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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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1 hour ago, HouTex said:

This right here. Every email should include the sender’s phone number (office and cell) in a signature line.

I'm not giving my cell number to every dumbass that I have to send an email to.  I've had my cell number since cell phones were invented and I don't ever want to have to change it.  I don't even give it out to women I date.  They get my burner google voice number.

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4 minutes ago, NeverMarryAStripper said:

I'm not giving my cell number to every dumbass that I have to send an email to.  I've had my cell number since cell phones were invented and I don't ever want to have to change it.  I don't even give it out to women I date.  They get my burner google voice number.

Typical serial killer move.

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Fortnite updates every 3 days. I suck, and my 1.5 year old son knows it. Usually it's routine that I'll play a round to conk him out while i hold him. Well, every other day it seems i have to go through the 30 min process to download, copy, install the update just so im able to play the stupid game. THEN he can sleep by watching my terrible play

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When people here feel the need to post "I told you guys 3 years ago that xxx was a bad coach and all yall negged me."
Nobody cares and nobody is impressed. 
Its amazing how people actually try to validate their greatness with this. I wish i could neg them again for patting themselves on the back for "being right"
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Not trivial, but MFers who run stop signs.  Twice in the last week I've had assholes run stop signs and had I been less alert I would have been seriously injured in the first instance and my car would have been totaled in the second.  The first guy just didn't see the stop sign and blew through it going around 40.  The second guy saw me coming, just ran the stop sign (I didn't have a stop sign) and just assumed I would jam my brakes and not hit him.  Sometimes it's wise to slowdown/tap brakes at intersections because of assholes.

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15 minutes ago, HouTex said:

Not trivial, but MFers who run stop signs.  Twice in the last week I've had assholes run stop signs and had I been less alert I would have been seriously injured in the first instance and my car would have been totaled in the second.  The first guy just didn't see the stop sign and blew through it going around 40.  The second guy saw me coming, just ran the stop sign (I didn't have a stop sign) and just assumed I would jam my brakes and not hit him.  Sometimes it's wise to slowdown/tap brakes at intersections because of assholes.

I watch every intersection I come to for the most part now because of that very reason. So I'm one of those MF'ers who tap their brakes at intersections, green light or not. If you're not riding my ass it shouldn't be an issue (cause I won't be driving slow in the fast lane anyway).

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1 hour ago, TornACL said:

You should be able to assess the situation upcoming at the intersection without braking unless you drive too fast or unless your brain works too slowly. 

You should be behind me far enough (at all times ) that me tapping my brakes doesn't put you up my ass.

Edited by Onboard 2.0
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21 hours ago, HouTex said:

Not trivial, but MFers who run stop signs.  Twice in the last week I've had assholes run stop signs and had I been less alert I would have been seriously injured in the first instance and my car would have been totaled in the second.  The first guy just didn't see the stop sign and blew through it going around 40.  The second guy saw me coming, just ran the stop sign (I didn't have a stop sign) and just assumed I would jam my brakes and not hit him.  Sometimes it's wise to slowdown/tap brakes at intersections because of assholes.

I live in the stoplight running capital of the world. Literally every time I go anywhere I see someone run a red light at practically every intersection I have to stop at.  To top it off last week I saw someone turn right on a red right in front of an ambulance with its lights and sirens going.  Also you are just as much of an asshole if you run a red light on your stupid bicycle as you are if you run a red light in your car.

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An old George Carlin bit:

2 guys driving in a car. The driver runs a red light.

Passenger: Screams what the hell are you doing ??!!

Driver: Relax. my brother does this all the time.


They come to another red light, and the driver blows thru it.

Passenger:  What the hell are you doing, that was another red light !!

Driver:  Relax, my brother does this all the time.


Another red light, and the driver blows right thru.

Passenger:  God dammmit cut that out !

Driver:  Relax, my brother does this all the time.


They come to a green light, and the driver screeches to a halt.

Passenger:  What are you doing, why'd you stop, that's a green light ??!!

Driver:  Are you kidding, my brother might be coming the other way.

Edited by Onboard 2.0
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3 hours ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

People who are afraid to drive the speed limit when a DPS trooper is near and going 5-6 mph under said limit.

Yes.  Also when they see a Leo they automatically put on their brakes, like the cop hasn't already tagged your speeding ass before you even saw him/her. 

1 hour ago, 52-80 said:

the slim cylindrical single serving sugar sachets.... its way too much sugar for 1 espresso.  i usually only use half. 

little sugar cubes or the brown bricks are better

Is this your coming out of the closet post?  Congrats. 

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2 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

Espressos are feminine now?  That's a new one. 


I can't tell what's cool anymore.  Gulping a jug of diner-drip Folgers from a Coleman thermos? 

As long as it's a buffalo plaid Coleman thermos, and black wIth no sugar, you're OK.  

Oh, and keep that pinky down.

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