lack of vegetables, it's completely believable.   I really do wish a reporter would ask him straight up if he wears adult diapers.

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It's why he's never seen jogging, swimming, or anything else in shorts.  Because of the Depends.  Last known photograph is that one of him in tennis all-whites and that fucking ladies sportswatch.  Every since then, he's only in long pants...even on a hot golf course.  But I forgot, he's a true Man's Man.  It's because you'd be able to make out the diaper in shorts.  Harder to do in loose, pleated golf pants or a suit.  

I think you'd have to go back to Reagan to not have seen a U.S. President in shorts.  And thats only because he was old, but the guy could at least ride a horse or throw a football.  Shit Trump could never do.  

Fuck, I think even FDR wore shorts with no diaper and he was in a damn wheelchair.  

I'll eventually unpack and kinda, sorta wrap my head around some of the shit y'all see in Trump as your hero.  But the whole Alpha Male/Man's Man thing, that's one I'll just never get.  He's the exact opposite other than being kinda tall & fat.  Maybe that was the whole appeal the whole time?  How opposites attract?  Or how you look for the mirror image of yourself in an idol or whatever?  Nothing else makes sense.  I saw one pic of him years ago from a friend of a friend's boat doing deep-sea fishing.  And his cast looked like Lamar from the Tri-Lambs throwing the javelin. . 

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Nice portrait of himself on the wall. It reminds me of how full of himself Obama was. 

Obama: "I want to do good things and help people." 

"That Obama is so arrogant!"

Trump: "I am the greatest person ever. I know more about everything than everyone who has ever lived."

(wild applause) 

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13 hours ago, Red Five said:

Nice portrait of himself on the wall. It reminds me of how full of himself Obama was. 

Obama: "I want to do good things and help people." 

"That Obama is so arrogant!"

Trump: "I am the greatest person ever. I know more about everything than everyone who has ever lived."

(wild applause) 

@TahoeHorn (acquaintance of Mo Brooks) started a whole thread on  Hornfans about the uppity way Obama lifted his chin.

To Tahoe’s credit he only voted for Trump in 2016, before success went to his head.

Edited by Bozo_Casanova
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Now this is an interersting plot development in the simulation.  "We'll drop all these cases in all these states.  You can appear on all ballots, unfettered.  Even grant you exclusion from any questions of insurrection or the 14th.  Just admit you lost 2020 once and for all."


I know, legally, it couldn't be that clean and simple...but at least float it out there through non-bench channels just to see the goofy ass look on his face.  

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44 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

Now this is an interersting plot development in the simulation.  "We'll drop all these cases in all these states.  You can appear on all ballots, unfettered.  Even grant you exclusion from any questions of insurrection or the 14th.  Just admit you lost 2020 once and for all."


I know, legally, it couldn't be that clean and simple...but at least float it out there through non-bench channels just to see the goofy ass look on his face.  

What good is an admission at this point.   The second he says it, he'll turn around and say that it was rigged.   He can never go back on that now.   

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20 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:



You know how Biden could win the election?  During the debates, have one of the questions be a "plant" by one of the questioners.  The question:  "Mr. Trump and President Biden, Americans consistently say that one of their chief concerns about this election is your ages.  Both of you contend that you are fitter than your opponent. Knowing that an inability to stand still is one of the early-warning signs of dementia, will both of you would step out from behind the podium, stand next to one another, close your eyes, and stand there without touching or holding on to anything for 30 seconds?"

Biden, knowing the question is coming, would have practiced. Plus he'll have taken half a valium. Trump will panic, knowing that he can't do it.  He'll either have to decline to do it, at which point everybody says "what's the big manly man so afraid of?"  or he'll have to do it and his dementia unsteadiness will be exaggerated by his nervousness. He'll be swaying like I used to coming out of Maggie Mae's at two a.m. 

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33 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

You know how Biden could win the election?  During the debates, have one of the questions be a "plant" by one of the questioners.  The question:  "Mr. Trump and President Biden, Americans consistently say that one of their chief concerns about this election is your ages.  Both of you contend that you are fitter than your opponent. Knowing that an inability to stand still is one of the early-warning signs of dementia, will both of you would step out from behind the podium, stand next to one another, close your eyes, and stand there without touching or holding on to anything for 30 seconds?"

