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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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Another work one (I work at a university):

"Uncle Nate - we have a group of students who don't have this or that and we need them to have this or that."

O.k...well...what students?  And what this or that?  They seem to think I'm omniscient and just automatically know what they hell they are talking about.

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I'll text someone to see if they have time to talk.  When I'm in meetings I won't answer a call, but will respond to a text to let them know when I can talk.  Lots of what I do is time sensitive for contractors in the field. Letting them know I've gotten their call/message, and when I can call back makes their job a bit easier.

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6 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Letting them know I've gotten their call/message, and when I can call back makes their job a bit easier.

I've got a coworker in CA who has automated replies now because they were being questioned about whether or not they had received emails. So now every GD time I send them an email I get this:

Thank you for your message.  I will respond in the order it was received.


I appreciate your patience.

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7 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Usually belongs in the wives thread but when someone texts you, you call them immediately, and they dont answer

The only time I do this, is if it's a logistics thing; trying to figure out where to meet, timing and shit like that.  I'd rather figure it out in a 2 minute call than drag it out for 15 minutes via text. 

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10 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

I've got a coworker in CA who has automated replies now because they were being questioned about whether or not they had received emails. So now every GD time I send them an email I get this:

Thank you for your message.  I will respond in the order it was received.


I appreciate your patience.

Spoiler: They don't appreciate your patience. 

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Oh yeah.  That's why I don't watch ESPN or Sportscenter.

Home with both kids today.  They have doctor appts.  Turn on ESPN so we can see the highlights from the Stars' game.  The first three things we saw were:

1) Blake Griffin and company bitching about the officiating.

2)  Bryce Harper throwing a fit and bitching about the officiating.

3) Ovechkin bitching about the officiating.

4)  "Coming up after the break... Odell Beckham bitching about the Giants".

I do realize the slight irony in bitching about bitching on a thread dedicated to bitching; however, I'm also not making tens of millions of dollars to play a game.

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So, I'm sitting in the theater (it's a dine-in joint, kinda like Alamo), and this woman one row down says to the waiter "Do you have hamburgers?"

Oh, if only there were some sort of printed material the establishment could provide their diners that would list the various foods and beverages they are selling.

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Assholes that don't use their turn signals.  I'm sure it's on already on here but it can't be stated enough. It is literally the easiest, most considerate thing to do while driving and yet so many lazy fucks fail to do it.  A simple extension of a finger digit while slowing down to turn the wheel, but no, let drivers behind try and guess what the fuck you're doing.   The dismal tide indeed.

Edited by Mach 1
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15 hours ago, Llano Estacado said:


If you’re using pliers to wrap you’re doing it wrong.

Couple cents worth of SS tubing or a nail/screwdriver with a notch filed into it is the best clip tool their is.

I use the hinged thing with the hole in it. The problem is working with mesh wire and other larger guage stuff like panels where you often have to work around a difficult spot. There's no reason the short side of the clip should be just barely long enough to go around an easy-reach skinny wire with no obstructions.

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16 hours ago, Jersey Man10 said:

When parents let their stupid kids order at the drive thru or any fast food place.

Worse is letting them scan items at the self checkout at HEB.  And then pay fucking cash and let the kids try and feed the bills.  Holy shit I almost started drinking the six pack I was trying to buy.


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1 hour ago, luke duke said:

Assholes whose phone rings multiple times in a meeting. I get it if it rings once. Everyone forgets to put their phone on silent occasionally, but you’d think that after 3 calls one might consider putting the fucker on vibrate.

They're wanting you to notice how important they are. 

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3 hours ago, luke duke said:

Assholes whose phone rings multiple times in a meeting. I get it if it rings once. Everyone forgets to put their phone on silent occasionally, but you’d think that after 3 calls one might consider putting the fucker on vibrate.

I think it's been six months since I didn't have my phone on silent.

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When parents let their stupid kids order at the drive thru or any fast food place.

My daughter is autistic. Now that she is 16 it’s important to get her to step out of her comfort zone and learn to do more things on her own. One of the things she feels very uncomfortable doing is ordering her own food. I’ve been trying to get her to do this so she won’t starve to death after I die. If this makes you wait a minute or so in line I don’t really give a fuck
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58 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

My daughter is autistic. Now that she is 16 it’s important to get her to step out of her comfort zone and learn to do more things on her own. One of the things she feels very uncomfortable doing is ordering her own food. I’ve been trying to get her to do this so she won’t starve to death after I die. If this makes you wait a minute or so in line I don’t really give a fuck

I'm loving the surliness here.

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On 4/23/2019 at 8:18 AM, Uncle Nate said:

MNLonghornFUKM - are you my brother?  Because he does that shit.

I'm with the others.  If I wanted to talk, I would have called.  But I didn't...I texted.

