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A story about a pathetic man's downfall [34 Felony Convictions]

Francisco 2.0

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If you had told me ten years ago there would be a thing called a "Video Podcast" which would have girls who became internet famous for pretending to spit on mushroom-shaped mics talking about a game-show host who would later on have his mushroom shaped dick spit on a pornstar before going on become President of the United States for quite possibly two terms after putting nuclear secrets on top of his toilet tank because he has to sit to pee because he doesn't know where his spit-mushroom dick is aiming if he stands, I'd have said you were insane.  

But congrats, today---you're a GOP delegate at the Convention.  Miracles happen all around us, folks.  

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I just rewatched that ep. I gotta say at 45, Seinfeld hits way different than the first time around. George annoys the shit out of me now. the way Kramer used to before. It probably says something about me. Lulz

George is one of the greatest tv characters of alltime. Almost without fail he is humiliated for his actions. You enjoy seeing him go down, unlike what you would feel if you liked his character. You mostly laugh at his expense and thats the point.

It wouldnt work if you liked him. Felt sorry for him.
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50 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


Like that fucking matters. If Trump is elected, those cases will be dead. He fires anyone who won’t acquiesce. You think Congress is going to hold him accountable? 😆 

We will live in a Russian Style “Democracy”. SCOTUS our front should have told you. 

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8 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

Like that fucking matters. If Trump is elected, those cases will be dead. He fires anyone who won’t acquiesce. You think Congress is going to hold him accountable? 😆 

We will live in a Russian Style “Democracy”. SCOTUS our front should have told you. 

Motherfucking this.

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2 hours ago, YGIFS said:

Wait, what the fuck is this?  Is this real?  Or some AI bullshit?  

It's from the 2016 suit in NY accusing Trump of sexual assault.  Somehow it was a civil case, if I recall.  The plaintiff dropped the suit and seemingly disappeared.  These allegations are from the 80s I believe.

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Stormy Daniels interviewed by Maddow tonight, holy shit they replayed the graphic testimony. Of course the only reason for the graphic testimony was because the defense claimed no sex happened so no payment happened. So of course she had to go deet by deet. She described his skin and how she was used to hot bodies and she had never felt a fat man’s skin on her body.  How she had to wipe his cum off her leg. Holy shit. 

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7 minutes ago, troph said:

Stormy Daniels interviewed by Maddow tonight, holy shit they replayed the graphic testimony. Of course the only reason for the graphic testimony was because the defense claimed no sex happened so no payment happened. So of course she had to go deet by deet. She described his skin and how she was used to hot bodies and she had never felt a fat man’s skin on her body.  How she had to wipe his cum off her leg. Holy shit. 

Yuck. Fucking yuck 

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Thanks for the nightmare fuel, assholes.  

a woman who went ass-to-mouth (not always her own either), for a living.  Describes this as the most horrifying sexual experience of her life.  And he's leading in 25 states despite not being seen with his "wife" in several weeks.  Yeah, this is all very normal for a SuperPower.  

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13 minutes ago, troph said:

Stormy Daniels interviewed by Maddow tonight, holy shit they replayed the graphic testimony. Of course the only reason for the graphic testimony was because the defense claimed no sex happened so no payment happened. So of course she had to go deet by deet. She described his skin and how she was used to hot bodies and she had never felt a fat man’s skin on her body.  How she had to wipe his cum off her leg. Holy shit. 

Throw Up Over It GIF by National Women's Soccer League

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28 minutes ago, troph said:

Stormy Daniels interviewed by Maddow tonight, holy shit they replayed the graphic testimony. Of course the only reason for the graphic testimony was because the defense claimed no sex happened so no payment happened. So of course she had to go deet by deet. She described his skin and how she was used to hot bodies and she had never felt a fat man’s skin on her body.  How she had to wipe his cum off her leg. Holy shit. 

Spoiler that shit 

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7 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

And a totally real, not simulated existence. 

Laugh all you want, you silly man!  But before Covid, I was in Chicago visiting family and some work.  And Matt Dowd let me know he was up at the University of Chicago's Institute for Politics.  And he and David Axelrod, both very smart and pretty centrist are doing a talk and a reception.  And they're trying to dissect how Trump got elected and what it means for 2020.  And they're speaking as political operators.  But for credit, some of the graduate students in statistics/mathematics/demography/etc., the sharpest of the sharp.  And their three basic conclusions were what Dowd and Axelrod said, "Of course, he's gonna get this many straight ticket Republican voters...always been the case in states that allow it.  Two-Trump has tapped into something that was already there but we don't know or whether it has stickiness to it.  Three-this lies completely outside all of our voting data norms."  And I thought, "Okay, the smartest political and polling minds in the nation don't have any fucking idea how this happened and what's gonna happen down the road.  This should be fun."  Keep in mind, Univ of Chicago is a known right-leaning University.........but an extremely serious one, arguably the best not in Ivy or called Stanford.  

So we go the reception afterwards and I'm just in the background listening to students pick the brain of these brilliant political brains.  Not saying anything.  About three drinks later, I finally opened my mouth, "If there's no statistical model to explain Trump's election and possible re-election, could it be we're living out a simulation?"  And a post-graduate fellow says something to the effect of, "Funny you should mention that, we have more empirical proof that's what is happening than we do to explain Trump's Electoral College numbers."  So I finished my drink and contemplated going over to their old stadium, Stagg Field.  Where the world's first nuclear reaction occurred about 75 years prior, because it seemed fitting.  But I just came to terms that nothing makes sense any more and didn't go to sleep for about a week. 

It is arrogant to think we are just living out some equation while people are genuinely suffering all around the world who would scoff at the idea that comfortable Americans can sit around and pontificate conspiracy theories and simulation debates while they are fighting one another for water.  But if this God's plan or the Universe unfolding in a natural order, somebody let me know.  Meantime, bad news.  The whole of humanity is locked in here with me.   

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1 hour ago, troph said:

Stormy Daniels interviewed by Maddow tonight, holy shit they replayed the graphic testimony. Of course the only reason for the graphic testimony was because the defense claimed no sex happened so no payment happened. So of course she had to go deet by deet. She described his skin and how she was used to hot bodies and she had never felt a fat man’s skin on her body.  How she had to wipe his cum off her leg. Holy shit. 


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