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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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On 12/27/2023 at 7:04 PM, longhornmatt said:

I actually agree.  People throw “narcissist” around a lot to refer to all kinds of people who are jerks, but he’s an actual malignant narcissist.  I don’t know if he’s capable of directly admitting he’s not entitled to be President/King as long as he wants even if a better disguised lie would help him more.  I fully expect he’d say something wishy washy and whine about how unfair it was he was cheated out of 4 years already. 

And then, yes, his followers would flounder to come up with an explanation for like one hour before starting the slide from “He didn’t mean it like THAT libtard” to “Ok, he meant it like that and I AGREE MAGA KING 4 LIFE!!!”

I also agree this does need to be the wake up call to the feckless media and to swing voters and non-voters, though.  They may find a way to rationalize or ignore lots of other things, but “this guy is telling you he won’t give up power, ever” is a pretty fucking bright line. 

The question I have is a real fundamental one.

Do Americans actual value a democratic system where they get a say?

I mean, so much of the population lacks the education / knowledge of basic civics and American history. 
The only thing they ‘know’ about or the history they ‘know’ is wrapped up in the wars we fought.

All the other stuff is fluff. 

In that atmosphere and in the muddied water of social media / Republican propaganda machine axis of Fox News-Newsmax-OANN /  a populist ‘charasmatic’ leader you have a political system that is pretty easy to transition into autocracy.


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18 minutes ago, Dnaguy said:

The question I have is a real fundamental one.

Do Americans actual value a democratic system where they get a say?

I mean, so much of the population lacks the education / knowledge of basic civics and American history. 
The only thing they ‘know’ about or the history they ‘know’ is wrapped up in the wars we fought.

All the other stuff is fluff. 

In that atmosphere and in the muddied water of social media / Republican propaganda machine axis of Fox News-Newsmax-OANN /  a populist ‘charasmatic’ leader you have a political system that is pretty easy to transition into autocracy.


Yes I think they do with one gigantic caveat to which you allude. 

Most democracy supporters harbor some notion that groups of people should not be entitled to vote or are at least barely or unqualified to vote. 

Some are willing to indulge that notion further than others. 

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1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

Yes I think they do with one gigantic caveat to which you allude. 

Most democracy supporters harbor some notion that groups of people should not be entitled to vote or are at least barely or unqualified to vote. 

Some are willing to indulge that notion further than others. 

So long as that democracy's "ruling" group is white males (preferably rich), then yes, they want a democracy.

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Nothing will come of it.  Don't get your hopes up.  I know for a fact he had paid for an abortion of a mistress of his.  Shortly before that interview he gave with Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" about 25 years ago.  

I am 70% sure he sexually molested Ivanka Trump when she was a minor.  To what degree or extent, I do not know.  But there is strong corroboration to that effect.  

But he was sent by God himself, so how could any of this be wrong?  

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“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

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Objective Reporter, "Here is an excerpt from a widely broadcasted interview Trump gave about his entitled behavior."

Trump Voter/Father of 4 Girls, "Oh c'mon...that's just locker room talk."

Objective Reporter, "That's true.  He was literally walking through the locker room of a teenage beauty contest with several underage girls in various states of undress."

Trump Voter/Father of 4 Girls, "Ah well, nevertheless..."  


Sadly, many dads I know who have daughters that continue to support Trump do it because they think the strongman they project Trump to be will somehow bounce back onto them and make them seem more masculine to their little girls.  It's a  natural feeling.  I know one day my daughters won't look at my like a superhero or athlete or smarty pants or protector.  Part of growing up.  So in the meantime, I try not to let them see me worshipping "men" who treat other women like shit.  Best I can do.  

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That's just roundoff error when you consider Kushner is getting paid $25m / year for managing a $2b investment by the Saudi Public Investment Fund (when he seems to have consistently lost money in his prior investment endeavors).  Nothing to see here, though.

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1 hour ago, Underdog said:

But, but China owns sleepy joe. 



The Chinese government and its state-controlled entities spent over $5.5 million at properties owned by Donald Trump while he was in office, the largest total of payments made by any single foreign country known to date, according to financial documents cited in a report from House Democrats released Thursday.

Those payments collectively included millions of dollars from China’s Embassy in the United States, a state-owned Chinese bank accused by the US Justice Department of helping North Korea evade sanctions and a state-owned Chinese air transit company. Accounting records from Trump’s former accounting firm, Mazars USA, were obtained by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee.

In a report, the House Democrats say that China is one of 20 countries that made at least $7.8 million in total payments to Trump-owned businesses and properties during the former president’s stint in the White House, including his hotels in Washington DC, New York and Las Vegas.

Just in case you didn't think the Republican Party isn't complicit



House Democrats issued a subpoena to Mazars USA, Trump’s former accounting firm, in 2019. Trump attempted to block the request but the Supreme Court upheld the subpoena in 2020. Trump, Mazars and the committee then controlled by Democrats agreed on a set of terms for Mazars to release its records on Trump. 

After Republicans took control of the committee, Mazars was eventually released from its legal obligation to provide relevant documentation to the Democrats’ investigation.

As a result, the report “is a significant glimpse into former President Trump’s foreign financial dealings –but far from a comprehensive account of his unprecedented efforts to use the presidency to enrich himself and his family in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution.”


Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8

Emoluments Clause

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Edited by Neonmoon
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