In this same vein...at work...people who call and leave a message wanting some immediate response.  Guess what...if you had emailed me...you would have had your immediate response.  Because I can check emails while in meetings, but I can't return phone calls.  They seem to think my only job is to sit at my desk waiting for their call.

Sorry bro, if I get a text when I'm driving, no way I'm texting back. I'm calling you to see what you want.

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5 hours ago, luke duke said:

Assholes whose phone rings multiple times in a meeting. I get it if it rings once. Everyone forgets to put their phone on silent occasionally, but you’d think that after 3 calls one might consider putting the fucker on vibrate.

10 or so years ago, we were having a meeting and this Cuban lady's phone rings.  She fumbles around and silences it.  Rings again about 10 minutes later, fumbles around and silences it.  Rings a third time and she answers it right in the middle of the meeting with 20+ other people sitting around listening to her rattling off Espanol loudly.  Come back from lunch and the big boss says if you have a cell phone, please put it on mute or vibrate so as not to interrupt the meeting.  Lady says, "What if the phone doesn't have a mute or vibrate function?"  Big boss looks at her and you can see him mentally counting to 10 before he responds, "Well, Maria, every goddamn one of them I've seen has an off button."

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5 hours ago, luke duke said:

Assholes whose phone rings multiple times in a meeting. I get it if it rings once. Everyone forgets to put their phone on silent occasionally, but you’d think that after 3 calls one might consider putting the fucker on vibrate.

Yep so fucking annoying. Happened today same guy in 2 different meetings. 

Edited by Zepol87
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This happened to today at Subway (yeah, I know):

Person in line in front of me orders a sandwich, and is asked what kind of bread?  They weigh the pros and cons of the five different kinds of bread like they're picking out a fucking wedding dress. Fuck, how many times have you been in a subway? Do you speak fucking English? How do you already not know? You have been waiting in line at least as long as I have. And then here it comes, as sure as the dawn, would you like cheese with that? Hmmm let's consider the caloric, financial, and ethical ramification of putting cheese on a sandwich before I decide to get the same goddamned thing I get every fucking time. Oh, wait, what kind of cheese? Another life or death decision, don't answer to fast, your life may depend on the answer.

Fuck, I hate slow as people wasting my time. I hate

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2 hours ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

My daughter is autistic. Now that she is 16 it’s important to get her to step out of her comfort zone and learn to do more things on her own. One of the things she feels very uncomfortable doing is ordering her own food. I’ve been trying to get her to do this so she won’t starve to death after I die. If this makes you wait a minute or so in line I don’t really give a fuck

Right there with you. My 10 year old son is barely verbal. He orders with the use of an app on his Kindle. If that holds up the line, well tough titties.

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2 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:

This happened to today at Subway (yeah, I know):

Person in line in front of me orders a sandwich, and is asked what kind of bread?  They weigh the pros and cons of the five different kinds of bread like they're picking out a fucking wedding dress. Fuck, how many times have you been in a subway? Do you speak fucking English? How do you already not know? You have been waiting in line at least as long as I have. And then here it comes, as sure as the dawn, would you like cheese with that? Hmmm let's consider the caloric, financial, and ethical ramification of putting cheese on a sandwich before I decide to get the same goddamned thing I get every fucking time. Oh, wait, what kind of cheese? Another life or death decision, don't answer to fast, your life may depend on the answer.

Fuck, I hate slow as people wasting my time. I hate

Very much like the idgits that stand in line for 10 minutes yammering with their equally stupid friend and then when asked by the person behind the counter what they would like to order they dutifully reply, "uh."

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In a TV show where someone pulls up to the bar and says "I'll have a beer" and the bartender just gives him a beer. Even before craft beer people usually had a preference between domestic brands. Unless they have only one beer on tap, the bartender is going to ask what beer you want. Trivial, but annoying.

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Assholes whose phone rings multiple times in a meeting. I get it if it rings once. Everyone forgets to put their phone on silent occasionally, but you’d think that after 3 calls one might consider putting the fucker on vibrate.

I work with an engineer who will look at his phone to see who is calling and then just let it ring. I don’t know if he doesn’t know how to turn the ringer off or just doesn’t want to. His ring tone is also just two minions talking so it’s about two minutes worth of nonsense. He also still has the “clicks” turned on for his keypad so every time he sends a text or answers a email all you hear is click click click....
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10 hours ago, 'stache said:

In a TV show where someone pulls up to the bar and says "I'll have a beer" and the bartender just gives him a beer. Even before craft beer people usually had a preference between domestic brands. Unless they have only one beer on tap, the bartender is going to ask what beer you want. Trivial, but annoying.

This. Also, in TV and movies, when characters are in a car and pull up to let someone out, they always turn the car off. Then let the friend out, and restart the car. Who the fuck does this? 

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