Biden, knowing the question is coming, would have practiced. Plus he'll have taken half a valium. Trump will panic, knowing that he can't do it.  He'll either have to decline to do it, at which point everybody says "what's the big manly man so afraid of?"  or he'll have to do it and his dementia unsteadiness will be exaggerated by his nervousness. He'll be swaying like I used to coming out of Maggie Mae's at two a.m. 


trump isn’t participating in any debates 

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2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:


trump isn’t participating in any debates 

Biden should blast him over and over again. "What's he afraid of?"  "America has had four years of both of us. He's afraid to compare our economic records!"  etc....  I mean, it's the easiest, most direct, low-hanging fruit there is.  

If there is a debate, I hope the moderator asks:  Mr. Trump, for four years you've said the last election was stolen, will you cite the specific evidence you have for that position?

Just flat out. Make him produce the exact evidence on the spot. He can't. 


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52 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

If there is a debate, I hope the moderator asks:  Mr. Trump, for four years you've said the last election was stolen, will you cite the specific evidence you have for that position?

There is no evidence, otherwise Trump would have already provided it.  He would have put it on WhiteHouse.gov after the election, he would have put it on DonaldJTrump.com or whatever.  He would have been pushing it all over Twitter and other social media.  If any of the 60+ court cases he lost had went the other way and said “yeah, you won this state” or whatever he would have been blasting that proof all over social media.

Trump voters are too fucking stupid to know that they’ve been conned.  Or they don’t care as long as all of their perceived problems are blamed on other people.

The problem is that of the people who were conned by Trump, most will never admit it either because they don’t believe they were conned, or because they don’t want people realizing how stupid they were.  

It’s just like an aggy coaching search.

edit: sorry for the ramble, I dealt with one of these people yesterday, and I told him that if Trump lost, all he had to do was provide the evidence. But he couldn’t do it in the past three years for some strange reason.

Edited by atomheartbevo
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13 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

Fucking pedophile and rapist

He’s apparently listed on other pages,

I’m assuming the blacked out names are the trafficked kids, although one person mentioned it maybe an informant.

MAGA will claim it’s fake or Trump was “investigating”.

This is also why Trump won’t be in any debates between now and November.  He won’t open himself up to any gotchas.  

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Biden should blast him over and over again. "What's he afraid of?"  "America has had four years of both of us. He's afraid to compare our economic records!"  etc....  I mean, it's the easiest, most direct, low-hanging fruit there is.  

If there is a debate, I hope the moderator asks:  Mr. Trump, for four years you've said the last election was stolen, will you cite the specific evidence you have for that position?

Just flat out. Make him produce the exact evidence on the spot. He can't. 


“…At first I was up in Michigan and Georgia. The biggest lead in history. Nobody’s ever had a bigger lead. Then the democrats in Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta found ballots and people say there were problems. Huge problems caused by Chinese ballot boxes. The economy was perfect. My phone calls were perfect. The best economy in history. And it was stolen by Obama and Hilary. Were you better with me or with sleepy Joe? Not Sleepy Joe. We built the wall. And Joe tore it down. Open borders…”
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11 hours ago, Eskimohorn said:

“…At first I was up in Michigan and Georgia. The biggest lead in history. Nobody’s ever had a bigger lead. Then the democrats in Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta found ballots and people say there were problems. Huge problems caused by Chinese ballot boxes. The economy was perfect. My phone calls were perfect. The best economy in history. And it was stolen by Obama and Hilary. Were you better with me or with sleepy Joe? Not Sleepy Joe. We built the wall. And Joe tore it down. Open borders…”

And that's all it will take for 100% of the rubes that have voted for that dipshit to feel validated. Things like actual evidence have no place in the realm of alternative facts. It's why the campaign started spouting lies from day 1. Ignoring reality is the cornerstone of the GQP. Nobody is changing their mind about Trump at this point. The election is just a turnout contest. 

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12 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:



The document referenced in that tweet has been floating around for  a couple years now as evidenced by this article  dated 12/21:   https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html  

This hyperlink in the article leads to the exact same URL/document. 



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12 hours ago, Hornius Emeritus said:



That's got to be one of the worst lists to find your name on in the world outside of fatwahs. I see Clinton's name and try to refuse to believe he raped underage girls. I do think it's not likely, but who knows for sure?

It is hard to believe that persons who took multiple flights with Epstein were totally unaware of what he was up to. Tolerating it isn't as bad as participating, but it's pretty fucking bad. 

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59 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

For flying on a plane with Epstein?

Don’t be fatuous Jeffrey 

Obviously I don’t believe anyone should be imprisoned for flying on a plane. I was skipping past the investigation, the testimony from victims, and the probable conclusion. 

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