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Trivial Things That Make You Surly


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3 hours ago, miguelito said:

So is Olive Garden northern Italian, or southern Italian?  Or Sicilian?  Or Cecilia?


Well hell no, Olive Garden ain't part of the boot.  It's the shit in which the boot stepped.

Edited by slorch
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In a multi-floor office when some guy goes up or down a floor to take a shit. Keep it on your own floor.
We have a small one-holer within my department. Not shitting in there. The only other bathrooms on our floor are a women's bathroom and one that used to be a men's with a toilet stall and 3 urinals but has been converted to a private gender-inclusive bathroom. Because that one can only handle one person at a time now the odds of it being empty are small. I don't have a choice except go to another floor.
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10 hours ago, Hunchback said:

We have a small one-holer within my department. Not shitting in there. The only other bathrooms on our floor are a women's bathroom and one that used to be a men's with a toilet stall and 3 urinals but has been converted to a private gender-inclusive bathroom. Because that one can only handle one person at a time now the odds of it being empty are small. I don't have a choice except go to another floor.

I'd be shitting in the gender inclusive bathroom.  Time to take that shit back, one shit at a time.

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28 minutes ago, Celery Man said:


Is this because you’re not salaried, or because your hours are scrutinized to the extent that they count the hours you are in the building?


Salaried, but we have to track our time.  Big Brother looking down on us and whatnot.

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5 minutes ago, PvilleStang said:

Salaried, but we have to track our time.  Big Brother looking down on us and whatnot.

years ago when we were still a little software shop in a dingy office, there was a one hole bathroom on the bottom floor behind the server racks (and a pile of cardboard) that for a while was rat infested and had a ruined toilet.  We got rid of the rats, cleaned it up (ripped out the toilet and threw it away) and closed the door.  At some point a new toilet got installed, but nobody even really was aware that that had happened, and everyone just left "the rat bathroom" alone.  So I used it as a private shitter and tracked my shitting time to RAT (release acceptance testing).

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16 hours ago, HenryJames said:

When eighteen wheelers take fucking forever to pass other eighteen wheelers.

Especially when they can tell the people behind them see it coming, so before they can close the gap, they whip over, slowing them down even more

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Had some badass grilled shrimp with some sort if stewed tomato/ salsa/ pico stuff on white rice at restaurant for work lunch.  Latina co-worker asked me if it was too spicy...implying gringo had tender Mouth.  I just started laughing. It'd have to be ahellova lot hotter than that to make me not eat it, after she had left half of hers on plate. White boys like hot food too, chica...

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3 hours ago, Jack Straw said:

When you get a sandwich at a deli or sandwich shop and they don’t evenly spread out the stuff across the surface of the bread and you end up with 3 inches of fillings in the middle and the second part of each half is nothing but bread 

Like the stack of three pickle slices at the center of your Quarter Pounder. 

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Morons who speed around me only to sit in a right turn lane...with their signal on...and wait until the light turns green even with multiple opportunities to safely turn and after I give a polite honk to nudge them along. Had my wife not been with me I would have laid on my horn through the entire light cycle.

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